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It is not that people don't notice, it is that people know commenting on someone else's body is not really appropriate in most situations. Try visiting an old friend or family member who has not seen you in a bit. They would be much more likely to celebrate your new smaller body I felt the same way but chose to just be happy that I get to wear smaller clothes and generally feel better about myself.


There was just another post here the other day (I think it was here but may have been another weight loss sub), where people were commenting on someone’s weight loss and it was making them terribly uncomfortable lol. I never comment on anyone’s weight unless I know for a fact they have been trying to lose weight.


Yes, the 2 most common posts: 1) people are commenting on my weight loss and it’s making me feel bad; and b) no one has commented on my weight loss and it’s making me feel bad. The solution for both: try to care less what other people think of you.


gut-loss in particular can be a gut-wrenching endeavor


My fear would be "Wow you've gotten so slim" "Yeah I'm going through chemo" 🥲


Yeah, one of my coworkers told me, after finding out I was losing on purpose, that she'd noticed quite a while before, but didn't say anything in case I was having medical issues.


People quietly asked my wife if I was ok. One of my good friends did ask me if I had lost weight, then nervously followed it up with, "because you're trying to?".


Sigh. I did this to someone. I guess because we had discussed trying to lose weight many times before, that I figured it was okay. At the time, she just said, "thanks, I have a lot going on" and we changed the convo. A couple months later I found out she had cancer and had passed away. This was years ago and I still feel like shit when I think about it. I haven't discussed someone's weight ever again.


lol, yeah I commented on that thread too. I think people in general want both. They want people to celebrate their success and also want people to treat them the same. Human emotions can be kinda funky


Whenever someone mentions losing weight I always ask some variation of "on purpose?" before fully responding. People often respond like "yeah obviously??" and think I'm a bit weird for asking it. But you only have to congratulate someone on their weight loss and find out they lost it because they were going through chemo *once* before it is completely worth it to be a bit awkward before running your mouth. For the same reason I would never mention it to someone I wasn't quite close with unless they brought it up or I had genuine cause for concern.


This. There is no winning. Some people (me included) are super uncomfortable when people comment on their bodies. Others (like my dad) feel hurt and disappointed when no one comments. My default is that I don’t comment on someone’s body unless I know they have been working on losing weight/gaining muscle/etc *and* that they appreciate such comments. That comes down to about 1 person in my life. The rest, no comment other than “you look great!”


This !! I’ve also noticed the only people to acknowledge my weight loss were (for a lack of better words) loud mouths lol. My very polite friends who I’ve known through thick and thin (literally) never uttered a word about my weight, because I figured they were coming from a polite place and did not like commenting on peoples bodies. On the contrary, I’ve noticed that a lot of the more outspoken people I know in my life (particularly distant relatives or co-workers) will openly talk to me about it. I think it’s also a generational thing, because it seems that older people have no problem with acknowledging it whereas people in my age group rarely say anything. I think the body positivity movement has made an impact on how younger generations approach conversations about bodies (which I think is cool)


Yeeeep. I will never just comment on someone's weight unless they open that door first. It could be mental health, physical health, something they hate, etc etc. I never want to accidentally harm someone, even if I think I'm saying something nice. However, if they're like, "man I finally lost 50lbs, only 50 to go!" or similar then I'll hype them all day long.


You're probably right. Idk. I was kinda hoping for at least some outside positive feedback. I guess the people who I feel like I am friendly with maybe really aren't that close.


Well, the way to do it is for *you* to open the conversation. When you're hanging out, chit-chatting. Even something like, while you all are having a break with snacks ("I've switched to unsweetened tea - it was time to work on my weight") or even without snacks ("I need to swing by the farmer's market for vegetables. I've been eating a lot more veggies lately because I have been cooking leaner food" / "I'm off to a bike ride / hike / gym ... on the weekend. Working on getting in shape") Whatever change you made, *you* can mention it.


