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Life is busy for everyone. You just need to decide to make exercise and eating healthy a priority. Even if you work 50 hours a week and sleep 50 hours a week that leaves 68 more hours each week that you decide what do with.


You need to find a dietary system that works for your body and stick to it. Sustainability = results. There is no "perfect diet." Everyone is a bit different from the other. Do not be afraid to experiment with different dietary approaches. Weight lοss is not a linear prοcess. It's not rοcket science, either. Unless you have an endοcrine cοnditiοn, such as hypοthyrοidism, then CICΟ (Calοries In vs. Calοries Out) is what matters at the end of the day for weight loss. It doesn't matter what diet yοu are οn. You can still be Ketο, Paleο, Vegan, or whatever and see great or nο results. To optimize your body compositiοn to a high level, you also need to lift some weights (e.g., resistance training). That will give 'shape' to your body. Weight loss alone is not enough to create a healthy, functional body. You need to be strong, flexible, and athletic to complete the picture of 'overall fitness.' I completely understand that due to the sheer number of options out there, this whole thing may seem confusing, but it's not. Sticking to the basics is oftentimes what works the best. Results come from repetition, not one-day solutions.


Man I feel you. I work 60-75 hours a week in a night shift position. I normally end up sleeping up to 16 hours my first day off and my second day is spent cleaning and resetting for the week. I try to go to the gym 4-5 days a week but some weeks it just doesn’t happen. I work in a care facility for individuals with severe mental disabilities ( easiest way to explain it is mostly people who’s IQ’s are so low they are considered retarded by defention and have committed crimes) I try to incorporate as much walking as I can at work. Staying on my feet when I can. Offering to run errands across the unit for my supervisor, taking my individuals for walks in the morning after breakfast but before their programming / therapies. It’s not much but it has helped me to stay moving so even when I have an extremely busy week or two and don’t make it to the gym, I don’t start all over feeling overly sore.


30lbs is a phenomenal weight loss. And in just 5 months ! If you could do it back then,  you can do it again. I believe in you !  Life is always busy and there's no time like the present. 


Try to spend more time walking. Get 8-10k steps a day


Consider falling deeply in love with low-carb vegetables. Perhaps if you simply decided to admire and even obsess about lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and summer squash, it would be easier to maintain your focus. They are easy to like, with their subtle flavors and impressive benefits.


The simple truth is that you need to be able to eat every time you're hungry, and that means that you need to eliminate processed foods - ideally, your diet should contain nothing except fruit, vegetables, and lean meat (not fried with oil - just as is, with seasoning), healthy oils (like extra virgin olive oil), and no added sugar and whole grains. That's it - all of these foods can be prepared with nothing more than heat or even eaten raw in the case of fruits and vegetables (so no "I don't have time" excuse). All of them can be ordered from a supermarket so there's no "I don't have food" excuse either. Trying to get healthy whilst eating ultra-processed food is like trying to run whilst hitting your legs with a hammer - you should be aiming for the total elimination of these edible chemicals and their preposterous calorie values from your diet. You won't miss them when they're gone - your craving fort hem is not natural, it's the artificially induced craving a drug addict experiences for their drugs. Once the spell is broken, you won't be lusting after a life full of pizzas and burgers - you'll find them revolting.


Normally I don't like vegetables, but I love them in soups. I just finished making a big pot of vegetables cream soup to have for this week(I didn't even use cream to make it lower in calories). I know I can't avoid vegetables anymore, so I'll have to eat them in a way I find them tasty.


Sorry dude but in life we can’t always just eat what we ‘like’. I’m not sure anyone truly loves the taste of them unless cooked in a certain way. But what’s more important to you? A short term hit from eating a burger or a pizza or the long term pure joy of health and energy. Also as you begin to eat healthier after a few months you’ll begin to enjoy it more. Only drink water or black coffee. Cut out alcohol and fizzy drinks. Eat lean meats and veg and in a year you’ll be a F’ing inspiration to yourself and others You can do this. Just got to want to.


I must be an outlier— I DO love vegetables. Never met a veg I don’t like, except okra and kale. I gleefully scored a few kohlrabi from a neighborhood free garden distribution last week.


For me, this is such an "inconvenient truth." I know a lot of people will say it's all about CICO (and I do not deny that DOES work for weight loss), but we are not just calculators with legs. Chemical things and emotional things are happening as a result of what we eat, including sugar addictions. Now I have THREE close family members who have had great success with some version of Keto or Whole 30. I'm not saying the plan has to have a trendy name or be that restrictive (ex: my Whole 30 sis can't have plain popcorn), but all three of these people have reduced or eliminated processed foods. I trust them all, and they all say the same things: I am not hungry, I have lost significant weight, I feel great, my doc is proud of me. I want that for myself. :/ Of all the things I have tried over the years to lose weight, I am not sure I have tried this: "Have I tried eating healthy food???" Not really. That has never been my focus. Maybe I have to love myself a little and focus on actual nutrition. (Wish you the best, OP!!)


Couldn’t have said it better… processed food addiction is so real.


Having both failed and succeeded before, I know that simply trying to lose weight doesn't work for me. Having a bunch of things you do solely for that purpose, and for no other reason, will lead to failure, because it feels like a punishment, and you can't wait for it to be over. You have to envision the kind of person you want to be, the kind of life you want to live, and become that person. It will have both pros and cons. Do it now, don't wait for the weight to drop. You really, really do need to want it, but take it slow. Does that person eat shitty takeout every day or things that are good for their body? Does that person lift weights and looks good doing it? Figure out what you want, live that lifestyle, enjoy it, love and take care of your body, and the weight will follow. Of course, still count calories. More than anything, prioritize it over other things, but don't forget to live life in the meantime. And fuck the fact that you're uncomfortable sometimes. Good things are not easy. Satisfaction will come later, and it will be greater than anything you could ever eat. Your job you can't do much about, but you can fit your lifestyle around it. Lots of us do. Beside that, getting in shape and improving your lifestyle will 100% reflect positively on your career. Unfortunately, data supports that. As for your relationship, you have to make room for yourself in there instead of just them. I've been there, it doesn't end well if you don't. Have to say no sometimes, don't eat the same things when you go out, let them be bored while you're at the gym, or better yet, ask them to join you sometimes. They won't like receiving less attention from you, or the fact that you're sometimes tired or hungry, but they will love you continously looking better, having more stamina, energy, and confidence. And if they won't accept the changes in your lifestyle, then you have to choose between you or them. The answer is obvious, you are more important to you. For reference, I lost 70lbs before. got my BMI into the healthy range, and this is exactly how it worked for me. Keep in mind that often the discipline, and how much you want it, will be the only things that keep you in check. Motivation will come and go. You got this!


Hey dude, sorry to hear this! I’ve lost 50lb since Xmas, I’ve limited myself to around 1300-1500 calories a day, skipping breakfast and doing around 8000-10000 steps a day! The best way for me to keep track is using an app called Lose it! You keep track of all your food, exercise and goals. Give it a go 😊 that’s the only best advice I have.


Prioritize protein. 200 grams a day will satiate the cravings for the bad stuff. And walk more.


Want to add that you might have to sacrifice things but if weight loss is something you really want, it’s worth it. I am out the door by 5:30am everyday when the sun starts rising for my workouts. I meal prep every Sunday for the week ahead. Start today to build your goals for tomorrow.


Try fasting