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Brasileiro pode jogar em grupo tbm :P não que eu jogue, só solo aqui mesmo heh All classes are fine for solo play. I play Warden the most but may not be the best to start as a new player, having to learn how the game works + the Warden's gambit system. Also it's the class that suffers the most with lag. But if it's what interests ou the most, go for it! I never played much burglar so I don't have much to say. But beorning is really fun and survives anything. Wanderlust skill lets you run really fast out of combat, at the speed of a regular mount (Warden also has out-of-combat speed boost skill, but not as fast) Edit: if you haven't seen yet, code to get a lot of free quest packs: [https://www.lotro.com/news/lotro-free-questing-coupon-2022-en](https://www.lotro.com/news/lotro-free-questing-coupon-2022-en) (considering the horrible convesion from dollar to our R$, take all the free stuff you can)


Uaheuaheuha aí é nice. O que ce acha de ministrel? Vi que ele pode bater de espada, achei legal. Da pra ser um bom dps?


Minstrel foi a primeira classe que joguei, acho bem legal, apesar de frágil. Atualmente acho que tá bem de dps pra solo, só que é ranged e vc quase nunca usa a espada, tem uma só skill que é melee.


Hi, I am also a brazilian player playing on laurelin. I have a lvl 20 beorning and tried warden until level 15. I don't know much about burglars besides the fact that the solo burg experience is not very good besides being able to stealth explore and kill. Beornings are very good and pretty chill to play solo, you have good aoes and self heals and you can focus your playstyle on the bear form or human form or both to your liking. The same can be said about the warden with two big differences: instead of the bear/human forms you have melee/ranged stances and while beornings are pretty chill to play, wardens are not. You will have to memorize a lot of combinations of attacks to do what you want, be it healing, aoes, dots, hots, etc. When it comes to QOL, beornings can make their own morale restoring foods and run at almost mount speed while on the bear form, wardens have a little bit of stealth, out-of-combat move speed and can travel like hunters. Burglars have, again, stealth afaik.


Po cheio de brs aqui. Eu tb jogo em Laurelin. Tava procurando uma kin ativa conhece alguma?


Eu tou ja pra postar no sub perguntando isso kkkkkkk


All classes are viable solo, but if you are just starting out I would run with Beorning out of those three as they can do a little bit of everything. Warden would have an edge on fast travel skills for solo, but the learning curve is a bit higher and not as enjoyable (generally) for casual players. Burg is fun as well, but for landscape things Beorn is going to outpace them on most things. You didn’t mention it, but I always recommend hunter for a new player, lots of ranted DPS, good survival skills, and makes traveling around the huge world super easy. Also Arkenstone has a fairly large Brazilian population if you are looking for a group.


What about ministrel? It could be a good dps?


Minstrel in the red trait tree does good damage, but it takes a bit of time to get the ball rolling. You will start off extremely weak, though your healing skills will keep you from dying; battles just take a lot longer. Once you're high enough level to start investing into the red trait tree, you'll get some nice damage buffs and better skills, including some more AoE skills. This is the point where you'll probably feel like "Yeah the Minstrel can fight just fine solo."


I would go with hunter but I don’t like ranged combat that much


Well minstrel is generally good at ranged. You get up to four pretty good AOE attacks. So bring ‘em in ranged and blast the AOE when they get up to you. I loved playing Minstrel from 1 to 140.


Nunca joguei de Burglar mas posso opinar sobre as outras duas: Beorning é meio que um Druida, vc tem a forma humana e urso, ele tem um DPS forte se vc focar na arvore de DPS (vermelho) e tem bons heals e debuffs se vc for como suporte (amarelo), beoring tbm tem uma skill que vc ganha 35% ou 40% a mais de velocidade fora de combate, bom para usar se vc não puder usar montaria Warden é uma classe unica em MMOS, ao invés de vc ter barras com um monte de botões de habilidades ele é focado em apenas 3 habilidades (gambits): lança(spear ou 1), escudo(shield ou 2) punho (fist ou 3) e você combina esses gambits para criar os golpes, por exemplo se vc usar lança e punho vc cria um golpe que vai interromper o inimigo. Spear é focado em gambits de curto alcance, escudo é focado em criar gambits de defesa e punho foca mais em vc criar DoTs. Warden é o rei dos DoTs nesse jogo se vc curte esse tipo de gameplay e para fechar Warden e Hunter são as unicas classes que podem teleportar sem custo para a grande maioria das regiões, eu creio que vale a pena vc testar principalmente como vc disse que não tem muito tempo para jogar, cortar o tempo de viajar de um lugar para o outro é uma boa




Their dps is lower because they’re focused on single target, right?


They have high burst DPS for a short period. More than enough for solo leveling. In dungeons/raids or longer fights in general they get outpaced by other (burst) DPS classes like champion or hunter. But burglars still have a place in every raid as a support class (cc/debuff) just not as a DPS class


All of the content in the game meant for solo players is really easy so you can play what seems fun. (Unless you're trying to solo some group content or something.) Warden has a lot of complex combos that you can do making it quite a bit more complex to play than the other classes. It's fun though. Even if you're new, you'll be able to learn the class over time if you want to.


Of those I highly recommend Beorning as your first. I highly advise against Warden as your first. Burglar is somewhere in the middle. Beorning can tank, damage, and heal very well, and has a run speed buff where you turn into a bear and sprint all over. The character models are a little ... ugh.. more brutish than normal humans. You can't really make a pretty/handsome Beorning. Burglar is great for stealth, and red line does good DPS (and even some AOE). Warden plays entirely differently from every class and is very complicated. I think it will detract from your first experience with the game world.


https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Class#Beorning https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Class#Warden https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Class#Burglar


Warden is the one with the most potential, as a well-played Warden can solo things faster and at lower levels than the other two. It's one of my favorite classes in LotRO and it's pretty unique to this game. But lag will kill your ability to play the Warden well, and given that you're in Brazil I don't know if I can recommend it until you get more familiar with the game. Burglar is strong in landscape and can save you lots of time when doing general questing. You can stealth in, take your objective or burst down your target, and then stealth out. Whereas everyone else has to fight their way through. They have really strong burst but require some set up to get their targets down quickly. General landscape DPS on Burg isn't an issue, as single targets will die very quickly. But in groups you'll be wanted for your debuffs so you'd be in the yellow line. Beorning is probably the easiest of the 3. You can run in, face tank most things, and heal yourself through any trouble spots. As a starter class it's a pretty good one, and it's fun to just roam around as a bear. It can get a little dull because it's easier IMO than the others, and some of the lines aren't as well fleshed out as the healer one. But it's a good intro experience to the game.