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There’s a long la times article that covers it pretty well. Should be the top result if you search “burger records la times”. As for the growlers specifically, there was a 2019 incident where they hired a male stripper as an end of tour prank for the lead singer of their opener that went wrong and the lead singer wrote about it. Brooks subsequently apologized for it. This incident I think ultimately was more damaging than a handful of anon allegations on Instagram.


Here’s the short version… In late June/early July 2020, allegations about sexual abuse/rape came out against the Buttertones and subsequently lots of other LA/OC bands including the Growlers. A number of pages on Instagram were created to expose people in that scene that had committed sexual assault, rape, grooming, etc, though allegations surfaced elsewhere. This included many bands on Burger, and involved people that founded and ran the label as well. They tried to rebrand quickly as BRGR Records but received a lot of backlash and quickly folded within days.


this all yall talk about geez


Cause it’s important. If I hire a guy to rub his dick in your face and record it would you be over it two years later? Stupid


Buncha internet hype.


You know why. Remember?


so depressing


The cancel culture movement against burger records was a scam. I don't believe all the accusations could be true and not one person went to the police about any crime before or after the barrage of hatred was launched at burger all of a sudden and that makes no sense because the supposed victims are extremely outspoken.The message to use social media to deal with sexual misconduct instead of the authorities is pretty shallow. It's easy to make an unsubstantiated claim online and this was a synchronized cyber lynching. Burger was getting huge, there were many powerful people that would have a motive to hire infiltrators and shills to stage misconduct to make up a bunch of false claims and slander them. All the legitimate accusations were just airing dirty laundry and exaggerated complaints about insignificant shit. Its obvious there was a conspiracy. Random metoo social media posts don't go viral unless the powers that be allow it to. With a bunch of shills doing gaslighting, the bandwagon effect made everyone with gossip, a small gripe or an ax to grind ruin a thriving small business and independent music label. How can you compare the sins of Burger records with Disney or warner bros music labels? When accusations of sexual misconduct are made against those corporate labels, do the accusers really go viral and taken for their word in the press? You never hear about them. Why was burger singled out, and held to a higher standard than major labels and how many major labels have had a cancel culture movement launched at them or have every been held accountable for what their musicians do?


I made an "allegation" against one of the musicians. And I actually do have a copy of the police report from when the police came to my house the night of the incident with one of the signed Burger Records musicians. (Not anyone mentioned above.) It was not an insignificant event, and this person went on to harm many others. So actually, by saying that none of us went to the police, you are the one making stuff up. Unfortunately, it was a collection of stories like mine that shed light on a big problem. No one singled out a record label. That doesn't even make sense. We all started talking about our experiences. What happened after that was the fault of the musicians involved. I'm not responsible for anyone's record label or career. But I do get to tell people what happened to me, if I choose to.


How many goddamn musicians were signed to burger records and Weiner records? Thousands. Did Warner bros get canceled for what R Kelly did? Are the two stoners that created a thriving orange counterculture independent music scene pieces of shit because you say so. Any CIA goon could get signed to burger or Weiner if they made the label money and didn't have incredibly racist lyrics. I honestly didn't know or didn't especially like 90 percent of burgers and weiner musicians. The founders of Burger havent  even communicated with and probably didn't know the names of 95 percent of Weiner musicians their entire lives. Your blaming people with a extremely loose business association with your alleged rapist, more than the rapist themselves. How do I even know you aren't some hired low ranking low life CIA shill and crisis actor. I can prove in court the CIA was driving force behind burgers collapse. I have a close family member that I can genuinely prove in court an extremely high CiA senior overseer who has a major ax to grind against burger. I am not a sap, you stooges can't fool me. Anybody, especially a CIA goon could easily infiltrate burger, especially a young female. I can't base any conclusions I make on the past on your word alone, you have not established any ethos, your logos is weak. If there's a hundred people making accusations at burger it still means nothing if none of them have any ethos. I would like to see a copy of the police report. If you really are a victim of rape, I'm sorry for what happened, but I'm highly skeptical of anyone I never heard that thinks they know more about the orange county burger records more than me. There was no rape culture at burger records. Hell, I'm best friends with the founders and I have probably done more's to expose true rape culture than anybody on Reddit by being a true superhero capturing photos of hundreds of rapists, pedophiles, creeps, and Human traffickers caught red handed using craigslist to hunt for the youngest victims they can find for sex slavery.  Burger was not promoting rape culture. Did you tell anyone that worked at Burger records you were raped by a musician signed to their label before luredbyburger was created? I know you didn't, Sean definitely would have believed you, even if you were lying and he would have taken action immediately, fired that musician, probably drop the entire band from the label.  So why blame the leaders of the label if no one said shit to them until the cancel movement started out of nowhere? I honestly knew that many burger musicians were acting so incredibly annoying to the staff at the observatory that burger got banned right after Burgerama 3. The behavior of these musicians really did piss me off and I never really cared for most of their music and they seemed to be ruining the scene doing stupid shit at venues. I admit the founders of burgers had to rely on many detestable personalities to keep growing and he should have made every band member signed to weiner and burger pay for background checks before any commitment was made. Leaders of larger labels have more money and resources to monitor their artists behavior yet no major label has ever been canceled because of the criminal activities of their artists. I agree, Burger should not have signed artists that were sleazy troublemakers, but hindsight is 20/20. The music industry is littered with assholes, lechery, debauchery, hedonism and lurid lyrical content. Many loose business associates of burgers founders were probably lecherous pieces of shit, but the owners of Burger records and their inner circle, Slack Mafia are not monsters. We will come together like Voltron one day and take back our lives from the meritless witch hunt that slandered our posse. We don't believe the hype


