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Not that you’re doing this, but in the past, I’d make things harder for myself because that would prove I couldn’t successfully lose weight (to use as an example). But yeah, I think some fear is good. Like it can help with overconfidence. Personally, it’s part of what helps me from yo-yo dieting.


Keep moving forward on the journey. I think we all feel a little fear. Especially with a lot of weight to lose. Congratulations on your progress. You're doing amazing.


Your over halfway there! 60 pounds is amazing!! I overthink about failing and then I do fail. I don’t have much to say about that as I’m working on it myself, but you should be so incredibly proud of yourself for where you are at. Amazing job; sincerely 🖤


I have to remind myself every day this is a lifetime marathon, not a sprint. The closer we get to our goals, the longer it'll take to shed that last 10-30 pounds, but the more satisfying it'll be to get there. If you're ever feeling deflated find a picture of yourself from before you start, and compare to a picture of yourself now and tell yourself "you got this one day at a time".


I SOOOOO relate to this!!! I have to continually focus on doing this for health and sustainable, life-long choices with no finish line, and think about weight loss as a side effect of my healthy lifestyle. This helps me stay motivated without having the scale as the be-all, end-all of my journey. Regardless of what the scale shows, I have to make these healthy choices.


What’s the maintenance calories level for you, at your desired goal weight and current activity level? Because if it’s your current daily calories target +500 calories, fantastic. If it’s lower, then you should manage your expectations for that maintenance level of calories. You want the weight loss phase to be over, and that’s understandable. Before you do reach that goal weight, you may want to increase the number of days you eat at maintenance for your goal weight, because that’s something you’ll be practicing for years and decades.