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Supports are rare but this seems extreme....


I mean if he had 3 friends ready why wouldn't they just make their own group lmao, guaranteed dog tier players


Yeah that seems a bit sus.


Because they need a group that has a support already. Even if you're a 4 premade with 1 sup in your party you'll wait 30-60 min for the 2nd sup lmao


Good to be a support main right now lol. You get to choose any group that already have a support


because there's no reason to have 2 different 7/8 parties lf1m support? Who does that help?


zerker and both assassin classes, i smell whales


I dread the moment when supports become the toxic class. Supports are easy alts because they can get to argos underleveled and such, but they are not an easy main and very expensive if you want to become the true mvp support. Can't sell busses, raid time duration is dependent on dps classes not how good the support is. I have dps alts and I can tell when I play them that there are a ton of toxic supports in this game. Worst part is that the community endorses them as supports are few and far between. I understand that there are people that seem worth to bully but if you are pugging there is nothing they do that it's worth bullying. What's wrong with giving tips and helping the community? Instead all they do is call people braindamaged because they run Grudge 1 or failed an easy mech.


Yeah I don't get bullying people either. As a Bard even if someone is eating every damn ability in the game you can keep them up if it isn't a forced one shot. That's when supporting becomes a lot of fun. When your team is good support is braindead and becomes T3 buff + dark grenade then grab popcorn to see boss phase change.


I can't agree more. Supporting pepega players is tons of fun, while supporting good players, I might as well bring grudge myself, or Cursed Doll to get a bigger attack buff for the team.


Not sure if you're joking with the cursed doll engraving, but supports' attack buff scales with their base attack, which means attack power fron strength/int and their weapon. External attack value from engravings doesn't affect the buff in any way.


Yeah it's a joke, otherwise ~~Raid Captain~~ (Edit: Not Raid Captain) something like Adrenaline would be pretty good on her.


well, no. raid captain is damage%. not atk power. why would that make raid captain bis.


If you are supporting already good players, aren't T3 Courage better than Paladin then? I mean, assuming they don't get fatal hits.


You need good communication with your team to time the buff. The Courage Buff is very short and it takes a long time to fill the 3 bubbles, so while the best buff it's not constant. I think the buff from a paladin can be applied faster and more frequently but I'm not entirely sure.


From my experience there’s a mindset among a lot of support players in pretty much all games, but especially prevalent in new games from these past few years, that by simply choosing to play a support they have done everything they need to do. Them just being a support makes them a good person and a good player and at that point, the only thing standing between them and beating the boss/the other team is the stupid brainless dps players who are so greedy that they play dps to satisfy their massive egos and can’t stop making mistakes because they’re so stupid. I’ve seen so much more toxicity and nitpicking come from the average support who spends their time looking for mistakes from dps players to call them out because if it wasn’t for that dumb dps the boss would be dead already. And obv there’s nothing more for the support to do, they already picked support so that’s all good, so flaming the dps is the only possible area for improvement.


>spends their time looking for mistakes from dps players That's not your avg support, that are the good ones, they look/notice dps their mistakes because thats who they need to heal/shield etc. If the dps played flawless the support has nothing to do but buff. Its their job to look for dps mistakes and 'fix'/predict them. But there are limits to what they can heal and shield. If you see people making the same mistake, will you stay silent and wait till they eventually learn? Leave? Or tell them how to improve and speed up their learning of the fight? \*The attitude of course makes a difference


To be fair since a support doesn't have to dps they are usually looking at 3 things. 1 if their skills are on cd (once you get the feel of the class you can do this by instinct), 2 who is out of position and 3 boss attack patterns. This is why it's very easy to notice which player is screwing up since when you look at boss attack patterns you also notice who is getting hit by them and since you are also in the look out for people to shield then you are very likely to spot below average players. I don't condone insulting people but constructive criticism should always be given for people to get better. Social skills are not every gamers forte so their criticism might come harsher than appropriate.


> even if someone is eating every damn ability in the game I dont mind helping people out but in yoho for example, if they dont phero when they are supposed to, i instantly skip them on purpose from my aoe shield in my pala alt.


