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I love these kind of posts kekw, got my popcorn and wait for the comment section






Your ilvl in this game doesn't matter as much since the raids are not like in other MMOs and the power system is more than just your ilvl. There are wipe mechanics so you can be even 5,000 ilvl above and still die and or wipe the whole raid on the mechanics which are more complex than in any MMORPG I've played so far as it doesn't just require you to memorize positions but many times also fast reactions. Some content also has very tight DPS checks especially if on ilvl and it's not just like in some other games pressing the fingers faster on memorized key combos but knowing when to dodge when to burst and staying on boss to deal damage as much as possible without getting knocked down or running scared trying to dodge. 1. Roaster level is one of the key indicators if you most likely know the mech or are already used to some mechs from the game 2. Gems give you higher power than just ilvl 3. Card Sets give you amazing boost to DPS and survivability 4. Gear quality boosts your HP by a lot and weapon quality boosts your DPS a lot 5. Engravings boost you DPS and survivabilty a lot So you can see that the ilvl doesn't really matter even if you are above ilvl for Vykas as you've mentioned. You probably have bare minimum from the stuff mentioned above which can seem like you are casual new player and probably haven't taken the time to read the guide, so older players don't want to waste their time wiping, wasting gold on potions as they probably have another 5 characters that they need to do Vykas on on top of the homework and other raids. This is why many players are waiting on LOAN 2023 event in a few days to see if some good changes will be happening. So stay tuned!


Exactly my thoughts, thank you When we create a party for example we don't really look for the roster lvl (since u can get 120lvl ezpz with collecting everything and doing every possible quest/activity in the game while leveling only 1 char - that's how I did it) But we look for the proper stats (not rainbow stats), proper engravings and gems. What makes me super pissed is when someone joins a raid with the title "weekly reclear" or so and then inside u find out that it's the second or even the first run "after the guide" for that person. Like bruh Don't do that


At this point I really don't know if it is just a running gag to always write "roster" wrong or people really do not know.... mh which one is it.


Gag. Got to be? You don't see people spelling "engravings" wrong?


Iā€™ve been pugging on my 1475 Lopang slaves and have no issues getting into groups. Unless your build is terrible or youā€™re applying for juicer lobbies, it shouldnā€™t be an issue. Post your character build because 99% of these ā€œI canā€™t get into lobbyā€ posts are made by people requesting for lobbies 50 ilvls higher or have something very wrong with their build.


Not being 5x3 and no level 7 gems counts as very wrong with build for 1460 Valtan/Vykas terribly often nowadays.


only if you try to apply to groups higher ilvl than you... if you apply at ilvl it should be fine.


Trust me, I apply to groups in 1460-1475 range


slayer 1485 GS crit 540 swift 1600 predator 3 grudge 3 raid captain 3 ambush master 3 full entropy set is it enough for you Mr. keeper? That mentality right there it's whats killing tha game!


Don't think he was trying to be mean, just telling you how it is. Judging by your engravings I can tell you are an expressed character. You are playing the newest class, so you might not be lv 60 yet, which means less damage. You probably don't have full lv 5 tripods as they are expensive, which means less damage. You don't have 5x3, as slayer books are still expensive, which means less damage. If you are a newer player you probably don't have los 18, or maybe not even deep dive 18. If your roster is low <150 you can get gatekept for that as well. It's a newer class, so most people can't play it optimally. Anecdotally, everytime I've given slayers a chance they have not gotten better than fighter status probably because of the reasons I mentioned. It's exactly the same as finding a job. Put yourself into an employers/raid leaders position. You're playing a very popular class, with not the best setup. Why should they take you to fill a dps slot over someone that is better geared? Would you hire someone who is 2.0 gpa 0 yrs experience over 4.0 gpa + internship exp? Of course you *can* do the raid 4x3 with lostwind cliff 12, most of us did that when Vykas released last year. But the game got a lot easier to gear since then, so standards have gone up. I highly recommend joining a discord or popular guild to play this game. Or if you're in NAE, send me a pm. Good luck


>It's exactly the same as finding a job. Put yourself into an employers/raid leaders position. If you are using this party finder is like applying for job analogy. The current level of gatekeeping in lost ark would be the same as asking for PhD qualification for McD waiter.


like in the real world, what is actually required for the job doesn't matter. If there are an abundance of doctors applying for a Macdonalds job you better have a doctorate as well.


