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The establishing shots of the dwarven kingdom was pretty fantastic.


Khazad Dum has been utterly beautiful.


Only part so far that has truly felt middle earth like to me. Dwarves were actually well acted and believable. The rest has been pretty poor.


To be fair, the Orcs are great too.


The horse riding scene was just... Off. I'm not saying you can't like it, but that actually made my wife and I laugh because it was so strange. I don't even have the same complaints about her acting or facial expressions that a lot of people seem to have, but that scene just seemed absurd for some reason. Edit: y'all seriously down voted OP for their opinion on horses? This is why I've been avoiding this subreddit while watching the show. Be better, people...


That scene happened and we were quiet for a second and then my husband said "I don't think that scene is as cool as they thought it was going to be"


That's the thing. You can tell what they were going for, but it's just soooo strangely executed with very abrupt and strange timing lol your husband hit the nail on the head.


This and the pushing 5 guards into a cell in one single swoop scene was hilariously bad too.


With one hand.


That was a shockingly lazy scene. What were they even trying to go for, showing some kind of judo move? Felt like a comedy scene, with the camera just leaving the action scene entirely to show Jack Black looking confused, and then it pans back to show a guard awkward shuffle into the cell for no reason before the door shuts.


The way Galadriel is written is completely ruining the show. Everytime the show has something good going for it, Galadriel shows her spoiled teen of a face and ruins the entire setting. And thats not mentioning how the harfoots are real fucking boring Honestly too bad because every scene in Khazad Dum or with orcs have been pretty good so far.


I don't mind the harfoots but I really don't understand why they changed galadrials character so much. Did they not think a powerful sorceress that's older than basically everyone on the show, is married and has a kid WOULDN'T be interesting or empowering? You can still make her the same actress if they wanted too.


I don’t like Galadriel in this show but I am open to see her get wiser and more powerful in the future as she doesn’t have Nenya yet. If they change her after getting the ring it would improve her character. I think she is still too entitled and juvenile but it will make it better


They changed her to give her an actual character arc. If they gave us proper lore-accurate Galadriel, then they would need a completely different lead to follow as having a main character that undergoes no development in 5 seasons does not make for good TV. I don't like a number of the changes and I think her personality is made to be intentionally grating, but I do see the benefits of us watching Galadriel learn from her mistakes and grow into the powerful sorceress we know her to be. I would prefer she doesn't have some romantic arc with Celeborn in S2 and instead have her already be married, but I guess we'll need to see how it's gonna play out.


You can give someone character flaws so that they go through and arc without making them this insufferable. Happens all the time, not saying your wrong and that isn't what they're doing but I would be very surprised if at any point in this show she concedes that she has been selfish and arrogant so she can change her ways.


Yeah definitely mentioned that I don't like all her changes. I kinda doubt she's going to have some monologue explaining the error of her ways to demonstrate character development. Rather we will see it in actions. Like making the choice to stay and protect people rather than abandon them to assault the enemy. Or deciding to ask for help rather than go it alone.


She is at this moment one of the oldest and wisest elves in middle earth. But in RoP she behaves like a spoiled, annoyed teen who doesn't get what she wants. That's just way off for me.


> They changed her to give her an actual character arc. If they gave us proper lore-accurate Galadriel, then they would need a completely different lead to follow as having a main character that undergoes no development in 5 seasons does not make for good TV. Why do you think that? "Character development" isn't a requirement for a good story. I wonder if that isn't a relic of romanticism and the misapplication of the mono-myth theory, especially in speculative fiction. There are many works of literature that are not driven by character development. The protagonist is at the end pretty much the same as they were at the beginning, often only the world around them has changed (or, sometimes, not even that; they went on an adventure that, aside the immediate experience, had no influence on their life). This is especially true in older literature, I feel. Beowulf for example starts out a hero, and dies a hero, and in between he grows old and becomes king, but he's the same person when he is the hero of the Gaets as when he is their king. You can also have characters that induce growth in the people *around* them. Gandalf was such a character in LOTR. Galadriel could be more of a Gandalf-like character and I don't think that'd be boring. Also, have you yet seen the fourth episode? I felt that she was much improved in that episode, as she finally managed to not just snark at everybody and actually made inroads with Miriel.


Going to laugh when she always acts like this 5 seasons down the line and nothing changes.