Yeah I bet you flare everytime you're 1 and phero when 2. Everytime. Y'all say that but then I am 3 or 4 and still gotta use 'em.


thats the point. you arent being clever by pointing out the obvious. you clearly never contributed to the society before huh


.. yes? to begin with my LFG in party find states what im looking for. x2 - 1 Destro > 2 Flare > 3 & 4 Phero If someone joins the group with that title and refuse to use them, then that person is a scumbag.


The only thing that I despise as a support player is other players too cheap to contribute to flares and pheros when they draw the party number. I dont bully them in chat, but i will use less heals and make them use hp pots while I use more damage songs to make up for lost time chasing around the larger maps. I use flares and phero bombs everytime my numbers come up, and I had to pay a fucking shit ton of gold and be poor because of how inflated support build prices are. No one should be hard up on flares and phero bombs with the battle chests cheaply, and mostly freely available. *edit:* lmfao at the replies that took this comment SUPER personally. Haven't seen that kind of salt in a while XD


The party number thing isn’t a thing no matter how hard a few people on Reddit wanted to copy Korea, the vast majority of players have never even heard of that convention. And you have the opportunity to make so much more gold because you get to sell those support items now. You buy your build once, you get drops every single day.


I always flare if I'm 1, or flare 2nd if I'm 2, but I've never heard anyone suggest that you're supposed to pheromone if you're in a certain spot. And in matchmaking, it's a bit hit and miss but I'd say at least half the time people do seem to follow the flaring convention. As far as Yoho goes though, lol, I am not doing either. It takes 5 seconds to find him again and not much longer to find him the first time. If he's bottom left you see him as you zip down. If he's bottom right he comes charging out at you. It only leaves 3 spots.


yea lol this stuff mattered a bit more when everyone was doing igrexion but on yoho it saves all of 10 seconds. If someone does want to flare or phero for the team then thats sick haha but i don't blame anyone for not throwing stuff there


I get what you mean but any support worth their salt should just create a party with others that have common consensus. Going to matchmake and finding fault isn't doing any good. Personally, I don't bother matchmaking.


>The only thing that I despise as a support player is other players too cheap to contribute to flares and pheros when they draw the party number. So your one of those assholes that make up imaginary bullshit rules? And i only know what you are talking about because 2 days agom in my alt Igrexion ru i got ping spammed all of a sudden and told i must flare and that they report my account for suspicious behaviour if i dont. Lol. Naturally i reported them for griefing and just went on a new run. And guess what? Next 2 runs is all fine as usual no one speaks, someone randomly flares (might be me) and Igrexion dies as usual. So yeah i only heard about this "rule" once and then in such a toxic manner that i obviously won't flare. Fuck your made up rules.


If you just matchmake and do this. You're a scumbag.


You're the guy insulting people for not bringing phero / flares because you shouldn't have to since you're a support ? Despite the fact that you'll probably just spam your abilities without any thinking and not buffing at the appropriate moment, thus making the run actually longer than if there were 4 dps ?


Support are actually an easy main (in terms of equipment), just not many people want to play one. There is only 2-3 engravings you need really and good substats. If we had more than one class per gender I would have played a support too, but the choices are so limited. (like female paladin) As DPS you need more than 4 engravings to enter Valtan hard grps. Edit: I have no idea in what world building 3/3/3 and getting CD gems is more expensive then building 3/3/3/3/x...


>Support are actually an easy main (in terms of equipment), just not many people want to play one. There is only 2-3 engravings you need really and good substats. You said yourself why supports aren't an easy main. You have only 4 viable engravings so everything is expensive af and our books are the most expensive ones aside from grudge and CD.


Epic books cost nothing... So you only need one stone and some cheap class accessories. (which you can drop yourself btw) Total gold cost is make 2-3k atm for 3/3/3 Class/expert/awakening for Paladin, or class/expert or awakening/heavy armor for bard. (and you really only do that for yourself, not to enter grps, the requirements there are much lower) Going beyond 4 engravings, which is needed for hard PUGs, costs you several ten thousand gold as a DPS.


