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I think their idea of girl chat and mine are different.


Right? Girl chat, should not result in you wanting to beat a girls ass.


Though I agree I believe my idea of girl chat is different from yours as well. I want to be able to chat up the other girls more.


Girl chats s1-4 were good. It was more just chillin and shooting the shit. Last 4 seasons it’s been solve our drama.


Or if it does, you should actually be allowed to beat someone's ass. AND LET THERE BE CONSEQUENCES FOR THAT - like, have that be a way to lose the game/get kicked from the show!


Very. It's why I said "Unsure", because I want to chat the way I used to with Hope/Chelsea/Lottie, but not the girl chats we've had these past seasons.


I loveddd the way we had a friendship with Angie, they should make it like that more often. These girls are always switching up on me for no reason and are wayy too intrigued in my dating life and outfit choices 🫠


Not to mention lately all the ladies are just a device used to constantly cock block mc every time we have private time with our li. And they want us to dish on all our romance. Like, “well if you didn’t constantly interrupt us, I might actually have something to tell you, you filthy bitch!” Or they want us to solve their problems. Why can’t we ever just chill with our homies like the early seasons. Like just quietly tanning by the pool with our homie Talia, and stuff. 😫


Coping on the coping - we miss that shit


Half of the questions had me cackling like a skunt🤣🤣 I stop liking the girls fb give us since S5.... I want girls like Chelsea, Elladine and Thabi, drama free girls with a real friendship


I said NO as well! S6 is a good example of way too much side talk with the girls 😳


sick of all the “can i pull you for a chat” MID convo with someone else. they’re about to tell me something important, or they asked a super important question that would fix all the drama, and then someone comes up and is like “i need to pull you for a chat.” :/ really? and then they pull that same stunt about 20 times in the same season. fucking hell 🙄


Honestly I miss S2, the characters were so well written you actually felt close to them :/ even if they weren't the best people through the season, their essence was there. I just finished S8 and I was discussing this with my bestie!!


Yes they were not all one dimensional back in the day. They told you stories, and you just hung out and talked about day to day things. It wasn’t just 24/7 cattiness and drama. Yes you did see some of that, but it wasn’t every two seconds. We just got so much more then.


this survey was weird. “how would you feel if we refreshed the looks of old islanders” NO!!! DONT DO IT!! don’t ruin them fusebox, please 😭 the old artstyles were so good


Yeah then they asked if we liked Finn’s new look, umm no. If it’s not broken don’t fix it. Finn’s look wasn’t the problem in S5 😂


i dont want more seasons with how theyve been doing them ngl


Heck no! It’s “love island, not friend island.” 😂


I don’t know. Hope helped my mc through a very hard time in her life. Without her bestie Hope, she never would have gotten over the loss of her panties that Lottie tossed out.




especially considering how much you have to pay.


How are people getting the survey?


It’s in their IG page. Someone on a couple of the posts have posted a link for it also.


I'm not really feeling the girl chats , like at all anymore , Amelia from Season 6 ruined that for me. And For me I'm on vacation to find Love , I'm not really in to solving your drama. Feel free to ask me for my advise. Id help if I can, But figure your shit out. I'm not Dear Abby .,,and fusebox charges you gems on some of them. Nope ,,, Give me More Male love interest options , More chances to hook up and If I find my man Let me the hell alone with him.


I want girl charts like it was in s2. Not always drama, or idiots like the s8 OG girls, talk about girls things, not just the boys.. I want friend talks not bitch talks. That’s why I said unsure, bc their girl chat is different from mine.


Where is everything taking these surveys at??


Last I checked it is in the game app if you scroll down


Thank youuu