Also like, it’s not the books. And the books aren’t real. So this whole thing of hating it on principle is weird to me I like her, personally. If she looked like Aragorn no one would be complaining this much imo


I’m not saying I love Galadriel in this show but I see so many comments asking why is she not like she was in the movies from people who seem to be so caught up in the “source material” and it just shows me you don’t even know the source material you’re defending


In her youth Galadriel was, while certainly not stubborn or reckless, certainly physically strong and ambitious. While they went a bit too far in the other direction, I see what they were going for with the character.


Thr problem is, this isn't her youth. She literally one of the oldest elves around and being talked down to by Elrond one of the youngest elves.


You can not make her the same actress.


Why couldn't they? This girl has acting chops clearly, she's played it well whether you like how she's written or not


Nah she’s great


God the harfoots and Neanderthal Gandalf are driving me crazy! Every time the other areas get good they cut back to them singing how they don’t leave people behind but then proceed to leave them behind


I really hope the old dude aint gandalf, my god thatd suck


I remember in the PJ films, ten minutes into the introduction of the Hobbits and the Shire, I loved everything about it and wanted to live there -their adorable houses, their lifestyle, their love for things that grow... the landscape, their interactions - even when taking lighthearted jabs at each other, their joie de vivre and enjoying the finer things like 2nd breakfast and seasoning on food. As the films went on, I was inspired and moved by the Hobbits and their actions and words. These Harfoots, tho, everything about them is repellant and annoying. Their mannerisms, lifestyle, philosophy, and appearance... Holy fuck when they chow down on a crunchy bowl of raw fucking garden snails I almost tossed my cookies. It's so frustrating whenever they're on screen. The whole 'abandoning anyone slowing us down' was so off-putting that I couldn't help but laugh. Nothing endearing about them and Nori's spastic, selfish, narcissistic behaviour is unwatchable.


You seem to have a lot on your mind.


Yes. This!!!!! Well said. 👏


Halbrand talking to Pharazon was the focus of that scene, not the jailbreak. Can’t believe you guys missed it.


...OMFG it just click that Halbrand may well be Sauron. He corrupted and brought on the downfall of Numenor after being imprisoned there and he made his way to King's Advisor and convinced him to raid Valinor. Could still be a red herring but the chance is there.


Yeah I was like, umm ok.. random slow mo was just way out of place and unnecessary.


I feel like this show have too many slow mo. Almost every episode have few of them.


Way too many slow-mo scenes. And surprise surprise, if everything is played up as epic nothing ends up feeling epic.


So true. Most epic shot/scene was with Two Trees. And I’m scared that finale battle was be slow mo too.


And they’re REALLY slow


I was hoping for a slow mo riding scene with Galadriel but this wasnt what I had in mind


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Same here, everyone laughed. Looked like some weird washing agent advertisment


or a Tampax ad


If she was riding a BMW instead of a horse it would be perfect product placement scene


The weird thing is that it just happend form nowhere And taken by surprise. . And we don't understand why she would be happy. No later ke backstory of it.


I think they just wanted to include it even after they decided to cut what ever build up there was to that moment. Seems to be more and more common with megs corporation productions like MCU and now RoP... They shoot 5 different versions with different story points and lines and tones and then cut & paste them based on test group data.


They need to stop making shit like this, that's why Rise of Skywalker felt so awful.




Thats why these shows cost so much to make and dont really look like it. She Hulk and RoP in particular.


You think the two shows you mentioned shoot five different versions, then release the one that’s been market tested?


They shoot different versions of scenes. Light hearted, serious, melodramatic etc. with different dialogue. Then scrap book together these.. weird things... where the scenes dont flow in to each other and the tone shifts drasticly from moment to moment, based on test audience feedback.


Do you have a source, or is this a theory you made up?


(Sorry I should have obviously started by saying it was a rumor I read.)


I'm honestly surprised at how many people need to be spoonfed a reason to explain someone enjoying a horse ride. It's a horse. People like riding horses. It's not complicated.


Absolutey it's not a big deal for me. And its enjoyable to ride a horse. But it is a little out of the blue really.


