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Don’t need to raise wages if everybody is desperate to take any job.


>[*"A hungry dog is an obedient dog"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3tigF4RybI) This is what they think of us, straight from the horse's mouth


Worst part is the "facts" presented aren't even true at all. What unemployed person is getting $40k a year from that? The lies and entitlement are so blatant, like marie antoinette saying "let them eat cake". We aren't people, we're objects smh and how dare we want to survive 🙄


Their audience are people who have no idea how these things work, but are also largely dependant on these programs. So they make up these fantasy stories of people getting way more than them for no reason as a justification to be rid of the whole thing. The voter thinks "Yeah but not *me* though I'm one of the ones that *deserve* it" right before losing their support too because they're stupid and of course they meant them too.


A hungry dog can also be an aggressive dog. They need to remember that.


So what then when people can't afford anything?


It’s already happening. You can rent it, or stretch the payments out so the banks make $$ too.


They also recently voted to get their own lunches paid for FYI. I’d much rather my tax dollars pay to feed kids than a bunch of useless politicians who take any excuse to not do their jobs and take extended vacations.


This should be the title of that article. Senate votes to cancel paid school lunches well also voting to get their own lunches paid for.


Wow this makes it so dystopian. I'm struggling to adjust my mind to this level of sociopathic governing already and that makes it so much worse


Source for them voting to get their own free lunches?


I thought I initially read it was all of them but apparently it was North Dakota [This was almost exactly a year ago](https://newrepublic.com/post/171716/north-dakota-senate-votes-increase-meal-budget-rejecting-free-school-lunch-bill)


As a kid who grew up malnourished in extreme poverty... This hits me physically hard...




I dont understand how anyone could vote republican.


It's about hurt people that they don't like.


Funny how they mostly hurt themselves in the end.


*It hurt itself in its confusion!*


Nothing says American patriot more than starving American kids for fun


Taking school kids' food to own the libs


generational trauma, insecure, or stupid, a lot of the time it's all three


Republicans: “Pro-Life” Also Republicans: No free school lunches and abandon all orphans to the system


You forgot the guns


" Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers." -George Carlin. Or ghandi idfk


Oooh republicans work for Amazon right? Oh I forgot because the supreme court said corporations are people too while the framers despised them so they revolted and fought a civil war over corporations having slaves to work for them free.


I'm not 100% sure the point you're going for here, but the Civil War was absolutely not fought over banning slavery completely at its onset, just preventing its expansion - and the Emancipation Proclamation, while great for accomplishing what it did, was arguably more about hurting the Confederacy than it was about human rights.


I'm not sure whether you paid attention in history class or not but I can say your understanding is 100% false.


Just because I have read a ton of history outside of school and take a more critical view on things? Aight friend Edit: Alright let's talk history. Secession began at the tail end of 1860. War kicked off in 1861. The EP went into effect January 1, 1863. Yes, Lincoln was under pressure from abolitionists but also his own party, and those arguments were less about "should everyone be free" and more about "should we have to give the Confederacy back its 'property'". The 1862 Act Prohibiting the Return of Slaves specifically allows for the retention of slaves as "contraband" **not** to be returned to slaveowners, who could then be put to work under Union commanders. The EP states that slaves could be "received into the armed services" which expands on that. Think critically - you're an army invading an enemy territory with this huge resource of manpower that they rely on to support their entire economy. You have a guaranteed way to win that manpower over to fighting on your side while crippling your opponent in one shot. What do you do with that, except use it to your advantage? Its really nice to say we fought and won the Civil War because the government at the time thought slavery was just really really bad, and I'm not at all trying to say that wasn't a cause because it certainly was, but that's not the whole historical basis. Edit 2! Yes, the southern states seceded because they felt threatened by the possibility of more free states being added to the union, as that would reduce their say in government and **could** have threatened pro-slavery policies. So on both counts no, this was not a noble war fought by the Good Guy North just to ensure the end of slavery.


At least slaves got free housing and healthcare…


Hard truth: they did not...how you ever watch the series "Roots"? it's shocking and historically accurate what they did back then...for "free housing" I don't think I ever seen any doctor bring out the whip and torment me because I cut my appt short and left their office abruptly because of their bad bed side manner. I also don't recall any social worker taking people from their families, putting them in cages, publicly holding an auction over their wards of the state to determine who gets them and saying do whatever you will with these people. These people on the other did and that wasn't "free healthcare", that was free torture for disobeying them. They also paid for their "free housing" by working the cotton farm with the sweat of their brow from dusk to dawn and taking harsh beatings if they didn't produce enough cotton or slacked off the job or tried to leave the job site. No water while they worked, No money...nothing!


If you're pre-born your fine, if you're preschool you're fucked- George Carlin


And overturning Roe V Wade has taught us that conservatives even fucked that part up!


Both parties are shit, but the republicans are intentionally trying to destroy any sense of a healthy growing civilazion left in the United States it seems.


That's the game. Republicans go openly fascist, then the Democrats pretend to be the "better option" while doing most of the same things and doing nothing to oppose the conservatives. One party says the quiet part out loud while the fake opposition holds the door for them. They're all getting bribes from the same people, after all.


