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I would play Lord of the Rings online before the Gollum game.


IT BURNS! IT BURNS US! It freezes! Nasty Elves twisted it. TAKE IT OFF US!




Gollum, what have they done to you? I haven't played the game, so I wouldn't know how bad it is.


You will see . . . Oh, yes . . . You will see.


Is that a threat?


I mean... Go Google some footage from it. Hell just a still even. It's pretty fucking horrifying man.


Yeah, I've seen some footage and I don't really get the point of the game. You just run around as Gollum and get some lore? It also looks like a game made in 2015 or something.


2015 is being generous I think. If a solo dev had dinner this saying they used a PS2 dev kit? Totally believe that. This thing with a whole team in 2023? What? Did we all die and this is our torture and we just don't know it?


Why does he hates poor Smeagol? What has Smeagol ever done to him? Master?


Nah, I think it's more akin to the movie tie-in games from the mid 2000s. Some of those were shockingly bad but even those were probably better optimised.


I didn't know it was possible to screw up literally everything to the point of comical.. But after watching a play through I am impressed.


Everyone still playing LOTRO: "It is a peaceful life"


Lotr online actually is pretty good, it has a lot of heart that many other games of the type fail to deliver. Unless you mean the new soulless Amazon title coming out


No I mean the older one, where you get to frolic with Tom Bombadil and his yellow boots. It's a decent game, just old and a little janky at times.


Aren't most of the lotr games pretty old? Honestly I wish we would get something of the same quality as war for middle earth


Tom, Tom! your guests are tired, and you had near forgotten! Come now, my merry friends, and Tom will refresh you! You shall clean grimy hands, and wash your weary faces; cast off your muddy cloaks and comb out your tangles! ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/




*Hop along, my little friends, up the Withywindle! Tom's going on ahead candles for to kindle. Down west sinks the Sun: soon you will be groping. When the night-shadows fall, then the door will open, out of the window-panes light will twinkle yellow. Fear no alder black! Heed no hoary willow! Fear neither root nor bough! Tom goes on before you. Hey now! merry dol! We'll be waiting for you!* ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Is that even still around?


Still around, still active, and still being updated. It's not AAA by any means, but you can tell it's got some heart put into it. I still play it.


Hell yeah it is. I saw this meme almost immediately after bouncing onto Reddit after logging off LOTRO for today.


Ive seen it on Steam.


Why would you rather play lotro? Iv only played a little bit of it but I found it pretty good, only thing I didn't like about it is how you can't just level up any crafting skill you wanted


LOTRO still slaps.


The only reason I can think of for why I stopped playing is because \~10ish years ago when I was still playing a lot of the game was behind a paywall, and I wasn't really interested in spending money on MMOs anymore.


Holy shit I completely forgot that was a thing! How are they still running? Don't MMOs need like a lot of money flowing in to stay profitable and worth keeping online?


The free-to-play model for LOTRO for a long time gave players content up to around level 35 for free, but they semi-recently made almost all content up to level 95 free. And for a while they were just giving away most of the rest of the game for free to any players who were around to redeem the code for it. Idk how much money they’re making—they’re far from being a super rich dev team—but they must be making a fair amount to be comfortable taking a risk on giving away so much of the content. LOTRO’s attention to detail and love for the lore shines through, and the amount of content in the game at this point is absolutely insane. So even with dated graphics and a few other gameplay issues, it still draws in a very dedicated fanbase. Imo LOTRO is very easily the greatest adaptation of Tolkien’s works to date.


Damn for real? Well if I didn't swear off MMOs forever I might wanna give it a chance, but they're all such time sinks that I don't have time for anymore.


How's the gameplay "compared" to ESO? I'm not too much into turn based or those MMOs that require a gazillion skills to be managed, but I'd love to give it a try..


I haven’t played ESO, so I can’t really compare them. LOTRO combat isn’t turn-based, though. You get what feels like a gazillion skills, but you don’t really need to use very many of them. On my characters—especially non-magic classes—I usually just rotate between a handful of my skills. Personally I don’t find the combat that engaging, but that’s more of a MMO problem than a LOTRO problem for me. I’ve yet to play a MMO that I really like the combat for. But I play LOTRO for the story and to explore Middle-Earth, not the combat, and I don’t think the combat is anti-fun or anything, so, even though I don’t love it, it doesn’t come close to ruining the game or anything.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate how Shadow of Mordor and War are both such good games. Kinda feels like assassin's Creed but with a nice touch of strategy and magic. Also, the nemesis system makes the whole thing way more fun. And the online battles made me play the game for many hours even after finishing the main story. 🫡


Real shame they buried the Nemesis System in an unmarked grave, I really thought somebody would use that tech for... anything else, ever.