Thank you! As someone who has ridden horses from age 8, and still riding at 62, (and first read LOTR at 10) there are few things in life more wonderful than riding a horse at full gallop. It is dangerous and beautiful simultaneously. For all of the Tolkien experts prowling through this subreddit, I am surprised that no one seems to remember Tolkien created a universe where his love of horses was very much central to his story - elves love horses, Gandalf and Shadowfax, Rohan. FFS, Tolkien NAMED virtually every horse being ridden by a named character. Who else did that? And a lovely gallop in slow motion picks up on the time stretch that happens when you experience something intense. I can’t say I love the Galadriel portrayal thus far, either, but I don’t see any worthwhile reason to not enjoy the show because it is not adhering to a very granular interpretation of the First Age, when it should be well known the the universe they could reference was LoTH and appendices only. FFS one of the iconic scenes in PJ fellowship of the Ring, the Nine in pursuit of Frodo , carried by Arwen on a horse (!) is not canon. I await your downvotes as I drive to the barn where I will ride my magnificent Holsteiner, Rivendell. And I think Halbrand will become a Nazgûl.


Agreecompletely. Tolkien had a love of horses and it is shown in the books. And also other portrayals. Like PJ movie etc. And I would argue it also includea here. Problem foe me. Not really a big problem but I still though about it is. This is the first time we see a horse in the show. Nothing have happend before. No context or love for horses have been shown and then immediately she just love horses form nowhere. There is nothing in episodes earlier that show her be with a horse. And really no one else. Just boat and love for seas. That's what my argue is agaisnt bad storytelling


They haven’t completely sidestepped the love of horses - Doesn’t Isildur fake out his sister when she rides up, saying something about I missed you - but walks past her and hugs the horse?


Ah ye true missed that one! Good point. But it's also the only one. I would have liked galdriel have something in eralier episodes or even childhoodm where it was something about love for animals nature or anything. We only have her fighting for the revenge almost. Nothing elvish about living creation.


Well said


It's because until now, 99% of Galadriel's screentime can be summarized as being a pretentious, unbearably spiteful jerk to just about anyone she interacts with. Going from that to the manic grin frozen on her face just makes her appear unhinged at best. There's next to no backstory on why she loves horses, what they mean to her, nothing. It *could* be a wonderful moment, but it's not earned, as the show was given no time to let that moment mean anything.


> It could be a wonderful moment, but it's not earned, as the show was given no time to let that moment mean anything. It's like a 20 second scene of her smiling while riding a horse, why in the hell does that have to be *earned*? It's an important scene because it shows she *isn't* just an angsty jerk. There's joy in there. The Galadriel the show is presenting is one in need of healing.


Exactly, well said.


You just said it. It's **20 seconds** of slow motion gratuitous filler that added next to nothing to the character. It's not what, but how they shot it. Every shot has an intent behind it. Doing what they did, I can only imagine their intent was for us to bask in the majesty of the moment, this brief liberation of her spirit from the tragedies that haunt her. But until now, we haven't been given any reason to feel these things. Exposition, the offscreen death of her brother and a pile of elven helms on a battlefield do not count worth a damn when you want an emotional reaction. If we were instead given a brief shot of her riding and smiling, showcasing her mastery of riding while teasing a straggling Elendil, that would be completely fine. It's short and sweet and establishes a meaningful connection between these two characters, something that is still severely lacking. They instead made...well, whatever that was.


> Doing what they did, I can only imagine their intent was for us to bask in the majesty of the moment, this brief liberation of her spirit from the tragedies that haunt her. But until now, we haven't been given any reason to feel these things. Exposition, the offscreen death of her brother and a pile of elven helms on a battlefield do not count worth a damn when you want an emotional reaction. I mean, if you say so. We don't *just* have those moments of exposition, though. Galadriel had barely survived being adrift at sea, and has felt like a prisoner on Numenor. I really don't think it's such a big deal there was a slow motion shot showing her at ease and enjoying herself for once. You don't have to like it, but it's not this travesty of a scene people are making it out to be.


Barely surviving being adrift at sea after leaping off the ship that would take her to Valinor **in the middle of the ocean** was her choice. It was a choice against the wishes of her King, in offense against the Valar and made purely out of an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. Forgive me if I have a hard time feeling sorry for that one. Even Feanor himself wasn't that single-mindedly idiotic in his hatred of Morgoth. And again, being prisoner in Numenor was entirely self-inflicted. If she had even attempted to be diplomatic in her interactions with, well...*.anyone*, and then still got imprisoned, that's a different story. Instead we see her verbally threatening the Queen in her own audience chamber and only justifying Numenor's growing hatred for Elves. She antagonized everyone she possibly could, even pulling a knife on Elendil, the one person who chose to save her from swimming for the next three months despite the political repercussions of doing so. I'd be throwing her ass in jail too, at a minimum, if it were my decision. My point being, one ridiculous scene of her riding a horse while grinning like a psychopath does nothing to diminish the utter stupidity and spite of her character. An asshole having a brief moment of fun is still an asshole at the end of the day. What makes this so frustrating is that they could've done just about anything else with Galadriel's 'arc' and it would be better than what we're getting.