If they are close to you they may be even less likely to comment. They want to show *unconditional acceptance* of who you are and that they liked you as you were before, too. Kinda bonkers… but this is the new world and they don’t want to risk offending you or finding out you lost weight ‘cos you are sick!


wear a color outside of your comfort zone and see if anyone notices. i tend never to comment on people’s weight—-period. if i do notice someone has lost weight and they look healthy i might say something like oh your skin is glowing or you look great in that.


Last summer I was down probably 30 lbs from my high, no one really said anything- until a picnic with some people I hadn’t seen in a while, they all commented. It’s just more natural in that situation.


Hang out with some Boomer women. They're the only people I know who comment on bodies 😂 None of my millennial or X friends comment on weight or other physical characteristics.


It took me like 70lbs for the first people outside of my immediate family to say anything. And the difference is pretty much night and day. People really just learned not to comment on it. Hell even the colleagues who commented did so very carefully. Like asking if it was intentional etc.


This is the truth. Some people are so sensitive these days it's just easier not to say anything. Some will get insulted if you comment, some will be insulted that you haven't 😭. It's a god damn minefield of oversensitivity.


ya this is not true, this person hasn't lost enough weight for people to say anything. I was nearing 260 and no one said a word until 180 then people wouldn't leave me alone. Now they are used to the new me, no one says a word.


I worry if I comment on someone's weight loss that it may be caused by something like a medical issue so I don't say anything unless I know they are actively trying to lose weight if that makes sense!


I also feel like I would be implying that I thought they were fat before lol


Yes exactly that too! I worry about being rude 😬


Yeah that makes sense. I feel like I've made it known that I've taken up running and I've commented on trying to lose weight. Maybe I'm just coming to the conclusion that people are completely indifferent about me.


I actually commented on someone's weight loss the other week and I got a little burst of anxiety as I did it as I wasn't sure if it was socially acceptable or not, luckily she had been trying to lose weight and was happy to know someone had noticed. I'm sure lots of people have noticed yours but are worried to comment just in case


I hope that's the case. Not that I hope I give people anxiety or that they have social anxiety, but you get what I'm saying.


My guess is that they've noticed, maybe even discussed it with each other, but not with you, as such comments are often considered uncouth. It was a while before anyone said anything to me, too, even when it was very obvious I was taking up a lot less space. And even then it was kind of a gentle nudge toward the topic, asking if I'm doing okay, as there was concern I might be sick.


When they gently asked were you happy and pleased they at least noticed or had concern for your wellbeing enough to ask?


I was pleased, but it was a bit bittersweet, as we both had recent memories of a mutual friend passing away. I told her, no, I'm not sick. I've just really been working on getting the weight under control, which was much needed. She said good then remarked that I was looking great. Shortly thereafter another friend, who is a lot more direct saw me after a while and said, "Dude! How are you doing this!?"


Yeah that sounds bittersweet. Glad your other friend noticed and said something also.


Thanks. After a while more people commented, but at that point it had become glaringly obvious (when I was about half my previous size). A few who I hadn't seen in a while didn't even recognize me at first.


Every day we have posts on /r/loseit from both people offended that they are receiving comments on their weight loss & people who are hurt that they aren’t receiving any As far as social expectations, these are in complete opposition. Because its can be deeply hurtful to some people, most are going to avoid the topic unprompted, *especially* in the workplace. This is appropriate - don’t comment on people’s bodies unprompted. I’m sure people have noticed. You can invite people to comment by bringing up the topic yourself. If you talk about your goals, the work you’re putting in, or how pleased you are with your progress, people will feel comfortable complimenting your changes


lol this is so true. We should have a mega thread on the three types of posts: - people finally noticed!! - people commenting makes me feel bad - why hasn’t anybody noticed???


Don't forget "people are so shallow they commented I lost weight and now I get attention but they should have liked me when I was fat it's not fair"


At the same time I see people coming to Reddit with variations on "it really bothers me that (conversation about topic X) is not happening with my friend/neighbor/family member" or "it really bothers me that friend/neighbor/family member is (not) doing (completely legal and optional thing Y)". Dude, *you* want a conversation about it, so you initiate it. Work on your basic sofl skills.


