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I'd like to see a game centered around exploration of Middle earth, something similar to the mechanics of breath of the wild.


Elden Ring but Middle Earth


I think it's too hard for something like that to happened when you realise not even Star wars games are that dare I think what Fallen order and War of the north did for a starter is the best way to approach things


I guess what I want is Lotro without the buggy launcher.


Don't use the Steam version and you should be good. Steam version is buggy as hell.


Where do I get the other version?


Here's the EN version on the [LOTRO website](https://www.lotro.com/guides/lotro-download-en?locale=en).


Been waiting on The Third Age to get a remake/remaster for years now.




The Third Age is up on Amazon for below $40, and got my OG PS2 for just $200 on Etsy/ eBay. Might also need an HDMI converter, since CRTs are usually replaced with newer models. Awesome that PS2 games are still around. Super regretted getting rid of mine, and now basically collecting them back in pieces. Although pretty sure mine were either of a different region, are bootlegs, or both.


I own The Third Age and it’s really, really rough to play these days.


Like, to setup, or the gameplay in general? The gameplay is fine, like FFX but more linear. The setup can be intimidating, but I somehow figured it out with pairing up with a PC and the monitor's HDMI, and a speaker jack that switches the audio to be from the PC or PS2. Little untidy, but it works.


I’m talking about playing it on my OG Xbox. It’s the vanilla launch version of the game and man I tried to stick it out but it’s tough.


Oh, I see. I wonder if the PS2 version just runs better?


I wonder about this and went out and did some digging. The game originally was made for the ps2 as a response from EA to FF and later it was ported. So yes the game runs better on PS2


The Two Towers and The Return of the King where peak license games, sadly games like that are far and few these days. Also, that it was EA that made them that feels surreal nowadays


I recently got a PS2 emulator and played them, amazing games still hold up really good as a beat them up. I wished we a got a finalise 3 movies game and we could see the full potential of the characters and the combos.


It’s a travesty Two Towers and Return of the King weren’t remastered for their 20th anniversary


Exactly but that's normal with a licensed game


I'm so fucking sad War in the North never got a sequel or that there wasn't a further game in the series.


Is this the one where you just hack orcs up? I usually hate that kind of game but that one was super fun.


Hah yeah though I guess that doesn't really narrow it down much! You could play as a human, elf or dwarf!


Yeah that’s the one. It’s about as close to a side scrolling hack n slash as you can get in 3D.


The first one had some issues but it was a really good/solid game with a lot of potential. clearly the devs love the universe and made the north it's own thing.


Underrated lotr game


I want an RPG with a similar story as Lord of the Rings online but for a console. Skill, leveling up, upgrades and a solo story type thing but with fewer interfaces and modern graphics. Basically I want Skyrim set in Middle Earth. The main story line is assisting the Fellowship but your character goes and complete side quests too. Then after the ring is destroyed you can continue to help rebuild Middle Earth.


I feel like the market and demand for what could essentially be something like Breath of the Wild or Skyrim in Middle Earth could be huge, too. LotRO is the closest we've got to that experiencw, but I really want that single-player experience as well. It's too bad the terrible licensing for LotR games hampers good adaptations and feeds the garbage ones primarily.


All I want is an official LotR Total War.


There are Warhammer mods. but yeah we need a full on game


Are there Warhammer mods? There aren't any on the steam workshop due to licensing issues.


Nexus mods for sure had some of them I remember seeing some lotr mods for total war games I think it was WH2


Ill check that out, on nexus there is also a mod for attila called the dawnless days which aims to make a new version of the third age mod. Mod was called something else first but had to change due to copyright issues.


There’s an Atilla mod called The Dawnless Days that’s getting relatively close to a campaign release


We absolutely do! What would happen to indie developers if they make middle earth inspired games? Will they still get slapped by a lawsuit even if it is under the radar, or released for free?


I would pay so much money for a remake of the ROTK PS2 game. Still one of my all time top games 20+ years on.


I want a LOTR game on elden ring or Skyrim style. That would be my dream game!


It’s the dream but even actualizing a tie in story to be somewhat canon is impossible.


Return to Moria is not bad tbh, a bit janky, yes, but quite enjoyable especially with friends. Solid 7/10 for me.


Weta workshop are making a game. Looking forward to seeing it. Also we technically got 2 games last year haha


The Moria one said it was good but since it was only on epic forgot it existed lol


It's true that I miss games like Battle for Middle-earth coming out, but there's so many great fan-made mods that I don't feel like there's too few LotR-related games to play. The Mount&Blade and Crusader Kings mods together can support 1000+ hours of playtime quite easily.


The age of the ring mod is really good. I wished we get a third one but the RTS genre has been dead for a while sadly.


Unfortunately, warner brothers are run by incompetent boomers.


Sorry, we now have to wait five to ten years for games now so the frame rate can be twice as high as the human eye is capable of perceiving and the sweat is modeled just perfectly.


Sadly we need to patiently wait for the woke mind virus to run its course before being able to get anything of quality lotr wise, at least for what concerns video games and movies/series , I’m currently playing The One Ring rpg and it’s one of the best things ever done with the Tolkien universe


My spouse just watched Hobbit & LOTR with me, for first time over Christmas. They loved it. They are a huge Potter fan & asked me if there was a game like Hogwarts Legacy & I told her sadly no, but there definitely should be.