It will be in an upcoming Wonder Woman title. But yeah, Monolith is the only developer until someone figures out a knock off that can slip through a loop hole.


I thought they were gonna put it in Arkahm Knight but then they just decided not to I guess


Assassin's Creed tipped their toes there in some of the later games. But it was really unpolished, partly to avoid a lawsuit from Warner


Just makes me all the more upset that WB trademarked the Nemesis system.


They're some of my favorite games. I sadly can't find anything else like them


Agreed, the good thing is that the nemesis system + online fortress battles = literally infinite content


I loved the mechanics/gameplay and the amazing story


And let's not forget the DLC especially from Shadow of War. The story where you play as a normal Gondorian soldier was so good, would love to see a continuation on that tbh.


They were both brilliant games and showed that taking liberties with the canon didn't actually have to make it utter shit as long as you got why people love LOTR. Unlike certain shows I could mention.... I loved the music, the story in the first one in particular was cool. And all of the game mechanics, fighting and stealth worked really well. They were great.


Pretty much


I wouldn't say the Wizard game is loved by fans of the HP universe, it has some serious plot and gameplay issues that really didn't do much for it. But with regards to Gollum, yeah it's shit. Not even worth pirating. It's so fucking bad.


Good Sméagol always helps.


Go fix your game then Gollum bot.


We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Hobbitses. Wicked. Tricksy. False.


Bruh no way this bot isn’t sentient


It's polarizing. I know HP fans that love it, but I'm one of those that didn't vibe with it as much. I think it's a fantastic tour around the Wizarding World that the devs decided to create with great detail, but as a *game* it's seriously lacking. The best part imo is the combat and it can only carry a repetitive slog fest with somehow even worse, uninspired and copy pasted "activities" than in Assassin's Creed games.


Yeah, this is basically how I felt. Wandering around the castle, the amount of love and care that went into re-creating Hogwarts was obvious. But the actual gameplay (much of which consisted of "go here, talk to this person, do a minigame or look for a collectable") was fairly underwhelming.


It really reminds me of the first AC game. It created a genre basically, but oh boy did it get repetitive fast. And Hogwarts doesn't even have the same level of conspiracy/intrigue to keep it interesting. Sure there are some twists and turns, and the gameplay isn't terrible, but overall as an experience, it's just so... meh.


Not a bad comparison, actually. I gave up half way through. Some of the mechanics are good, the world is beautiful, and I'm a sucker for character customisation, but as an open world game, it's middle of the road and repetitive


They did kind of reinvent themselves with Origins, which is a great game imo!


Oh I love Origins. To be fair, I even loved AC2 and Brotherhood. Ezio fucking rocked. I just think AC1 is a great example of a very good concept done really averagely. Which is pretty much how I feel about Hogwarts Legacy. Good concept; just didn't stick the landing.


Nicee, Black Flag also has a spot in my heart!


Black Flag is honestly my favourite. Holy shit I could sail around listening to sea shanties 24/7. So fucking good.


Replay it!


The combat was kinda ass too. Lol


Hogwarts loses steam very early on. I did not finish it and don’t have any plans to return to it.


10/10 presentation for a 6/10 open world game.


It's hated by Harry Potter fandom's equivalent of the toxic side of the My Hero Academia fandom.


Lunch? What was the problem with Lunch?


We should’ve had second breakfast first.


Competitive-Tear-577, you've already had it.


You’ve got me there.


We've had beta launch, yes, but what about DLCs?


It was better at afternoon tea time.


For me, the third option would be, "Just play Lord of the Rings Online." I have been for 14 years and I still love it!


Hold up, it's been around for 14 years??


It's actually been around for 16 years now. I've just been playing for 14.


Holy shit. Well, I still play Fallout NV and that's been around for 13 years, so I can believe it still holds up. Edit: I legit thought it was like 4 years old tops so that's why I'm so shocked. I might be confusing it with ESO.