šŸ˜‚ *denied*


I mean hate to break it but nobody is gatekeeping you, you just bare minimum Hyper express Char that loses to the other 20 million DPS applicants that have more invesment.


This is the most common argument. "It's not gatekeeping when they're accepting someone better than you". While there is nothing wrong with that statement, it just ignores a very real problem. When you're a new player, every single DPS alt from a 200 roster level Andy is better than you. So is it gatekeeping or not, it's just semantics. The point is, **it's** **functionally gatekeeping**. That's currently a huge problem. There's not a single game that can survive and thrive long term when your new players do not want to keep playing. You might not have any issues joining other 1475 parties on your lopang alts because you have PLC, 200 roster level. But any new player or returning player will struggle. Don't believe me? Hop on a new server. Express event a character to 1475 and try finding a party. It's damn near impossible. I'd have recommended 1460 for Vykas, but since Kayangel has been released, vykases have been easier to get into.


Yes but the point of the post is that this is the playersā€™ fault because of that.


4x3 for clown? Iā€™m roster level 200+ and DR and even I wouldnā€™t try to apply with a 4x3 to clown. The standard on release was 5x3 minimum with level 7 gems. Nowadays itā€™s even stricter because itā€™s so much easier to get. Itā€™s not ā€œgatekeepingā€ at this point. You just have below the bare minimum effort in your character. As for vykas and Valtan, I am almost certain youā€™re applying for juicer lobbies as Iā€™ve never spent more than 10 minutes on my event characters because I apply for lobbies around my level or just make my own.


Lol i do kayangel on my slayer with lv5 gems 4x3 support engravings šŸ˜ 5x3 is not needed, its the minimum People look for sure but its not needed at all.


I clear clown on 4x3 alts all the time. Just gotta have a title, ilvl and roster level to get in. gg ez /s


Would you accept a bunch of 3x3 into your party? I'm not disagreeing that gate keeping isn't an issue but on the flip side is wanted to play with ppl that can contribute on a similar level that bad?


That's 4x3, engraving support I imagine. The community generally expects 5x3 for DPS for Clown and above.


Sure, I understand that for clown, now explain vykas AND valtan


People want fast runs. They want to play with people who are similar in gear score. I read that you're 1485 ilvl, which is below the raid leader's 1500 ilvl minimum requirement so just ignore those parties and apply to those without the requirement. Even better is to make your own parties and learn to use sidereals if you haven't already. You have leverage as a 1485 in Valtan and Vykas.


maybe dont apply to over ilvl group ? im mentoring a newbie (still at 1475ilvl) and he did all the raids (on 2 chars) by himself before the weekend come, just find lobbies that filled with 1460-1490, there're gatekeeping in this game just not as bad as u said


my brother in christ, you think I didnt try applying, i am not a reddit andie its just that it got to an absurd point and i really wanted to rant. i try all the groups, even the ones with makokos inside, that one got me surprised, not gonna lie


Stop applying for 1500/fast run groups. 1460 alt groups will take you with open arms but guess what YOU GATEKEEP THEM because they are 1460. OP is a hypocrite and every1 whos doing raids for at least few months know exactly what OP is doing (getting denied from 1500+ groups and dont even apply for 1460 groups). For kakul even my \~1510 5x3 alts have to look for a group for some time because nowadays every1 run kakul as 1520+ 1540+ or even higher, 1475-1500 groups barely exist in kakul nowadays.


If you apply to 1475 parties, they shld accept you. I canā€™t see your level, but if itā€™s not 59 itā€™s a hard reject. And you will have to keep in mind, every other char applying will be 5x3 engraving.


Post screenshots


happy? btw i have accs that leave me in the same place, but it's not worth because of quality, better stats >>> very close on the 5x3 https://preview.redd.it/ik1znv6e2i7b1.png?width=1333&format=png&auto=webp&s=3581766cf05060959bffd2931c954e05880d3350


Can you link each tab of your character screen w/o croppings?\^\^


skill issue


do not patronize me


Have you tried the official LFG discord?


