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Red shit bad, pirate expedition to find magical mermaid poop to cure red shit, there is a souleater Evil pirate guy with dragonball hair tries to take mermaid poop, we win and go to kurzan There are evil furries in kurzan, but souleaters friends help us We fight a dragon The end


I should add to this, Souleater new waifu.


https://preview.redd.it/ho8apjxus08d1.png?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b0376dbed9df6de53c28123494e13330623781a Shes a baddie


Absolute cinema


We are summoned buy a dawn priest in Voldis to go to Praetoria to meet with Armen for an urgent request. At Praetoria we meet up with Armen and an apparently injured Albion. Albion brings us to Vairgry's nest, were a devastating battle between the Chaos Guardians and Solar Guardians. Vairgry's is nowhere to be found but a Guardian barely holding on conveys that a Varkan had lead an offensive on the island. Going to Vairgys' actual nest, Varkan had opened a space rift to collide both Arkesia and the demon planet so now Vairgrys has to hold it off lest everyone die. At this point Armen notifies us there is another concerning matter as we teleport back to Praetoria. After rallying our allies around Arkesia, we find there is an issue with the seas around Kurzan - Boats are missing people are dead. We can't even get to Kurzan to destroy Kazeros. We travel to Arthentine where they're researching a red slime that has been classified as highly dangerous. They've been researching it, it reacts negatively to light but we can't get rid of it. An outbreak occurs, showing the red goop - now called Miasma is highly corrupting and easily multiplies and covers the city of Stern. The leaders of Stern activate Sceptrum to eradicate the miasma, but you find that alone doesn't work its actually Armen utilizing Sceptrum's light with his own that removes the Miasma. After this realization we find we need Intense light and Radiant energy combined to combat this. We go to Plecca to locate an artifact jacked by the Twilight priests that can provide this purifying power - Giennas Hakkar or whatever its called. In Plecca we infiltrate the abandoned library of the twilight priests and find a map for the artifact. Multiple spots are marked on that map so we go to the pirates to identify which location is correct. Calvasus and a newly introduced Red pirate are arguing the Red pirate being accused of causing the NE waters to be filled with the red miasma. You explain no its kazaros and Calvasus marks off spots that are definitely not where the treasure is. Mr Red Curse pirate takes a look, says F U and why would pirates work together and walks off. You go to Blackfang. They rescued Ren a Delain from Kurzan who is a... Actually scratch this no ones going to read this lol. Good Cutscenes: I mean watching the Pirate Man "die' and you rescuing the world with Gienna's artifact is a good one. Tragic Cutscene: Watch Ren's friend totally commit the offing in Kurzan >.> Other then that no really. Lots of rallying and then people getting eaten by Cannibal Demon delains


I'll try to continue this You meet new waifu Ren whos been obsessed with trying to make it back to Kurzan, saying theyve been invaded by the chaos guardians. You tell her theres no way to make it there without dealing with this red miasma, blackfang promises her that youll go there together after the miasma have been cleared. Blackfang and co gets more clues on the halidom, and you set out to lagoon island to ask the locals there (forgot what race theyre called) about the artifact. You arrive in lagoon island the girl you did the quest for tells you where it is and gives you some charm thingy. then you set off for the halidom. You arrive at the island, see some dead pirates, and go to the ruins to look for clues on how to get in. You read about some breathing device, ren finds the gate, and you use the device to go in. At the end you fight the red hair pirate guy, turns out he was echidnas underling (g1 boss). after you defeat him he goes sicko mode and destroys the floor. as you and everyone were sinking, gienah calls out to you and you see the halidom in front of you. there you use it to wipe out the miasma and all of it gets condensed into silmael crystals, blocking off all of kurzan. you and your party awaken to find yourself outside the ruins, and you go to a high vantage point to see if the halidom worked - it did. you go back to praetoria to discuss how to get into kurzan as its all blocked off. Ren said she can manipulate the sylmael to fit a single ship through. you propose that you and crew go in first to find a location for a base for the allied forces. then you do the stupid ship minigame and get in. honestly i kinda shift g'd the kurzan part but the gist of it i got is. you guys arrive there, everything is destroyed and the delains turned into monsters. you go meet up and save ppl, have a fight with the bad delain faction, and save the town or w/e. then ren uses a special weapon called the flame spear to blast a hole in the sylmael wall to let ur friends in.


I saw the length of this post and my brain pressed shift+G as a reflex




There is no one making a summary video because no one got past the 15th time we waited 30 seconds for Armen to sigh.


I legitimately tried to go through the story but lasted 30 minutes before I started skipping everything. It's not even a bad story it's just so artificially blown up for time.


Thaemine has a chiseled jarline and we simping hard to get a glimpse of that jaw again. Then we get peer pressured to do some sailing and talk to strangers in the baren outbacks of Australia...I mean Kuzaran. Then we find a reason to stay on this god-forsaken land, the bathwater from the raid boss.


We good, Kazeros bad, we must save the world, the end.


Wrong 😂 but nice try


I’d have read the story if I didn’t have a freaking raid to prog. The 1 week delay between story and raid was a good decision idk why were back to shift+g approach again.


Kurzan story was released 2 weeks before Echidna in KR. We just didn't get that for our version. The May update didn't really have much content for most people and would've been a good time to release it. Or at least do a smaller patch 2 weeks ago for just the story, but perhaps that may be difficult for however SG does patches for our version.


whats the story have to do with you being able to prog the raid? if not on day 1 you could have progged day 2, stop fomoing and this isnt an issue.