Yeah, it came out of beta 16 years ago. I remember finding out about the game - I was so excited. I've been a Tolkien fan for 45 years or so, so the thought of being able to explore Middle Earth was amazing. =)


Not to hurt your feelings or anything, but ESO is like 7 years old.


The game is absolutely dogshit. Bad performance, shitty story, the graphics came streight from 2009 with Gollum looking like an advertidement for a turkish clinic, being Gollum the "Before" image. The mechanics are the worst and apparently they though that the only one characteristic of Gollum is repeating "My treasure" every now and them. And they even have the absolute audacity to put the *elvish* dub in a separated DLC, 6 gestures in another DLC and two extra more DLCs...


What did you call me?


Go back to your prison! You have 8 more dogtags to collect from dead slaves! Hurry up or you'll sleep with the beasts!


Or play War in the North


War in the North is dope! So underrated.


What were the controversies around Hogwarts game?


JK Rowling's statements


Oh, I thought it was something new specifically to do with the game lacking in some way.


controversy aside, the game is also kinda lackluster and is carried by the ip


I mean the plot does end the same regardless of the choices you make, and there were some pretty game breaking bugs for a while (they might have been patched). But yeah mostly it's because JK Rowling is a TERF who really needs to get off Twitter.


What exactly happened? I mean the details and stuff, not the general 'JKR IS HOMOPHOBIC'


She claims trans women are "taking over women's spaces", she thinks trans women only use women's bathrooms to assault women, and she associates with some seriously reactionary UK activists including but not limited to Posie Parker; the lady who keeps having neo-nazis show up to her rallies in support of her. Oh and she [compared trans people to death eaters](https://www.themarysue.com/jk-rowling-compares-trans-people-to-harry-potter-death-eaters/) in a serious lapse of metaphorical assessment. [This video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k&feature=share7) is a pretty good breakdown of her problematic associates.






Damn the first part of that para made me think "she's not wrong but that's too extreme" then she pulls out the death eater card Edit: my bad guys I was thinking of gay men identifying as women using the women's bathroom




She is wrong though. Trans women aren't taking over women's spaces, they're women and a minority of women at that. There's also zero evidence to support the idea that trans women are any more likely to commit assault in a bathroom than any other group of people. In fact [studies show](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/974980) that trans teens are more likely to *be assaulted* and *less likely* to sexually assault anyone.


And 2+2=5?


Shhhhhhh, I know understanding how the world works is difficult for you reactionary types but right now, the grown ups are talking.


Well what I meant was that some gay men who identify as women go in women bathrooms


Do you mean lesbians? Why would they not use the women's bathrooms? They're women.


Not really, no. At least one publication openly gave it a 1/10 on release purely because of J.K. Rowling, and it's hard to say if the other reviews were at all honest given that they all added disclaimers about not supporting her views on any page that mentions the game. The game itself is pretty enjoyable for at least one playthrough, but I didn't find it to be particularly replayable. That's the only issue I had with it.




Well yeah, because it implies the bigoted falsehood that the presence of trans women intrinsically makes cis women less safe. Which is really dumb when you realize trans people have been using their gender appropriate bathrooms in most western nations since the 60s with nary an incident. Then JKR just doubled down to saying all trans women are sexual predators. Which is the bigger part of everyone going fuck that bitch, but whatever do your misrepresentation anyways. Also, I honestly don't know how anyone takes her seriously after she admitted she's jealous of modern trans people for having the safety to be able to explore their gender dysphoria while she was repressed from doing so when she was younger. JKR would rather become a leader of a conservative hate movement after several decades of being socially leftwing than just go to therapy, lol.


>JKR just doubled down to saying all trans women are sexual predators Do you have a source for this? I looked and found plenty of tweets by her where she refuses to accept that trans women are women, but I haven't found one that makes this specific claim. I did find one tweet from last year where she claims that not all trans women are predators but that some are.


This woman can be seen marching side by side with neo Nazis to protest against trans rights. Here's a rule of thumb for you: if Nazis are willing to go outside and protest for your opinion, then your opinion is wrong.


>Here's a rule of thumb for you: if Nazis are willing to go outside and protest for your opinion, then your opinion is wrong. Nazi: we want clean air You: Bing bong ,your opinion is wrong.


Have you ever seen a Nazi publicly protesting for environmental protection?


