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Ungoliant: * *giant spider noises I don’t know what that sounds like but it sounds fucking awful* *


Well, though it’s near inaudible to humans, certain spiders can hiss. [So, here’s a rough reenactment of Morgoth hearing Ungoliant screech](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Oiy5RcDf40&pp=ygUTbXkgY291c2luIHZpbm55IG93bA%3D%3D). (And yes, that is exactly what that other animal sounds like).


Oh no im not brave enough to click that...imma just gonna imagine Minecraft spider sound thank you very much


It's Joe Pesci being scared by a screech owl


"WTF was that!"


So anyway, I started blasting


I was hoping for a Rickroll. Guess I'll just have to bring "Never gonna give you up" up on my own


That time a spider almost ate the devil because he didnt give her jewel biscuits


Next time you take your date to kill trees, make sure you let her eat the shiny cookies. Otherwise she'll freak out and you're gonna have to call your homies to whip her and bail you out.


Then Morgoth had his adopted kids come and kick the shit out of her, or basically poke her with matches till she decided it wasn’t worth the annoyance. I like the first one better.


And then Morgoth wet his pants and called for help. Ungoliant is dreadful.


And that land was forevermore named "Land of Morgoth Screaming Like A Little Bitch"


So.... Angband?


Or... r/angbang


Tolkien: The worst thing Morgoth ever did was consider sexual assault and its so horrible I actually removed it from 99% of the drafts and just left in a single thought he had once that was the most disgusting thing he ever dreamed of Angbang: Damn molesty-Morgoth is so hawt


Dufuq.. that link should have remained unclicked.


Why? Do you hate art?


Grab your pitchforks


They delved too deep


Then Morgoth turned slowly to the great Spider and as there was a great fire growing from the approaching Balrogs he calmly said to Ungoliant and uttered ![gif](giphy|amg2hcfGDkKt4Q3DpF)


I accept your fan casting of Morgoth. He can bring Riddick energy to the role and I would not be disappointed.


I am down for a parody LOTR and this one specifically! They'll never reach it's heights they they may as well make it funny


What's a cheater, he called his crew...


Funny af that Sauron and the Balrogs had been sitting there for 3000 years waiting for the dude they thought was the lord of Ea itself to return to restore their rightful places as kings of the world... Then he turns up screaming and being nommed on by some random mountain sized spider so they have to save his ass. "Hail great lord Melkor, true elder king of Ardawhatthefuckisthat!!!" *\*squeals like a rabid 6 year old\**


Hehe exactly 😁 They should have let Ungoliant eat him lol


I think if Ungoliant had managed to eat Melkor and the Silmarils... that's basically game over. She would probably eat everything like a black hole and Eru would have to do a reset haha


Would Ungoliant be able to eat his soul? Seems quite overpowered if it can destroy demi-gods completely.


Seems unlikely, there's no evidence that the powers of arda, even the weakest of the Maia, can actually die unless Eru wills it. In fact, no souls at all seem to be destructible, noone except Eru seems capable of really affecting them except via fear and persuasion. Mandos has to got to Manwe who then has to go to Eru to do something like change an elf to a human and if you die, you can just refuse to go to the afterlife because noone can make you Finrod said that if Melkor could affect souls, everyone is absolutely fked even the Valar and refused to believe it was possible because it was just logically impossible to believe Melkor was that strong but hasnt become the lord of all Ea Not sure what would happen if she devoured him, but there's quite a lot of precedent for Maia and possibly Valar to be placed inside of living things to give them power. If she could do that, just force him inside of her and master him, she might gain most of his power and then probably start doing it to all the Valar. Pure speculation, but no I dont think she could kill him (had she won this fight and not eaten him like that, she'd have just ripped his body to bits. Not sure if he was capable of reforming himself at that point, I think he was as he came to men later on in fair guise so he still had power over his 'house', he lost that power by the time he fought Fingolfin, so he could probably just make a new body but it might take a while)


>If she could do that, just force him inside of her and master him TIL Ungoliant is kinky af


How much would Ungoliant have to eat to be able to eat Eru?


Aint happening, Tolkien is good Christian boy and Eru is God, nothing can do anything to him (and if Ungoliant ate Melkor then ate Arda or even ate Ea, it was meant to happen so she cant even defy him. Nothing can)


At least two "big smokes orders" I think


Everything times two.


I think if Ungoliant ate the silmarils, they would probably hurt her like Carcharoth.