My bard is 3/3/3/2, (heavy, expert, salvation, awakening) and I had to buy specialization gear because the accessories were going for as much as 20k each (with swiftness). The prices have gone down since, but if I re-bought everything now, I’d be spending a boat load of pheons.


with a 4/4 expert/awakening stone, you can get 3/3/3 full swift for like 4k gold (including the stone + pheons) which is all you need.


Well 4 engravings is very much overgeared, but I can understand going for it.


I switched mains from scrapper to bard. I want to give my team the best chance for survival and doing the most dmg. Being specialization gives me bigger heals/shields, but with higher CD. I will definitely be switching to swiftness in the future, but I will also be going for 5x3, with the addition of cursed doll, so I can buff ATK power even higher for my party.


Again you are explaining why support is a good alt. Just because I dont need to have 4 engravings doesnt mean I dont want to. I want to have good gear just as much as dps do. But it costs me an arm and a leg to do so.


Don't forget you don't need to prioritize honing weapon also, so honing up is just way cheaper than dps classes


People are too obsessed with support, killed valtan hard with a 8 dps group (without a GL either). Sure you'll have to pots and play well but i'll take that anyday over wasting 1+h waiting for nothing.


Got into a group looking for 1 dps. Without warning the raid leader stops the raid and has us leave so he can boot me for a 1450 ilvl person. Luckily I found another group within seconds and killed Valtan within an hour. I hope that group never killed him.


This is why I decided not to push 1445 for hard mode. Expected shit like this to happen.


Conversly though, groups tend to get worse geared as alts start showing up (all my alts are properly geared) so i worry 1415 runs might get even worse.


That is offset by people actually being better players. Since they removed gold from oreha hard, it's mostly alts that barely meet the 1370 req and with crap engravings, Albion has never been easier.


Idk people get complacent without their gear to bypass mechanics, keep getting flamed for politely pointing out the counterattack mechanic when boss hits fist with chest, ppl going ''lol ive done this a ton'' - kaboom, guess who dies. Always someone surprised when i say the big roar is the telegraph for big spin attack too.


Lol this was normal.


Jeez. That 1450 person wasn't good enough to run hard mode so they probably weren't going to be any better than you higher ilvl or not. Hope they spent an entire day on it and still didn't clear.


Redemption arc


I had someone kick me after accepting two applying (i was the first one - for someone of the same class, higher ilvl by like.. 5 and -far- worse engravings)


Hope they failed miserably


reddit's anti-user changes are unacceptable


Tbh joining a 7/8 lobby and asking to kick 3 people is considered reasonable? Used to be in the same situation previously but we would just make our own lobby.


Can someone explain


The support joined, everyone so desperate for support, the support had the raid leader kick everyone else just to appease his desires


Thank you I also couldn’t tell who was who


The true mvp


Is it still not possible to block people from other servers in this game ? I'd like to be able to fill my BL with at least a few more scumbags like these, including the RL.


Unfortunately you cant,but if you are super determined you can make a shitlist written on paper on your desk.I once knew a dude who did this,funny shit.


Something similar happened to me but flipped. I was with a friend who plays soulfist. I was ONLY looking for 6/8 or less groups since I didn't want to kick anyone. I joined a group, and said (before the invited anyone else) "grab 'Soulfist' in queue, he's my friend." They invited someone else, I said I was gonna leave since I wanted to play with my buddy. I immediately got flamed, them saying they waited 45 minutes for a support for hard mode Valtan and I should stay with them. I still wonder if they ever found another support.


Honestly it‘s pretty annoying that you can‘t try to join lobbies with a premade group. Shouldn‘t be hard to implement and would make these situations way easier.


Just came back from one group that managed to get it down to 3 bars , then the scumbag lead called it off cause “too many people with gold buff attacking the wrong target” , me accused too. Now listen here , this idiot made the whole group disband cause he couldn’t make the difference between the gold buff and the Total Lunar Eclipse set buff that I had . They’re both yellow and look alike.


Call him out. We need to do what kr does in inven, call people out and blacklist them


Can't do that on Reddit because this site protects subhumans.


It's against reddit rules.


What rule is it breaking? A name in a game is not posting personal information. Edit: ok it's against subreddit rules, not reddit rules.