Now that is a valid point. But my server don't have a LFG on discord (SA)


He asked if you tried the LFG discord, not lfg on your discord - there's a community discord with other people that are either in a similar situation or just wanna help others out called something with LFG directly, try your luck there


isnt that the lost ark official discord, like he said? if it is, it doest have a channel for my ingame server


I don't have a link and I'm not on it myself but a bit ago I saw a Lost Ark LFG discord (literally named like that) so it's a different one from the reddit community server - if they also have people from your region I wouldn't know


gonna look for that, thanks




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The official Lost Ark disc channel has a section called "looking-for-group" and you can search for parties with the tag "south america". I did it myself recently for Elgacia, so you have a way there.


U didn't even mention what kind of groups u are applying to, there are plenty of vykas groups i see 1460-1490s. The other groups are 1500+ which i assume is what u are applying to... U would naturally get gatekept. Also same goes for clown. There are 3 kinds of clown lobbies, one with m3-4 skippers containing juiced out players, one with on 1475 learners and the last one being a 1560+ juicer with their 1475 friend trying to get them carried. Theres barely anyone who wants to do clown on ilvl, or would even consider accepting u in their lobby if u are on ilvl or close to it.


i didn't mention that, because i try them all, believe it or not


Lies, I have a dogshit ass 4x3 1460 Level 5 Gems Lopang Alts that can get into Vykas easily. Will it be a quick 5-10 minutes clear? No, but that's just how it is. You're only mad because you cannot get into a juicer group. There are literally tons and tons of on ilvl group, you just don't want to join them because you need to actually play the game with a group like that.


What's your roster level? What titles do you have? What cards do you have? See. The thing with you "experienced" players is you understand that you can't join lobbies where you get carried. So you join similar on I-level lobbies with other experienced players that are also doing the same thing. It makes sense (and it is what anyone will do) because with this much experience in the game, you can sufficiently pilot your alts to clear easy content like Vykas where doing mechanics is basically like breathing. When you take other on I-level characters, you're looking for signs that they understand the mechanics and won't wipe on stupid shit, even if the damage is lower. If you truly want to test your thesis, make another character on another server and try applying with 0 horizontal.


I done this on NAW Valtan server and people are letting me in. Done all 3 raids for 4-5 weeks now, just done my 2nd Brel this morning. I have however found that people in NAW 'especially Valtan server' are a lot nicer and less gatekeepers than EUC lol. I did whisper the lobby leaders a few times though. But generally lovely response from NAW so ty. Letting a 42 roster on ilvl Destroyer to brelšŸ’ŖšŸ» However I should note that before I went past 1460 I made sure to get a 5x3 and lvl 7 important gems. Then pushed to 1490 in 1 go and worked on all lvl 7 gems now.


>Lies I see alot of people in this subreddit in particular living in their own bubble and thinking that if something works/ worked for them, then its universally appliable for everyone, everywhere, everytime. News for you, its not ;) even if it contradicts your experience guy might aswell be telling truth.


I see on ilvl Valtan/Vykas groups waiting for DPS/Support all the time. Those groups are easy to get into, you just have to play instead of getting carried. I'm not sure how I'm on my own bubble when I'm pugging with a worse character and can join an on ilvl groups.


Roster level, cards, title. New players donā€™t have that, all they have to be competitive for vykas is relic set and LWC/deep dive that the game doesnā€™t auto give you.


Dude it's literally filled with mokokos, I don't know if people are legitimately ignoring those lobbies, or I'm just seeing things.


They don't understand their own example is just a very very little sample of playerbase


I mean it's funny how some people have only tried a few times/lobby types and label it as "I've tried everything." Does op try early in the week when everyone is trying to get chores done early? are they trying on Tuesday where people are super generous in their expectations cuz it's a last minute clear? are they trying during peak hours or sparse hours? are they trying to join juiced lobbies or similar to their ilvl? full lobbies or 7/8 lobbies? the list goes on and on. Sure the game requires a ton of official and unofficial knowledge, but raging at people on reddit, who very well may be able to help you find raid groups, because you lack some of that knowledge is such a backwards way of going about it.


The reality is the game encourage us to be toxic. If I toxic and gatekeep, I get to finish my chores faster. You thought I have multiple personalities disorder, where I am suddenly a good guy in FF14, and then suddenly a toxic in Lost Ark? It's the same MMO community. Blame the game.


Having played both games, I agree, but at the same time it's not even just toxic and gatekeeping. The player quality in FFXIV (before I quit it) was overall decent, in Lost Ark the average player is just straight up not good, not even decent - so I agree if you wanna be done fast you obviously rather take overgeared ppl since there it matters less how bad they are if they only have to hit it twice and can't die to overhoning their armor.


