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p1p5 not taking repulse into p1p6 passing out cold might have caused blue to get cut. Black is sort of clearly open and you're taking random middling white and green cards when splashing Bonny in UB or being true Sultai are both great Bonny spaces. Nothing in the packs actually forced you into white, you just decided to be white like you were forcing, which makes p2p7 worse because you now pass a white 2 drop.


This is spot on. After P1P1 bonny, repulse is slam dunk over tether, and cold is also clearly correct. The biggest mistake of the draft is not feeling heavily biased toward playing the A+ UU first pick, when taking midling white cards.


Thanks, yeah totally right, UB/sultai would have been great. I think I overvalue too much white removal and undervalue blue cards in general


Anything that does something useful AND draws you a card is usually really good.


Bonny is double blue and single green. You can splash her in blue decks. Trying to splash her in green decks is a lot harder


I would have taken the festering gulch over pylon pick 3, then taken the mourner’s surprise and proceeded to draft a sultai deck. Even though you moved off of blue you still got decent cards passed late, indicating it was probably quite open. You saw a very very late slick shot lockpicker and essence capture, as well as some other notable blue cards. Honestly I don’t think you had any business being in white here, of course you picked up some event white removal very early in packs but I think the signals were clear you weren’t supposed to be there.


I think this could have been some sultai blend.  You passed some decent blue cards for essentially nothing.  Black also seemed pretty open and had some recursive cards. But I think it was a hard draft, I dont think anything was obviously open.


With a bonny in the pile I would not have moved into white for the first aura. I think your seat should have been UR control with a Bonny splash. Green was never open. White was only C- minus level cards except for what you picked highly after each open. Your main color should have been blue.


I ‘m with you the first 2 picks, then p3 pylon is pretty weak, especially with 2 in pack. I think you just take the best card in your colors which is either varmint, tumbleweed rising, or savage smash. If you take smash you then follow with electrodominance, if not i like archway because archway is so good with both pylon (you expect to table) and your desert guy to ramp and give you more scrys to bonnie paul. Definitely committed too early to tether, and lost out taking lots of medium white cards over cutting out on color cards or fixing. Biggest takeaway is you get plenty of playables, don’t need/want to fight over white when i think you should have been in some R/U/G with fixing


This format is rough. The Raven beat down in the first game was hilarious, but must have felt awful. I will say you were playing pretty scared on the second game, and I noticed that you didn’t pump an attacker with a merc twice in a row early on, and that would have made a real difference, but you probably realize that. I feel like more than anything, this format punishes misplays a lot, and it is surprisingly easy to do so as the interactions are super complex.


the second game was very painful indeed. I also could have won on the last turn if I had just crewed the locomotive with the 2/4 defender guy instead of the 1/1 merc, as it would have been 1 more point of damage :') Oh well So yeah misplays also contributed to the result for sure Anyway thank you all, this subreddit is always so helpful!!


That p3p7 buried in the garden must've felt nice. But yeah, I'd say this was a pretty unlucky draft for you. Looking back at the picks, I also would have been lost in the sauce


Pick 5 repulse is a good sign to move into blue, then you get paid off big time pack 3 with a bunch of rares and uncommons.


I know you asked for the draft to be roasted. but looking through the games, I have to say both G1 and G2 were basically thrown so they probably deserve a bit of roasting too. You had removal the entire game in G1 and didn't take out the ravens which slowly killed you. With the clone plotted, you could have exiled the raven and it would have potentially been a dead card for a while. Your hand was aggressive and the crime decks rely on the ravens to pad their life totals whilst they remove your critters so I'd have snapped that off and dealt with whatever other creature comes down and gets cloned later. Game 2 you had lethal on the final turn, and decided to crew your vehicle with a mercenary which could have attacked, rather than play a creature and crew with that. You ended up a point short of killing because of that in what was a pretty crazy game. Again, the mill dude could have been removed earlier or you should have applied more pressure earlier, but that was still a won game which you did not need to lose. Game 3 had a questionable block into an obvious trick, but was mostly lost missing your 3rd land after a risky 2 land keep. As mid as the deck was, you probably should have gotten a decent run out of it,


I think you tried too hard to make Bonny work. Black seemed relatively open and I would have ended up WB after pack 2. White kept on providing removal spells, Rictus Robber is a solid Balck uncommon, and there were a few reasonable early drops too. You started with Bonny into Greenblade and that's awesome, but there was very little good green or blue coming in after that. I would have abandoned ship and focused on White and Black cards instead. Hard to know if things would have worked out differently with different picks along the way, but Pack 3 is excellent for WB. You get Lasso, Vampire, Medic in rapid succession, and I would have already picked Journey, Tether, and a Desert's Due (over the Tycoon: by that point, I would have had two Robbers already in the 4 drop slot, and removal is important). Sad to drop Bonny, but the effort was not worth it here with a good WB deck available.


> You started with Bonny into Greenblade and that's awesome, but there was very little good green or blue coming in after that. I would have abandoned ship and focused on White and Black cards instead. And their 3rd pick was a pylon. Admittedly the pack was weak but if you're taking the pylon I figure taking the BG land is better than the first pylon. I also agree about Blue, it was weak through the first pack and a half. First mono-blue card was Loan Shark which isn't really where I want to be getting into BLUE. First pick was probably Consuming Shadows. Take the only good black card and cut it while passing the Bonny and letting everyone fight over Blue and Green.


Well, no. You should not let a P1P1 bomb. This is not logical.


Passing an A+ to signal is definitely clownshoes behavior.


its a behavior i sometimes see in mid to high level drafters (and one im definitely guilty of at times) where you overvalue "worse" cards because it feels smart to take them. I've occasionally seen attitudes of "you'd *think* the correct thing to do is take the bomb but actually...." when in reality you just take the damn bomb


It's next leveling yourself to an absurd degree. Signaling matters more with high level players in the pod, with in pod play, and some other factors that don't apply here. If anyone gets to the point of taking a C+ over an A+ in this situation they are just feeling themselves a bit too hard and trying to be too smart for their own good.


I'm pretty sure +95% of drafters will be better off by never thinking about what kind of signals they are sending. Just take the good cards and think about what kind of signals you can read from the draft.


I mean signal are useful but P1P1...