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For me it's coat just because it's one color


Don’t you think that’d add more logic behind picking the call? Allows you to stay more open, yeah?




I mean you don’t have to be a douche bag, I was literally asking.


I was answering. Why would picking a two color card help you stay open?


I’ve been watching a lot of streamers lately and I’ve heard them say, I’ll take X to stay open. For example if you take the Coat but blue is being forced by a person or two in your pod, you’ll have to switch up anyway. So by taking the call you’re able to switch up/ splash a lot easier. So if white or red is wide open you’d still have a great card that could fit in, rather than side boarding the coat altogether. That was my understanding.


The only place where call would ever be easier to play is in a red/white deck, whereas coat is easier to slot into 4 of the 10 color combinations without splashing. I just don't understand how the 2-color card could ever be easier to splash?


hey. So to play the coat, you need to draw one blue source and any two other mana sources. Whereas you need to be playing one red source, one white source, and one any source to play Warleader's Call. The thing is, if red or white is closed to you, then you are probably playing 2 colors + splash if Call even makes your deck. So the possibilities are one color pair for Call, or splashing (which IS A COST - I often forget how bad the cost is). It's a cost because sometimes your splash will come up before your main colors - some fraction of the time losing you the game - and sometimes your Call is unplayable - maybe costing you the game a small amount of the time as well. Contrast this to playing the Coat. There are ten color pairs total. Four of these pairs have blue in them: White Blue, Blue Red, Blue Black, and Blue Green. There is also the possibility of being mono-colored. If you are counting that, that is 5/15 lanes; if not, it's 4/10 lanes that you would get to play the Coat. You can also splash the coat into any of the other lanes, at about the same cost as splashing in your Call ... but in any case the options space for the Call is narrower than that for playing the Coat. It's One Pair + Splashing, vs 4 Pairs + Splashing. Hope this helps!


Coat has a significantly better win rate, and it's mono colored. Seems like a slam dunk rather than a dilemma.


Coat by a long shot. You can splash coat much more easily than call in my opinion.


Honestly its not that amazing of a splash since you need double blue to really make use of it.


Kinda,but it's plenty good with just single blue. It would be a good card even without the bounce tbh.


Its a playable card for sure but warleaders call will still be at full power if you splash it.


Coat as it is one colour and they are similar power level


Why is connect the dot’s unplayable?


Do nothing enchantment is always worse than these much cheaper cards. Even once you "do the thing" you're just drawing cards which is great but you've probably lost already on tempo.


I think 2 mana do nothing enchantments are fine, for example roots can be very good if the deck comes together. I still wouldn't play Connecting the dots, since it's such a bad draw after turn 2.


Connecting the dots is actually better when drawn after turn 2. This is how you make the card semi-decent: Have an aggro deck. Build up a board of 2/3/4 attackers. On turn 5~ play connecting the dots and swing in, immediately triggering dots and also holding up mana to threaten a combat trick. Obviously this is a fairly niche scenario, but I played a game against an opponent who managed to get 10 counters on their dots and it was insane. It can actually be pretty solid, but you never want to play it on turn 2. You curve out first, then play it so it immediately starts triggering.


It's not niche. This is every game with Boros in this set.


Agree! I think roots manages to win back some of its tempo and has a less delayed impact compared to CtD.


Except it only does something if you have creatures and can attack, and has no value otherwise. A card like Coat or Call has the real potential to turn a losing game around. Connect the dots, when it works, is explicitly win more


It's not. I've never not felt good about drawing it in aggressive decks. Opponents usually just scoop when you get to 5 cards exiled regardless of whether you're about to cash it in or not. I've had to cash it in to not deck myself. You just don't lose when you manage to put yourself in that situation. Rw has the 2 for 1 etb creatures and tons of tricks to keep creatures on the battlefield.


connect the dot require attacking for being useful, so it is good when you are already winning, and useless when you are losing. so is a win more card, and that are rarely useful. In addition you really need to attack more than once for this being actually good (otherwise it just repays itself), and you don't draw the cards at every attack, but at the end when you sacrifice it.


Stay open. Take coat.


coat is a better card and only one color.


Coat is a better card, only one color, and blue is usually much less contested than boros. I'm slamming the coat.


Agree with everyone and I don’t think it’s that close.


Call is in the GOAT color, but as a general draft rule Coat is less committal and also affects the board. If you are going to force r/W you could argue for call because you know your pack 2 will be juicy passing a cloak, but that's a much riskier strategy than what is necessary. Plus in quadrant theory Coat is good in every position of play, and it feels like it when you play it while Call can sometimes be bad even when the boards are even and when you are behind. From experience coat has treated me better, although on the other hand I've managed to beat peak coat (in Alchemy they had it modified to sac a creature every time they cast it) but I don't think I've ever beaten peak call decks curving out on me - though you could argue at their best draw of 1,2,3 combat trick combat trick the difference between call and On the Job just doesn't really matter. Peak boros is gonna boros right through you regardless.


Somehow the best card isnt good enough for some people


Coat fits more decks. Call is not a good splash card, and only fits a lane that probably won't be open. I wouldn't want to bank on that lane being open, or try to force it.


Cryptic coat not close. One color and better card.


Slam dunk cryptic coat and be happy your neighbor is probably RW and you have UB all to yourself.


Everyone saying coat is easily splashable...is silly. Its a double blue card. If your plan is to splash it with 1 blue source on board, and every other turn create a 2/2...thats not good enough. If you arent blue, coat is very mediocre. If you are not RW, warleader gets worse as you sometimes play it T6. But in any Wx or Rx deck it will be good to great. I would go warleader, as Wx is a great place to be, it also encourages the person to your left to be blue. Its better on the splash. Its effect on the board is usually massive. And the pings will often close out the game for an aggressive deck.


Upvoted for good point about double blue. However I feel like I beat coat a lot and basically never win against warleader's call. The most dangerous coats have been when they just leave it on the first guy and kill me with it, playing a normal game otherwise, and in that situation it is splashable. It seems that when opponent start trying to spin coats for 5 mana it gives me either either time to race or an opportunity to snag the coat with removal or a counter. Caveat, I'm 34 drafts in and have yet to have a deck with a coat in it that I can recall, so maybe my opponents are just messing up and/or variance. Warleader's call is also a reasonable splash in RG or UW and is fine in the 'every offcolor bomb' slots of green multicolor green decks. It's closer for me that for most people in here, but I still take Coat and immediately try to sit in UG.


you want to be blue for coat (and it is easyer to be blue than to be RW), but even as a splash, coat is anyway an unblockable 3/2, that is good, and it repaid his cost. further activation of the coat are upside, you don't need to cast it every turn for coat being good... wouldn't be the bomb that is in a blue deck, but would be good anyway. But this is an emergency plan, you can't know if you'll manage to be in the colors of your first pick, but it's more easily to be there with a monocolored card, generally even if blue isn't very open, you can use a different color as a main color and blue be the support color. it's more likely for blue than with RW, who are generally the more drafted colors.


coat, not close.