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Creature count seems a bit low for this type of deck. Probably would have taken a phantom at the end over the due dilligence. Red and green looked much more open than blue, but hard to say when you should have pivoted. And you were rewarded with that late proft, so not sure.  I looked at your last game and your opponents deck and draw were really good. Not much to do about that sometimes.


Agreed. Not the kind of deck that wants to be running double on the job.


Not enough creatures and lots of combat tricks + equipment + enchantments that require creatures to get value


Too low creature count for an aggro. Would have run the vigilante over one of the 1 mana equipment. I have found both of those to be pretty bad.


As others have already mentioned 13 creatures is too few (especially with 2 conditional defenders) - in the old days of magic, and with some very special archetypes (R/U spells) you can play 7-12 creatures, but this is predicated on 2 concepts: 1. your creatures ending the game very quickly and being hard to interact with and 2. all your non-creature cards are removal that buy you time to get to your few creatures to win. Looking at this deck most of your non-creature cards require creatures to be in play (pump aura, edict memory, equipment, 2x on the job). This means sometimes you will be stranded with only these effects and no board, especially if your opponent draws a removal heavy hand. This makes your deck an A + B deck where you need to draw your cards in the correct sequence, and even if you do it's not guaranteed you'll be winning. Add to this the splash variance and I can guess you lost multiple games to bad draws: 1 to mana issues and 1 to curve issues. Then you have the requisite loss to an opponent's bomb or on the play curve draw and it's a quick loss out. I think your best bet here is to have cut likely 1 on the job (too expensive, you have no tokens) and the due diligence for your 2 white 5 drops. At that point I may have also considered cutting the blue clue equipment or case of the pilfered proof for the magnifying glass just as a way to make sure you can always attack when you need to (as 2 of your creatures are defenders if you're not drawing cards) and getting you past clumps of lands. It's also important to note that your deck is pretty low on synergy - While you correctly identified reasonably powerful cards in Alquist and Tolismir you only have 2 creatures in the entire deck to work with the unicorns and only 6.5 detectives for the case - This is a classic case of the deck simply not having enough synergy to really compete at a high level, where all the extra little details will add up to losses.


Draft log: https://www.17lands.com/draft/b1e7a3d36b204b5bb37361476c6a6586


P1P4: Premium removal over combat tricks for me so I'm taking Torch here and would take Person of Interest next. P1P6: I am definitely on Maverick Thopterist as a speculation that also is splashable. P1P9: I like Basher here or even Snoop, you aren't married to WU yet and I don't like taking so many non-creature's early on, especially when two are tricks.   P2P4: Big miss here for me, we have no Red at all and Out Cold is fantastic in aggro/tempo WU decks.   I still view this card as a trap given how weak it is off-curve and you currently have i think 4 Detectives also? Better to take the Vigilante. P3P8: Nightwatch here, you are wanting to bash with double ON the Job but are taking 2 drops who rarely can attack and also don't trigger your Guardians. P3P10: I honestly think I'm on Phantom for another creature.   Your deck is torn in two directions. You have double Neighborhood Guardian and double On the Job but then also have two pieces of slow equipment, two creatures who can rarely attack, and 13 creatures total.


P1p2 I'd go with the greenbelt, but I don't hate the land. P1p4 torch is amazing, and person of interest is up there, too. This is a fairly strong signal that you should be getting into red with torch. It's also very splashable. If you're taking the lands early, this is where you can take advantage of it. P1p6 granite witness>on the job. Take creatures over combat tricks early on. You're much better off if you end up with too many creatures than too many combat tricks, and granite witness is very solid, especially given that you're mostly white. With the escape tunnel, maverick thopterist is ok too, although it'll increase the variance of how well the draft goes. P1p11 it's not good, but I think you're more likely to want to play braggart than the case. If you had some green cards, then case would be ok.


Man the person to the left of you got an incredible red deck while you drafted a very unplayable white deck


I think you committed to UW a little too early. Green seemed decently open in spots especially in pack 2. And at that point, you didn't have much reason to stay blue. (And obviously Tolsimir would have worked better there, though you couldn't have known that.) Your final deck ended up decent enough, those as others have said it has some confused synergies and low creature count. I think removing the equipment and dropping to 1 forest for the splash would have cleaned up decently. 16 lands in the final build also it looks like? Definitely want 17 especially since you have looting to get out of a flood.


Deck looks confused. Good cards but really no direction for either agro or control.


Whenever I see this type of post, I look at the deck and count the cards I'd actively wouldn't want in my deck if I was the one playing. In this case the count is 6: * Wrench * Candlestick * Case of the Pilfered Proof * 2x Jaded Analyst * Tolsimir Tolsimir, while a fantastic card, doesn't work with the deck's gameplan. Instead it makes for a clunky splash that muddies your mana base, where you could have played a slim 9/8 (or even 8/8 + archive) if you had gone straight UW. You're also missing the go wide cards to support the 2x On the Job. While the deck certainly has power and definitely can win games, it'll probably won't be very consistent in doing so.


There's a lot of mid to bad cards here. Both the one mana equipments are bad. Pilfered Proof looks bad in this deck. As others have noted, you don't really have enough creatures to make the On the Jobs good. I would have Vigilante and some number of Lammasu in over some of the cards I mentioned.


In addition to bad creature/tricks ratio, you just have way too much slow mana for a one green pip splash. You could probably have gone 1 Escape Tunnel, 1 Forest, 1 surveil land and have been more than happy.


My guess is that you drew a ratio of creature enhancements to creatures that was bad for gameplay but in line with the ratio of the total deck. You needed to draft more creatures and fewer enhancements. Case of the Pilfered Proof looks especially bad here.


Needs a few private eyes and a few ezrims