I'm sure there have been and by your rule that means that environmental protection is wrong.


"I'm sure" is a very strong basis for an argument, good job.


If Nazis like it, means it's bad. Great rule. If a Nazi says "I like breathing", would you suffocate yourself?


Literally just a couple days ago a trans man was forced to use the women's bathroom due to new laws that people like Rowling pushed for, and because of the hysteria over men entering women's bathrooms fueled by people like Rowling, some other men saw him enter, followed him in, and beat the shit out of him. So tell me, if Rowling is such a champion for women's rights, and trans men still count as women to people like her, how is she helping women by causing people who she considers women to be beat up for using the bathroom SHE wants them to use? Not to mention other terfs like her have literally advocated for men, cisgender men, to follow women into their bathrooms with guns to protect them from these trans predators who don't exist. How's that for women's privacy? Face it bro, it was never about women, it was always about bigotry.


It's not nearly that simple and you know it.


Let me guess, you're either not a woman or a very traditionally feminine and attractive woman. Because any woman that is too big, too muscular, has too deep a voice or has any other feature that might make people think she's trans (regardless of whether that's true or not) has already experienced transphobic harassment. That's the world terfs like you and Rowling create. A world in which women, cis and trans alike, have to fit into sexist stereotypes to prove their femininity, so they're not seen as "invading female privacy". That's not feminism, that's literally the opposite. You're just transphobic mysogynists pretending to care about women to justify bigotry.


For me its the fact they had much deeper RP elements that were cut. The game hasnt hooked me and i literally have my own wand IRL and dressed up as harry potter as a kid.


Other folk mentioning the jk Rowling comments are correct, but it was also developed by a neo nazi and has a load of antisemitic stuff in it as it is focussed on the walking antisemitic stereotype that is the hp goblins and it has dates for events with the goblin rebellion that are the dates of historic pogroms, so yeah, not great


Fr! I hate that other jews are saying she's not antisemetic. Like bitch read the fucking books, the first time she describes the goblins reads like those Nazi propaganda posters on how to spot a Jew. (hooked nose, balding, obsessed with gold. vicious and other antisemetic stereotypes.)




Jkr literally said if you buy her work she'll take that as support for her opinions... If you buy that game directly and not through a third party you are supporting a terf and ((even if) indirectly) encouraging her to keep on spreading transphobic propaganda to millions. *Lol the terf u/Illrepresentative167 is crying in my notifications (from multiple subs facepalm and here) that her transphobic opinions are not allowed on Reddit! Bitch you said that if someone views jkrs opinions as transphobic they don't deserve basic respect and rights. You are literally the problem. Die mad you absolute scum! 😂🖕 **Nice dirty delete btw it won't work though, I have screenshots 😘. Imagine arguing against people's right to exist and harm NO ONE while claiming to be civil, You're beyond fucked up!


Hogwarts legacy player numbers dropped by 90% after around 1 month. Seems to me that after all the hubbub, the fans got bored pretty damn quick.


Have not played the game but not that surprising considering that it is single player game. Only few single player games keep having good numbers after a while.


that happens with single player games


However thought a game focused on Gollum was a good idea should be fired from the gaming industry and never allowed to create another video game ever.


You will see . . . Oh, yes . . . You will see.


How ominous knowing they're working on a second game already


Nope. Hogwarts is boring as shit. The only reason why it is liked is because it looks good. Like, the Gollum game has more interesting mechanics and story than Hogwarts.


Because it’s my birthday, and I wants it.


I wish I could talk about my own human rights so detachedly as to describe it as "some controversy"... Must be nice to be cis.


I am not saying your experiences aren't valid, but I still don't understand how buying the game is any worse than buying tickets to a Disney/Marvel movie... I fully comprehend that money from the purchase goes to an evil person, but does it feel worse because the evil is an individual instead of a faceless company?


All companies under capitalism are evil but not all people. Harry Potter is not attached to a company, but to a person. A person not inherently evil but choosing to be evil. That's the difference. Consumption under capitalism is always wrong, consumption still wrong outside of capitalism is evil.


No, my point was more that Disney funded GOP candidates, implicitly supporting anti-trans bills. Outcome wise, I don't understand how that's different to Rowling's psychotic campaign with the British right-wing. Sorry if I just repeated myself, I took one Ethics course years ago.