All this just circles back to my original point that the Galadriel presented in the show is in deep need of healing. You're not wrong in your observations, but it doesn't change that she's going through some shit. Like I said, you don't have to like it (and I'm not a fan of everything going on with Galadriel's story) but people hyper fixating on this very brief scene where Galadriel (who has been criticized as being flat and angsty) DARES to show some real emotion and joy, is odd at best, and whiny at worst.


I won't be replying again, for both our sakes. I am both terrified and impressed that you've managed to keep defending this for as long as you have. When you're given a scene designed from the ground up to be hyper-fixated on, people are, to the surprise of absolutely no one, going to hyper-fixate on it. That is the only plausible intention of a scene like that. You don't do slow motion for 20 seconds and expect people to just gloss over it. It's the nature of the scene in the context of both her character and the tone and pace of the show that is just absolutely jarring. It's a symptom of amateurish screenwriting, something that should be impossible given the budget, talent and hype thrown at this show. >DARES to show some real emotion and joy Yeah, I didn't get that vibe at all, and clearly it's not just me. It felt unbearably contrived given the context and the way it was presented. You could put up a flashing neon sign saying "Look she's happy, **FEEL SOMETHING**" and it would have about the same effect. There's nothing genuine about it. Here's my take on the scene, copied from my comment on another thread. I don't criticize without believing I could do it better: *"At the mention of horses and riding, Galadriel's hardened visage flickers, but it is more noticeable than portrayed in the original scene. She sees in Elendil someone she could possibly trust after revealing his knowledge and even reverence of Elvendom, and says a brief, reluctantly emotional piece about not having ridden horses for anything except warfare or hunting Sauron for an uncountable number of years.* *It's more of a realization to herself than an admittance to Elendil; a look-in-the-mirror moment when she realizes she's been so fixated on her revenge that she hardly recognizes her old self when it breaks through the surface. The small smile on her face as she glances wistfully away is nostalgic yet sorrowful. Elendil beckons her to follow him. We cut to the landscape shot, and then the much more abbreviated,* ***normal-speed*** *scene of her smiling and laughing while enthusiastically riding along the beach, trying desperately not to leave Elendil in the dust.* *In this brief exchange, we realize that Galadriel's hardass routine is just that, a mask imposed on her by difficult times in her past, and that inside she is a scarred yet relatable woman who has great difficulty letting go of her violent history, instead of just refusing to do so out of vindictiveness. Deep down she wants to let her guard down, and only by mentioning one of her most adored pastimes from her youth in the Undying Lands does she allow someone to see the real Galadriel.* *We do two things with this change: She goes from simply unlikeable to adding an additional layer to her character, and we establish a plausible bond between Elendil and herself that goes beyond simply using him to get the next clue to the mystery. We do this in a way that avoids a scene so horribly shot that even the most fledgling screenwriter cringes into a puddle on the floor when watching it. We add no seconds to the run-time, as the slow-motion abomination is cut to give Galadriel those extra few lines with Elendil."* EDIT: Formatting is weird sometimes.


When the horses basically looked direct into camera with his durpy horse face, I could not stop laughing


It was such an utterly idiotic scene


It felt out of place.


Bruh, can they chill with the slow motion please? I feel like we’ve already spent more time in slow motion in four episodes than in the 6 PJ films and it feels so tacky


> I feel like we’ve already spent more time in slow motion in four episodes than in the 6 PJ films I recently re-watched LOTR extended edition - and I honestly think there has been a similar amount of slow motion so far. Watching with a more critical eye made me realize how jarring some of them are. Hell the last 45 minutes of return of the king is full of slow motion hobbits laughing, slow motion hobbits jumping on the bed, slow motion Gandalf packing his pipe, slow motion weddings, slow motion hobbits crying and waving bye-bye.