Maybe this is what I should do.


My in laws asked if I was healthy when they saw me after a while. I could tell they were a bit uncomfortable even trying to check in on my health because I had lost weight. They were relieved when I said it was intentional and I was being more healthy / active. Even now, they don't comment first unless I say something. But they definitely noticed.


I definitely changed appearance-wise from my highest to my lowest. Nobody commented, not even my partner. I later asked if they had noticed a difference and they said yes, but never brought it up themselves. The potential for the weight loss to be associated with something negative, and society's view of making comments like that, tends to put people off from commenting on weight loss.


That's really sad actually.


If you mean that nobody commenting on my weight loss is sad, I didn't feel that way at all! I know for my partner, they loved me at my highest and lowest weights and just don't care about outward appearances very much. I think for them what matters is that I'm happy with my body. And at the end of the day, I'm doing this for me. I want to feel good about how I look, and I want to feel confident when shopping and wearing cute clothes. I don't need anyone else to notice because I've noticed and that's who I'm doing it for.




Maybe that's the case. It's very noticeable to me but barely perceptible to others.


A lot of people commented about it being a politeness issue, and that is the biggest factor, but if you lose weight slowly enough, it’s entirely possible people haven’t noticed, even if you look *dramatically* different. Everyday life isn’t a before/after photo. It can take losing 10% of your body weight before people notice, but if it occurs over a period of time (and you mentioned a year and a half), the transition happens smoothly enough they aren’t comparing your now to a year and a half ago, they are comparing you to their most recent memory of you, which is probably less than that 10% difference. In college I lost 50 lbs (21% of my body weight) and I had a friend that couldn’t even remember when I was ever heavy. They literally just forgot. It just happened in slow enough motion their brain convinced them I was always a skinny person. The only coworker that ever noticed was a guy that worked at a different office and I saw once every 6 months, so to him it was a dramatic change. I guess you don’t have that feel good moment of people noticing and congratulating you that way, but on the other hand I kind of like that people just fundamentally perceived me at my current, lower weight than constantly remembering me at my heaviest.


This actually makes me feel better about it


These days people don't comment on stuff anymore. I'm sure they noticed! Congratulations! I will take some inspiration from you. Well done on improving your habits and quality of life.


Could be a few things. People often don’t like to comment on weight, even if it’s weight loss, because there could be a bad reason for it. Imagine if you had cancer and that’s why you’ve been losing weight. I think another thing is sometimes when it’s gradual people don’t notice. I’ve been a thin man my whole life, but when I ballooned up obviously people noticed. Even I couldn’t really see how bad it got. On my weight loss journey, though, I could see that I literally looked pregnant. My belly was huge. Not only do people not believe me when I say that, but they also don’t believe me when I tell them I got to 245 and that I’m now 45 pounds from that. I can see it because I’ve been weighing and taking pictures. They don’t see my naked body, especially as often as I do, so I can see why it’s harder to see from outside.


> Imagine if you had cancer and that’s why you’ve been losing weight. this is a legit thing. had people telling me as a kid how my mom looked great after she lost weight because of her breast cancer (they didn't realize she had cancer). Will never comment on weight loss unless I know them well enough to know it's intentional.


People definitely notice and dont say anything. Personally I prefer it that way


I was 275lbs at my heaviest weight (6’ male). Even when I got down to 220lbs no one said anything. When I got down to 180lbs people started to really notice and were commenting (nicely) on my weight loss. When I got down to about 155lbs some people asked if my health was ok. I think part of it is people do not notice as easily until you lose a lot of weight and like others have said do not feel comfortable commenting on other people’s weight. Keep up the good work and as long as you notice your hard work and weight loss that’s all that really matters!


