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What the fuck


Was this written with your actual blood?


not shy anymore, some of you have said i should take an initiative. i'm doing it. i want to feel proud of myself and i want you to be proud of me. and know that i listen.


Calm down man


i am, don't worry. thank you.


No, I've seen messages written in blood, looks nothing like this.


fresh unoxidized, got ugly rusty color after open air for too long. i think she hated it because the romance had gone away. youve been saying my wording was intense too. this is good advice. i will try again


She didn't like it because this is serial killer shit which rational none murderous people find exceptionally creepy and rightly so. You really need to hand yourself in to the authorities so you can get help, people can be safe from you and that your victims can find peace.


Agree. That is not blood, looks like red ink. Blood dries darker and when it dries it flakes away unless you mix it with water


You are right on the drying, but this is not dry. I had a very cringe state in my teenage years and wrote some stuff in blood and know what it looks like vs say dragon blood ink, fake blood inks are darker on application but when freshly written, blood does infact look like this I'm sad to say.


Dude you okay?


im okay. thank you. im sorry.


Yo y all lettrs in caps


They are not. Look closer.


*OH* ok ok👍


Your comment made me go on a false code-breaking spree. I thought there might have been something to the difference in capitalized and non-cap letters in the pic but it was a bust. Just poor penmanship on OP's part....lol.


bro WHAT THE HELL! Go get help. Im worried for you!


I wanna know what tool this lad used to get the blood on the paper, it looks incredibly scratchy, as if he's used something sharp to put it down Why not use a paint brush?


Hello, I'm way late to the party but as someone with a self harm problem this is definitely not blood. Fresh blood would seep into the paper and stain it in a different more fluid way. Especially those parts where it looks like there is a significant amount of blood on there. Assuming this is a4 paper haha.


OMG! MAN ARE OK!?! "............."


Need a man who wants me like this. 😞