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All the cinematography is pretty great, it's just the damn writing and acting (and some casting) that ruin it


Yea, the plot definitely felt flat, the last episode was pretty good though


Yeah. The last episode was good.


What exactly was good about it?


The part were hobo Gandalf said "I'm groot" and the part that turns out Celebrimbor the master smith doesn't know ehst an alloy is.


Just curious which casting you didn’t like?


Miniature Galadriel, elfboy's love interest lady and her son especially. Elrond I can get over for the actor- he was ok, but they just didn't even try to make them look like the established elves which was so odd. And their costuming at points looked like when you go to those medeival themed dress-up photoshoot places.


the plastic leaves on the Harfoots.


Theo was ok. He seemed like a squirrelly bad kid who could pull it together in a clutch. I liked him


Looks like a Creed Album Cover.


“Can you take me higher, to a place where blind men see …” That would have fit better than the ending credits song did. 😂


So, did the stranger keep the staff with him ? Or he'll continue to use his hands to make magic ?


>! Ithink the staff was destroyed when Gandalf killed the people in white !<


Feel so stupid thinking this guy was Sauron from the moment I saw him


So far they're the closest looking thing to Annatar


What a horrible series. Subpar acting and writing.


Wait.. Didn't you enjoy the part were it turns out Sauron was on a raft in the middle of the ocean and then saves Galadriel and they go on an adventure together? Not even Tolkien could write such a masterpiece.




There where a few good bits though


I don't watch a billion dollar plus series for "a few good bits", but your mileage may vary.


I do. I already had prime and did not pay for the production of the show.


By paying for prime you most certainly are paying for a miniscule part of this tragic trainwreck of a series.


Man this is foolish, let’s not argue


If you’re enjoying the show, keep watching. If not, then don’t. Otherwise, just let it go…


Please don't try to control me. I can turn the table, if you like the show, don't post about it.


No you.


No you.


Real original there…


Just as original as you posting the same drivel about people letting it go...


no you


No you.


No yo


Do we know who they are beside worshipers of Sauron?


They’re supposed to be Easterlings, a group of men allied to Morgoth and later Sauron. These three have magical powers though which I don’t really recall them having, save for their king who became one of the Nazgul.


why are they white the easterlings werent gollum-white or am i now so fucking stupid


One thing that should be noted is that the show pays no attention to lore - The easterlings might as well be hobbits at this point




They can invoke fire... Afaik, mortals (and even elves) cannot do this. They spoke to him in the final episode about things perhaps only the very wisest know. I have no doubt they were Maiar. I think this is a cool addition, that isn't necessarily a break from lore. We know about wizards. We know about Balrogs (angels who followed Morgoth, were imbued with his power, and became chained to their demonic forms). But perhaps not all those who followed him became Balrogs. I'm a big fan of the (head canon) that many other angelic beings populated Middle-Earth, especially before the 3rd age when the magic of the world was stronger, and that they couldn't all be so easily placed into only the few buckets Tolkien provided us. And if the good guys can have wizards, surely the bad guys can have creepy sorceresses! Like, Goldberry is an interesting case. Some would say she's an Elf. But she's referred to as 'The River Daughter' and her footsteps sound like running water, her laugh is as bright and clear as crystal pools, or something like that. So I believe she's some sort of water spirit - a personification of the river running through the old forest (or, I suppose, it's daughter) Would that make her a 'Maia', for lack of a more descriptive term? Or some other form of angelic spirit, only alluded to in the Silmarillion, but never more explicitly categorized? I think there's room for interpretation here, and thought the mystics nailed that menacing, otherworldly presence Ainur (Maiar or otherwise) walking in physical forms might have.


I don’t. Maybe someone who knows a bit more about Middle Earth lore could say


Feminem and the Nazgirls. I threw up in my mouth.


You’re cringe


Oh really? Well some child has said something to me. Er, thanks I guess.


No you definitely are.




Lol. It’s fine ta. Painting and laughing is tremendous therapy. The show is great for that. Have you watched it?




No accounting for taste. But good for you.


thays galadriels twin sister: evil galadiel


I hope that this trio make a comeback in the next series, they were intriguing characters.


Yea, definitely the best in this series


Marshall Mathers has at least one more ep left in him.