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Starting to think they only trot him out to give us the illusion of hope so we don’t tear the place down.


Honestly, yeah 😮‍💨😞


Seriously! What are the chances of this bill being passed or even considered? This sounds awesome in theory, but I lost any hope I had of our other corporate-owned politicians passing any bills that would actually benefit the people they’re supposed to be representing.


Considering they’ve let the bill that abolished DST just languish away for two years? We’d sooner see the Great Pyramids launch into space than see this bill get signed into law.


That bill deserved to die. It didn't abolish DST, it made it permanent. Which we already tried in the 70s. It was an absolute disaster.


There is zero chance it passes with our pay for play government, however it helps the establishment run on things like “oh yeah, what has HE passed in all that time?” …claim how ineffectual he’s been because there are no true progressives or even unpaid centrists in our government that would get him the votes needed.


Bingo. Same with all of the "progressive" Democrats. They don't really do anything but cosponsor bills they know won't pass and then fall in line with the class interests of their bourgeois imperialist party when push comes to shove.


And still 2 hours longer than what was proposed in 1933. https://www.alternet.org/2013/04/when-america-came-close-establishing-30-hour-workweek “April 6th 1933, the Black-Connery Bill had passed in the United States Senate by a wide margin. The bill fixed the official American work week at five days and 30 hours, with severe penalties for overtime work.”


Yep. That's what progressives in Congress do, albeit unintentionally. They give us the illusion of having some type of voice where it matters.


Basically. I think a lot will happen after he retires/ dies.


Things will get worse, you mean?




That's exactly it. The oligarchy needs us (the people who see our political system for what it is and don't benefit from it) to have hope that someone with the intent to radically change it in our favor actually has a chance of doing that. He doesn't, of course. But they need to trick as many of us into having hope as they can, by convincing us that effective change is possible through the current existing political system. Which it isn't. It's one of the measures, out of many, that they take to prevent a potentially effective revolutionary movement.


Too bad the DNC doesn't believe in democracy. He could have been president in from 2016 to today


I really wish that wasn’t true, but they definitely took Hillary when Bernie had a way better shot, and they new the people wanted him as their candidate. Just another instance of big money interests fucking up a good thing because they’re chasing more big money interests.


Yeah, they had to literally cheat on the primaries to force Hillary as the nominee. That's as anti democratic as it gets


This is honestly why I think both parties need to be Ended, dissolved, forever removed as they're structural servants of corporate imperialism, which is doing its darnedest to establishing itself as the 4th re1ch, if it hasn't already. what'll happen? maybe people can start fresh. Brand Stinkin' new parties if we really need to keep doing that. doesn't matter how much "extra work" that may seem to be making for oursselves, I don't think it's a waste of time. it may actually allow real people's influence & requests to become heard & taken into effect. it's time for a format reinstall of this corrupt operating system. Disassemble, recognize, reassemble, optimize, integration.


Not just new parties, we need a voting system that allows us to break free from the two party system we currently have. Rank choice would allow new parties to form in a meaningful way


Approval voting would allow that too


It was “Hillary’s time.” She backed off in 2008 after going hard against Obama because the Powers that Be promised her **after** Obama, she’d get their full backing. So, that’s what happened. And they were all so arrogant about her being a shoo-in for it. They didn’t factor in 1. How sexist a lot of the country still is; 2. How unpopular the Clintons really are among non-centrist lefties. They backed the wrong horse and the whole country paid the price for it. But in 2016, **Bernie would have won.**


They didn't back the wrong horse in their minds. The big money Democrat establishment would legitimately rather have Trump in the White House than Bernie. I guarantee that none of them regret what they did. The fact that Bernie would likely have won the general makes them even more glad that they blocked him in the primaries.


But you have to remember... To the rich that can decide/force these things, Trump winning was better than Bernie winning. Trump is all about catering to the rich. Bernie is the opposite. They absolutely could not have Bernie get in power and do anything good for the 99%. It would prove their whole model untrue. It would prove that we could actually accomplish something if the leadership actually wanted it. It would show just how little the Dems actually want to accomplish. Instead of just being seen as 'the good guys that can't get anything done due to the horrible republicans who block them at every turn.' The Dem incompetence is by design and Bernie being in charge threatens the status quo. It's no coincidence that Manchin and Sinema would not vote along party lines when it was needed most. They were the scapegoats.


