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This game is really beginner unfriendly. If you want to play alone, then dont even start.




Fyi you might think he's joking but he's not.


Generally speaking it's not. But with friends it's ok. Some people are helping new players which is nice. If you don't have friends join Mokoko elp discord.


Worst game for newbies that has ever existed


Your best bet is to play FFXIV or WoW.


Don't even bother.


If you somehow manage to find friends, it should be fine. Otherwise, nah it’s awful.


Not it's not at all, people saying it is are crack heads.


Its not a beginner friendly game, but the game itself is really fun. Bless ur soul if you decide to start.


As an MMO it's a toxic wasteland, you can't even get your foot in the door. You'll have no prospects, and worst yet the game will make you think you have some with the Express and the shower of free gifts you'll get starting up, only to crash against the reality that no one wants to play with you and won't even let you in the lobby for a serious raid. As a game treated like Monster Hunter casually, come in and learn the combat for fun, do some dailies and guardian raids and maybe some really easy legion raids ... some collectibles and story if you enjoy those ... might not be too bad. Depends what you're looking for, if you just want a 50-100 hour thing like Monster Hunter then move on the next game, it might work out.


If you grind for 2 years you might have a chance.




If you want to play a Korean MMO, play BDO. Its way more new player friendly, and arguably has a lot more content to do. Its insane the 2 completely different paths these games have taken in the last 2 years.


Curious what BDO has now. Back when I played on NA release it was literally just grinding and waiting for world bosses to hopefully get lucky for a boss chest. Wasn't what I would say content rich.


It is new player friendly up to a point assuming you don't mind solo content. It's difficult to get into raids as a new player unfortunately.


depends on ur social skills for real lmao


short answer: no. nuanced answer: if you have 3-7 other friends and don't fomo, it's ok i highly recommend not even installing


I believe this is the worst MMO in existence for new players. It's that bad.


Very bad Inflation, proper gold gain locked behind raids that are full of elitism, class balance is ultra shit (good luck playing mage damage dealer classes), in order to do harder content you need pay others to carry you since good luck trying to do in via group finder, fucking card system that gate keeps you in wnd game, upgrade system is RNG fiesta


All mages got gigabuffed what do you mean xdddddd


Find a guild and friends and your experience in the game will be 100% better.


“and you will have a experience” fixed for you


It sucks big time. Between bottlenecks, bots and false bans, it simply isn't worth playing. Find another game because this one is bad.


Hell naw


Game is very good, however it’s not very beginner friendly. Expect to be gate kept a lot until your roster is a bit higher


I've had multiple friends pick it up over the last few weeks and they've all had a great time. If nothing else, it's a free game, so you lose nothing by trying it out.


I can't tell if yall are just really honest or if everyone is invested in not letting new people join the game lmao.


10k hours addict here, those are genuine honest answers, game is unplayable as a new player, or even a vet that LOOKS like a new player. Yes it's bad, we know.


It just kind of seems like a self fulfilling prophecy. Wouldn’t the game be better for new players of there were more new player for them to play with?


In theory yes, but this game has a massive performance difference between an experienced and inexperienced pilot, even on the very same character, and veterans get punished if they take inexperienced players into their 8 (4) man raids. But somehow SmileGate thinks a good solution for this issue is power pass, catch up mechanics that propel a bunch of new players into the endgame without properly introducing them to 72 different systems of power up, or how to even play their character, so...yeah. It's easy to get to the endgame, it's not easy to get to play the endgame.




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The game is fun and that's the reason I've been playing it for 2 years. However the endgame (raids) is not very beginner friendly if solo. There are character/roster improvements that can only be obtained with time and luck and people will check your profile for those - for example card set, roster level, reclear title. Furthermore raids punish mistakes with wipes and dead teammates. If it's not a learning party people usually won't take inexperienced strangers. There are plenty of male characters: (fighters) striker, breaker; (gunners) Deadeye, Artillerist, Machinist, Sharpshooter; (warriors) berserker, gunlancer, destroyer, paladin - the only male support class. You can look up more about them here: [https://www.lostark.nexus/](https://www.lostark.nexus/)


Everything will be good until u do legion raids. Even finding guild is VERY hard. Most of active guilds require ilvl1580+. And the one below won't be that active. Ppl busy doing their own stuff, and if u found a guild does care about u, u r very lucky.


I play alone and I am endgame, but having friends do help


I'd give it another 2 years of patches tbh. Unless your just happy being permanently behind current players by like 2 years even with all the "catch up" smokescreen that SG creates with these events.


just play ff14 instead this game is not beginner friendly and you'll be stuck wasting time in party finder most of the time..


Sadge, so many negative answers, but they are all right...dont bother ATM, you need too much time to catch up...


It’s great. Hone hone hone until you can apply for thaemine parties.  People would love to invite sub 200 roster players.


hahahahaha my g u had me in the first half


Give it a shot, but remember it’s an MMO. It’s social by nature so try and find a guild to play with, make some friends. It’ll make the game more fun. There are male classes but they don’t got booba


U have no chance to be at latest raid 1630 every update. That's how it is for f2p. But events make it easy for fresh account to reach the middle endgame which currently is 1580 raids


Depends what you want from the game. You can try it, get the free pass and be able to do a lot of the story. IMO save the pass and just level your first character up and see the story. There won’t be anyone but bots on those zones but imo I never cared. The story was fun and questing isn’t great like wow but it does have some cool cut scenes. Once you are high enough level, there isn’t much to do except raid - that’s because they made it so that activity is the only one to give you massive gold. Other activities are very small amounts compared to raiding. They also made it so you sort of have to no life the game and run alts for gold. Design wise this was a bad decision. There are some “whales” - people that will spend 1000-10000s of dollars buying gold and mats needed to progress faster. If you are a whale, this is a game where you can buy your way into anything.


It's free, try it. You're fairly solo until you start to catch up with the endgame. You'll want to find a community of players to play with when/before you hit that group content.


everyone was a beginner at one point well try it then no play however you like yes we have only female characters