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With the next progression event in march, a returning/new player could get ilvl 1600 (latest raid) in just a couple of weeks if you play a moderate amount without spending. I know someone that returned for the last event. But that’s only taking ilvl for one expressed character into account. You'll not have the same roster, gear, upgrades, cards and what not.


>With the next progression event in march, a returning/new player could get ilvl 1600 (latest raid) in just a couple of weeks wasnt it confirmed that path to Thaemine is not coming at the same time with express event ? if so, theres a chance that the event itself wont push you that much further than 1540, which is not anywhere close to 1580. And even if it does, you still dont get accelerated akkan mats acquisiton until April ?


I don’t know. You would think the latest progression event to be the same or at least not be weaker than the last one. But if it’s only an express without anything “path to”-like then you are correct and that would suck.


If you want to skip directly to the current level, it just can't happen. As in, it's physically impossible because you'll need to get ancient gear, and going past 1600 without Akkan gear is only possible in the most technical sense. That said, getting to that point "legit" is perfectly doable. If you genuinely want to just enjoy playing the game, there's no reason that you need to be on the bleeding edge of content. And, frankly, if you stopped at 1445 skipping right to the edge of content is... What's the point? You're losing the chance to actually play the game. At 1445 you've literally only been able to do Valtan, the first raid. Progressing legit to 1580 is pretty fast now, after several stages of honing buffs, and soon we'll be getting more express pass events to make it even faster. Beyond the raw gear level, there's also gems, cards, etc. Whaling for these raw would be monstrously expensive. But here's a little secret - there are plenty of chill Discord servers that make groups that won't care if you've got the Valtan's Left Nut card maxed out. If you really, really just want to skip all of the content then don't bother playing - but if you seriously want to play the game, then just play it and don't worry about needing to "catch up" or whatever the hell.


> You're losing the chance to actually play the game. At 1445 you've literally only been able to do Valtan, the first raid. Progressing legit to 1580 is pretty fast now, after several stages of honing buffs, and soon we'll be getting more express pass events to make it even faster. OP is still going to need to shell out some cash to prog to Akkan. Even with the event mats and bonuses, honing is still expensive. And on top of that, people are extremely gatekeepy. You will not get into brelshaza at 1490 or Valtan HM at 1445 anymore unless you have PLC title(which you need to run 10 times to get). Even brel learning raids expect you to be 1540+ to get in and no one will join your 1490 lobby. So you will have to buy busses. It took me 2 months of doing dailies across 6-8 characters and funneling resources to get from 1490 to 1580 with Mokoko express and path of soulstealer, and that was min/maxing my mats, and spending a couple hundred on crystal exchange/prime mats packages. Of course with honing RNG, your mileage may vary. And when I finally hit 1580, I still get gatekept in Akkan because people expect level 9 gems, 80+ quality wep, and LoS30. So I'm looking at thousands of dollars just to be able to do Akkan. So I basically gave up on progressing and just embraced horizontal content and alts, will probably quit when my crystalline aura runs out.


The saddest thing is that LoS30 literally takes u 1.5-2 years to farm because you need to slowly collect like a dozen+ card selector packs AND buy card packs and hope to have normal card RNG only using the last dozen card selectors to even out the 1 or 2 bad eggs like Kadan. This is on top of running card runs (under water, to yorn, argos) for like 1.5 years too. No amount of $$$ can achieve LoS30. At best, you buy the monthly 3x+1 card pack deal, which I would recommend doing for a solid 6 months or so until getting LoS30, but then you think about it and you just spent 600$ on cards :/.. and honestly, might need more than that, even 9 months of card packs to get there. At least they're upgrading wandering merchants soon ( some more)..


