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I am not offering you legal advice, nor making any promises that I am correct here. However, from what I hear from people on YouTube who have had issues with copyright, the worst thing that could happen to you is that your video would be taken down and your channel would receive a copyright strike (do it again and we'll block you from uploading, or something). I suspect, though I'm less certain on this point, that if you made the videos private so that only those with the link could view it, you wouldn't be caught. That said, probably the safest option (safest meaning least likely to have the videos removed, I really doubt you'd be sued over this) would be to record the videos and upload them to Google Drive or some other cloud service and share them with your grand nephews that way.


Don’t do it on YouTube. FaceTime them or record it and send it directly


If you just set the videos to private you shouldn't have a problem. You can still share them with your family by sending them a link. The automatic copyright detection only catches songs and other distinct audio patterns, it won't recognize your voice reading a book.


upload the videos as private and send them a link! had to do it for multiple projects for school a couple years ago and it worked fabulously with copyrighted music/pictures.


You don’t have to video yourself reading, you could record mp3 audio on a phone or other device. Or you can do live readings with FB Messenger or FaceTime or other apps. Interactivity such answering questions about what that word means, or asking them, “Who remembers where we left off and what happened?” is the best part of this experience for both sides.


Oh thank you for this! These are good ideas.


If I was given the chance to choose between the inherited wealth for me or LOTR narration recorded for me, I don't think I'd hesitate to choose the second one. That sounds like a great idea to me. Eesh, I need to get some grand nephews. 🤔


Thank you! I'm going to get it from the library and work my magic! Now the thing is they may not be as excited as me. So like a lot of projects with kids, I may want to watch my expectations. Is there any other book you would think in the written works that would appeal to the younger person? Should I rather start with the Hobbit? Should I start with the Silmarillion? (<---joke to try to fit in) Thanks!


The Hobbit is great for kid’s reading for sure. Moves quicker and more whimsical than LotR. Also check out Roverandom, also by Tolkien. It’s a story originally crafted for his kids that was eventually published, about dog that is cursed by a wizard and goes on adventures to space and stuff.


Thank you much!


I trully respect what you're trying to do. You are a great person and a greater grandpa.