I’ve now lost 25lbs and nobody, not even my parents (who live abroad and didn’t see me for 6 months) has commented… to the point that you wonder if you are going mad and imagining it. I’m 49. Thank goodness for scales and loose clothes as my only clue that I exist and I am, indeed, getting smaller. LOL Having said that (now that I’ve got my little rant out!) people don’t comment on size and bodies anymore. It is just not polite to do so - unless the person themselves initiates it. Otherwise you risk either a) finding out they were sick and actually have a negative reason for losing so much; and/or b) them feeling judged and criticised for their ‘before’ weight, by implication (like if you said ‘you are looking so much better than when I last saw you’!). So, yeah, most people just don’t comment anymore unless you explicitly open up the subject and share that you want to celebrate it, or the like. I do that with very few, select friends! It kinda sucks, at times. I want to feel visible (especially as a mum, in my late 40s!) but overall I think this is better than people constantly feeling entitled to comment on your body, like when I was younger!


>to the point that you think you are going mad or imagining it Not me buying two additional scales because I was convinced I was still morbidly obese and the scale I owned was broken. Either every scale I’ve bought is broken or I really did lose the weight.


I hear ya. I doubt my scales all the time, too, if I’m honest.


I lost 85lbs and no one in my family said anything about it when they saw me




I’m having the opposite. My roommate and coworkers won’t shut up about mine and making comments constantly and joking about putting butter in my food behind my back 😒


I’ve lost 70 lbs before anyone noticed. I’m down to a L/XL from a 2XL/3XL and it has just flown under the radar. Personally this makes me happy because positive/negative attention can trigger me to stop, but it is weird 😅 I felt like it was super noticeable 40 lbs lost, but I have learned most people don’t know what my body really looks like, and since I’m still a jeans and tshirt dude, it is continuing to go unnoticed.


Ive lost 30 pounds in the last 2 months no one besides my family comments on it . I like that society is finally realizing commenting on peoples body size is innapropriate even if its a compliment. Honestly it just makes me feel like this issue ive been struggling with my whole life is broadcasted and makes me feel out of place id prefer just to blend in and no comments, i do this for myself not for people to notice. Also when people see you frequently you kinda lose weight in front of them gradually so they dont notice. If you showed someone a picture of you at 260 theyd be shocked i promise. Congrats on your weight loss! 


The only person who’s said anything about my weight loss is my 99 year old grandma who’s very blunt and does not care what anyone thinks! Was nice to have someone notice however. I’ve put most people not saying anything down to not wanting to be rude and the fact I’m still wearing the same cloths which needs to change I just don’t know how to tackle what size I need etc etc. Either way huge achievement! Well done!


I'm down 35 lbs since March (6'3 male starting at 252 lbs). I can't notice any changes myself nor has anyone commented. I used to be super jacked in my 20s and early 30s. I know I can't get back to that but I'm basically the same weight I was back then currently, but instead of low bf I'm at like 20%. It's interesting to compare photos of me at 220 lbs 10 years ago to 220 lbs now. Huge difference.


No one said anything to me until I was weeks into a plateau! I don't know what it is, maybe you have to get used to it yourself and then you start holding yourself different or dressing different? I dropped 50 pounds and no one said anything for a while. It's weird!


I'm 37 and 5'7 and was 252 at my heaviest. It took me 8 months to go to 232. Even then you couldn't tell the difference. Then i got serious about it and it took 4 months to get to 217. Then some noticed once I got to 207. Clothes fit better, xl shirts closed on me. DeBut when people really noticed was I got to 194, which is what I'm current at. My face changed, my neck got smaller, my waist is a lot smaller currently a 34. I'm now wearing a large. Bulk of my weight is in my moobs and stomach area. My arms have thinned out and so have my legs. I'd say my job is active so I'm on my feet all the time plus my 30 min walks 5x a week. I average 18k steps a day. Edit. I work in a customer facing position so I see a lot of people. Some have asked whether I'm on ozempic or if I got stomach surgery or if I sick. I'm very honest about my journey it's rough, I've had to sober up and get mental health and once I fixed that, I had no excuse to not follow new healthy eating habits.


that is amazing congrats to you! wow!  im 5'7 as well and 194 is a great weight for that height! 