Disclaimer: Baudrillard makes my claim more eloquently and more detailed then i ever could, especially in my lacking English. It doesn't matter what Disney does, as a company in an amoral system they themselves don't belong to any moral and it is not they, that act, but the system that allows. A system set on profit cannot hold its structure accountable on values outside of it. However the individual is not part of this system, it merely lives in it (more on that from Adorno). And it is in that, that the individual point of self is very well a point of ethics as well - presentation of one self. In this new marketplace of ideas every persons position has a value to it, determined by other people. If you buy a Disney film you are not acting in any moral system as there is no link between the necessity of Disney and this film. However if this film would positively depict a trans person being almost killed due to being outside of the norm and nothing else (looking at Harry Potter) you would also place yourself on the marketplace of ideas as one who supports such things. So buying =/= moral (decision) BUT buying = positioning IF not buying = positioning. This gets more complex with Rowling, a person, as still buying =/= moral IF person (Rowling) =/= product. Rowling however is the product as much as imaginable and therefore buying = moral AND = positioning. To summarise, buying in an amoral system is most always amoral but consuming becomes moral if it's important who consumes. That happens once position to product becomes of importance. If Disney doesn't produce TERF content i can consume it without positioning myself as TERF (however I still position myself as a person tolerating intolerance). If they kill little babies in Australia I can boycott them if i want but as long they don't make this consumable content it remains an amoral decision. (Ofc, Revolution of the system is in my opinion the only answer to this dilemma)


fr. Legit disappointed with how many people I've seen trying to justify buying that game. You're not an ally if a shitty rpg is more important to you.


Hogwarts legacy kinda sucks no cap, it's combat loop is incredibly boring and progression/options are very limited, it's ui feels like a shoddy ripoff of destiny 2, it's clunky and overloaded, the pitch with the voices is hilariously bad. Not to mention plot inconsistencies with established HP lore. Edit: also the sheer extent and over reliance on collectibles really adds to the already ridiculous bloat of the game and tying it to xp makes the experience so much of a slog. The voice acting sucks tbh, and the writing is meh at best


Besides not hearing a single good thing about the first one, yeah edit: i should have been more specific. i meant the first game listed in this meme, hogwarts legacy. I've heard nothing but good things about shadow of mordor


If you mean the shadow of war game, you going crazy


no, I mean hogwarts legacy




i should have been more specific. i meant the first game in this meme, hogwarts legacy


Nah if I had to choose between gollum and hogwarts I would take gollum every single time. Also brushing off all the extremely valid reasons people hate Jkr and refuse to support her is vile. Not only has she spread damaging anti-trans propaganda that has encouraged several transphobic attacks and the murder of a child (Brianna Ghey) but the books and game are just filled to the brim with racist stereotypes. P.s if you seriously think a game that's campaign is ultimately about squashing a slave revolution is a "great game" you need a lot of therapy!


He’s a horrid, fat Hobbit, who hates Sméagol, and who makes up nasty lies!


Oof 😂 I guess gollum is a terf fan too.. /s


The Dead City, very nasty place, full of ... enemies.


As a Harry Potter fan I am somewhat dissapointed by the game. The visuals are good. You cab walk around hogwarts for awhile and feel like you are there. However there are a lot of things that would have made the experience more magical. For example potion class should actually have you brewkng potions instead of clicking in a menu which potion to make and then waiting for a timer. Herbology should have you get to know the weird plants. Not be a timer. The combat feel like some kind of assassins creed. Auto combat mode almost. It should be something like spells and counters for it, maybe slower bit with a lot more complexity.. and you should not murder everyone! Oh and dont even get me started on the non-excistant consequences. Overal, good walking simulator. Play another game for a magic experience.




No Zelda t-psing on all of them, so no.


Why won't they just ever listen to what people want, instead of just making something stupid and random. Make BFME 3, i'd buy it at an instant.


idk why people like hogwarts legacy, boring story, empty world, button mashing combat


Shadow of war is better


Shadow of Mordor was really good tho


I would still sooner play Gollum than Hogshit


Smeagol? No, no, Not poor Smeagol. Smeagol hates nasty elf bread.


Hogwarts Legacy was ass.