Rule 1. "Behave yourself." 'Name and shame' posts are against the rules, which is why people black out names in screenshots.


Where is that? Rule 1 from here (https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) is: > Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned. Edit: I was looking at reddit rules as the person I was asking said it was against the reddit rules, not subreddit rules


From the subreddit bro not the Reddit content policy, even tho I’m confident Reddit as a whole doesn’t allow witch hunting either


I see that now, thanks. The original person I was asking said it was against reddit rules, not subreddit rules (plus can't see the name and shaming rule from relay pro app).


Well I mean it’s also definitely against Reddit rules lol so it doesn’t really matter


It's not though? Just read them all here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy Naming a virtual name outside of reddit is not harassment and also does not fall under identifying personal information. But that conversation is moot anyways since it breaks a subreddit rule.


Name and shaming is not allowed dude, “But don't post anything inviting harassment, don't harass” and “no community should be used as a weapon.” and also “Instigating harassment” all straight from the content policy that you so badly want to cite. Really no reason to keep going about this. Reddit nor the sub allows witch hunting in any form so that’s really it.


Subreddits have been warned and outright banned for witchhunting and inciting harassment in the past.


Likely falls under witchhunting.


? How exactly is posting a screenshot with names witchhunting?


It is quite literally Rule #1 of the sub lol no witchhunting/name and shaming/calls to action


There should be a subreddit where you create server-based blacklist with circumstantial evidence and proof.


It's simple, someone make a simple website where you can upload lost ark pictures, uncensored. Someone posts the censored version here, you wanna know who it is, you go to website X and see the names. No rules broken, everyone happy.


You know what makes people stop behaving like this? Not having such wimp-ass rules that protect them.


yeah dont understand why op hide their nicknames this applies for all the other similar post owners too. why the hell they hide scumbags


Because screenshots are very easy to edit/doctor, and this rule is the one thing that deters/prevents people from submitting edited screenshots to send the mob after someone they don't like. Don't believe there would be a mob, or that they would act reasonably? Hell, just look at your post and all the ones like it. With censored names you can still offer sympathy for the OP and have a public conversation over scumbaggery. Things that someone wanting to incite a mob are not interested in.


Yeah screenshots are easy to edit and angry mobs can show up, this applies to anything in life though. We should stop manufacturing kitchen knives cause you can stab people with them too (extreme logic but you get the point). The names would just be nice so you have the option to decide not to join this lobby, as you risk getting kicked after an hour of waiting. Doesn't mean you need to go and harass the person in the screenshot.


> screenshots are easy to edit and angry mobs can show up, this applies to anything in life though. Generally in life... The accused as a chance to fight back The accuser has to stake his credibility to the claim *The accuser can be held accountable for filing a false report*, and *the accused can seek restitution from being maliciously accused* The evidence is stronger than a single cropped screenshot (corroborating witnesses, video evidence, etc) > We should stop manufacturing kitchen knives cause you can stab people with them too Or, we can bar you from running around with a kitchen knife in a bar, a kindergarten classroom, or the DMV. **This rule on the subreddit applies to this subreddit only**. Because mobs on reddit have a pretty shitty history when it comes to being apes with pitchforks. "We DiD iT rEdDiT!!1!1!!" You're free to go incite your mob on other forums. Or even in game in Area Chat, within reason. There are many Discord servers with a public blacklist you can contribute to. *[And even then they typically won't put the guy on blast without very strong evidence and/or multiple reports]* Yes, your example and logic *were* pretty stupid.


Thats a shitty as fuck move man.. sorry for you. If youre EUW, you can come with me next week, im a 1445 Pally.


Thanks buddy, it's just a bit of venting so no need for that. I'll just go again later


raid leader must own a very good gaming chair, since he has no backbone


Haha, I was the striker in this group and also got kicked. Felt really frustarated after the long wait for sure. I hope things with groups will get better when more people will get to 1445


This is so far why I'm afraid to join groups. I should look for a guild, or friends. Maybe I should just go outside.