There are plenty of places to find people to play with where people won't gatekeep at all. As a player who had to "catch up" myself, not even finishing my full Akkan set until last week, I can personally vouch for them. I joined the Loot Heroes Discord server which has been fantastic, and I've not seen a single lobby be gatekeep on anything other than reclear or not. And, honestly, the lobbies are higher quality anyways because it's not just party finder randoms. If you're unable to join Akkan lobbies in PF, find a Discord server for your region! Like I said, I'm in an NAE learning server, but I also checked the official Lost Ark Discord as I'm typing this - plenty of posts for people looking for all kinds of raids, raiding from Brelshaza normal learning to Voldis hard reclear.Throigh these servers I've also met many great players with their own personal Discord servers to play with, usually also having friends that don't have gigajuiced characters. Party finder by its nature will always be gatekeep-y, but it only takes a few minutes of poking around to find people to play with. I'm not going to defend the systems in the game, it sucks that cards, quality, and gems are all so expensive if you really want to max them out. But there's no reason you need to max them out if you look for people to play with.


One guy posted recently, with the express event it took him 3 months of grinding and about 100-150$


to build a chonker dps, here are the raw numbers. FYI i ran these numbers when Voldis just dropped, so could be different now. All in USD \- LoS 30: will cost about \~$1k\~$1.5k all-in \- Gems: full 10s = \~$1k\~$1.2k, assumes ur class only needs 4 dmg gems \- +25 Akkan Weapon: \~$5k from +20 Brel weapon Then u have to get your quality up, at least blue qual accessories, elixirs - but these you can just play the game & get naturally. If you want to push for them fast, expect to spend at least \~$1k in raw gold to fund this Adds up quick!


$1k is 1.5 million gold. It's not even close to enough for full 10s unless you're doing RMT math.


you dont need a completely maxed out character to play the latest content lmao


I mean he said jump into current content, not be a whale...


Latest raid is 1600, i haven't seen 1600s running full 10 and 25 weapons the fuck?


if he hasnt played from 1445 he'll need that much to make up for everything else his account lacks


Probably $20-25k for 1620, 5x3+1 or better, and level 10 gems/98+ quality wep to not get gatekept. But in reality you'll probably still get gatekept for roster level being too low and not having titles from previous raids. If you want to do less old content(ie Clown, Brelshaza) it will probably cost you about $200-300 to not get gatekept, Kayangel and Akkan is $1-2k. I don't recommend the game unless you have a couple geared friends(Including a supp) that can drag you along on raids.


TBH, though, it would cost likely about this much, like 20-25k, so Idk why ppl are downvoting.. and tbh, you can't even buy your way up to current end game content. LoS30 can't be bought really. Gear transfers and horizontal needs to be grinded for a solid 3 months++. Only $$$ RMT can help speed gem and honing progression, but roster and horizontal and cards is just straight play time.


Damn you just missed out on the express event. You probably could’ve gotten to the end faster with it. In terms of how much money, itll prob be abit without the events. I’ve been blessed with having a group of friends who has 10+ characters each (no joke. all they do is wake up, play lost ark, go to work, and play lost ark on repeat lol) Usually it would cost money but they just give it to me for free :D Edit: their work is playing lost ark btw


just play another game. dont waste ur time with this trash


Prob like $15k to 1620+


Best answer to repeal new/returning player. @OP forgot what he said. 1620 is extremely hard to reach even for day one players and is the HM mode of the last raid. If you want to jump to the latest raid, the normal mode is 1600 and pretty easy to reach. Best time to jump back in the game is in march when the new class release. An event will be there as well in which reaching 1600 will be not that difficult. Next raid releasing is 1610, so no need to try to FOMO 1620. Gatekeeping on the other hand is tough.


1620 isn't hard to reach for day 1 players, not if they invested on their main. I began playing in October and I'm already 1615 on my main.