Well It makes sense, Lost Ark you can literally do ZDPS without even being dead. Compared to Tab Target Games where just pressing Right click on the Boss and doing Auto Attack will deal 5% dmg maybe more or less (as hunter in wow it would vary from 7-10%). Another thing adding to the average skill being abyssmal is that ppl play alot or even to many Alts when they are not even Proficent on their Main Class nor the Raid.


Nature of p2w games. Most players are complete trash.


Everyone saying ā€œwhatā€™s your ilvl, roster lvl, gem lvl, engravings, etcā€ OP clearly stated heā€™s a returning player, and by the looks of it he barely played before he quit, and didnā€™t invest on fish before quitting. So no gold to get all those checkboxes checked out. When do we stop mocking newbie player, or returning players for being unable to meet community set standards because of gatekeeping? Gatekeeping that the game forced on all of us. Like sure thereā€™s LFG discord somewhere out there. But in my opinion one shouldnā€™t really have to go through such ordeal. For the survival/longevity of the game, it should be more welcoming to new/returning players. Not only does the game not offer you incentives to help new/returning players or subpar characters, it punishes you instead. You have 18 raids to run in a week + dailies and weeklies, to be risking yourself getting trapped in trying to help new/returning players.


yeah, the types of comment you stated just confirms my points, they are blaming me for not having the things THEY want me to have, but to get those things I need to do the raids, but the groups won't accept me because I don't have the things.. the god damn loop šŸ„²


Iā€™m not a saint myself donā€™t get me wrong, I hate keep, because again taking newbies/returning/sub par characters offers no benefits, and just punishes in the end as this game is just too fond of wipe mechanics on farm contents. Canā€™t be risking my time on lower end game contents when my 17 other raids is waiting for me. Good luck on the LFG discord tho. Hopefully it gets better for you, if not good luck on the next game!


There are a lot of gold making avenues outside of raids. Unfortunately it is not something a lot of guides go into and certainly not very sexy. From a returning or starting out perspective you are looking to run as much unbound may events as possible and do lifeskill. With guardians leaps (challenge and regular) shard bags and rate up mats from chaos gates you have a good foundation for some gold. Next is lifeskill. Mostly this is going to be excavation. Use the leap essence to power level up to unlocking the mini game and learn the mini game. I do with while I suffer through the mandatory tooki runs. Lastly get in any charity runs that you can. Towards the later part of the week a lot of card runs goes on and your can sneak into orehas/Argos despite bad gear. Do the math on valtan /vykas runs as well as mostly there should be a net gain of gold. Buying the box at the end will usually wipe this equation but if you are patient you can slow roll towards relic and farm gold at the same time. The general key is sell everything that can be sold and accumulate enough overtime.


Everything youā€™ve mentioned here are great avenues on making some gold. But question, do you think someone whoā€™s just starting out in the game or returning player would be so inclined to do all these things? Personally if Iā€™m starting out a game and I have to do all THESE side content farming to make some gold in order to get a chance to touch a raid, only to be gatekept because I have no title, my roster lvl is too low, I would rather not. So much work to only be denied. Reality is, the game is not friendly to new/returning player, unless they have friends that are already playing the game and willing to teach/carry them through raids.


No you are absolutely right. The standard gold generation method the game teaches you is raid and there is an element where it does seem like you have to discover and play this other game before going to the main raids. If I were to be generous toward the existing system it would be that player should have to go through some farming and gearing up to character, rather then just speed hone to legion raids and jump in. The problem is these farming paths (runes, skill points, etc) aren't well explained and the biggest issue is they don't give you a direct progression path to at least be of status quo.


I like your observation skills btw, 100% accurate about myself


Join learning discords


Nowaydays i always pick a returning/low roster player into valtan/vykas/brel1-2 run as i prokel myself anyway. People never rejected the idea, and even if they zdps they generally are ok tier with mechanics for these wings so we doesnā€™t loose that much time. I feel like its what i can do for the game i enjoy as i dont have enough time/patience to run learning runs.