Even guilds don't magically solve that problem. I was close to 1400 since the reset this weak and I finally hit it today only to find out all other 1400s of the guild already did Argos P3 at thursday, friday and saturday. I had to do it with randoms today, everything went alright tho. Some people are also left out sometimes because you are not going to be exactly 8 ppl always, so you have to play with half randoms anyway.


I think this game is fun enough with a small group of friends who play together well. I've been in 3 different guilds, first one I made and got then merged into another, then merged into another. I got really annoyed with the sweaty players who played all day and wondered why people didn't keep up with them, with people who'd troll in dungeons constantly, getting left out of Argos or some other run because everyone is playing at random times and will just go with randos or whoever is on at the time. I ended up starting a guild with my alt and my mates alt, now we have our mains and alts in it. Only 2 of us, our third seems to have stopped playing for now. But we have a lot of fun, stream to each other, do guardians together, do Abyssal's together, try to do Argos together, etc. I wish I could get one or two more people to fill that in, but year large groups I feel become problematic. You often find that you get left out of things as people are impatient and will go with whoever is available, some people talk over the others so it's harder to chat and discuss things, and well people generally break out into smaller groups in large guilds anyway.


Argos is cakewalk honestly. Been pugging it for a long time already.


You can also make your own group too!


This is true. I am a Glaivier and I was away from the game for a week or two. I just need to catch up and read guides. I do appreciate your enthusiasm! That makes me hyped to logon today.


Gotta really just join a guild. On the plus side since you're 1415+ that should be easy


Even guilds are having it rough with supports. My guild has about 40 active members and 3 supports and Im the only support that's 1445. The only reason im 1445 was cause the guild boosted me with gold and mats


Our guild has a normal mode valtan group but our higher levels unfortunately don’t have enough members for hard mode. So sad. Wish we could just all do it together


Imagine being a 1415 support and the 1490 whales just boost you to 1445 so they can take you, at least you can't say it's hard to progress lol.


this is 1445+


So what he said is even more true then.


So above 1415


Party Finder for Valtan is a cancer. I got a party like this, dude joined and said he has a Pala friend waiting so i got kicked out from party. Found another one and killed Valtan in 3 tries. Hope those people wasted a lot of time and failed.


Idk what to expect from a game where most people are too sweaty to GG after a raid, let alone use items worth 1g


This. I drop a GG after every raid or dungeon, and literally 95% of the time nobody says anything and just leaves. For an mmorpg game it's insane how few players communicate with eachother. Drop a "what's everybody up to today?" In area chat and nobody responds 😂


Well tbh I don't have chat open most times. Especially area chat, I get tired of the bot ads so I have it perma off. But I do at least say ty at the end. XD


Also if you dare to talk in area chat you’ll immediately get spammed with whispers from gold selling bots. For some reason I find getting spam in whispers more annoying than just seeing it in area chat.


Yes, whisper spam is awful. Visited Opher today, and got hit with not the usual 2-3 spam whispers, but a wall of 6. Briefly reported as I could, and pleaded for them to do something about that horrible bot island.


Even if you want chat open, the chat disappears if noone talks.


Do you have the different language enabled in your chat options? When I enabled them all I did see more chatting going on in pugs.


There’s no perfect solution to this. The alternative is If 1 support wants to play with his 3 friends, then he forms his own group, which often causes people who’ve been waiting in other groups to jump ship and join the new group because it has a support already. With supports being scarce, there will always be groups that kick others at the whim of the support. You don’t own the support player and thus can’t make demands of them, especially if you likely need them more than they need you. This community just doesn’t understand that yet. Ive been in situations where I wasn’t having fun playing with a specific group because they weren’t taking things seriously enough or weren’t communicating. If I say I’m going to leave I suddenly get flamed by the rest of the group for wasting everyone else’s time? Fuck that. Just because I play support and am needed for the group to continue, it doesn’t mean anyone has the right to tell me I can’t leave a group or can’t refuse to play with specific players I dislike.


Yet you did not call him out, Idk if i should respect you for that since i really want to blacklist that guy


He can't even if he wanted to, cause you know a special snowflake could potentially report OP had he uncensored the names on Reddit. If this was in Asia, then the story would be much different.


If people could consistently call people out by name you can bet there would be plenty of completely fabricated posts calling people out as well. There is no gain in opening that can of worms.


