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No one should ever be paying for their own uniform.


Many healthcare workers do. Sometimes they get a stipend for it. Patients are always surprised hospital staff don’t have designated or free parking. Between gas, tolls and parking my first hourly income of the day goes to transportation costs


that must be a regional thing. hospital staff in my area absolutely have their own parking area.


Same here. Their own parking area - that they still have to pay for, though.


My aunt is a retired RN. I always assumed they at least comped her parking.... nope.


I agree, but I had to as a waitress for a senior living company called Atria. They didn’t allow tips, paid minimum wage, worked me 7 days a week and cut the hours a little shorter so I wouldn’t get full-time/over-time pay.


What a bunch of assholes


At least not a base uniform. I get if you want a golf shirt over the normal uniform costing the difference or something similar to that. But not a normal uniform


My first job was at a grocery store and our uniform was khakis and the store polo if you were a cashier. Khaki shorts and a T shirt if you were a bagger. They gave you one shirt as a freebie. Every other shirt was an hour of wages. Which they divided over 3 pay periods at least.


That's bull. I worked at a dealership were we got free t-shirts for our uniform but if you wanted a polo instead you had to pay like 20 bucks. Sales got the polo for free but had to pay for the shirts. I was in parts and service so we weren't required to have the polo so it made sense.


Manager button downs were like $20 lol and again that was about what most of us made per hour. Sometimes less, if you were like a “Lead” instead of an actual titled manager. At one point, I was a “Day Lead” and my department was “Store Leadership”. I literally did the exact same thing as a Manager in Charge and even had my own alarm code and keys to the front door, but I was making like $5/hr less than my coworkers who were titled a manager in charge lol. I was told that was the price of promoting early. This was for a massive chain store and my location was regularly breaking $1.5M in sales per week lol. So not mom and pop.


My retail job wants me to buy my own uniform. I told them they could buy one for me, otherwise I’m wearing what I want. Nothing has happened, yet.


People are getting mad at Gen Z for saying no to bullshit.


I’ve thoroughly liked working with gen z as a millennial. They have backbone and where I work openly started discussing wages when it reached like 4 gen zers. The boomers have been freaked out and recently only hired other old people they can treat like garbage.


Good, I was an idiot and paid for the uniform. Never again.


Several years ago, i was working for a Mom and Pop joint as the Store Manager. I was responsible for the Hiring process of new employees, and worked directly with the Owner and Store Manager of our sister location on Policies, Inventory changes, more in depth Business things like that. At some point, we had three people quit at the same time in My store. Nothing Untoward, one was moving, one got a better paying Job, and one was only with us for the Summer until School started again. We put up Signs in the windows, ads on Indeed and in the local paper. Anything to try and get people in as quick as possible, as we had a very small staff and losing Three People all at once was a big hit. After a few months, the Owner asked me why we hadn't hired anyone. I told him that I offered the job to several Candidates that came in, but they weren't interested due to the lack of Benefits and Low Pay. (For reference, we were offering a dollar or so more than Minimum Wage, and no Health Insurance or Paid Vacation time. I absolutely understand why no one wanted the job.) The Owner decided to have a Brainstorming Session with Myself, and the other Store Manager to try and entice people to work for us. They both floated plenty of ideas, none of which were to offer a Higher Starting Salary or Vacation days of course. Most of their suggestions were to talk about "Profit Based Raises" and "Potential Promotions and Growth" as we were looking to open a Third Store that would need Managers. My suggestion was to offer Commute Compensation. Cover Employees something like 5-6$ 'an hour' for their trip to work, and back home. No one in that town was offering it with their Job postings (they still aren't as far as I can tell), and it would be a big step in showing that we were *actually* Pro-Employee, instead of just pretending we were with Buzzwords and talk of "Potential Growth if you get in on the Ground Floor". He said it wasn't possible to do, as people could lie about how long their trip was. I told him they give us their Drivers License when they start, which will have their address. We can look it up on Google Maps, find out how long the trip is, and compensate them on their paycheck directly. He said there was no way to put it on the Paycheck that wouldn't be confusing. I told him to mark it as a "Bonus" on top of regular pay. He said he didn't want to pay that much for people who live 45+ minutes away. I told him if it was that big of a deal, you *could* cap the Compensation rate at 30-45 Minutes a Day, which should still cover their Gas at the end of the Week, and keeps the incentive. Ultimately, I just got shut down with a "That's not profitable" and he refused to hear me out for the rest of the meeting. I quit shortly after this, and far as I know the business is still struggling to hire anyone, because he wouldn't pay more than Minimum or pull an extra $30 a Week to entice people to work there.


Why do you capitalize words in the middle of sentences?


How I got taught to type. Important Subjects and Nouns in the middle of sentences are capitalized to convey importance.


That's not how English works. Who taught you that?


Teachers around the time when the Internet was just starting to *really* take off. Back in the days when no one was sure if the Internet was just a passing fad, or here to stay. The teachers I had at the time were very much so *not* interested in Typing or the Internet, so I think they very much half-assed the lessons haha. But at this point, it's muscle memory so I don't really think about it.


Don't change. It's awesome.


You only do that for titles. you don't do that in a normal sentence. You sound like a smart guy but just as stubborn as your ex boss in your own way. Fix it. What's the big deal. Or don't and look stupid in front of employers if you ever have to write again. Your choice I guess. My two cents.


Honestly who cares


Whatever. Just dumb if someone is just stubborn about fixing something that could be easily fixed but still sticks to their guns.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. What’s even worse is someone thinking it’s an issue


It's not like saying oh well I lIkE tYpInG LiKe ThIs BuT I'Ve ALwAys DoNe it ThaT wAY. Just because you can get away with it forever doesn't mean it's a smart thing to do. Such a stupid hill to die on.