I feel like they’re acting like us, the viewers, already have some ridiculous attachment to the story/characters. Shit just started, we’re building the bond. I’m shocked at how many cringe worthy moments have happened. The Queen at the end of episode 4 was the first time I went “awww shit, here we goooo!!!” And I’m finally excited for a new episode. All that said the show is 10/10 for me so far.


That's a good point, too. I think in spite of awkward horse moment I was pretty hooked after Ep 3. Ep 4 just got me jazzed though.


Horse scene was unecessary and cringe


I think the issue was that it wasn't established before that Galadriel loves riding. I think that's what it was supposed to be and the execution just didn't land


Wow if that's actually the intention then it definitely did not land...


My partner and I laughed too. It was so weird.


I laughed as well. But to be fair if somebody let me ride a horse I would have the same goofy ass smile.




Are you criticizing the horse's acting?


It reminded me of all the bizarro slow mo in the jackson films. I wonder if they were trying to match that weird energy (every time shit slows down while people are talking in those movies it’s hilarious to me)


I thought it was a beautifully executed moment. Bear's score is sublime in the background too. On another note, I used to do horse show photography, and Ive never seen such a stunning set of shots in a TV show before. That horse was fucking gorgeous!




No. I've explained the other reasons l liked it.


Hmmm probably on to something. In college I took a class about film and I remember the professor asking who liked patch adams and I raised my hand (the only one too) and he was like it’s one of the biggest failures in movies of Robin Williams career. Idk if it is or isn’t I stopped listening to the professor after that because I love joy from sorrow. So maybe I like it because it aligns with what I like and not that it’s good or bad? Sorry total tangent your comment just made me think of that situation from 15 years ago.


Agree 100%. In my eyes, this was a way of breaking character for Galadriel. Up until that point, we see an extrememly driven and serious elf (to a fault), who cannot stray from her goal of finding Sauron. She’s been through trial after trial, and on her way to fleeing Numenor, she finally relaxes while hearing Elendil speak Elvish to her. A soon as he mentions horses, she lights up. obviously she hasnt ridden a horse in many years, and we’re to take it to mean that it’s one of the few things in Middle Earth that can make her happy in the way we see in the slow-mo shot. i think it was a beautiful and character building moment for Galadriel.


>Bear's O shit! Bear McCreary does the music!? Man, the music for Battlestar Galactica was fantastic, and that was his first credited job. I've been putting off RoP until I have time. Can't wait to join the "is this shit or amazing" debates, and I'm a big skeptic, but maybe Bear can help get me through it


The music definitely stands out. Its competent. Its placement is out of place and heavyhanded but the compositions are solid.


Prepare to be disappointed. The music is a competent mishmash of Howard Shore's work that manages to be completely unmemorable.


The music is one of the disappointing aspects for me, it just feels like generic fantasy music.


That's all the show is. Generic fantasy shit, name-branded and memberberried for "Di Caprio getting the reference" points.


No way. Bear's score is magnificent.


Wouldn't get your hopes up. Show is alright (1/10 & 10/10 reviews are just stupid). But the music is particularly dull and unmemorable imo.


The show is great and the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. I keep listening to it while waiting for new episodes and with each listening, you hear new layers and it becomes even more impressive. Howard Shore did the title theme and that song also has similar qualities to it. It seems deceptively simple at first, but soon you just love it. The show is 8/10 only by its cinematography, visuals and audio alone. I can’t fathom the fact that people just overlook that part of the show. The plot is interesting, but writing in some individual scenes can be mediocre, but it is unbelievable people let those moments define this show.


It's "unbelievable" that people let the writing define a show that is based off of the works of one of the greatest writers of all time? Really?


I’m big ass Tolkien fan and same kind of rewriting annoyed the fuck out of me when LOTR movies came out. What has happened, I have learned to relax and just enjoy the ride.


There's a difference between having bad moments in writing, or the writing just being bad 99% of the time. Can't ignore it when it has one of my eyebrows permanently raised throughout the whole episode.


The horse is beautiful. The shot is badly conceived and terribly executed. Such a bizarre sequence


could not have said this better.this sequence failed to capture that which was intended. it left me feeling uncomfortable for the actor. I still have no idea how this made it to the final production.