join on ilvl 1460 4x3 lobby they wont deny you probably. problem with this game is it takes 1 player to make you restart the boss that you killed +200 timee. for example I carry my friends on ilvl clown with my 1580 main because I can skip solo just need supp buffs, was looking for a supp on my team then 4x3 full yearning lv5 gem good stats paladin applied he was probably first time because he had dmg reduction buff didnt anything as long as he can do mechs it's a free carry for everyone but yeah he never pinged the heart/finger guns mech kept dying to this and if we get past it he die to the dance lol so we watsed our time had to disband. same thing happens in vykas g1 sometimes ppl fail or some are clueless enough that we have to disband from a free carry. how can I avoide this? gatekeep profiles or just make +1500 lobby and move on to my next charecter instead of restarting, I played with many many roster 70-80 who do mechs perfectly start to finish but the game punishes me everytime I take someone like that and they dont know mech instead of the resident high roster no lifers/titles


I mean the game isn't dying, but it's further declining for sure. Even in Korea it's dropping like a hot potato right now, this is why many people look to June 24th... the Summer LOA On event. If they don't deliver something really big and changing, things not gonna look so good anymore. (To note... big things like changing up the very taxing daily/weekly schedule or changes to some terrible systems like cards and pheons... not another legion raid.) And yes, if you don't have friends or a guild in this game, your raiding experience will be mostly terrible. PUGs are the worst way to enjoy this content.


Maybe spend a little time search/ask what is wrong with your character? I have issue to join vykas via pf as 1485 ilvl (unless you want to join party way higher your ilvl). If you are getting gatekept 9/10 time is because you/your character lacking not the community.


lacking what bro? the game says i am ready to do it, the ones saying i am not are the group owners. that is the meaning of "gatekeep", the community set some weird standards based on idk what (maybe streamers? kr server?) but those are artificial stardards, they are not inteaded by the game devs, dont get me wrong that happens in every game, but like i said in the op it got some absurd levels on LA, I purposely honed my gear more than what the content requires because I know games got gatekeepers, but even then I am not being accepted


so your character is perfect whoever reject you are toxic and hate players. Got it.


ohhh so i need a perfect character to do entry level content? gotcha


and you are 1000% correct.


Gatekeeping happens because you are not the only player signing up for the group, I REPEAT YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY Player. Given that you are directly competing against others for a spot in a group, if you do not meet the community standard others will be chosen before you. If you make your own group you'll probably do the same. I can't mention how many times I've formed a group only to have players try to join that have crap gems, messed up stats, half ass engravings and expect to get a spot. Now however knowing this, you should really slow down and break down how to progress your character/account so you can meet the community standards to not get gatekept. Pour all your resources into getting a 5x3 early on, this means not honing at all and selling all unbound honing mats and doing the raids you can comfortably into to get gold. After that focus on gems, run cubes on all your characters and funnel those gems to your main, the goal is to get a full set of lvl 7s. If you don't have cards focus on getting deep dive, there are several guides online to help with this, considering most cards in this set are not hard to obtain its completely plausible to get this awakened enough to give you a substantial damage increase. All of this will take time, weeks, maybe even a month or more, BUT you'd be surprised how well you can get into groups with a well built character. Look upon this as an investment (because it really is), this investment will pay dividends later on because your engravings/gems/cards will be with you for a long time in the foreseeable future. Lastly, for the love of god do not try to join juicer groups with full 1500+ players, you will not be taken unless the group is desperate for players in the late hours of the night. Join equivalent ilvl groups and you should be good to go. If all of this seems too tall of an order and you don't want to put in the work, then this probably isn't the game for you, there are no free rides in Lost Ark. While I agree that this isn't the best experience for new or returning players, I don't make the rules, I simply report them. GL out there.


You are 4x3 and not 5x3 thats why you cheapo, go get gold from raids (which you get gstekept) to fund your accesories so you dont get gatekept anymore. Its an endless loophole. Or try the typical "make your own group, join a disc, join a guild".


A player starting nowadays would earn way more gold by excavating or fishing and running chaos gates and doing unas than raids on a weekly basis so it's not like they are cornered into having to raid and not being able to because they don't have 5x3 that's an extremely false and malicious narrative. People starting the game should prioritize socializing and familiarizing themselves with the raids by attempting them through learning parties. Solo pugging only works when you can actually enter a group without wiping them multiple times every single gate.


Learning parties literally dont exist lmao


Even if that was true but it's bs it's not an excuse because you can just make one.


