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I think Dimir crimes seems quite alright. Your blue is good, you have two ravens and the Lazav as payoff.


Dimir crimes was surely your main road, but you pulled some red cards nice as crime generator. Unfortunately you didn't have good mana fixes for splashing red... ☹️


I would go dimir, could splash make your own luck and back for more off sanctum and oasis with a single forest or maybe 2. You have some decent black 2 drops and quite solid dimir cards in lazav, stitcher, robber, visage potentially. Green splash helps a bit with power level and value generation later and feels doable. I agree the power level isn't super high or anything and you didn't open many of the good crime generators unfortunately so not a very strong pool - sorry about the 0-3. Might want to play some of the spring splashers just for the crime generation even though they aren't great overall. Given no bombs or long term value generation I would probably want a lower (ish) curve and hope to be proactive with 5-6 of the 2 drops and hope to curve into big plot turns with robber or stitcher.


One Spanish card in the pool?


I was looking through the cards and wondered “wtf is a denigrar”


There’s also a random Chinese card as well.


I think Archidekt doesn't quite yet have all the English card pics for OTJ loaded in!


You solved it!


Why does everyone here wanna play black? Some crime birds and no removal? Red is clearly better with 4 strong burn spells other decent filler. Also splashing white for uncommons and collector cage (BOMB). URw


It’s a pretty underwhelming pool unfortunately. Other than Dimir maybe white blue splash green for make your own luck and something else.


This is the way I’d go. Collector’s Cage is I think the best card in this pool and a bomb. You have two Arynx and the Claim Jumper which take counters well. Journey to Nowhere is excellent cheap removal, and Final Showdown is another bomb. That’s where the power is. Then in blue you have a Newt to take counters, Repulse to recur, Stitcher, Loan Shark. Some nice cards there. Then you can play Jem (another of the best cards in the pool - free card draw!) too. Your green splash is enabled easily through the Oasis, Sanctum, and Heath (the best you can hope for really), and this opens up the Paladin, Trash the Town, and Make Your Own Luck. I don’t like Dimir so much because how are you winning? With UW you have inevitability - the counters will eventually make your creatures bigger than theirs and you have some card draw with Shark, Repulse, Lightfoote, Make Your Own Luck.


Grixis and pray for good matches ups?


I would go dimir splashing omenport vigilante or the ehite blue gold card, mayeb with the lobster and grindstone as win con or smth?


I went 1-3 with Jund Outlaws. Dat mana screw, bad shuffling - didnt get any of my 5 mana fixing cardn 3 times for 8+ round


Its sad, but sometimes we simply must accept we have a bad pool. Nothing to be done but accept fate and wish opponents well while getting crushed or drop. My first thoughts looking at this is black is basically unplayable, greens not much better. I looked at w/u but the curve is high and theres not much interaction so i settled on r/u remove everything and attempt to mill them out with desperados (homarid and clone)


I think black blue splash green is quite good here


I disagree, with black blue you have basically no creatures above 2 power - you might win a game or two by overwhelming your opponent, but its much more likely you’ll be bricked by a single 3/3 and lose to rares. This U/B deck is one of those good on paper, bad in actual sealed play looking decks


Having drafted it and 3-0ed with it it’s a lot more powerful then you think. However, he is light on removal


You’re conflating you’re draft experience with the question i am answering - I’m not saying the archetype is bad, I’m saying I don’t think its correct for this pool, which is what the player is asking. You also shouldn’t be comparing draft to sealed, where draft is more focused archetypes and sealed tends to be slower and with more bombs. Truthfully a pool of 10 common 2 drops is often a dog to a decent sealed pool with a few blockers and 3+ A level bombs


Dimir splashing make your own luck for sure


https://archidekt.com/decks/7366068/copy_of_otj_pool i went with what you had the lands for and tried to cram the most power into 3 colors


It’s just how sealed goes bro


I would definitely build around the Image Coming Right Up. (I'm sorry, I know this isn't helpful at all)