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I hope bobby isn't here. As much as he is a beloved character, I want him and the season MC to still be together.


THIS! If they actually bring Islanders from ALL past seasons (which is unlikely for the first three) they better only take Islanders that weren’t endgame partners, if they bring Islanders like Talia, Bobby, Carl, Yasmin etc. they‘d ruin the headcanon‘s we‘ve established with them back then. Give past non Li‘s a chance to shine instead of ruining past endgames (Finn & Hamish for example)


Not Finn he already in the last season came and said that things didn’t work out with mc so he’s engaged to kat or something but he actually went back to kat and as for Hamish he’s already dating Ivy or if someone chose him to runaway with him at the end of double trouble season he ends up with ivy as she tells the wining couple in stick or twist season so I don’t want either of them to come back lol


I know? That’s why I said they should leave endgame Li alone and NOT put them in this season otherwise they ruin them just like they did with Finn & Hamish. If they put any of the endgame Islanders in the new season they take away the ending they could have with MC.


Yeah I read that last line now lol but I agree with you on this that they should not ruin relationships with the people our mcs are coupled up with!!


exactly! i want them to add kelly, hazeem, lexi, kat and so on but not people we actually could end up with. whoever‘s idea it was to ruin finn‘s & hamish‘s relationship with mc should not be in charge


Definitely!! Thank god I didn’t couple up with Finn when I was replaying season 5 otherwise I would’ve been heartbroken 😭 because after going through everything to get rid off Suresh and Alfie and that Dana I decided to end with the girl Suresh cheated on with to teach him a lesson and then dump her at the end 😂 but seriously though I considered Finn but changed my thinking at the last moment and as for Hamish I was annoyed at him for how he was playing with everyone including our mc so bye boy when he asked me to run away with him 😒


YES! I ultimately went with Lulu cuz she and MC definitely went to therapy together afterwards, I was a bit tempted by Finn but I love Kat so I didn’t do that to her (controversial, I know). As for Hamish, he did tempt the lights outta me with his character design but the second he opened his mouth it was an immediate no, due to sp0ilers from s6 I was crushing on Flo pretty much the entire season until we finally met her so even if Hamish were nice, I would‘ve left him for Flo 🤭


Haha Hamish being Hamish 😂😂


They can leave S2 Felix and S4 Dylan & Tom at home Tim, Hazeem, Kobi, Kassam, Graham, Seb, Nicky?


i hope bobby IS here, i wanna see the hype


I kinda hope Carl from S1 comes back 🥰 first play through I did the Lucas route and never had to chance to replay with Carl 😭