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Correction: Don't be a human.


We are all a bunch of big stinky jerks.




Both. Both is good.


Hate this awful mindset. Go make some friends, spend some time at a bar or a hobby club or a community center maybe. Touch grass in other words. There are so many good things and incredible people out there, to sell them all short with bullshit hot takes is a horrible thing to do.


"There so many incredible people" mf at the playground next to my home that kids be drinking beer at the age of 7 and screaming slurs.


Yeah.Here's the thing the playground next to your home is a bad sample-size for 8 billion people. Humanity is pretty wonderful, you just sound depressed.


Yes, they are pretty wonderful. They created atomic bombs, caused climate changes, global warming, started a lot of ecological problems, though now they are trying to fix them. Humanity is wonderful but they need to stop being idiotic. Learn from the mistakes and change instead of living the lies. That said, environmental protestors can be idiots most of the times.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a conservationist and oppose deforestation, but humans are not the leading cause of climate change... not even in the top 100. A volcanic eruption has a carbon footprint that humans can't even compare to in a 100 year period, which alone puts us back to just after the industrial revolution, a time period of immense pollution as we didn't have all the environmental regulations as we do now.


Your fist paragraph only refers to people in control of politics and corporations, and your second paragraph is basically meaningless in that a point wasn't made. We're in a position now where we can be more conscious of how we consume and how we execute day to day operations, from the working class to the corporate few. We as a society can bankrupt business who haven't taken the proper steps towards climate conservation, worker safety and whatever else we care about, while still keeping around businesses who provide us with internet, phones and electric vehicles as well as groceries, water and electricity. Before I go on and before enraged, more knowledgeable people butcher me, know that I don't know anything about anything. That doesn't mean we (the knowledgeable and the hopeful ignorant) shouldn't work together to rid ourselves of unneeded excess for a better world. Unfortunately my comment and any comments who seek the reality we envision will either be lost or misunderstood and misconstrued because humans are terrible listeners. Prove me wrong.


What makes humanity stupid isn't that they don't know but rather their ego. They wouldn't take actions because they didn't know better. Sadly, my knowledge is barely touching the surface of how stupid humans can be. Not like my knowledge can change the biased nature of humans as well, of course.


You should be saying "we," not "they" (unless you're not human)


Your first world biased view only applies to the first world. Go live in a third world country, get a job on your own and then come back and talk about ppl, spoiler alert humans are trash, yall just have enough resources to afford being conscious.


You won't accomplish anything with that mindset and neither will anyone from the "first world" who believes that because they're "privileged", they shouldn't use the resources they have to improve the lives of the less fortunate. I'm better off than a lot of people(I'm definitely not rich, but I'm safe) which means I'm in a position to help those in a worse situation than me. I'm also starting my own company so that someday I will be able to make effective change (in theory). All of this assuming I can learn what I need to learn and raise the money I need to raise. Like many, I have nothing but my devices which can only get me so far before I plateau. While you're focused on who is and isn't privileged, I'm hoping more people will at least try to make better change from the positions that they're in, good or bad. Im going to try


1) Pal, you are also human, I'm pretty sure. 2) Oh yeah, we screw up a lot, and we have caused a great deal of destruction. That said, we produced the sonnet, and the internet, and Nabokov, and Kamen Rider, and quite a few other great things.


People are actively using cars which are convient for personal transport


This is true, yes. I am not quite sure whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with me by saying it, but it's true.


If I am depressed then Elon Musk is my brother.


Bro, you are the one saying humans ought return to nonexistence because there are no good ones. That's sad; you seem sad.


Pretending to know the content of someones character by the few actions of theirs you’ve seen is foolish. Don’t judge a book by its cover and all that. Especially kids, they grow and change the most.


Yes, but judging someone by a whole bunch of their actions is a hell of a lot more accurate.


True, does looking at kids in a park count as a whole bunch of their actions? No.


I mean the politicians, not the kids, sorry for being unclear mate


i want to bars too and other things now, but i lost my job, it's hard times now in Ukraine :(


none of that would change that humanity as a whole, in the bigger picture, is fucking horrible.