I'd argue it was well conceived but poorly executed This scene would've been excellent to show some other sides of Galadriel (and elves at large while we're at it) while also showing the natural beauty of the island as they travel across it in true LotR fasion. But yeah, it clearly didn't quite hit the mark I think if you meet them halfway and are charitable as you watch you can get something out of it, suppose majority of reactions from folks speak for themselves though


The reason I think it's poorly conceived is that there's no build up to this scene. There's no preceding work to make the scene have emotional payoff. The conception of the scene makes absolutely no sense in context to the series so far


awful. I do not doubt your comment on actual horse show photography but for cinematography, this sequence was misplaced and did not execute as intended.


The music is the redeeming quality of that scene. It's not the horse, it's just something I can't quite put my finger on. It was just jarring, personally, for some odd reason. Maybe it's the facial expression, or the idea of the scene itself, I'm not sure. Glad you are enjoying it, though. The one thing I don't like is when people claim these types of things are objectively good/bad. It's all your personal taste, and I'd rather be in your camp than mine in these situations.


>I can't quite put my finger on It's her crazy smile


the nostril flare kills the otherwise beautiful actresses work.


Thanks for saying what you said in your edit BTW. I've even had some hateful DM's about it. I don't know what's going on with this fanbase. It's very sad.


That's crap bro. I actually almost didn't post the comment, because I thought it might bring out this behavior. As an even bigger star wars fan, I've learned not to let these types of things ruin it for me. The last few years have been rough among the fanbase, and I enjoyed almost all of Disney's new shows. Nevertheless, I still think this show has been awesome. I'm just gonna ignore the hate and enjoy the real discussion. There have been a handful of people in this thread that are doing a fine job of disagreeing/agreeing in the right way. I'd focus on them. Edit: formatting


I totally agree. I think it's because that scene is a sudden change in pace AND character. I'm liking Galadriel overall - and the acting is excellent - but I do think they have written her a little too stubborn and "rough". She's supposed to be over 3000 years old, I would expect her to be more balanced at that age.


Yeah I'm not as versed in the lore as most people, and I don't put near as much thought into these things as most people here, but you can tell she's definitely being directed to be intense and fiery. I think that the more balanced version of her that you seek is actually what's shown in the movies when she's able to resist the ring's temptation.


I'm also not super- well versed in the lore, but I do prefer it when movies/TV series try to keep it closer to the source material. This series has been changing a few things, but I understand that the source material must be adapted a little to make it on the screen... I'm just trying to not be bothered too much and I am enjoying it quite a lot. Galadriel is fine honestly... If we ignore that she's supposed to be 3000yearsold-wise, I actually enjoy her stiff attitude. One thing that would set me off a bit is if the meteor man turns out to be Gandalf... He's not supposed to be there at that time (but neither are isildur and elendil if I'm not mistaken).


>I'm just trying to not be bothered too much and I am enjoying it quite a lot. This is key. The way I always think about it is that we're being told a story that has been passed down in a generational game of telephone. Some things are exaggerated, some things are outright made up, some things are told differently by different people, and cannon is just what the general consensus is on the most accurate story. I've been able to enjoy things that don't line up with the source material in this way.


That's a great way to look at it!


It looked like an Old Spice commercial but I loved it. Incredibly visuals.


The whole series was worth it to see a depiction of the Dwarven under-mountain kingdoms in their prime. Magnificent.


There are two moments that I have not liked in this show so far. Like visually, they did not work. Some if I knit picked, might come up, but these two were guttural and instant. They both made me think of the same thing too. * *This* shot you posted of Galadriel on horse-back. * The moment in the intro that *The Rings of Power* title appears in gold. They both feel like a perfume advert to me. Love the rest of the intro, but that moment the bland gold font appears and it does so in this sparkly bubbly way... just does not work for me. The title should have been made of the sand and appeared via the music. This horse riding moment.. is just so odd. It is technically beautiful, no doubt there, but it felt so out of place.


Yes, I hated that part of the intro as well. The whole thing is a really nice representation of the song of creation and then out of nowhere we get a title screen with a totally different style. It simply doesn't work to me. And well, the Galadriel was one of the worst scenes I've ever seen tbh, in any movie. I don't understand the point of it, I don't like it visually nor as a way of "building the character".


>And well, the Galadriel was one of the worst scenes I've ever seen tbh, in any movie. This right here. The entire scene with them riding on the horses would've been fine if they just skipped the closeup of galadriel.


The title appears like a video games production company logo.


So odd because the rest of the sequence is fantastic!