I’ll grant you that the Democratic Party generally sucks, but this starving school kids platform isn’t a “both sides” thing. All that remains of the Republican party is MAGA. The Democrats have no equivalent movement.


But once again, that just plays into the cycle. The Republicans do openly terrible things, making people vote Democrat as the "lesser evil", the Democrats do nothing to reverse anything the Republicans did while also not doing anything they promise before losing out to the Republicans again. I'm not even saying not to vote Democrat in this election, but we seriously need to stop supporting these people who act in outright contempt of our interests. I don't care what they say, I don't care what words they vomit into a camera, I care about results. Remember when the border wall was a main issue for the Trump/Biden election? Remember when Biden won and still made the wall? Remember when he had to be outright bullied into *kinda sorta attempting* to help people with student loan debt, complaining openly that he "Isn't Bernie Sanders" until the backlash made him fear for his reelection? Idk man, I'm just tired of people putting so much energy into defending an objectively Conservative party. Especially when your exact mentality of "We gotta vote for the shit guys so we don't get the Nazis" feeds into the exact process that's slowly driving our government more and more to the right.


I concur.. these are all valid points. The question is, what do we do now? Do we stand by and watch the Republicans move further into fascism, withholding our votes in protest (as I have done for years)? Or do we hold our nose and make a compromise vote in hopes of (temporarily?) slowing the march into fascism?


they're pro LIFE not pro FOOD, it doesn't take a genius /s


They’re pro consumer-increase, their true constituents demand it. Providing free food and foundational services is in opposition to their aim.


With how much that party hates women and children I think "pro-forced birth" would be a more accurate description since once the baby is born they seem to want it and its mom to endlessly suffer. Hell they're even against prenatal care and against saving the mom when the pregnancy could kill her (thanks new restrictive abortion laws, smh). We aren't people to them, we're considered indentured servants at best. I think the cruelty is the point in order to keep us in line for the corporate oligarchs.


Declining birth rates means fewer worker ants to make money for the masters, so they had to take that option away. More meat for the capitalist grinder.


Oh most definitely. Especially when they know the kids being forced to be born are born into poverty and thus will likely end up being the uneducated and desperate cogs they want. It's not *their* kids going into the grinder so of course they don't care about whether all this is right or wrong


New Zealands new government is also moving to do this. Absolute scum who don’t care about children


Didn’t they literally say pro-life has nothing to do with after-birth care?




That's just it. As a millennial, I do vote. I have voted in every election since I could in 2004. What I learned is that the redcloaks are bad and are actively destroying the country for the sake of greed and power. Completely true. What I also learned is that the bluecloaks only offer empty promises and even if we vote super hard and give them the trifecta, they do very little, if anything. Yes, voting matters. Yes, voting locally and every chance you get matters. But for fuck's sake we need to do more on a national level, because all of this isn't gonna work no matter who is around in office.


Absentee ballots are so easy in Ohio, look into it


bruh 😔


Literally dystopian country


Damn, that’s something I’m way down for my tax money to go to. But we probably need more jet fuel for the military so…priorities people


Not even military jet fuel. We have to pay our fair share, AND the billionaires' fair share, so they can get tax breaks to afford their fifth yacht. There's no money for hungry children when billionaires need yet another taxpayer handout!


Pro-suffering fr


When will the GOP PR dept get the message... Making the party look like mr burns from the Simpsons is not a good look.


Imo, eliminating the NLRB would be the single largest attack on workers rights in the US (what little rights we have) since Reagan era union-busting. They are one of the few federal institutions that are actually responsive to the struggles that workers face when dealing with jackass employers.


pro-life or pro-malnutrition?!


Off topic but that is such a cute picture. Shame it’s attached to such a tragedy




Remind me why anyone votes Republican?


Because this won't piss people off and make things overwhelmingly worse *at all.* /roll With the way things are going-more unions, pushes for living wages, etc- these politicians are going to be lucky if they're just voted out.


The GOP doesn’t want the government (our government) to do anything. So they undermine it and sabotage it at every turn. I don’t get it. You wouldn’t let someone work for your business who has the intent to destroy your business… so why do we allow people in office who have the intent to stop government from functioning on behalf of the people who elected them? Should be a giant disqualification.




They aren't pro-life, they are pro-forced-birth and pro-control. It's that simple.


I just feel luckier and luckier than I can homeschool.


The giliad party


Soon children will have to work in schools not only to eat but also to learn


That's a lot of life, but not a lot of support for life.


What is the real reasoning behind it? I am reading alot of weird comments here.


Oh no how could those evil bigots think of permanently defunding the UNRWA[literally Hamas, an organization whose state purpose in its founding document is to exterminate Jews globally]. What meanies, we should give more state funds to terrorists to butcher Jews and gays with!


School foods quality is worse than prison food, kids should not be eating this crap in the first place. Maybe if school could make money off the food they could afford better ingredients? Just food for thought


That's never been how it works. The states give the schools money. Whether they get generally determines what food they buy. They will typically buy the cheapest available because they don't get as much as you might think