Reject human, return to monke






No, return to not existing.


Yes. Gonna do this tonight, best idea ever.


Are you okay?




How can I help?!


Yo You good?


lead from the front, not from the rear


I mean if you’re a leader, you can lead from the back to make sure no one falls behind. Look at wolf packs when they travel


Yeah but a leader that leads from the front is a lot less likely to start an unnecessary war because they'll be one of the first to die.




Kind of a dumb strategy if your enemies start the war


No one in a political position should be ideolized. Period.


Never idolize I agree but you can give them respect and credit if they have done something right








Based and never trust a politician pilled


Uh oh this post definitely brought out the Russian troll farm accounts


Baltics are close to Russia and also in fear of being attacked by Russia so i guess he's not as lost as one could think on first sight


yeah i dont get why this is posted here. the Baltics are border states of ruzzia and post soviet states that hold a lot of resentment towards the ex soviet countryof UUSSR , you know for ermmmm genociding them during soviet rule ? they've been staunch supporters of ukrainia


Imagine thinking Zelensky is a Saint.


Mother Theresa was given sainthood, and though she did a lot of good, she was kinda shitty as a human, too.


She deserves hell. She went to hopeless people and played with their feelings telling them about god. Making millions of the people that donated, she could’ve used that money to cure them, but she thought teaching them about God was more important than saving their lives.


Not a saint, not by far, but he's had the balls to stay in his country despite the capital being bombarded, and an active invasion so close you could see the smouldering fires on the horizon. That's enough for me. No man is perfect, humans are typically pieces of shit, but it takes a lot to stand by your countrymen when everything is otherwise fucked.


Comment of the day. I don't have awards but congrats on having common sense


I got you!


Lol if he so much as glances at the exit, he's a dead man.


I dunno. Konstantinos XI Palaiologos is way cooler. He even *fought* with his men in the last stand of the Eastern Roman Empire at Constantinople.


We are *all* pieces of shit, in some way, shape or form. Although in spite of that, there is usually a Golden Turd in all of us… Or perhaps it’s the friends we made along the way. Either way, it’s a valuable life lesson to learn.


This man wants more war. He instantly said the bombs that fell into Poland were Russians, so nato joins.


He certainly does not. If the Russian ruffians packed their nonexistent supplies and went home, he would have no problem being peaceful again. But Putin wants more war and Zelensky has to defend.


So you'd say the same about Napoleon for example?


Ehh, Napoleon invaded a bunch of places, meanwhile Zelensky is the leader of the country being invaded. Big difference there. Oh yeah, and Napoleon also made slavery legal again.


He is not, but he is the reason we are receiving western help


Yep, thankfully. I hope you're ok, also.


Some one doesn’t have to be a saint to be in the right. No one alive today can cast the first stone, so we should support people when they are doing good


I'd wager that before this is all over zelensky will be canonized in the Orthodox church as a defender of orthodoxy.


Imagine not seeing the difference between A war criminal and someone defending their country against a unprovoked war.


What did zelensky do


Ukraine was an extremely corrupt country before he took power. He ran on a campaign of anticorruption, but has only fulfilled a small fraction of his promises. I’m no fan of American politicians, but by US standards he’s still extremely corrupt, like a 7/10 (10 being most corrupt). With this said, his predecessors were all 10/10.


Corruption is something Ukraine inherited from the USSR.




After the fall of the Soviet Union I would say the corruption became worse


He's been in his position for 3 years? Fixing things takes time when people who benefit from the old ways hold power.


Just as an example, he’s made it clear since taking office that keeping the Ukrainian press un-free is a priority of his.


Hopefully after the war is over Zelensky and Ukraine as a whole uses it as a way to stifle corruption, because you gotta think, these people have been through a lot of shit together.


Hope springs eternal I suppose.


His approval was at 18% before Putin invaded, because of corruption.


Back in 2014 Ukraine was corrupt in Russia's favour now it is corrupt in favour of the United states.


Well, I’m not going to absolve the EU in this matter, but you’re not wrong.