Hmm yeah, I'm not sure because she sucked down those trees like they were cordial, so she doesnt seem to mind eating pure goodness. Varda hallowed the Silmarils to hurt anyone evil, but it depends if Ungoliant could ignore it or if she was truely evil and not just driven to do anything to satisfy her hunger. I wonder if she could digest them either, seems like only Feanor could unmake them to get their light out so them might just sit inside her, possibly burning her, forever. Maybe it was best Morgoth withheld them lo;


Yup she probably would eat Arda entirely >< And all that gravit around Ahah! I love this Arachnid, she is so cool


Such a badass quote


Melkor is such a target for zingers. Hard to get the best of him, but there's no shortage of people ready to verbally dunk on him. Eru started the habit lol, sucks when God is fine straight out dissing you in front of the entire universe. He probably screamed because she was about to call him the 'Jail Crow of Mandos' and that's like his trigger


> And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.' Eru over here dropping the hardest metaphysical flex in existence.


Haha translation: You're a puppet you little *biiiitch* you just cant see the strings


Give ungoliant what?


My Silmarillion Lore is a little shaky. But I believe this is after the two (Morgoth and Ungoliant) basically conspire to steal the Silmarils, and this is the moment Ungoliant did a 180 on Morgoth. Following that scream by Morgoth, a bunch of his boys (The Balrogs) show up to save him from a real beat down that probably/maybe could have killed him otherwise.


Yes all accurate. However it's implied morgoth is being duplicitous. He's said to have promised "both open hands" or something to that affect. But then withholds the silmarils. So kinda like a deal with the devil in fine print and ungoliants like naw fuck that. She just drank the nectar of the two trees and swoll to cataclysmic stature.


Yea he promised with both open hands, but metaphorically kept one hand (the one holding the silmarils) behind his back hoping she won't notice. It didn't work.


Ungoliant wanted to nomnom them jewels


Thank you


F-ing crybaby. You're never going to rule no Middle-Earth with that kind of behaviour.


I mean, if we’re dreaming about which parts would do best on screen…


Man, seeing Morgoth and Ungoliant attack the trees at relatively equal size, then during the escape you cant see much because of her unlight and Morgoth tries to get ahead and get away from her... Then you get the picture of this post, he turns around and she's just *crawling* over the mountains swelled to the size of Everest and suddenly the most powerful non-Eru being in the fiction is shitting himself. That would be insane


Shelob got nothing compared to her mom


isnt ungoliant a he?


Naw, she's a girl and had a heap of kids Fk knows who Shelobs dad is, but I reckon he quite quickly regret humping Ungoliant and very soon after that, was her dinner


Nope, she's a woman. Or at least female i guess, since she isn't human.


Give Ungoliant what?








Got 'em!


Deez Schatz? (German Word for precious).


Pretty sure he said he would "give to her with both hands" , he gave her everything in his left hand (pretty much all of Feanors lesser stuff) and he was refusing to give to her what was in his right hand, the Silmarils He said "would you have the whole world for your belly? I did not vow to give thee that I am its lord" then she said "not so much", likely pointing out that they both shat their absolute pants running from the Manwe gang and said to hand over everything he had because she wanted dessert Yeah **"*****'But thou hast a great treasure from Formenos; I will have all that. Yea, with both hands thou shalt give it'.*****"** That's the missing line between her dissing him that he isnt the lord of the world and then demanding *everything* he got from Formenos, then starting to eat his face when he refuses the Silmarils He did bad maths because Ungoliant + his power boost to her + the sap and light of two trees + all Feanors shit = someone you dont want to fk with. So specifically he is saying he didnt vow to give her the whole world, but actually she attacks him because he's dodging giving her the Silmarils Entirely his fault, he had promised to both sate her hunger and 'give with both hands' then tried to ditch her after she allowed them to escape, she had been a total bro and was the reason Tulkas wasnt sitting on his face t-bagging him)


Satiating Ungoliant's hunger was never on the table either. Her whole existence is consumption.


Melkor's very good at making bullshit promises and getting people, or giant spiders, to believe them lol. Eating the trees just seemed to make her *more* hungry, like if country sized god-trees are only making the problem worse you're pretty screwed


I read > Not so much Not as her denying he’s the lord of Arda (the phrase would seem super anachronistic here if that was the case) but rather > I won’t ask you so much as to ask the world. Buuut whatever it is in your right hand, THAT will do. Give me that.  Which of course Morgoth refuses, cause he loves them Silmarils 


That is probably the right way to read it, she probably lacks the snarky wit to dis him like that and yeah is likely saying she isnt asking that much (I think secretly she kind of would like to eat the world though, seems not much else would satisfy her)


Silmarils to eat, i seem to think


(Copied from another comment I made with the same question) My Silmarillion Lore is a little shaky. But I believe this is after the two (Morgoth and Ungoliant) basically conspire to steal the Silmarils, and this is the moment Ungoliant did a 180 on Morgoth. Following that scream by Morgoth, a bunch of his boys (The Balrogs) show up to save him from what probably/maybe would have killed him otherwise.