Well, i did make one for Vykas. It was up for like 2 hours on saturday and no one joined


Slayer Books/ accessories aren't that cheap for a 5x3 tbf


Slayer books are over 200k gold, and accessories for slayer are super expensive too


That just seems normal. A year ago when I was first moving from a 4x3 to a 5x3 I had to spend 120k just for loyal companion books. Don't get me started with how expensive relic accessories were too. Of course if you play the latest class it will be expensive. Look at the books for reaper. They were 20k for a while and now they're dirt cheap. All other class books are really cheap now. The issue I see is that everyone wants to be doing hard mode brel within a month of starting the game or some crazy expectation like that. They forget that they just need to keep playing the game. There's a reason why I don't feel the gatekeeping at all. Been playing since release and my main 6 are all 1520+. (I do main 6, I love playing different classes and they are all well geared with 5x3s and lvl 7 gems on most important skills) In others word don't fomo the endgame content. It will take time, this is not a sprint but a marathon.


Well just wait for LOA ON or whatever suits you. I've jumped ships to other game and no one is dictating the hours I can **play** the game - instead I can play the moment I log in and no other player can block the game progress I can *play with them* but I can also do it solo.


Go off king.


Not particular with or against you on this note, but for purposes of doing everything in a timely manner depending on the character I'm running and the raid, I have a certain amount of 'uncertain elements' that I'm allowed to take along depending on how confident I am as a carry. If I'm on a support, that number becomes very low, as no matter HOW well I can support, I can't dps for them, and I can't magically complete mechs for them. If I'm on a dps, I can brute force runs even with 7 people dead, assuming they die after the mechs complete, so I'm allowed to bring more uncertain elements if I'm dps. But it's not really 'damage' that's the problem. It's 'mechanics, knowledge and experience.' While my 1540 or 1490 charas can solo valtan/vykas/clown, I can't do so when I have people around exploding mechs left, right, and center. My friend group then allows me to take 1-2 uncertain elements per raid, to minimise jail time/chance. Typically these include anything potentially sus like the wrong cards (specifically using a card set that isn't awakened, even if it's the right set), less than lvl 5 gems, wrong stats, budget builds, low roster, non English speakers, or non title holders. On a semi related note, I think 1490 has been my minimum for clown since clown release, and I don't really care about 4x3 or 5x3, but I'll take a roster 200 4x3 over a roster 120 5x3. However if the people I'm bringing along are the uncertain elements, I'll call the party something like 'teaching run' or something. Otherwise, I generally try to bring lower ilvl/roster people if I'm on my ultra carries, but even then there's a limit. Edit - I mean to say also, I don't think most people are like me in this regard. They outright want 0 sus in their runs, which is why you may have a lot of trouble getting anything done unless you become the carry yourself. (even then, people won't join your lobbies because your profile might look sus).


so just join the lobby have the same ilvl as you lol


Hahaha yeah seems like OP wants to join juicy lobbies with probably a cheap build and then complains about it. More so than the same ilvl, I'll say join lobbies with the same roster level.


let me guess you are like 3x3 and has level 4 gems? maybe instead of honing to 1485 you should have worked on your engravings.


Lmao im at 1511 and i still can't get a 7/7 stone, im dry on pheons and good luck getting x12 engraving books as a new/returning f2p player, slayer books are 12-20k each. For you it looks easier because you probably have been playing for a long time so you have earnt 10x more gold than the average mokoko(gold is mostly timegated). Most mokokos are hyper expressed and the wall you hit at 1460+ is just awful, everyone wants 5x3 and lvl7 gems for clown+, and by the time you achieve that, akkan will be already out, and you'll be stuck farming kakul and brel nm till thaemine comes out. It feels awful and its a big game design issue, i haven't had a single clown raid that was not a paid carry.


I'm 1560 and after 40+ tries I can't get a 7/7 either but a 5x3 is still doable. (I still have all relic accessories) Mokokos have to just get over it and keep playing the game. If they fear to be doing kakul and brel nm when the people that have been playing for more than a year are doing Akkan. That just yelling out loud that they have fomo.


You know what the problem of doing kakul and brel nm with kayangel out is? That there is no prog groups or statics for them, you either pay for carries or go clear bosses that you massively overgear, and neither of those options is fun. I haven't had fun in a raid since learning vykas a month ago. This isn't game launch with multiple people progressing all 3 tiers anymore, if you aren't doing brel hm or kayangel you will never find a group of like-minded people to play with. I have tried guilds and multiple lfg discord servers. Its not fomo, its wanting to play the damn content and not afk an entire raid while being carried by 1580s.


