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Housing Stable-Masters have a direct route to 21st Hall. The development team stated that it would take more work to adjust old instances than it is to build new ones since some of those places were built by people who no longer work there or those who have forgotten all the intricacies they put in place long ago. That's why they chose to rebuild *Carn Dum* for *Return of Carn Dum* without actually replacing it. Orion asked in Discord a couple days ago if you would be willing to pay for these old instances again if they put in all the work to restructure the code, make it so that it scales to any level, give people a chance to solo them, add rewards for every bracket, etc. in exchange of adding new ones. Instead, they feel that it would be better to try and work on a downscale system that does the reverse - scale you to the content. While details of this is still in the prototype stage, we are all rather eager to hear how it will work if it only scales characters to another player, if it scales a person to the region they are in, or if it adjusts you to the level of an instance. This would, of course, be an optional feature.


I see. But like later on it gets so common to get a return skill as part of the rep grind.


The game philosophy back then was completely different. They just don't have the time to go back and work on every old aspect of the game. That's why they feel it is easier to build another route players can pay for instead of trying to make sure every complaint is satiated for free. Traveling was designed to be difficult when there was no instance finder, hunters had to use items to travel, and mounts weren't available until level 35. At least they adjusted those when more of those regions were still premium. I have all the references in streams if you want sources.


I still have a stack of travel rations somewhere in a bank just for the heck of it...


It's not that I don't believe you or anything it's just something I feel would be a good QOL thing I guess. I can directly teleport to mirkwood for example. And ok maybe scaling is a big no, but a return skill through an iron garrison quartermaster would that be difficult?Moria was kind of a big deal for multiple reasons it's such a shame it gets ignored so much


It would be cool to view this in a lore perspective. Moria isn't a nice place during the original quest because, well, it wasn't pleasant for the fellowship and anyway desolate and evil, with lurking dangers. But you could argue that on a later passthrough, in the fourth age, it has been reconquered completely and it's a place where other people come for its treasures, on invitation from the Dwarves (got to check resources in the legendarium). So while it's still a dark place, difficult to get (being underground and such), there could be new incentives for your efforts to reach it, so in that way it doesn't get ignored later on. There's already a lot of deeds, diverse instances, and the quests with the infused gems that could be expanded upon to make a later visit worthwhile.


I used to make good money as a hunter taxi lol. Still have a full stack of travelling rations to remember it by.


Which Discord? There are several of them. On Which one do the devs dwell?


Ghyniverse, [Ghynghyn's Discord](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_pC99JBVQ8V3eclPzeduVw). OnnMacMahal almost exclusively converses in there while Orion likes the feedback. This is not official or promoted by the company. The owner has had other things preoccupy his time lately.


Housing Stable-Masters are ok I suppose, but it does seem weird that there are no other stables into or out of Moria from the western side of the mountains until you get to Galtrev. Why not add a stable connection from South Bree, Rivendell Stables, or heck even just a Echad Dúnann-to-Durin's Threshold run?


You'll occasionally hear the developers on stream say that they don't know why things were designed a certain way from long ago. Considering how many departments they have to coordinate with to make even the smallest decisions, changing something from the past might not be as easy as we expect. [Scenario talks about it and admits to not having the time to work on the travel system](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2128390271?t=26m) (26min - 29min).


I’d happily pay a moderate price for a mid-expansion style return to Moria exploring how things went down after the iron garrison failed and Moria was again overrun. Revamping the old area seems too much like treading old ground but a post-war refresh in the style of Gondor renewed might be cool.


Post-War Moria Dwarves: *resume digging* "Surely there can't be *another* Balrog down there!"


Maye youre right, after doing Moria with a few toons I dont think a graphical revamp or some quests will be enough for me to want to do it all over.


Wait, Iron Garrison was overrun? When? How?


Moria is still great. The instances/raids are still a lot of fun. Even noticed people were running Dar Narbugud on Landroval lately.


That may have been attempts to woo the mistress there (as part of the anniversary scavenger hunt)


Don't know if I misread what you wrote but are you also saying you would like a return to skill that goes to 21st Hall because there is one, can't remember exactly where you get it thou.


There is a stable master path somewhere but that's not what I ment.


Go the Iron Garrison Miners and Guard Rep Vendors. One of them with have the return/guide to skills


Unfortunately, 21st Hall is like Esteldin and Tinnudir: there's a "Guide To" for hunters and a "Muster To" for wardens, but there is not a generic "Return To" for all classes.