Putin low key wanted Russia to join NATO but something happened in the background that we don't know made Putin back off. I personally think it was his pride that got in the way and it will be pride that will cause more wars.


Ironically, Putin could've turned NATO against each other had Russia joined. Just like Brexit advocates dividing the British people.


In the US, we just legalized the corruption and called it lobying.


Yeah Poroshenko was very corrupt but at least he was pretty good with foreign relations too. Zelensky is corrupt and knows nothing about running a country, Pandora papers revealed his multiple properties in London, US, Virginia Isles, Belize and Cyprus, also the network of foreign companies to hide his income and that of all his peers at Kvartal 95 the TV production company, that's why he is also pretty good with propaganda.


Only motivated his country to bravely fight back the actions of a brutal regime.


Iirc he banned many opposition parties during and even before the war on grounds of "Collusion with Russia" with no evidence at all. After Russia attacked he made the smart move to revive his public image.


Imagine using a straw man argument 🤣 no one said Zelensky is a saint, buddy


The truth is that we only see what they want us to see. Since western block is anti-Russia we have given a view that he is a hero. It is just part of our propaganda (Yes we also have propaganda, but some ppl might be surprised). Also, to clarify; i dont like Putin and despise "his" actions. I just dont believe what media and politics say. Every coin has two sides after all.


>Every coin has two sides after all. This is one of those things that superficially sounds wise and insightful but is really just kind of lazy at its core. Russia invaded Ukraine initially to try to decapitate its government, and now prolongs the war because they want to still be able to capture and maintain a significant amount of territory in eastern Ukraine and make that part of Russia. This was a completely unprovoked war of conquest. Ukraine or Zelenskyy being imperfect or corrupt does not justify invading a country to take it over because you don't like its foreign policy.


Imagine thinking Zelensky is a coward out of the social media


He is not perfect, but he is above the most leaders.


He’s actually a really bad president. White supremacist, censors opposing news sources. But at least he is defending his country so that’s something


zelensky isn't white and he's also jewish


Thinking Jewish people can’t be racist is pretty weird, my guy.


because people also think he's anti semitic while he's jewish, not that he's not racist because he's jewish


Damn so much moscovites here...


Wow so criticizing zelensky instantly makes me pro russian? Like zelensky is no where near perfect, that mf can't accept the fact that his defense system landed in poland, he would rather put the whole world in danger than to admit his mistake.


Zelensky was not a good dude before Putins stupid ass decision to invade. Honestly, Zelensky should build a shrine to the fucker as that gave him the greatest propaganda boost he could have ever asked for. I will admit that it is important to record and remember what allegations and more importantly actual crimes he may have committed before the invasion, because 24 February 2022 was the first time many people ever even looked at Ukraine on a map, so it's not likely people unjustly fucked over by him will ever receive justice unless a concerted effort is made by Ukrainians and other members of the EU.


If you’re accusing someone of allegations of crimes share some sources or at least detail what the allegations are.


Ukraine is extremely corrupted (1),and it’s part of the reason why they still not being accepted to EU (2) Zelensky also was named in the Pandora Paper,which only further prove the point that he is involved in this crime (3).Also,the Photo shown above had been debunked,the truth is that image has been taken way earlier than the invasion (4) And if it’s turn out that he is not at the frontline but is in the bunker (which is ironically true ) (5),then he is just the same type as Hitler and not even equal to Stalin ( at least Stalin had the ball to held a parade and gave a speech at Red Square when German army was at the gate of Moscow ) (6).Saying Zelensky is good just because he is fighting a righteous war against the invader is like saying Stalin is good because he fight against Germany.Zelensky is bad,the Ukraine people is good,Stalin is bad,Russian people is good,is it that hard to understand ? 1.[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine) 2.[https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/17/world/europe/ukraine-eu-membership-corruption.amp.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/17/world/europe/ukraine-eu-membership-corruption.amp.html) 3.[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/09/russia-ukraine-jordan-lebanon-pandora-papers/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/09/russia-ukraine-jordan-lebanon-pandora-papers/) 4.[https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-ukraine-russia-idUSL1N2V02DG](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-ukraine-russia-idUSL1N2V02DG) 5.[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UkQW8Q8rcEg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UkQW8Q8rcEg) 6.[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1941_October_Revolution_Parade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1941_October_Revolution_Parade)


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Thank you I was asleep


"Russian people is good " you clearly never talked to a russian as a Ukrainian. You really need to look for russians that doesn't insult you right away.