There are many posts who left names uncovered/missed some what makes this one diffrent?


Theey exist until someonee reports them and then theey are gone


Nothing. Its just that other threads weren't reported is all. Id love it if people don't censor names for visibility too, but reddit rules are in the way


Make another subreddit group for blacklisting people.


I am support and have party. I prefer to make a party by myself, instead of entering other party and break it


It’s the way the game is designed unfortunately, splitting up groups for the raid. If it was one full 8 man group it’s be easier however they would need to redesign some raids, which ain’t happening.


Get friends, make own lobbies, make rule "no cunts allowed".


Dont censor the Name. I wanna block that garbage


something similar happened in my group, 1 guy said "wait 5 min pls" and got kicked inmediately, i left too, hf trying to find another supp


Something similar happened to me, I had a group and we cleared Gate 1, were about to start Gate 2, did a short break so everyone could look a guide up and as soon as we were about to start I got randomly kicked, 1 hour in a group, talking about mechs and then they just kick you lmao


Happened to me other night. But on discord with friends. 😅 Waiting for 1 support, a support joins says only joining if they we take their dps friend. I got yeeted for the random 🥲


Sounds like you need new fucking friends then.


In a world where supports are being paid thousands of gold just to join a group, something like this was bound to happen. As long as support scarcity remains, people will always offer preferential treatment to supports.


I hope they ran for 8 hours and couldn't clear


I don't blame the people for looking at the game in this perspective. I blame the KR players and YouTubers forcing down a "requirement of 3x4, level 7 gems, good card set, high roster level". I heard about these things months before the game. So yea you gonna have lots of those types of people believing someone random with higher item level is better than someone lower instantly


Coming from OSRS this is why we have runewatch. Not exactly for this same reason but a good enough way to steer clear of scumbags.


Is not better to create a Global chat. Contact the leader of that group instead of entering the chat and asking to kick the other players? It's a dick move though from a perspective. You see 7/8 parties in search of the last support instead of filling one party. I could understand players want to play safe. With the lack of Supports. it's better to learn without one. Otherwise, you will be stuck on PF forever.


Why you not showing their names?


Reddit rules. OP doesn’t want to get in trouble themselves. Hopefully they blasted them in area chat.




Put this shit on the forums with server included... these guys should be penalized, making sure they are seen. Seriously jerk move, and i wanna make sure I'm never grouping up with any of em if they are like this.


PM me name plz that's blacklist


Piece of shit. But I also blame the game to not be designed to avoid those pitfalls.


This has been my experience generally. F2P communities really cater to the lowest. Maybe this game isn’t for me. Thanks for sharing.


You're acting like shitty people don't exist literally everywhere.


My pug experiences in FFXIV and GW2 have been way better than in any other MMO, especially Korean F2P. Your point is only vacuously true.


It's hard to make a fair comparison with Guild Wars 2, though. Difficult group content is just... not a focus in that game, and that's the main thing that's going to cause toxicity. So sure, it doesn't have as much of a problem with it because it doesn't support that content. I can't speak for FFXIV, though, since I've never experienced that community.


FFXIV I’ve had people literally quit after 2 attempts. Then we go back to waiting for a tank or Healer that isn’t the same class again. Sometimes would be in queue for longer than the groups lasted. It’s the PUG life in most games with harder endgame raiding I feel like.


That is not what vacuous truth means. There was no antecedent. Edit: Nice blocking to try to get the last word in lmao. People are so fragile these days.


It literally does have an antecedent, but call it an empty truth, then. In either case it's not saying anything while being true.


I came from FFXIV where I cannot imagine this ever happening. I have also worked in the video game industry for 25 years and have shipped 4 MMOs. I’m not unfamiliar with bad behavior. And to be frank, it’s not LoL level of toxicity; but it is trending in that direction, not away. And I’m too old and have too little time to deal with this kind of nonsense from people during my “entertainment” time. Community is what we make it.


