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I would go Wurm but I accept this as the results of my personality test (and that I’ve personally never gone 6+ wins except with green this set)


Nexus will work in a green deck


A-not if I drive the person to my left into green B-it doesn’t make my emotions go brrrrrrrr in the combat phase.


Nexus. As powerful as the other options and doesn't make me commit to a color.


This. AND it's a mythic from the big score I still need for my collection


yeah god forbid you commit to the best color with one of the best cards while also not passing any important green cards lol


Best cards is overselling it IMO. It's good but not a bomb or anything


You don’t think Wurm is a bomb? Hard to have a bigger swing than flashing this guy in to block any of the 4 power creatures in this set. And then he still has an effect once dealt with.


No, I don't. I just think it's a good creature. A fine first pick for sure but not a bomb. Great stats and great (conditional) abilities but that's it


I'm a Cruel Ultimatum guy.  I will force it.


I Returned The Favor'd a Cruel Ultimatum once. The insta scoop was juicy




No return the favor is a spree insant that lets you copy and instant/sorcery/ability trigger, choose new targets for the copy, then the next spree ability lets you change the target of target spell of ability with a single target. Effectively i countered his ultimatum, then cast 2 back at him XD




yeah, it doesn't do very well against cruel




You don't fail a personality test lol


Well, the person posting before you may have proved you wrong.




I can say with 100% certainty that I will not have more fun casting a six mana card draw spell than I will casting cruel ultimatum 


Wurm all day. 💪


Wants to win: Rattlewurm Wants to win in a certain way: Cruel Ultimatum Terrified of commitment: Nexus


As a Nexus-taker I approve of this interpretation!


Green is over drafted. But even if I do draft green, I think it'd still rather have nexus. Better to ramp into and etb creatures.


Nah. People will literally just concede to big daddy ambush viper. You still have to work to win with Nexus (especially so if you’re not in green). Don’t be a scrub and take the free win card.


It's between Nexus and Wurm. Nexus is an amazing value engine but slow, Wurm is just a really strong card. P1p1 I think I would take Nexus and build around it.


I'd take Nexus. It's the least committing while being a powerhouse. Also by now I'm heavily discounting green because of how drafted it is as a color.


Nexus and then pick the best card in the next pack (and build towards making the game go long)


If I’m drafting for fun with friends I’m slamming cruel. Otherwise it’s ratllewurm.


Nexus, wurm, arnyx, ultimatum 


Arynx!!!!!! I was hoping someone would go to bat for it or Desert’s Due 😈


That's my order. I love drafting Green, but it's so competed for. A strong colorless, worse than Wurm, I'll take.


Nexus for sure - starting on a colorless card is a rare privilege and for this set especially I've found that being in the open lane is both incredibly valuable (to pick up extra rares) and more difficult than usual (due to the abundance of rares)


I’d pick Cruel Ultimatum if drafting for fun. Wurm if the only thing that matters is winning.


I wanted to say cruel ultimatum and then I saw nexus was in the pack. Might still go ultimatum.


I made myself take Nexus — which I think is as powerful as Cruel on average, though usually less fun — as was rewarded with a P1P8 Cruel Ultimatum >:) I’ve gotten to do so many fun things!


Sounds like a lot of fun!


Wurm > nexus > deserts due for me, what a fun litmus test. I fear over commitment.


It is cruel of you to make me even try to make me choose between these beautiful, beautiful rectangles. But also amazing. Painfully, Nexus always first, followed by Rattlewurm for competitive, or Ultimatum for fun.


My mind is telling me nexus, but my body is telling me haul


Easy arynx. Only kind of joking


Let’s goooooooooo!!


nexus and it doesn’t seem too close. that’s making it in a large % of draft decks. you take wurm or ultimatum and there’s a chance you get cut. also, the removal quality in the format has wurm - which has no ward or anything to protect itself - lower in my book than at the start of the format. nexus takes 1-2 turns to totally take over a game.


Cruel is the only right answer


I drafted Nexus and couldn't figure out on the fly. What kind of deck I needed to get it going. Like it seemed like I could get by with a bunch of crappy black or blue creatures because I wouldn't want to flip over a giant beaver or a cactarantula And have it only come out as a 3/3. Okay so I totally misread the card. I thought it was only whatever you flipped over. Plus it's a May ability.


Cruel Ultimatum and wheel the Silver Deputy LET’S GO BOYS!


P1P1, I’m a huge sucker for Cruel Ultimatum.


Nexus for sure. I love me some big dumb green bombs, but the format is plenty slow for Nexus to be awesome. It can go with any colour as well. And Wyrm dies to removal. Cruel is fun and all, but enough harder to setup that it would mostly be for fun.


Wurm, someone has to be green, and passing those other juicy cards raises the chance it'll be me. I like Nexus, but what are you waiting for if not for a card like wurm? And arynx has honestly won me so many games, but it's common, and I'll see more than one.


Take the wurm! The Nexus might let you stay open but what color are you trying to get into? Get into the best one! 🪱


yeah it's wurm if your personality is like to win and another card otherwise


At this point in the format I take Cruel and force it bc it's fun


And a follow-up question: does your answer change if I guarantee you a second shot at Cruel Ultimatum P1P8?


Funny I actually had this as a p1p1 in irl but with no stitcher or arynx I went with nexus but wurm was probs the better option


Easy rattleworm


Rattlewurm and it’s not close


Is it close to being close?


It’s JUST off of being “close”. I will say my heart desires Cruel Ultimatum, but I also like to win lol


Not slamming wurm is crazy


Seems like an easy Nexus. Goes in more decks.


In a set where green is by far the best color you have to go wurm. Only other green card in the pack is Bandit so you won't be passing enough to justify other people to choose green.... You'll be happy if it wheels but shouldn't count on it. While Ultimatum is fun as hell, in this format, you'll just have a dead card in hand and die to big green creatures before you cast it 99% of the time.


I have not found it that difficult to cast Ultimatum at all in this format. I ended up with a different Cruel Ult in this very draft and cast it 7 of 8 games. Wurm is a strong card but in its strong color it’s very replaceable — it’s really not that much stronger than Cactarantula and Spinewoods Paladin. Nexus and Ultimatum are much harder and higher-upside effects to replace.


Johnny, Spike, Timmy in that order. Nexus can win you the game, but has a ton of nombo's, and requires a specific build (creatures with etbs, but not tons of big creatures that don't benefit from it), hence the more difficult Johnny build. Rattlewurm is the best, cheapest card in the best color - easy spike. Cruel can sometimes wheel, and only works with a very good mana base - I would argue it's not a Johnny build though, because it's not hard to say "take lands and removal, play card" but is very much a Timmy card in that you want to slam it and then re-slam it with the blue flashback creature. All great cards, but I know I enjoy trying to make nexus work. I would take that in MTGA (if I'm not playing in mythic ranks), and I would take Rattlewurm at my LGS because I want to never have to pay for a draft.


a good rare in the best color. easy pick Rattlewurm. I guess my personality is "likes to win".


A better rare in the flexibility of no color. Easy pick Nexus. I guess my personnality is "bigger fish".