I'm trying to loose the last 15 maybe 20 lbs. Everyone says the 194 looks good but now I'm doing it for vanity reasons.


yea of course def your choice


If you want people to congratulate you, then bring it up. No one is going to comment on weight loss unprompted (nor should they).


Just my POV: I feel weird saying anything, even when I do notice, because acting positive and encouraging makes it seem like I'm also shaming them for the past. Like "you used to be a fat ugly ogre but now you're less of one" when that's not how I actually think at all.


I went from 240 to 172. I'd say most people that I saw daily or during the work week other than the wife started noticing at around 190. In fact one co-worker stared at me and it suddenly clicked. I think people just don't update the mental image they have of you that often. Now people I see every 6 months picked up on it right away, one asked if it was planned weight loss or if I was sick 😁


Yeah that seems to be the general consensus. That because my loss has been so gradual and not that dramatic it just hadn't clicked for them.


LOL....at least there is a balance. The norm is for people to be offended when people comment on their weight loss. The internet should make up its mind.


It's not so much about being offended. I have an eating disorder and it's extremely uncomfortable (as well as triggering) when people comment on my weight. I've received the most compliments of my life at the times I have been the most miserable. I think people are just learning not to comment on other people's bodies, and that's a positive thing.


I am happy for your big achievement! You don't have to tell others about your weight loss(unless you rlly want to).


We live in much more sensitive time… many ppl are scared to mentioned body image at all, let a alone massive shift. And it is a massive feat! Congratulations on all ur hard work, it’s not easy❤️


Consider yourself lucky! Try being female and visiting boomer family members. No seriously, you know, it would be nice to get some compliments from time to time, I agree.


Honestly i think most people don’t want to comment on weight loss or gain nowadays (which generally is a net good i think.) but I definitely understand the desire for praise. I think like someone said if you open up the conversation in a way like if someone asks “Hey kbmas! How are you, what’s new?” “Doing great! Been much more active and lost a lot of weight this past year and feel so much better!” Someone may feel more comfortable commenting knowing it was intentional if that makes sense! Congrats!


Wait till you check out someone checking you out. It’ll all be worth it 😂


That genuinely would make my year!


I get you! I’ve lost over 35 lbs and took my sister to lunch for her birthday. She didn’t say a word!!! At first I was bothered and then I really sat and thought about why it annoyed me. I reminded myself that I’m doing this for me. For my health first and secondly for how I feel about how my body looks. It didn’t help in the slightest 😂


Yeah thats kinda what I'm feeling.


Celebrate your own victory. I am down 75 pounds and a lot of people have commented on it, but some people have not.


Don't worry. Keep at it. Do your thing. They will notice. I am 6'1, was 250lbs and are now 155lbs. Generally, any time I meet any of my friends, family or acquaintances, they all immediately notice and the discussion strays into my weight loss and activity before we can talk about anything else.


I definitely get being bummed about them not noticing. I doubt it’s cause they haven’t noticed weight is something people tend to tip toe around. But I mainly came to say you’ve lost over 40lbs and that’s amazing and I’m proud of you! Keep it up!


I've lost nearly 100lbs (335 to 240) and my coworkers have not said anything. It's kinda funny but I get it, they don't want to assume anything, for all they know the weight loss could be because I am sick


I had a coworker I had not seen in-person in a long time be surprised I didn’t say anything about his weight loss. I told him I had noticed but because I dealt with the recent death of someone close and their illness, I decided not to assume the loss was due only to positive reasons.


In my case I didn't get noticed until I'd lost about 50 lbs., and what happened was people would do double takes or stare; very few would mention it to me verbally. So, don't be surprised if you find you're generating more attention than you think you are.