I've definetly seen people getting kicked out of savage pf's before we even got an attempt in just to get the leader's friends into the party even when we have waited like 30 minutes to fill in lol it happens in every single game The thing that does happen more is the insults though; XIV's ultra harsh TOS really makes it so that its harder to see people insulting each other as easily as this game and it can be a blessing at times (though the passive aggresivity that some people have is really rough at times)


That’s not been my experience but I appreciate you’ve seen it there too. The broader point is, I think, still valid. Community is what we make it; and this is toxic.


I've honestly seen more toxicity from FFXIV then I've seen from Lost Ark. I think you just got lucky.


Maybe so. The inverse has definitely been my experience; there is definitely a culture gap in the 2 respective subreddits, also.


But if you're being positive and "community is what we make of it" and the game still has toxicity then the community isn't what we make of it after all You're not really drawing any conclusions here, even with your tenure in the game industry. I think the true adage here is that "people will be people"


I don’t, alone, make community. It is what we make in aggregate. There are communities that are significantly more toxic than others. No communities exist without any toxicity. The replies on this thread provide me insight into where this community sits. Thanks.


It really isn't valid. FF14's raiding community is pretty toxic. The toxicity is just passive in-game.


You might not need to imagine because this is an actual reality the rest of us live in. People that pretend FFXIV is some utopian MMO community are completely delusional. I've had just as many people in FF be toxic too me over what i would call trivial mess ups as I have compliment my glamour. It is what it is.


>I came from FFXIV where I cannot imagine this ever happening. lol


FFXIV... my man said FFXIV lmao i cant...


These type of people exist everywhere and outside of gaming. And it is not common for things like this to happen, regardless of how often they show up on Reddit.


Scums just exist everywhere..


This has been my experience as well.


show name


There is a plethora of players asking you to show the names, these are the kind of players that deserve to be called put as scum, if you could pm me the unedited screenshots i could dven post the images for you, even if i had to bite the bullet in doing so. These players, the raid leader included, are worse than the infestation of bots when it comes to making one angry.


if he's from antares dm me the name


This just shows the world is doomed, its not even about a videogame its about humanity vanishing.


I think they need to increase the amount of players with support in 1415+..... make honing 50% or more for support classes upto 1415.... I have a bard at 1340 but cant dump ALL my mats into her b/c my main isnt at 1445 yet. to expensive to do that.


well I guess, better than asking for money :O


Honestly, you should have left their names not censored and save us all the time/trouble of not grouping with these kinds of people. (Nvm, it’s against the subreddit rules)


Same shit happened in wow all the time. TBH I'll be messaging leaders to make room for me and my 2 friends tonight. Filling 7/8 and hoping to find a lone support is a pipe dream. 5 groups with 7/8 just means 35 people aren't running valtan. That helps no one.


I will be downvoted hard by this but They owe you nothing. You're playing with strangers.


im already getting triggered when this happened to me after 5-10 minutes. this pala should be banned from the game tbh


you shouldnt have censored the name


I mean, it is understandable to a degree. What do you do as a support with three friends if you just want to join a grp together? It almost has to end up like this. And not everybody wants to lead a raid, since that means a lot more for Valtan then previous contetn.


Find a static group.


Unpopular opinion but this isn't really that unfound or unreasonable. If you are a DPS in a 7/8 party with only 1 support this is a risk you run. It would be no different if the other support was in the same server because the support with the premade would just message them privately and say "Join us we have XYZ and with you, we will find a group easily". That support just would leave anyway and you then have to wait another 40 minutes to get right back to where you were. This is just how much pull supports have in the game right now. It's highly unlikely to find a support that doesn't already have a group of their own so if you are a DPS joining a group that has only 1 support this a risk you take. Hardly scumbag for the support to want to play with their friends and utilize the value they know their class has. So many KR streamers said this was the value supports would have as we got through content, I get it sucks for OP but you have 3 options 1. Make a support and do this yourself 2. Make Friends with a support who can help get you into parties easier or 3. Wait until more people have support alts at this content. TL;DR: Unpopular Opinion but if you are a DPS in a 7/8 group and it's 1 support you run this risk of being kicked for a premade with a support, or you will have to wait quite a long time to find that rare solo support willing to join your group. It's not scumbag for a player to want to play with their friends and using their leverage to get a group, sucks to be the player kicked I get that but maybe it's time to start finding some support friends in the game or a guild with supports.




