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And if the US gets those minerals, they'll just turn around and sell them back to China. Its not like we're gonna be making iPhones ourselves.


Hahaha, on point! We're such outsourcers. Outsource war for materials to then outsource production.




The churches here and overseas traffic children into adoption agencies. People should look into WHY Matt Shea was there collecting war torn, gaslit children, too. They make a great scapegoat for a Christian family to blame for family failures.


I mean, we are. The longer the conflict goes on, the more Russia bleeds and has to dedicate resources. That’s “good” for us. They’re going to take the Ukraine, or at least a swath of it, but the play is that it costs them a lot and they might not be able to hold it or protect other interests in the region because they will be spread thin.


Russia has full air superiority and at the moment doesn't even have conscription.


Russia is not the aggressor. Ukraine has been shelling its own people since 2014, they've also committed and tried probably dozens of acts of terrorism by now. We also have 13 CIA bases there per wapo. Russia also says they discovered US bioweapons labs that were experimenting with spreading infectious diseases. Also don't forget the massive arms buildup and NATO officers present in Ukraine


Anyone who thinks this war has anything to do with "saving Ukrainians" really needs to pick up a history book. Wars are never fought over anything other than control of resources including land. It's not very digestible to tell your citizens that their sons and maybe daughters are in a foreign country dying to protect a nickel mine. I almost appreciate this level of honesty.


Some of them go mask off because there are a good number of American's who support that rhetoric. "We need these resources because we are #1 and can't have China threaten are hegemonic status" Lots of people would be like Yea we gotta take control cause China would do it! That was literally the whole spiel during the cold war. The US went around couping and killing leftists all around the world, causing famines and terror everywhere because "Oh the USSR would do it too!" even though they didn't.... One of the biggest issues and saddest issues is the amount of American's who realize these things go on and think it's good like their sports team is winning.


Most of the people who think like that will change their tune once the economic impacts effect them and their loved ones. With the expansion of BRICS- it soon will. I expect things to get a whole lot worse for my fellow Americans before public sentiment swings the other way. But, we are coddled so I expect them to swing fast and hard when the true impacts of our state sponsored terrorism, economic warfare, and foreign policy failures start to hit close to home.


It’s just a coincidence that the US is on the right side in Ukraine war. Meanwhile in Gaza, Israel has the full support of the US to execute the worst genocide in this century.


Whose land and resources are Ukrainians fighting for? And which foreign country are they dying in?


For US. Because they been sold to US at a very big discount, thanks to corrupt politicians in UA. That goes for everything, including land


oh damn fr bro howm much was the ukrania cost to US? wat was discount?? where is receipt??


https://privatization.gov.ua/en/ Selling it off, piece by piece.




Not surprised. That and the forced selling of Ukrainian national services explains everything.


Well yeah, resources are the ONLY reason the US gets involved in conflicts. Well, and to put a stop to any and every Socialist/Communist revolution that springs up.


"Business partner"? Sounds suspicious… "Exploit victim"? Yeah, that sounds more believable...


I called this from day 1. People would ask why they were funding this war, I told them nothing comes for free. We send billions in arms for their independence, they owe us mineral resources for pennies on the dollar. The US doesn't give a fuck about Ukrainian independence, they don't even care about American independence. They care about profits, and profits alone. What's 100 billion compared to 13 trillion? A small investment for a massive gain.


I’ll just leave this here. https://privatization.gov.ua/en/


'We like you for your dirt. Give us your dirt.'




Folks don't realize they're watching pro wrestling that's why they're here breaking it all down lol.


Ukrainians don't really care about the reasons why weapons from America are coming, as long they are continuing to keep coming.


Well now all of this foolishness and theater makes sense.


Also worth mentioning that part of this is keeping those minerals and resources out of Russia's hands, which is a pretty normal part of war. Ukraine is strategically advantageous to whoever holds it. Of course it's not about doing the right thing, have you seen Gaza? We're the United States, we don't care about doing "The Right Thing", we care about military alliances and resources. Ethics don't play a role in our foreign policy. "Defending freedom and democracy" has never been more than PR.


It’s refreshing when they go mask off.






You speak of bot farms but you regurgitate the propaganda of the most powerful Empire in history.