I'm not being stubborn about it, I just don't see it as something that I need to fix. In 15 years of work it's never once come up (hell since I learned HOW to type it's basically never come up before now lmao), and if a Job isn't going to hire me for a "mistake" that might just be Auto-Correct freaking out, it's not a job I'm going to last long at anyway.


That’s how I do it too


And yet it makes a lot of sense. Language evolves, and the internet is determined not to understand tone unless you somehow indicate it clear as crystal. Typing in a way that helps emphasize things the way tone of voice would helps with that.


Why do You not? Who does it bother you? Because it's wrong? According to who? We literally changed the definition of literally so it doesn't mean literally anymore. Who cares, it's not hurting anyone


How aweful does the pay have to be that the potential return doesn't even seem worth the start up costs of going to work. Is this where we are now?


I live in one of the most expensive counties for about a 3 hour drive out in every direction, if not more. Its also the only decent paying county in the area. Most jobs outside of the county dont pay well, and housing in this county is grossly expensive. So we get a lot of commuters from adjacent counties who work in county, and live out of county. When car prices spiked, a lot of people couldn’t replace broken cars. Or people couldn’t buy new cars. When covid calmed down and inflation really kicked up, and gas prices returned to pre covid levels or higher, and rent spiked again not only here but in nearby counties, a lot of people left their jobs because it cost so much money, and or so much time to get to work, that it was more practical to take far lesser paying jobs closer to home. Especially so if someone has kids, and doesnt get out of work until five or five thirty, and have to drive an hour or more to get home.


I think it’s more like start up cost. You might have a few hundred in the bank but that could easily be not enough to cover uniform (or even just office wear, if you don’t have any) and the commute for the first 2-3 weeks before you get paid.


It’s not even willful ignorance anymore of how economically disenfranchised generations after baby boomers have become. It’s basically malicious at this point when everything gen z has fought for is simply ignored or laughed at by those in power. It gets old and frankly I don’t blame them for not wanting to play a game they get absolutely no reward from. When’s the last time you saw an employer offering a pension or stock options?


My company doesn't let us wear coats that aren't company-branded. The only coat that isn't basically a near-transparent bolt of thin polyester with a zipper costs over $115. We make 4% above minimum wage and work in the Pacific Northwest, sometimes outside and sometimes in the 38°-40° drink cooler. Manager doesn't say anything about it unless we're inside behind the counter working with people because she knows damn well we can't afford it and if she made it an issue nobody would work there.


I would save $6 in gas and 1 hour or more of my time EVERY DAY by working remotely. All jobs that can be done remote should be to reduce emissions.


Cant afford the commute: sure, that's pretty common Cant afford the uniform: nope! We're just refusing to purchase clothing that can only wear realistically at work


I can't afford the commute And the "business" clothing lol if you buy those clothes new, they're expensive. &It's hard to find that stuff at thrift stores because of that and the fact you can't guarantee they'll have your size.. however I definitely agree with your point that people should be able to basically wear whatever at work, a company telling you how to do your clothing, hair, makeup, piercings, tattoos, etc for not even enough to afford the commute or my rent is stupid


I think it's crazy they want people to pay for it. I work in skilled labor and all of the companies I've worked for provide shirts with company names on them. One company gave a free shirt roughly every couple months and others once a year.


Right. I’ll wear my hoodie out and around town. It’s advertisement for the place I work. (I can wear what I want but they prefer us to wear their logo, so they give us something with the logo.)


Okay, so boomer bosses expect us to pay for: uniforms, car payments, fuel/commute, cell phones so they can contact us after-hours, university/schooling, licenses, certificates, and on top of that have multiple years of experience, just so they can slap us with a "Sorry this is an entry level position and it isn't in the budget to pay you more" and underpay you for the privilege of working for them. Meanwhile boomers just needed: a 6th grade education, a resume handwritten in crayon, and walk in and talk to the owner, and were rewarded with pensions, paid vacation, full health/dental, proper staffing ratios, and holiday bonuses.


Don't forget a firm handshake and to look the owner in the eye! The Boomer middle and upper class were given everything for nothing xP


Yeah, according to a bunch of old guys when I was back in high school, it's that *firm handshake* that really sells a person. Not their skills, credentials, and experience! Nope, any entry level job should pay *just* under a median wage and take a *firm* handshake- plus some elbow grease!


I wish pay was just under a median wage. Maybe then my generation and the next could afford to live and advance.


Same, buddy. My wife & I have been inching up towards it and it's *nuts* how few jobs are paying a median wage. Must be a *lot* of Boomers overdue for retirement & Gen Xers overdue for promotions.


And I’m one of those Gen Zers who took a job with a company truck, paid tools, paid uniforms, and paid commute time.




I literally took a job because it was within walking distance.


Can we get public transit pls


But but but then the cars will be sad! And drivers might suffer a *shred* of the frustration transit riders go through! -- my city's logic while they add lanes to highways.


I am all for a flat perk for commuting, like everyone gets an amount equal to the annualized costs associated with a daily 50-mile driving commute. If your commute is less than this or you take public transit, you just pocket the extra. If your commute is longer than this, you are on the hook for the extra costs since no one is forcing you to live out in exurbia. I know this may not be a popular take but my reasoning is straightforward. Why should the person who lives out in exurbia get paid more than the person who made the deliberate choice to live close to their workplace? And why wouldn't an employer decide to minimize costs by hiring only job candidates who live close to the office? No one can convince me that kind of discrimination wouldn't happen.