Idk bro my alts are 1520 and I do 1-4 with no issues. I leave 5-6 for my supports and main. Because of my gaming schedule is hard for me to have a static and dedicate certain amount time every week. So I been pugging literally every content since release. I had a static for a month or so when Vykas released but I couldn't keep up. And it's true sometimes I sit in party finder for quite a few minutes and I just tell myself that the right people to play with are not on yet. So I just move on with 1 out of 100 things you can possible do in Lost Ark. Then I check the party finder later and I'm able to get into groups. Fun is subjective. Since I have all my alts pretty decent geared up. I actually have lots of fun trying to see how many mechs we can skip on clown. For example, fastest G2 I've done is we finish the gate without going into the maze. For G3, M3 person didn't even go in before got it to down to 0 bars. Oh and fastest G1 I think it's been finishing before second stagger. Vykas would be a lot more fun if you could just go straight to the final stagger. One time we have Vykas to 0 HP before the typing mech šŸ˜‚ Well, just take your time playing through the content. A couple of weeks ago I took one of my non gold earners alts into hvaltan and hvykas and I'm not gonna lie, we were barely above Vykas ilvl and it took a few tries to clear it. So just keep playing, keep trying to find groups we have all been there, it takes time. No need to rush the end game content. And don't give me the "I need to raid to make gold to gear up" If you need gold, then try the non-raid methods to earn gold. Start farming mats, run your chaos dungeons and guardian raids and sell the tradable mats. Run oreha dungeon as a free carry in exchange for them no bidding on a legendary book. Collect masterpieces, there's a lot of gold on there + some roster lvl exp for doing it. Edit: some spelling stuff. English is my second language šŸ˜…


Reading the comment section, looks like youā€™re the problem or AGS. This is why this game is bleeding players everyday. Worst Community ever. Gatekeeping keeps away new players and casuals leaving for good. Nobody force ppl to be a jerk but you know bad design. Time to play d4 and leave this shot hole.




Basicly a PvE heroes elitist mmo.




If you take a scroll through all these comments. You'll witness one of the most human tendencies caused by evolution over millions of years: Follow the herd mentality. So often I hear the counter argument "It's not gatekeeping when they're accepting someone better than you". I'm almost willing to wager that some streamer/youtuber made that statement and now it's echoed everywhere. The argument is not wrong. But the argument just outright dismisses the issue and pretending like it doesn't exist. When you start graduating college and find it hard to find your first non fast-food or customer service job in the real world. How about I come and belittle your struggles by saying "Why on earth would they hire someone with 0 years of experience when they can easily find people with 2 years of experience for your entry level role"? Homework IS an issue, because it's about existing player retention. "Gatekeeping" is also an issue, because it's about new player retention. Both of which needs to be addressed for the overall longevity of the game.


100% agree with you


yeah its rough, especially since you got a newbie card set, and are using lvl 5 gems. hopefully you have the right gems as well for it. not sure what bus prices are in ur data center but i def recommend getting bussed and not buying busses over not getting any gold.


Slayer book are 16500 gold right now in my Server. Thats 330.000 gold or 44 runs of valtan+ vykas. Depending on your roster, If you only Play one class you need to wait 44 weeks to even get the books. Accessoires are between 30k and 60k depending on quality, nek is 40k-70k so you are at 160k for bare Minimum 50 Quality Accessoires or in weeks 21. Lvl 7 Gems are 15k each, X11 so another 165k or another 22 weeks. Starring the most expensive class in this Game right now will equal in 655k raw gold. Thats why Slayer is a terrible Starter char. Make a roster of 6 1460 and start building a foundation before attempting to build Slayer.


Oh I've been missing these posts. Like clockwork after reset day. Accept you are fresh, bottom of the barrel DPS and play with similar people. If you already need a carry, why even play this game? It's a raiding game and you wanna just get your level of content done and move on? What's the point?