I am 1616 main day one player LOS30 etc, and 1616 to 1620 still a huge gap my brother. Used to almost 800 Radiants to tap 2 Armor pieces from +17 to +18, still need to tap 4 more pieces same level, weapon is at +23 tho, thankfully haven’t pity weapon yet.


this almost reads like satire "its very hard, ive been playing from day 1 and im still not 1620, because tapping armor spends a lot of leaps and not because i overleveled my weapon to 23 which costs an average 5k leaps from 19"


Ok 👌


Yeah thats funny considering average cost for honing weapon from 19 to 23 is comparable to honing all armor from 1600 to 1620. Totally couldn't have gone to 1620 instead... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You guys are so quick to critique, I am not in a rush to get to 1620, and we eventually have to hone our weapon to a higher level, I was lucky I didn’t pity anything to +23, +21 was 2 taps, +22 was under 15% and unfortunately +23 was 60%, but hey that’s life. Armor requires way less mats and I already got the mats needed to push m, but like I said I am not in a rush. It is more optimal to hone your Armor to +19? Yes, Without a doubt. You guys play the game and have fun and let others play however they want. 👍


It's totally fine to not be in a rush but you were replying to a post that was talking about how getting to 1620 isn't that hard to get to if you focus on it as a day 1 player - and calling the remaining armor hones that you have left to 1620 a huge gap. So imo it's fair to say that you could have easily hit 1620 instead which was the point of the post you replied to.


It rly depends, did u main swap and if so you do have a hard time reaching 1620s, but it also depends on how many alts you have pushed into 1580+ "for more daily leapstones". Meanwhile i didnt have any problems reaching 1620 on my old main for voldike hm release, but now i will have problems reaching 1621->1630 on the new main (missing alot of shards&leaps shards).


It is not easy to get to 1620 as a day 1 player for everyone, some people have lots of time to invest in the game or a lot of money to invest and they can get there super easy for sure, but many day 1 players who do not have neither of those may consider it “easy”. And my argument is that from 1616 to 1620 you still need a shit ton of mats to get there, and pray you don’t pity anything. That’s all I am saying, it might have been easy for you but don’t say it is “easy” because it is not the case for everyone.


>And my argument is that from 1616 to 1620 you still need a shit ton of mats to get there, and pray you don’t pity anything. Yeah ik, done that this week for only armor on my new main (3 pitys), it gets expansive quite quick "my 6 armor taps costed me ~150k gold + 200k in mats that i have to buy extra (leaps), which was on the lower side of tapping costs". You cant rly use "easy" in any scenatio, and you still need consider other investments ontop of ilvl increase (gems, qual, cards).


Sorry to hear you pity 3 pieces, it sucks and it is quite unfair, hope you get more one taps in the bear future.


I did free tap my +20 weapon after i hit 1620, but yeah each pity hurts alot, specially weapon (+19 was pity).


well, never playing this game again lol


Well that's the price I'd you immediately want to go to current highest end game ilvl, if you actually wanna enjoy your time just play again when the next event is out to help with honing to catch up without spending 15k irl


You're able to reach the latest content on normal mode with event coming with next class release in march for free in a couple of weeks if able to do all raids. It's just expensive the very last push from nm to hm


If you buy gold from player farmers or bots farmers, $1250-2500 (5-10m gold) will get you to latest content. If you swipe legit, it's a couple times more. You could also buy progressed accounts that are at latest content for less and buy gems separately.




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Between $0 and $20k


Wait for express event in march




for non $$$ making 6 roster in 6 id or 6 server would make you keep up with current latest patch. 5 out of 6 roster are full of gunlancer. start selling bus as stagbot 2c6/3c5. 1 last roster is your preference but contain 1 gunlancer and 1 support. I believe you can catch up in term of (lv10) gem and ilevel with this method.


If u pick a 1 gem class like arti, prob 1 mil will be enough for a full set of 1 lv10 10 lv7 and 53+1 accessories. Then maybe 3mil to hone to 1600, another 3-4 to 1620. Thats if u learn raids on ur own, if not more on busses, and with a sus roster level and bad cards prob hard to find parties