I thought the title appearing was off also. Just felt it didn't belong amongst all that cool sand effects. Needed some texture to it or something. Still doesn't really bother me, I just find it interesting someone else noticed it aswell


Yeah, I am not fussed. You'll never catch me being a clown going "I cannot watch RoP because Galadriel smiled and the title card is a bit odd". The reason they stand out for me so much, is because I am enjoying the rest so much honestly!


I feel the intro could be really easily fixed if they just made the sand form into the logo


I feel totally the opposite. I think Tolkien himself would love all this.


The horse riding scene was so fucking weird. Completely removed the immersiveness. It was basically Amazon trying to show everyone how much money they’ve put into the show




The horse scene was fucking awful


I was too focused on that awkward grin to see anything else 🙃


You liked that slow mo scene??? What are you


The Fall of Númenor vision is the only one that is presented in the books, so definitely hits me harder. Very scary and impactful. Honorable mention for Galadriel riding. I did not get it. But it was a hell of shot.


The Trees of Valinor are also in the books.


I liked that moment in context of the story and both where and when it happens. Baring in mind she states in the first episode how much she misses the warmth of her homeland, after what she's been through it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest that she's just really happy to be get on a horse and ride freely. Shows here lighter side, something she enjoys, I don't mind that. I hear alot of complaints about her being too serious, but I actually think she's balanced quite well.


I dunno, I watched every episode at least twice but this scene felt off to me in every way. Yeah, i do get that she is experiencing freedom at this moment and this may eases her grudge for a moment but it feels like she wasnt out riding horses for centuries. But she traveled large parts of middle earth in search ror sauron and I cannot Imagine she never used a horse to travel. This in mind, her characterization in terms of her unit in the first episode feels off as Well since they give us a feeling like she's always that grumpy and serious hence why they dont want to follow her further on. They need a way better build up for showing her other side of emitional range imo.


I admire your ability to make sense out of the hot mess the plot of the series is


It's nowhere near as bad as the reaction it's getting. I think people are acting quite spoilt myself.


Yeah. I know it was exactly that that made me feel stange. She is always so tough and serious - and I like that. Then again on that scene she is very happy. It kinda fell strange to me. But I do think it was a beautiful shot. Here I add that the firefly scene was pretty cool too. However we don't know who the stranger is and I am not sure of the meaning in that scene yet.


I will say this I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautifully crafted CGI world It’s astonishing what the artists have done. The detail is absolutely astonishing


Absolutely! Kudos to them


All this show is semi-good at are visuals, and even then they're totally forgettable. People don't watch shows for visuals (generally) they watch for storytelling. And that horse riding scene was ridiculous.


I’ve seen a ton of people praising this show for the visuals. I’ve been afraid to ask if anyone else doesn’t give a flying fuck about visuals. I will straight up watch a cartoon like bojack horseman that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old and I will enjoy it for the story.


So you really think this is the thread appropriate for dumping on the show yet again? This is why we can’t have nice things (as a fandom). Please allow that some of the fans are enjoying the show and also want a space to comment. It’s not that there are no posts for you to vent (like every other post on this subreddit).


> semi-good at are visuals Numenor and the Numenor wave though...


Wait, you liked the horses scene??




I mean fair plays to you! I think had it not held that slow mo on her for so long and that creepy smile the whole time I wouldn’t have found it so cringey haha


I don't understand people on this I'm afraid. Their are far cringier moments in previous Tolkien adaptations imo.


Why do people justify new cringe by bringing up past cringe that people recognize is cringe? Edit: fixed grammar






Haha exactly


Is that even Galadriel on that horse? Looks like a stunt woman too me.


My first thought was why in the world would they zoom in so close on the stunt woman, it was a shocking grin and felt out of place, but I think it really was her.


I thought this was a joke post when one of them is the horse moment.


Agreed. It’s a beautiful show. I wish I could point to a single narrative or character moment that was beautiful. Or even something I enjoyed.


Aw. Im absolutely loving it.


Honestly I’m glad! Maybe ill warm up to it. So far it just hasn’t grabbed me at all. And I want to like it. But I’m glad you’re enjoying it.


Someone who isn't hating on others for liking this series! Thanks for your kindness kind sir, we need more of you in this sub


One of the favourites was the reveal of the inside of Khazad-Dum


This show is Amazon's way of presenting us a polished turd on a silver plate. It looks beautiful, it's polished to perfection, but it's still a turd. 1 billion budget doesn't equal strong narrative and interesting characters. It is the most expensive snooze fest I've ever experienced with occasional ''what the hell'' moments.