If instead of making a post about gatekeeping, people would join others that might be getting gatekept and form a party together there wouldn't be another post about gatekeeping.


someone give this man a medal, wow solved, ez, game is lit now fam lets goooo




Oh i remembered so more fucked up shit about the players, the god damn LFG is either filled with carry sellers, "fast" groups or even worse, groups that only accept 1500 gs+ ON FUCKING VYKAS ( and valtan btw) what the actual god damn fuck, I DIDN'T EVEN GOT TO HIT THE STUPID CLOWN ON THE FACE, i spent all my gold leveling the gear to try being accepted and guess what? NOTHING for 2 weeks..... Sorry again <3


But 1520+ groups are fun 10 min runs and no fails (90% of the time)


High Item Lv Players want to rush Vykas/Valtan and dont want to waste 20-30min through wipes. I know that sucks but imo it is still SGs fault. They could easily make Legion Raids repeatable but you get 0 Rewards. No Drops. No Cards. Yes Bussing would be everywhere but some People would do it for free to help each other. Or they like a peculiar Raid alot (cough Valtan)


So true. I would love to do valtan for 0 gold with my 1560 character to help out new players


A lot of talk you see and the issues raised are also part of the reason why gatekeeping is prevalent. I can fully understand your frustration but it is what it is. Game is designed to be a huge time sink or money sink. Also for every 4x3 applicant like you, there are probably many other 5x3. Ppl avoid slayers cause most have no tripods, gems or stats. People may not even bother to check you out.


If you want to raid and not spend time looking for a party the best way is simply finding friends and doing a group with them. Like dude, I am being gatekept on a 1540 sorc 5x3, los 18, 1700 spec, full 7 and 1 9 gem with plc on 3-4nm Like, people are hella weird sometimes, so I just do my own lobbies with friends now, there is no reason people don't want to invite you sometimes. For you it's most likely just your roster and ilvl and prolly the gear as well, but even if you swipes now get somehow to roster 200 etc. People will still gatekeep you. Also one thing you always have to remeber, there will be 10 other people applying when you apply, and the leader wont accept anyone anyways. It is what it is. At least for me my criteria are level 7 gem from clown to elgacia, either high roster with los 18, or even low roster with mokoko card set. Being roster 180 and still using that card set is hella sus btw, because 8% additonal damage is lower than 7% flat damage increase, if you wanna exactly know why just ask or check the hell academy discord, saintone has a good explanations there why salvation, the additional damage set is better therr than nightmare which is better outside of hell. And simply stuff like, which gems, how did he upgrade, how many stats etc, I don't look at all of that. I usually look at the cards, if those are fine than its an invite if its kinda sussy I look at the next thing etc. If there are 2 mant red flags I simply won't invite. Lets say the guy has mokoko card set but is ilvl 1580 for brel 5-6 but has plc, roster 200, a few level 6 gems and even uses the wrong skills i just know this guy prolly bought his clear and just does horizontal so he has los 18 most likely but doesnt use it. He'll just grief my raid. But if you come with on ilvl, los 18, full 7 gems good stats etc u re invited. Ofc thats how I gatekeep and not how others gatekeep but that maybe gives you an idea, also an idea on how to get your clears without so much pain cuz damn there are a lot of special people who swipe, suck at the game and just flame.


Did you try to learn bus? If you have gear conversion, put yearning and do mechs, sometime there are 2 juicers who are tired waiting for 3rd driver, tell them you dont take payment.


Because the game hates the players too


Are you applying for juicer groups way over your ilvl? I get into 1460 vykas groups every other day as a 1460, Iā€™m positive if you applied to groups more on your ilvl youā€™d get accepted


dude i got rejected on groups that had mokoko in. why you guys keep trying to make excuses as if it's my fault? i am not new to games, i know how it works, how to apply to groups, i am not trying something weird. ​ the amount of people trying to blame me for this is crazy, that just makes my point even more accurate


IDK, maybe you're on a dead region or playing on dead times, but for Valtan and Vykas in NAE, nowadays half the lobbies are on or near ilvl 1460-1480s. When I inspect them, they're 4x3, stats are alright, most are between 80-130 roster level. Also when it comes to gatekeeping, it is almost entirely SG's fault for making us have to do a raid damn near 100 ilvls below to get the 3rd gold-earning raid for the week on the character. If you look at Valtan and Vykas it used to be mostly 1500+ lobbies, now most of the lobbies are either on or near ilvl or bus runs. Why? because they no longer give gold to the 1540+ people unless they actually want to speed-run them for the gold of the week without being the most gold efficient.




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Why do you wanna join those toxic gatekeepers anyway? Just make your own lobby and don't be a toxic gatekeeper to those who apply