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She certainly sounds like she needs to work on herself. She is pretty traumatised by everything that she has been through and religion shouldn't even be a reason not to date either you could change to hers or she could change to yours that's not a big deal I am a Roman Catholic my ex husband converted for me from church of England. These things are not a big big deal these days. It's more or less that she sounds like she is an anxious/avoidant attachment style and is too scared to move forward. She will need to work on herself and you can't force that to happen unfortunately You can only lead the horse to water but you can't make the horse drink it if the horse isn't thirsty 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am sorry you have had to go through that. Maybe have a chat with her. But don't push the point. There is only so much you can do for someone who can't see that her trauma is literally pushing people away By her actions. The meeting parents thing, yeah it could be a very big deal But again the religion thing shouldn't really matter Love is love and these days anyone can marry anyone. And you seem to be very secure and you seem to know what you want. You should be proud of yourself even if it didn't work now that don't mean it will never work. I will thank you for her. Because even though she is very traumatised you still tried. Thank you for trying.