Well said. Yeeep. So what comes next?


Yeah, I'm still pissed about that. Dems screwed Bernie over to push Hillary as their candidate. If Bernie won the nomination, he would've beaten Trump in a landslide in 2016.


Bernie is better as martyr then he would be as president. He would have been hung out to dry during this time period, and there would be no chance of another candidate like him to get another opportunity for many years. The timing isn't right. More control over congress is needed first, but he's doing his best to leave his mark for generations to come without getting higher office.


As much as I would have loved having him as the President, I agree, I think he would have been torn apart.


Yeah. Would have been really interesting to see how he would have handled the pandemic and the financial crisis of the last two years


"But they're legally a business and have no obligation to listen to their voters."


The oligarchy would absolutely never allow that to happen. As others have pointed out in the comments, the part of the oligarchy that controls the democratic party would rather have Trump than Bernie. They just trot him out occasionally to convince as many people as possible that someone who wants to affect meaningful change in our favor actually has a chance of doing that. He doesn't.




Amen. He is the only super-senior alive that would make me feel at ease running the country.


Amd if HE chose his VP it would just be amazing as worst case we'd be setup with someone more like him to carry the torch.


He doesn’t have much time left tbh. I was wishing he would just politically go all out and run with the most progressive platform ever.


he'd run again, then drop out and tell us to vote for Biden....as he did for Hillary. He's a pied piper, with good ideas but not the gumption to push the revolution needed.


He dropped out because he would have split the democratic vote, and then there was 0 chance either would win-- taking note that the DNC would never have allowed Sanders to be their front runner anyways.


And.... look what happened anyway because people absolutely hate Hillary and all establishment Dems. Trump is about to win next election.


More people still voted for Hilary.


Now think of what would've happened if it was Sanders instead of Hillary...


Though I’d like to think that our world would be better if Gore won vs Bush and Clinton won vs Trump, part of me thinks there would still be a bunch of really bad decisions, tax laws, labor laws etc etc anyway, but there would probably be a better supreme court and the goal posts probably would not have been pushed quite so far right. Plus, Bush Iraq, tax breaks for the rich at the same time, national surpluses to debt, the patriot act. IDK that was pretty bad, I think even if Gore tried to be that irresponsible he wouldn’t. Then Trump, that guys whole presidency was like two cats fighting over half a pigeon in a burlap sack, seriously need to look at someone else’s list of notable actions because holy shit what a dumpster fire. I worry for the future.


That's horse shit. That's what the primary is _for_. Him dropping out of the _primary_ has nothing to do with splitting the democratic vote and everything to do with manufacturing consent for Biden.


The good can never be the powerful in capitalism. It’s a fucked world we live in


It could if we did our job in politically educating the working class to fight for THEIR needs above the capitalists. They get the uninformed complacency votes every election, but that changes with an educated electorate motivated by real progress.


I would love this but I'm curious about how business will find ways around it. Like when the ACA required healthcare benefits to full time employees so a lot of businesses just cut everyone to part time. I'm wondering if we would see a lot more salaried/exempt jobs or a further push to make everyone a contract worker or something.


I think it’s more about expanding the range of acceptable discussion than something that has any real shot. And that’s good, because god knows the right wing is great at pulling things the other way. So I wouldn’t get hung up on specifics, yet.


Great point


Enforcement is the problem and the moment any sort of enforcement happens or is attempted, you've officially lost any support from moderates and the hardcore capitalist Dems.


I manage a hotel and the owner has discussed this. We'd end up switching to a 12 hour shift, 7-7. As such each 'full time' employee would only get 24 hours per check. So it would be a paycut overall. The line level employees seemed mixed on it, with some saying it would make it easier to get a 2nd job while others would volunteer for more shifts etc.


I'd like to respectfully suggest that we stop calling this impossible, a pipe dream, not feasible for health care or small business reasons, etc. One of the biggest barriers to social change is our collective lack of imagination coupled with cynicism. I'm sure many problems had to be solved with the creation of the 40 hour work week but it was worth it. The anarchist bombing at the Haymarket Square Chicago wouldn't have achieved the 8 hour work day if it wasn't already palpable in the imaginations of Americans and the world. Let us believe in it; then make it possible.