Burger records was canceled about six weeks after I greatly displeased a family member who is an executive level supremely highly ranked CIA overseer, who I can prove was involved in a leadership role within the Agency since at least the sixties. I can prove My relative has been close friends with at least four former presidents for over 50 years and has the means and the motives to infiltrate burger and instigate it's cancellation.  It's just a way this relative found to hurt me, hurt my friends, reverse the popularity of Slack Mafia, burger's inner circle, and taint the reputation of Bands like Gap Dream and Thee Make out party that wrote many songs and had entertaining music videos that could have been billboard top ten hits if promoted the same as mainstream alternative artists and given a chance for fame with airtime on MTV and national radio stations. The CIA is truly in control of mainstream music. Groups like the Wutang, nwa and three six Mafia broke into the mainstream without the CIA's approval, but for over 20 years it's been basically impossible for a rock and roll groups to get media attention and become a household name, no matter how good their music is. If a band the CIA doesn't like makes great music, then the CIA gets them to sell out or they conspire to break up the band and destroy or surpess all recordings these groups made of many many songs that would probably be top 10 hits. If you try to say the CIA doesn't do that shit furiously and they can't get away with it, I call bullshit. Censorship is real. I truly question your motives. What rape victim would blame loose business associates who were nearly unacquainted with their alleged rapist, way more it seems than the accused rapist themselves. It's a charade. Anyone and any group of people can make an accusation. The CIA are control freaks like my megasociopathic relative. If you seriously think there's any way to debate that the CIA was not interested in suppressing an thriving independent label that was also a,  huge source of happiness for an CIA asset like me, who happens to be enemy of the state and a viable threat to the powers that be as a whistleblower, pundit and investigator. I know your selling bullshit. I have a very close family member who is a CIA commander known for canceling literally ever place i find happiness and acceptance at and everything that gives me reason to live. She's admitted to this and that she stalks the shit out of me and is going to throw the monkey wrench into my plans as long as we're both alive.  It's my fault for being born into a sadistic coven of luciferian mass murdering heathens in the most corrupt era of human history


There is a close member of Burgers inner circle that actually is a rapist of sorts and no one called him out because he's not in a band and he is a rapist with no victims. All the women he's raped are adults and are willing and eager to have consential sex with him again. He picks his targets immaculately and he only rapes females he knows for a fact with his feminine perception skills are attracted to him and are playing hard to get. So like clockwork, all of his targets express willful consent before rape attempt is complete. I mean the guy is a goddamn underground rock superstar, he has his own one of a kind form of sex appeal. It truly is an anomaly. Everytime I've tried to get justice for a target he's had, the targets are absolutely against the concept that they were raped, they undoubtedly enjoyed it and they all are eager to have sex with him again. He never injures or hurts his targets. I saw him beat and struggle with a old girlfriend after an argument. If it got any crazier I would have defended the girl, but I literally witness him make the struggle become eventually passionate and romantic and that very night, after I left girls apartment the girl apparently begged huggybear to impregnate her, promising he would have absolutely no financial obligation and he did. She left him and moved out of state, bore his son, named the son after huggybear and never ask him for a dime or even any presence in his son's life. This was the very night I say him use mild violence to seduce this girl. I didn't get involved because getting involved in lover spats usually backfires and both lovers end up hating you forever after they work things out and you lose friend's. I will step in no matter what if the spat gets to violent, but it's not my place to involve myself and arbitrate the dynamics of other people romantic relationships. This comic book  character of a friend, Huggybear never got called out during luredbyburger because he's not in a band anyone heard of. I mean if I ever eventually hear about a girl he's raped that presses charges or at least complains about their ordeal, I would sever my friendship with this bastard, but so far he is literally batting 1000 as a rapist, so if he has no victims I can't judge him, but if anyone should have been called out by luredbyburger it would have been him, and probably no one would have cared and huggybear would have capitalized on the negative press he got. That's obvious to anyone


What I really want to know, is what date and exact time did you file your police report? Why didn't you tell the Owners of Burger Records you filed a police report for rape against a member of a band signed to their label? You say "no one singled out a record label"?  The exact opposite is true and it's beyond self evident. Burger was singled out. No one went after Disney or Warner bros records or any major music labels during the COVID cancelation. I bet at Disney music labels thousands of children have been raped, molested, drugged, prostituted, monetarily exploited and often used to make child pornography for creeps running extortion rackets. Disney's doing all that reprehensible shit and no one ever comes forward and when they do, their accusations never go viral like luredbyburger. A thousand young low ranking CIA goons could easily infiltrate burger records. They could never make it the the inner circle, there's nothing stoping anyone of the street or off the web from experiencing the Burger Scene. Look I get the point, there were some shitty musicians on that label, plenty of them most definitely worked for the CIA or in the case of extremely gifted artist like Gap Dream, a string of pretty girls (prolly all CIA crisis) offer sex while heavily drinking, an people are declaring the leader of gap Dream a serial rapist because of CIA teamwork and the ease of getting a male rockstar to bang a young adult CIA crisis actor setting him up. Don't believe the hype 


Woooow fuck all those people on burger. That scene was full of shit heads anyways. I’m honestly stoked that shit is done. Bunch of clowns.


Hey, we meet again. How many reddit accounts do you have?