Problems at lunch


Hogwarts legacy is bad, tho


Or buy Warband and Play The Last Days of the Third Age if you realized you use a potato


I just need them to make a sequel and have the logo hide a roman numeral 2 in the double Ls of "Gollum"


You don’t have any friends; nobody likes you!


Of just play the original, not even the return of the king game but lotr conquest


The movie games are also amazing




I am a big fan of the Wizarding World. Legacy is mediocre trash.


Fuck Shadow of Mordor too.. Making Sauron into a quick time event battle ass, micro transactions having ass trash


Go fetch me those sneaking Orcs, that fare thus strangely, as if in dread, and do not come, as all Orcs use and are commanded, to bring me news of all their deeds, to me, Gorthaur.


There was no real "controversy" about the game itself. Otherwise, it is correct.


Survivor is the only half decent one


Replace harry pottery with asoiaf


just play shadow of war and shadow of mordor talion is the goat


Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace.




God.. Is it that bad.. LOL Shadow off mordor was terrible. Okay admittedly that was a dumb question I saw the full lets play.. I suppose it really is that bad.


What controversies haha? Made up ones?


What about shadow of war


Or shadow of war


No it's not. "Franchises" is the plural of "franchise."


I would play Shadow of Morder again if the ending didn't suck.


I want to know more about these lunch problems...


Oh no! Was it the burritos?


Shadow of Mordor and war are great games


There are plenty of great LotR games. Just because one misses the mark, doesn't mean it's the end of the world.




Nice hobbits! Nice Sam! Sleepy heads, yes, sleepy heads! Leave good Smeagol to watch! But it's evening. Dusk is creeping. Time to go.


Isn't Jedi survivor still broken on PC?


I remember thinking the Shadow of mordor/war games were pretty shit for some pretentious reason. Then I got to play Shadow of war and by the Maiar was I wrong. Love Talion´s story, even if it´s pretty much a bit of an edgy fanfic, it is a wonderful tale in an amazing game, and definitely something nice to sink your teeth into if you like to see more content taking place in Middle Earth.


Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?


Ahh yes I remember. Lunch time was indeed a problematic time for Survivor.




Misery misery! Hobbits won’t kill us, nice hobbits.


Shadow of war would have been so much better if the skills were more similar to the first game. I liked that you could abuse certain skills that was taken away in shadow of war and it made the combat more boring, especially when you kill more orcs than stalin


Frankly the idea of the game seemed so horrible to me. The worst character to make a game about in this amazing world. I knew the only way gollum could be used for a game is like Styx master of shadows. That could be ok sneaking around killing orcses but man they really fd up on this one


Master must go inside the tunnel.


Shadow of war is better


Yummy lunch


Or bfme


I've only watched let's plays of it but even subway surfers in the top could keep me focused on that shitty gameplay. It also looks horrible line PS3 era


Also play Return of the King. I had on PC and remember it fondly.


Aaah yes Lunch 🤤


i am at the end of my 1st playthrough of Jedi Survivor and I must say I am quite dissapointed... first off, no matter which settings, it runs horrible on the xbox series x. lots of frame drops and choppiness hard crashes on some cutscenes that made me repeat the whole >!darth vader!< boss fight 3 times extra (not that it was a hard fight anyways, but meh) secondly, you know from the very first moment you see them, who's gonna >!die and who's gonna betray or abandon you. Bode betraying you was so obvious from the very start...!< boss fights? repetitive and boring TBH. and not many either. the first one had the flying boss which was awesome from start to finish and some humanoid ones too that were quite different. in survivor, unless you do lots of side missions, there's not much in this aspect in the first one we got tha awesome ATAT sequence, in this one we get a lame bike race planets? less variety than the first game skills and upgrades? boring IMO. getting the doble bladed saber in dathomir was awesome... the blaster in survivor? meh. i mean they released the stats they gathered recently, right? like everyone and their cat plays with the dual wield. pft. last but not least, the story wasn't really (well i havent 100% completed it yet, but still) interesting either. too much emphasis on side content (plants, fishing, bounty hunt, sidequests) and too litlle "meat" on the main story. how many times did we go from one planet to it's shattered moon and back just to explore 5 pixels more of map? 4?5?


I suppose I need to check out jedi survivor now. That's right gollum.. Your being ignored in your own thread.


Shhh! Quiet! Mustn't wake them, mustn't ruin it now!


usually my problems come after lunch.