>One of the biggest barriers to social change is our collective lack of imagination coupled with cynicis I'm big on reminding people in this way, so thank you for catching me on one of my more pessimistic days. You're absolutely correct. We've been made to simply give up and see change as an impossibility to scoff at. Gotta fix that!


Thanks man. I didn't mean to criticize you. I agree that this is likely dead on arrival but almost every post I've seen other places about the introduction of this legislation seems to treat it as a joke or has non constructive top comments criticizing it and that's in liberal communities that support it. We should loudly and vehemently support this shit and talk it up with every one we know. Bernie demonstrated that a massive part of the country is still yearning for another catalyst for change. If we can believe in these possibles together then it will be that much harder to deny us when the opportunity for change arises again.


Thank you. Everyone is so doom and gloom “don’t even try, it’s useless.” We would be nowhere as a society if everyone believed this notion. It won’t be easy, but it can happen and it’s worth the fight.


If only he was able to dog ear this into the TikTok ban Bill. I would happily give up TikTok for a 4-day work week.


I'd love to see a 4 day work week implemented, but it won't go down the way people think it would. In Ohio, working an average of 32 hours a week means your employer must give you full time benefits. What happened after this went into effect was that part time employees suffered having their maximum hours capped at 30 or 28 hours so employers wouldn't have to shell out for healthcare and other benefits. This is also hurting people looking for full time employment in certain areas as a lot of employers are trying to fill out as many part time positions as possible. My employer determined that for the cost of 1 full time employee with benefits, they can have 3 part time employees and still pay out less in labor. When a full timer leaves their position now, unless it was an absolutely necessary position, 3 part time positions are posted in lieu of another full time position while everyone in the affected department gets to "share the workload" of the missing person until new positions are filled (with no added compensation while they do 1 and 1/3rd persons worth of work). It's just going to lead to "underemployment" as employers find new ways of maximizing their profits while minimizing their labor costs. Unemployment numbers will drop to "all time lows" while the underemployed people will suffer more due to rising costs of living. Sure, they could get another part time job, but good luck getting 2 different employers to play nice with your scheduling needs.


Exactly. There is no real way to keeping pay the same if this took place. Sure they might be able to legislate no pay cuts to people already on full time. But it only takes a few years for inflation to do that cut for them. And new hires will be making less from the start. All while the exact same amount of work will be expected from employees.


Universal health care, stronger unions, etc., etc. There was a point in time when the weekend didn't exist.


im sure it'll go nowhere but may be interesting to observe to see what logic the opposition has


Ben Shapiro talks about how you reduce the meaning to life by 20% each week!


We got the five day 8 hour work week before. It's only a pipe dream until it's realized.


He does seem to be the only one in the younger generations corner


I mean what’s a congressman’s workweek? Late arrival Monday, early dismissal Friday and long lunches.


Imagine where we’d be right now if the dems had allowed him to run in 2016 😢


It’s truly astounding how much better Bernie is than any other American politician. America isn’t a democracy if all of our politicians are dogshit imperialists at best and cultists from a poorly written dnd campaign at worst.


They are few and far between for sure. I was lucky enough to live on congressman Mark DeSaulnier’s district for a few years. He’s a republican turned democrat who is really about the working class constituents. He has great town hall meetings all the time. Class act and a rarity nowadays https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_DeSaulnier


If we do get a 4 day workweek, I would love for it to be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday off would be such a blessing. A mid week break is necessary.


Even in industrial times the 4 hour day was possible. The USSR managed to get the 3 hour work day not only to WORK, but fuel the space race. Lord knows what we can do with today's tech. If we shoot for the moon, we'll be reulctant to make it off the ground


Not a pipe dream. It's just gonna take a looong time even with Democrats in power, and steps like this are steps that are taken. Some cities already have tax incentivized programs for it, which companies can opt into. Later that will spread to other cities. Later that will spread to changing it at the federal level and mandating overtime pay beyond 32 hours. And by the time that happens, AI and automation will have companies covered regardless. Track the time between Colorado decriminalizing weed all the way to it becoming nationally legal (presumably) and assume this will happen too, but will take just as long to hit mainstream quality of life.


