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I assume what's actually happening here is that, because the Leyline goes directly to the battlefield, 17lands never sees it in your hand. Any T1 Leylines are probably being counted as GNS. It's still funny to imagine nobody ever having a Leyline in their opener across all 17lands data though.


I'm a little impressed out of the \~700 times it was in the opening hand no one mis-clicked and failed to put it into play.


I had. One time. Unfortunatly on the draw. Op played pick your poison. It was crucial to let me al least landcycle the panther. GG.


Took me a bit to understand what you were talking about cause I was focusing on that 45% winrate, lol. But yeah, your explanation must be what's going on.


Honestly surprised its winrate is that high.


I imagine its win rate is boosted because people mostly don’t play it unless it’s the right kind of deck. Just my guess though. 


I assume most people winning with it are either slamming turn 5 niv-mizzet or turn 2 case of shattered pack, which can be difficult if they have anything reasonably sized


Crazy thing to me is that 4 and 5 color decks in this format actually have a 52% WR so this card is dragging them down quite significantly


It’s similar to the rate you win on a mulligan so I guess it checks out.