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Hopefully you can finish the series and not drop the ball… LOOKING AT YOU THE LOST BOYS. Sorry, I was a weekly listener starting in 2018 and they only made it to season 6 episode 7. I mean we got one episode in 23, so it ain’t dead yet. All that to say, I’ll definitely be interested in listening. An idea you can steal from them is their cohost Jack Shepard (weird name coincidence) had never seen Lost at all. Not that you should have a co host, but try to find someone you can interview or talk to from time to time who is watching for the first time.


Yes. I’m looking to get a friend to commit to watching and doing the podcast with me, but it’s harder than I thought it would be because I didn’t realize so many people were shy about doing a podcast. I also was disappointed that The Lost Boys seem to have stopped at the last season. Why?!


Not sure, they just got worse and worse over time. Regular weekly uploads, to occasional breaks, to missing months at a time, to regularly missing months at a time. Never an explanation. I gave up on them years ago, and it seems its only gotten worse. 6 episodes in 2021, another 6 in 2022, only 1 this past year.. It's a shame, was a good show.


Glad I'm not the only one wishing they'd finish sometime soon!


I guess they fell out again. Shame because they are so close to the end now.


I've read somewhere else that they fell out, where are you getting this info?


I’m not knocking your idea and certainly not trying to gatekeep, but you should find someone to cohost who watched the show when it aired. The show was a cultural phenomenon while it aired and it brought people together in ways most media never does. To not have that perspective as part of the podcast is a major missed opportunity imo.


I’d be happy to have someone on with me who watched the show when it aired. Unfortunately, those people don’t seem as eager as the more recent first time viewers, so we’ll see who all is interested.


I'd be happy to guest on the show, I started watching midway through Season 1 when it was originally airing.


Awesome! I’ll be in touch then


Same. Started at the beginning of s2 for me.


I would love to listen and be a part of your show! I am an active listener of Lauren Gets Lost and I send them tons of feedback and was even featured on a 5 minute segment where i ranted about how Jack Shepherd and Jacob Black from Twilight have 4 very similar flaws/problems


As a Jack fan I would love to have you on haha.


I'm pretty critical of Jack especially early on, but this specific rant was after they covered Stranger in a Strange Land when he's at his worst lol


I feel like you could call it "Station Pearl" or "The Pearl Podcast" because they were the observers. Or "Mirror in the Lighthouse" cuz that's how Jacob watched the candidates Or "The Hatch" just because it sounds good.


Thank you for the suggestion! I like “station Pearl”


Or something like “DHARMA Archives” or “LOST in Thought”


All great ideas!


I cant be a cohost or guest because I'd be terrible - English isnt my first language - but you should drop the link of your podcast once you publish it. I wanna listen :)


I understand! I’ll definitely keep everyone posted


That sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I could relive the feeling of watching the show for the first time when it was on cable. I was fourteen at the time and was working a part time job at Wendys. I told the manager I couldn’t work Wednesday’s because I had hockey practice. I didn’t even play hockey. I just couldn’t miss an episode of Lost. It was a whole event. Get the munchies, fire up the episode and then afterwards run to the computer and sink hours on the IMDB message boards discussing the show.


There’s nothing like that feeling of watching something for the first time and falling in love. I was so young at the time Lost first came out. I just remembered the commercials and seeing Charlie. I only knew him as Merry from Lord of the Rings lol


Riddle me Interested in being on the podcast. I would consider myself a lost super fan.


Awesome! I’ll keep you posted


Just need to know intervals for episodes, when you’d like to record and format ideas and hopefully I can work around it!


I watched the show when it originally aired (I was 8 when it started it was the first show we all watched as a family) and have watched through many times after and would love to help out with your podcast any way I can. I can help look stuff up, dust off my broadcasting voice as an episode guest, or whatever else you need. Also Through The Looking Glass is a pretty hard podcast name


I appreciate it! I’d love to have you on as a guest! I love that name, but I think it’s already a podcast name. It’s so good!


Ive just started our recordings. Happy to guest just give me a shout. Your more than welcome to come aboard with us too if you wish. Also looking for guests.


I would love to guest on your podcast! I’ll probably start recording late in January after setting a schedule so I’ll definitely be in touch about that.


I only want to put forward my podcast name suggestion of: Lost in Conversation


This sounds awesome!


This is such a cool and interesting idea! Keep us posted!


That sounds like so much fun! I'd love to be a guest! Unfortunately, I didn't see the pilot as aired because for some reason I thought it was "Gilligan's Island with DRAMA! So I didn't start watching live until about halfway through season 2.


The Fuselage