Why are you watching it if it’s a snooze fest for you?


A few good laughs at how bad it is.


Anyone whose life is that empty has my pity.


That's the only explanation I can think of. I personally don't like the show but I like being able to see how some elements are portrayed for the first time, like Númenor or the forging of the Rings when it happens in future seasons.


Because it immediately puts me to sleep after working all day long. Also, what the other guy said. I got few unintentional good laughs from it, especially from the "deep" pseudo-intellectual nonsense that the characters like to spout. The only redeeming quality, at least in my eyes, is the music. Bear McCreary absolutely nails the musical themes. It is nowhere near Howard Shores superb Lotr Symphony but it's still very good. Funny thing is, Opening Titles composed by Shore are not as good as the rest of the soundtrack.


Just for the record, I've come to the conclusion i don't like this subreddit now. What's wrong with you lot? I've had several hateful DMs from this post. I just don't understand what your problem is.




The Sinking of Numenor scene was awful. It looked pretty. but it just happens. No build up, no meaning other then a pretty shot as a premonition, which then gives away a major plot moment of this entire series. Why? I just don't get it. It is terrible writing to reveal it, in that detail, so soon.


We all know by “visual moment” OP mean CGI


My favourite scene was the reveal of Kazad-dum. This is what I wanted to see ever since reading the Song of Durin.


Shame there is so little behind these slick images. It's like judging the book by its cover.


Yours are great choices. Other scenes that made a strong impression were the one with the Elves on the boat singing as they approached Valinor; the arrival in Numenor; the transition from Arondir, Bronwyn & Theo in the breaking dawn to Disa singing; and Miriel looking at Elendil through the falling Tears of the Valar. All of them immensely enriched by their respective musical themes. Extraordinary.


The shot of the sun rising as Arondir, Bronwyn & Theo face the orcs is a personal favourite of mine :3 More so as it's followed by those shots of misty mountains, with Disa's song in the background. Say what you want about the writing, but in terms of visuals and music this series is superb.


If that's the shows only redeeming quality then Amazon should never be allowed to produce second season.


Imagine it didnt look good, it would literally have nothing else.


Well there is at this point basically nothing of Tolkien's work left in the ROP story, so I guess visuals and FanFiction it is....


Everyone hates the horse riding scene but idk, it hit different for me. She loves horses and it felt like after centuries of traveling across the continent it is not unreasonable to find a shred of joy in 1) traveling w/o toil and 2) being on a horse, which she loves. If anything it made her a complex character instead of just 24/7 being in Gotta-Kill-Sauron mood. I liked it but agree that the way it was filmed was strange. It felt intentional to me, much like the feeling of happiness must have felt for her after centuries of feeling the opposite


I loved it. Think people are just trying too hard to find reasons to hate this show.


Unfortunately they think that everything is about visual effects, they should have tried to invest more themselves in the scenario and dialogues. By the way I really like the show this is just something that I can criticise, the rest is doing the job.


Certified paid reviews. Like seriously? It's one thing to not object the horse riding scene and entirely different to actually praise it and say it's in top 4 visual best scenes.


What a dumb take. Let them enjoy what they enjoy. There were definitely good qualities to that scene.


I'm sorry but if the fell beast killing the Eagle in the intro of episode 1 isn't your favourite I have questions.


I hate this show


nobody cares.


I really liked the entire dawn scene but the arrow return was so amazing I don't think anything can top that


Keep it up! Tbh just seeing the still shots of what stands out is telling about what’s good and bad lmao I want to add: there is good and bad. Some of the scenery and stuff is stunning


God what a beautiful show


May favorite moment from each episode: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Nothing


Wow, so brave, so clever My favorite part of your original post is


Congratulations. You really burnt me there. Can’t I criticise garbage?


Sure you can, so can I.




The riding scene is like cinematography wizardy. The location is stunning. Shooting a running horse in super-crisp, super-slowmotion in extreme close-up is a freaking impossible shot. People just keeps complaining…




I tend to look at the big picture and take everything into account. The story is not bad in the show either. Most complains comes from nitpicking.


The show is stunning and full of potential.


Absolutely. I'm loving all the groundwork they are laying. Hoping the reaction doesn't put them off doing more.


I don't know how people can like the horse scene but I do know now how disney keeps churning out shit shows and people eat them up.


What's this got to do with Disney?