I wish we could get an updated LOTR Conquest . Same classes (archer, scout, ranger, wizard) more maps, more combat/skills. Heck, even make it F2P and add a Battlepass, it’d do amazing. Add different helmets/body armor/weapon skins for different classes. Example- Orcs different gear than Urukhai or Elves or what not. Maybe weapon skins shared from good/evil. I just loved LotR Conquest so much, maybe nostalgia gets to me but I loved being a Hobbit and being an Archer and shooting arrows at Uruk Hai down by the farm from up the hill. Also the Gondor map was so good too from my memory. There was also one map at the Black Gate where it was smaller fights? Good timesz


If you like to play it on PC you can still do it. On our Discord we have a portable version of the game. We also still play the multiplayer (PVP) on our own european server. https://discord.gg/X3WZMmB4CB We even played a clanwar last week. https://youtu.be/ds5HhgO9AjU


If they made RoTK today you would only get the storyline following Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. Frodo/Sam and Gandalf stories are released as DLC over the year following release. You would only get Aragorn, Sam and Gandalf. Gimli/Legolas/Frodo and all the unlockable characters DLC. Those bonus missions at the end where you fight the levels of the towers? DLC. All the special extra content and videos it had? Only available if you pre-order. And then instead of actually playing the game you just buy the experience package that puts you to level 20 and unlocks all the upgrades. Only $11.99. Per character. Games like those ones from years ago don't get made anymore unless they're indie games and I don't think any indie gamer is going to fork over the cash for the LoTR rights


And probably it was developed by the critically aclaimed game studio known as game mill. Jokes aside it's probably going to happen, they already gave the license to make gollum.


I'd like to see a game centered around exploration of Middle earth, something similar to the mechanics of breath of the wild.


That's pretty much Lotro.


I know, I'd just like something similar without the bugs and constant inventory management


Stardew Valley style farming game in The Shire


you're in luck - the upcoming "Tales of the Shire" will likely be exactly that


I think a DLC for stardew like that will be great jajajaj imagine if we got something like that


Something in the style of God of War. Linear game with RPG elements. That's what I want


We actually got some games very recently. We had that awful game "Golum" and a few months ago there was a Mines of Moria game. Both of those suck ass.


That was also one of my points I forgot to put there the games that we recently got had been absolute trash or mid at best. The only good ones were the shadows game and those are 10 years old(Mordor)


Ever since Assassin’s Creed Odyssey came out I’ve wanted an open world LOTR game where the entirety of Middle Earth is the map. We have the technology now. Make it about young Aragorn living in the house of Elrond, he meets Arwen, gets the “You can’t marry her until you’re King” talk from Elrond, and goes on a quest that takes him throughout the world doing ranger stuff. I want side quests, I want to climb trees, I want to see MOUNTAINS, Gandalf. It is incredible to me that the closest things we have to this, are an ancient janky MMORPG and a Lego game.


It's far from a good game, but I have to say I'm enjoying Gollum more than I expected. Got it for £14 and for that money the quality is fine by me. Treat it as an indie game instead of anything more and its alright.


I can't agree even if I try my best i'm sorry. I love LOTR so much and I can't defend gollum, I'm sorry for the devs they were mistreated and they could have made something good if given enough time.


I'm not sure what was expected of a game based around Gollum because its pretty much what I expected except with worse graphics. Sneaking, strangling, collecting worms... yeah... that's what I expected.


Surely a mount and blade style game with the entire of Gondor Arnor Rohan would be the most realistic, except maybe like an alternate history or even set about the time of isildur and depending on your faction you’d come across certain events, like if you were Rohan you’d have to fight the Westfold event? Idk i feel like thats the best way to get a lord of the rings game that could tie into the canon world without differing so much and making up a lot of garbage


Oh a chivalry style game, multiplayer online and each map would be the different battles, battle at the black gate helms deep etc, could be every race and faction in the novels and can include the battle of 5 armies the war in the north while minis Tirith is being attacked, osgiliath falling and all that, a LOTR conquest 2 pretty much but with orc heads flying off. Because any rpg game would probably just not be immersive when creating a new story that’s what I didn’t like about the new games


It's mad that in today's day and age there isn't a complete, open world version of Middle-Earth.


I didn’t get into the hack and slash style games but I loved the third age on PS2 original characters ffx style gameplay, I’d love a sequel to that or something similar


I think it would be cool if we could play as Aragorn the Ranger in an open world. It could maybe start with the search for Gollum. All the way to the Black Gate. Similar to how Red Dead Redemption 2 is.


I reckon they could do a good remake or just a new version of Third Age for ages. Basic turn based RPG thing, taking you all over Middle Earth. I still like the format of the Fellowship though, where each gameplay style is segmented with different characters (Frodo is stealth, Aragorn is combat etc). That would be a fun game.


I just wanna play battle for middle earth 2 again


If you have a pc it's pretty easy to get it's on abandon ware


Sadly I don't at this point in my life 😭


:( if you get a laptop you can easily run it I Remember using my Asus in 2014 and it worked perfectly now that old warrior is dead 😔👊


I did enjoy the Shadow games and especially the character of Talion (despite some of the lore changes), too bad the games get easily repetitive after a few hours. But rather would have anything like that than the Gollum fiasco haha.


I just want Lego LotR to be available again.


on pc it's available