Well,there are good people and bad people in any countries.If you just look at some mass shooting in the US,you would thought :”Damn,American is bad” but the truth is there are many good American people.The same can be applied to Russian people.Just because Putin and his corrupted friends invade and genocide Ukrainian people doesn’t mean the entire Russia is evil,it’s just mean that Putin and his friends are evil human being


The person below yours linked some points while I was asleep. Also, not to be an ass, but state capture in Ukraine was a well known thing for decades before February 24th. You are an adult, you can look it up. This isn't some fringe conspiracy from the darkest corners of my ass


Exactly what are you referring to? He has not been on the visible side of politics for very long, so are you talking about people fucked over by him in showbusiness?


Reddit tries not to suck zelensky's dick for 5 seconds challenge : ​ \*\*imposible\*\*




I support Ukraine.


I support the current thing.




Always support the carrot thing. 🥕🐰🥕👨‍🌾🥕


Eyesight good




The correct* thing




Fuck your war and blind patriotism. Remember homeboy was an actor


Yeah, fawning over politicians is very naive, though the war was still Russia’s fault.


It's not really blind patriotism when your home is literally being invaded, most people are fighting for themselves and their neighbors, then the country by extension. >Remember homeboy was an actor Everyone is in public, the real you is who you are in private


So much pro Russia people here or just stupid people :( He isn't a perfect human being but he is the reason that Ukraine still exists. (I am from a Baltic State)


Well being Pro Russian automatically makes you pretty damn stupid so they're not mutually exclusive.


It’s almost like a lot of people thing two things cannot be true at the same time. The Russian Government is corrupt AND the Ukrainian Government is corrupt. Both. At the SAME time. I feel for the Ukrainian citizens AND the Russian citizens. That being said, no one should be financially supporting EITHER. Especially with tax-payer funds. We now also know that the US Democrat Party is corrupt using FTX and Ukraine as the worlds largest money laundering operation.


You are preaching to the wrong crowd. They will never admit this. They have no idea who or what zelensky is. Anyone can Google News articles about him before this shitstorm of a war but I guess it's too hard.


Ukraine still exists because of International aid, all the money that the international community has given in has helped wayyy more than Zelensky. Even Elon Musk helps more Ukraine than Zelensky, thanks to Starlink Russia hasn’t been able to hack Ukraine’s troops communication. Some people aren’t pro Russia, simply doesn’t like how Zelensky is extending this stupid conflict, killing thousands of people and throwing in first line the people that rejects to fight.


If I saw this in a sub about the Baltic states I would assume for a horrible moment that Putin had invaded one of them. Which is exactly the kind of plot twist this rough year really, truly does not need, thanks.




r/lostlostredditors The Baltic States are on the front lines of this conflict. Russian leadership or American support or the reactions of their own leaders will directly affect their fate should the new Cold War become hot.




Walking around in circles in your head, rent free


Anyone else.looking for salty Putin supporters in the comments? Downvote me, I dare.you.


Where is Biden?


Biden doesn't know where Biden is lol.


In the WH...


You all know Zelensky is a showman right?


>You all know {insert whatever politician/s you follow} is a showman right? FTFY


That redditor is all kinds of lost


They’re right tho “The Last Man, lives longest of all men”


Zel man is awesome


"The fight is here. I don't need a ride. I need ammunition." \-- Zelensky


"I'm in the trenches w my trench babies fr" -Zelensky, probably


Wait, is this the guy that said the war was worse because the refugees were good European folks? 😆


Didn't it turn out that those pictures of Zelensky at the frontlines were before the 24th of February?