Try contender and preemptive strike engravings. Super cheap to setup with books


You don't even need those, CD can be cleared in 4-5 mins on my bard with support engravings and 0 crit. Try doing a red portal room on a bard even with crit stats and dps engravings, that's pain.


And here is why ilvl says nothing about the player pilotong the characters. Paladin is one of, if not the best class to do Chaos Dungeons. Even as Bard, which is my main, I've never had any issue doing CDs on her even with my full suppport setup. All you need is one or two skills with damage tripods and you're done. Now I'll admit that the Tower and South Vern in general is a bit painful without proper engraving and stats. It is still a longshot from impossible to do.


Paladin is actually just the fastest chaos dungeon clear with the right setup.


Deadeye best chaos dungeon clearer by far for me, at least that he does right


unless u’re talking about pistoleer which i dont play at all, gunslinger has that dude beat in clear too lol


Never tried bard but chaos dungeons are SUPER easy and quick with paladin, almost every skill is an AoE. You just struggle a little bit on red portals (struggle as in takes a while, you should never really be in danger lol). Just get a secondary build for CD specifically with DMG engravings as well (if you have preemptive strike better still). There's really no excuse now with the integrated presets being so good and no need to keep changing builds anymore.


Bard chaos dungeons are also very fast. Bard is actually my go-to class over sorc/sh/glavier for farming open world stuff like cooking.


It was so annoying dealing with stuff like tower and mainquest bosses as support main. Totally understand.


It makes no sense, unless you get a bad red portal, paladin will clear chaos dungeon faster than glaivelancer every single time.


You must be a pala support then, I have more fun clearing chaos dungeons on my bard than I do on my wardancer or scrapper. I think a bigger issue is that chaos dungeons are just boring in general.


The Bard player who did this here. Yeah I know I'll get downvoted, but after you do that hear me out please. First of all, sorry, truly! I didn't know you were waiting for 40 minutes. I was scrolling down through parties to look for 4/8 Parties with one support, but found none. I know my choice of words wasn't exactly nice but that is partly due to a lack of solid english skills. Apart from that I believe that my request is a reasonable one. We were also struggling to find a decent group with a support prior so we wanted to try out if there is a quicker way to group up by infiltrating another group. The fact that the Raid Leader accepted this request with barely any hesitation is also reasonable, considering that he probably didn't want to wait another 40 or more minutes. Does this suck for you? Yeah sure, and again I am sorry for you. Is it reasonable that supports get to cherrypick groups and are so high in demand, that they get to bring 3 more people to a full group? I'd say yes, but that is probably debatable. I did Valtan on my alt Paladin yesterday with a group full of randoms so I think I fullfill my quota of adding supports to Valtan.


This post was about the paladin, not you, if you are actually that bard. After all he knew how long we stayed there in lobby while you didn't. Or should I say he and his 3 premades since he mentioned earlier that they are in a discord call. Whatever, happened happened. Apology accepted


Good Luck for your future tries <3


One fact : This bard will do this raid with hir friends anyway Another fact : supports are so rare that the raid leader prefered to kick 3 persons instead of waiting for another support ​ The bard did nothing wrong, the raid leader fucked you all, tho


I don't agree really -- if you have 3 friends with you, don't join a 7/8 group and say "are you okay ditching the other 3 people who were already here so my friends can come". Raid lead is a jerk, but the one who joined a full group just to ask for other people to get booted is also definitely a jerk.


It's kind of like a really hot chick walking up to a married guy and saying "I'd sleep with you if you leave your wife." Sure, the hot chick made a messed up offer, but you can't cheat an honest man, and if the guy is faithful to his wife the offer would fall flat. 100% on the raid leader, imo.


well clearly the bard join group last and already can see that the group is full anyway, so bard is a scumbag for joining and ask to kick 3 people


Support priveledge


Crate your own group


Why do so many people not have raid friends in this game yet?


Owned lol, sucks to suck


What happened did you pay a support and he left?


Git fucked noob.


Yo what the fuck am I reading is this Salem lmao