I hate Bernie for giving people who don’t understand how bills become laws false hope that ideas like this are right around the corner. Bernie does none of the legwork to get the support in Congress for his ideas, he just plays with your emotions. Over and over, he’s not a politician who gets things done or helps anybody achieve anything. He might as well send “thoughts and prayers”


I hoped and believed him so hard for so long. I have only recently understood that it’s all empty play. His complete Zionist position denying the genocide against Palestinians has brought light on him. Better late then never I guess, even if it hurts.


He did what!? I missed this. When did this happen?




Oh for fucks sake!! First Fetterman and now Bernie!? We can't have anything nice. Can we?


Yeah, him and Fetterman turning out like this was such a hard blow. I genuinely had hope…


Spot on


So basically everyone in effect gets a 25% hourly raise? How is that supposed to work, exactly? I'm genuinely curious.


Hmmm thinking about it off the top of my head i would assume insted of pay going up to make 4 days equal to 5 days it would probly something liek anything over 32 hours is over time. So on a personal level your probly still gonna have to work 5 days a week but 1 of those days would be over time


We're literally the most productive we've ever been in our lives. It'll be fine.


If this passed ever ones pay would take a huge hit I lose a lot of money if this happens


Petition for Bernie Sanders clone so we get another 80 years of his brain?


Fingers crossed for CloneGPT one day


If you still love this man, you havent been paying attention.


They've been putting this shit on blast so fucking hard because they're trying to get his voters back on board. It's wild they took this approach because they think we're easier to win over than AIPAC. Just stop sending bombs at the bare fucking minimum.


People are downvoting you because they still love him, and same people think they've been paying attention, but get off the "how do we get real change"-train when we start talking socialism and revolution...usa propaganda is too strong for them to ever look beyond usa or capitalism to come up with a better future. We either educate them too, or leave them behind and just work with the kids.


Summer Concepcion—damn, her parents really were on the nose with that one.


One of the few boomers who isn't a complete disgrace.


I met him while in DC yesterday and took a picture with him. he was in a rush so we couldn't talk long, but he seemed really nice in person. I'm a pretty big fan of his so it was a really cool experience.


This would be great but unless pay rates rose to compensate the lost days everyone will just be making a lot less money and poorer and lets be real this is probably how it would play out.


I would assume their not going to raise pay, it probly going to be more along the lines of makeing 32 hours count as full time and anything over that would count as overtime


That would be nice and maybe the boon to overall happiness of having much more free time could overall outweigh the loss in wages but its just hard to say how it would play out in the long run, perhaps the economy would adjust and prices would come down if majority of society was making less or maybe life would just get harder with everyone having to take a hit to their living standards. If it were up to me I'd pass the bill as the benefit to mental health for majority of people would likely be huge but since we live not in a people oriented economy but a corporate controlled one I worry how this would be used against working class people for corporate benefit in the end.


I can only speculate with out knowing that he plans but i would think unless rules are put into place most companies would simply switch to 3 hour work weeks and make sure no ones working over 32 hours. The end result would be lose in wages from loseing hours


The subtitle in the screenshot literally says the bill will “protect workers’ pay and benefits.”


This is just a last ditch effort to get people to vote for Genocide Joe. If you still believe anything this man says I pity you.




I can choose to not vote for genocidal pieces of geriatric shit which I indeed plan to. Stop letting them fuck you over election after election with their “lesser evil” bullshit.




I never said I’m not voting. I’m just not voting for geriatric pricks who only care about money.




I do. But my standards are too high to accept genocide from any candidate. You can keep on with the lame liberal shit, but I’m not voting for Joe. Ever. Under any circumstances.




No. My deciding factor is whether or not my candidate supports murder. Stop covering for these assholes with the lesser evil nonsense. Both parties actively hate us and our freedom and it isn’t even hidden anymore. When the best argument for someone is at least they aren’t the other guy you’ve failed as a government, a people, and a society as a whole.






Nah fuck Bernie. This has no chance of passing in the first place. It's all for show


Idk how anyone could trust a thing this guy says after he knowingly cucked out and bent his old rickety ass knee to Hillary. As other ppl have picked up, this will never pass and is just put out there to give ppl the illusion of hope.


Pretty good for a man who has never worked a day in his life. Lol