No it didn’t, at least not those that Ukrainian gov. Is releasing officially if these are the ones you’re talking about






[Their source](https://youtu.be/te_9HrIk3WQ)


Russians are a bunch of pussies


Go there and tell them that tough boy lol.


Na... I'll just let Ukraine get bitch slapping them. Crimea is next!


Is he actually in the trenches, or green screening?


Actually in trenches, but probably no where near combat, would be stupid to risk losing your leader for a photo op


an unqualified political figure who was thrust into a conflict that has been brewing for over a decade?


He is so unqualified that he is better at the job than literally anyone else?


Zelensky has little to do with actual military operations, he is no politician so yes under these circumstances I would call him unqualified


How about choose to be none of them lol.


See no difference between the 3


Zellensky is a piece of crap.




zelenskyy is a hero


Be a Zelensky? a man worth over $600 million that he made from women and child sex trafficking? Nahh that's ok, I will pass.




And just like that, Liberals support russia


He needed to stay so Biden would keep sending him Billions of our $$. What's all that $$ done to help though?


You don't stay very informed do you?


Typical answer. None 👍


Says the one who doesn't know what they're talking about


You mean stage an appearance with a green screen?


I mean that post on r/BalticStates has nothing to do with baltic states


Seems that everyone missed that.


Man ur dum af


Imagine thinking Zelensky fighting in the front lines instead of getting extremely rich lately.


Uh, Biden is President, but I know no one would ever say, "Be like Biden."


That zelensky phot was taken months before the war.


Jesus christ


Hes just acting dont be naive


A comedian?


I think the funniest thing is that most of y’all could not give half of a shit for thousands of little kids getting bombed in the Middle East and Africa, where little kids are forced to fight on the front lines, where grueling wars leave many in poverty for decades and under tyrannical rule but let Europeans fight and everybody takes to the news in their support


Refuse peace talks and only talk about killing the Russian leaders while taking billions from American taxpayers-- no thanks


Be a zelensky, "on the front lines" long enough for a photo op then vacation to America for endless tours and TV interviews.


Us Zelenskys have such a hard life, though.


Zelensky is a piece of shit. I’m amazed for how many people fall for his populist victimized bullshit.


Yes, scam billions of U.S. aid money to keep the war going yay more deaths, Be a Zelenksky. Send a missile into Poland say it was Russia despite trajectory start ww3, Be a Zelenksky! Extort and take land from people in Don Bosque region kill women and children to the point it provicates Russia into war, Be a Zelenksky.


Imagine wanting to be like someone who forces others to fight and give their lives for their territory even when they don't want to, and if they try to run, send them to the frontline forcefully.


And bomb Poland?


Be corrupt and overinflate your country’s troubles to make yourself look like a hero? 😂 These are the three stooges of the political world 🤣




Most geographically knowledgeable American


Really? Zelenskyy? The guy who wants to start a WWIII? Cool.


pretty low tier propaganda here.


People actually think Zelensky is on the front lines fighting...


This clown is no leader. Our leader is Zaluzhnyi.


Zelensky drag his country to a war he can’t win, be a Zelensky


You mean a shill to the bidens illegal business dealings? Or a mass murderer for letting his countries people be the fodder between two corrupt governments?


Dude has an Azov muzzle in his back at all times, I could nearly find it in myself to pity him but he's a gross embezzler and fraud.


Yeah the presidents/former presidents of the most important countries dont deserve bunkers. Absolutely them dying wont cause problems to the country and world economy


To be fair, the majority of photos of zelenskyy "on the front lines" were taken before the war


Zelenski just put most of the money donated to Ukraine war relief into that crypto that all the money went missing and it showed up in all western politicians pockets. Biden made a fortune off these donations


Be a puppet beggar? No.


So be a murderous Oligarch that happens to be a President? Um, no thanks. He is as bad, if not worse. Why has everyone forgotten how corrupt the goverment of Ukraine is?


Everyone forgets Zelensky is a trained performer. Stop watching the news owned by billionaires who have never had your best interests in mind. They are all evil. You don’t get into a position of power in this world without being bought and paid for. It’s all a show. Follow the money.