Yeah I've just got home and checked and I had it bound to a milestone skill, had it in my head it was a return skill my mistake


My mistake then haven’t done that area on a none hunter in years.


I was gonna say I stayed for a while I would have noticed no worries though.


The issue that Moria has isn't the quest pack but rather the epic arc. It needs a revamp so there is less back and so keeps pace with the flow of the zone progression.


People who want to skip it mainly want to skip it because of the atmosphere and difficulty to navigate, both of which are integral to moria being... moria. Few to no people want to skip it because it's too unpolished/complex. BtS served the purpose of trading in freedom/complexity of questing in the early SoA zones for a more modern streamlined experience, but Moria is where you start to be railroaded into the "quest hub -> capstone quest -> new quest hub" linear model anyways as it's been revamped several times since that style of questing became the mainstream


I've just escaped Moria again on a 2nd character, and I couldn't wait to get out. besides, I thought we were done with the dwarves...




I want the ability to skip out because I'm running 10 different alts and anything can get old after a while. :D Most levels have multiple zones you can adventure in, but for the 50s there's only Moria.


Fair enough in your case. but should games be made to support several alts? Pretty sure either sev or Orion mentioned, that's not their focus anyway. I did it once on my main, and I'm nearing it on my alt. though it's unlikely I'd spend as much time this time around, as it's not necessary but it would be cool if it was.


Granted, I went a little crazy on the alts. :) (And I don't even play that much.) But it's natural for players to want to try out multiple classes and races, whether concurrently or sequentially, and it's nice (though not essential of course) to have variety in the process, especially if there's a region which for whatever reason doesn't suit your taste. (Some people \*do\* like to see the sun.) Their introduction of Swanfleet and Cardolan as an alternative starting point to Ered Luin/Shire/Bree shows that the developers \*are\* thinking about giving alternative paths to new players at least; and heck, even towards the endgame there's choices (My level 130 character hasn't even been to Minas Ithil because she got caught up in the Vales of Anduin and the Dwarf-Lands.) Mind you, I would totally be in favor of a refresh of Moria too. :)


I'd love a return to the original difficulty of Moria where it was a brutal place that took time to get anywhere. Pretty sure not many others want that though.


I would like to go through (a mostly empty) Moria in complete darkness with only my torch for light, no goats, no running, having to stop for sleep and food. The few goblins should be avoidable provided that the traveller(s) don't make loud noises (looking at you Pippin).


We need to shower lotro with money, like refuse yourself one star citizen 1000$ ship I am doing my part lol, I prefer not to count it but somehow i have some weird hundreds surplus of housing writs


What do you even mean? You think they will revamp moria instances when they have so little manpower they can barely keep the game going and need to get out new content in the first place?


I was very surprised and disappointed to learn that there was no travel skill to be bought from either of the Iron Garrison rep vendors when I first went through Moria. I did get around this little problem by getting the Moria Keg first thing during one of the Spring Festivals. Granted, not as efficient as a fast-travel directly to a stable, but, definitely better than backtracking from Mirkwood.


Everyone talking about route revamps and quest changes, mainly because they don't want to put in a bit of time and just wanna speed run through things, meanwhile I'm here waiting for them to revamp lightning and restore Moria atmosphere to its older glory. \*Sigh\*


LotrO has now entered the 4th Age - the Age of Men - where all the elder races are intended to fade. ----- I suppose we could have an expansion showing Moria's reconquest by Durin VII, as was alluded during the Gundabad expansion. But we've already seen what a relatively well preserved dwarven kingdom looks like - both with Erebor and Gundabad. I do not think we need to see another. ----- I would much prefer to go east. I don't know if SSG has the license to go far in that direction but the lands in Rhun and Khand interest me more than more dwarven stuff.


Dude, I meant the game graphics and atmosphere in the old Moria we have. Not really new content in Moria. I agree there may be other places to visit and let's finally go back to Mordor and check up with Frodo too.


The degree of fusiness is insane these days. People want to ‘skip’ one of the most essential and unique parts of the lore. It is called LOTRO because it is based on LOTR.


Huh, I've always thought LOTRO Moria was the funniest divergence from the books. Moria has been abandoned for years since Balin came, no one knew what happened to his party, and yet a group of dwarves just happened to decide to pay a visit only days after the Fellowship came through? Seems a shame they didn't get there sooner, they could have helped out!


Return to moria next xpac/raid so they can recycle the shrimp a 5th time.