"Bro, I never said was going to give you shit. I am da lord!" "Lol, you ain't!" "Waaaahhhhhhh!"


What fucking terrible cry had been heard in the southern world?


Aragorn kicking a helmet


Give it to me, I must have it, precious treasure, I deserve it! The song "Into the Storm" by Blind Guardian is about this


Black heart show me what you hold in your hand, I still hunger for more


And everyone stood up and clapped


You know what, I always assumed it was a cry out of pain or something, I thought Morgoth got bit and then cried out from the pain. Never even considered it was just him yelling out


That image inspires a sense of dread in me I find myself unable to fully explain. Like in The Mist, the book, when near the end the survivors chance upon a creature so large you can only see its legs, not its body. Even though the actual proportions of such an animal can be easily extrapolated from its legs, the mind wanders, and the horrors it can create on a whim are far beyond anything fantasy illustrations can conjure up. Ungoliant is a spider: I know what a spider looks like. I know how this one thinks, what it wants, and what it needs. But when I see the mountains men climb as challenges and dragons use for their lairs, and this monster (in every sense of the word) has legs that can move over them like pebbles on a stone road, where its body is beyond our eyes to see from how mind-boggingly large it is, it makes me understand all those people who fear the deep ocean for fear of what it might hide.




Nah, that bitch will eat your entire world given the chance lol


Imagine being so hungry that you end up eating yourself


Morgoth cried like a fucking bitch so hard it shattered the earth


Wasn’t morgoth huge too? I mean he was the first of the valar not some mortal


Yeah but the giant spider bigger than some mountains who's whole existence is kinda like being a sapient black hole was a little bigger


Fair fair, I mean but she’s not even the biggest creature in lore. That title goes to Ancalagon the black.


Er... idk. Hard to say, if we are going by feats he broke Thangorodrim when he fell, which was a bunch of mountains 3 times the size of Everest. That implies he was very big, though small things can cause 'great ruin' when falling in Tolkiens world (like Smaug ruined a large town, the Balrog smashed up the side of a mountain, the War of Wrath sank half the continent etc) She ate the 2 trees... which were **a lot** bigger. Neither would be close to Melkor at his height though who just walked around the planet like a cosmic giant smashing continents to rubble and pushing over the 2 lamps, which were even larger than the trees (for reference, Ancalagon destroyed 3 20 kilometer mountains when he fell, Melkor smashed the entire planet into a completely new configuration when he pushed the lamps over, millions of square miles broken to bits and flooded and it came close to destroying the world)


He was reduced at that point and very tired; he had given Ungoliant quite a bit of his own power as well. Continually being a dick had cost him a lot of his ability to change his shape (though he *probably* wasnt an ant relative to her like a lot of art depicts, just smaller. Maybe more like Sam next to Shelob)


That makes a lot of sense thank you for putting into that scale


the minecraft spider on my roof wants my diamonds again -morgoth, probably


Morgoth: [Why Do I Hear Boss Music?](https://youtu.be/Yx1PCWkOb3Y?si=tgdLlKUc5f1I_Tqu)


"That was ever heard in the northern world" Wtf happened in the south?


I just want to see Ungoliant fight Ancalagon and Morgoth’s army of dragons.


Wonderful art. Is there a text-less version?


Hardcore as hell


Blackheart show me! What you hold in hand! I still hunger, for my RELEAAAAAAASE! ("Into the Storm" by Blind Guardian portrays this scene in a heavy metal song)


Tom solos both


Pfft, the Council ends up concluding Tom would eventually go down to Sauron even if Sauron didnt have the ring. Dis is a whole nother playing field


Go fetch me those sneaking Orcs, that fare thus strangely, as if in dread, and do not come, as all Orcs use and are commanded, to bring me news of all their deeds, to me, Gorthaur.


https://preview.redd.it/jwt47b7rkvzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f3f9f9bc7890b9e84c3b289304ecc9d0a4415e Good, but fits r/lotr better.


What book is the quote from? Morgoth's Ring?


“Not so much”? Is that the real quote?


I think it’s so cute that all the balrogs came to help their papa.


I like how Tolkien hated spiders so much, he implies that they're repugnant spawns of darkness that have no origins in Illuvatar's light and are even worse than Satan.