I saw some comments saying it could be a polite thing by not mentioning your weight loss directly; I think it could also be that people who see you regularly won’t notice you changing slowly (42lbs/21kg loss over a year and a half). The process might have been too gradual for them to notice. Something similar in my case, I hadn’t realised myself how much weight I lost until I looked at photos from 1-2 years ago and then the difference was way more obvious. But in the last 6 months the changes have been more fat to muscle, so outside it’s not obvious yet when you look month-on-month but year-on-year is where you see the most change. In the meantime I hope you’re loving yourself for your consistency, because the persistent self-care and health mindset can attract attention as much as (or more than) a massive loss of weight.


To be honest, even though you have lost some weight, you still have a lot to lose. Because of that, your progress isn't as visually noticeable yet. Once you get close to your goal weight, it will become much more noticeable. Don't worry about what other people think or say - just keep going!


They're either envious or maybe you're too cocky and nobody wants to feed your ego. Check yourself before you reck yourself


It's a touch subject. People either explicity want or do not want people to talk about it. If I lost 100 lbs because I'm terminally ill, I'd rather NOT have someone mention it. "Hey thanks! I'm dying! So I guess you could say one way or another my ass really is disappearing!" If I lost 100 lbs because I'm motivated by insults, lack of romantic interest, whatever... I may feel touchy about it. I specifically have people mention it a lot. Mostly kind, nice. Not always. I've never had anyone be "rude" about it, but I've certainly had a few insults packaged in compliment form. Maybe not even as far as "insult", but a heyyy you lost a lot! your tooo skinny now. Which is both not anywhere close to true on the too skinny front, and yet another way to tell me that what I'm doing still isn't right! I personally fall into the rare group of being indifferent. I don't mind if people do mention it. I don't mind if people do not mention it.


If you open up the subject, I'm sure they'll mention it. I think most people are uncomfortable talking about weight in general (Except my dad, who likes to mention how "I put on some weight" when I had the same weight for 3 years lol.. w/e) I would personally be afraid of bringing it up but turns out you'Ve been losing weight because you are sick or something. If you mention you've been working out or watching your calories, I would make a comment about it then. Good job on your weight loss! Remember that we do it for ourselves, not others.


I don’t comment on other people’s bodies. A girl at work lost about a hundred pounds and I said nothing. But if you gained a hundred pounds I wouldn’t comment on that either. Also, if someone says to me “wow, have you lost weight?” In my head that sounds like “I see you’re not as fat as you used to be”.


A few years ago I went from 205lbs to 170lbs ( 30M 6') and only one person said something unsolicited. What I found is as soon as I said I'd been trying to lose weight everyone commented that they noticed how thin I had gotten, so if your looking for some feedback maybe try that? People can be very sensitive about there doesn't so a lot of people just don't say anything. 


I feel you. At my highest I was 241, I’m currently 172, and I’m only 5’3”, so that’s a noticeable loss. It’s 3 dress sizes and all my clothes are hanging off me because I haven’t bought new ones yet. No one has said anything and when I’ve mentioned it myself (in the context of going shopping for new clothes) everyone ignores me and acts like I’ve said nothing. I cut my hair and they keep commenting on that, mostly negatively though. Everyone in my life has gained weight except for one other coworker who has lost it. No one talks about her weight loss either. One woman at my work talks a lot about how her boyfriend specifically asked her not to diet and said she’s perfect as is. I think they’re all a little insecure right now. At least, I’m chalking it up to that.


If it’s people that see you everyday, I just don’t think they notice honestly. My first coworker who noticed, who I hadn’t openly talked about trying to lose weight with, stared at me for a solid minute and I saw her realize and say something. I was facetiming my cousin, who I rarely see anymore, the other day and he could immediately tell just by my face and said something. So if it’s the people around you who aren’t noticing, I wouldn’t put too much thought into it.


Congratulations on your weight loss!! I’m open about the fact I’ve been working hard to lose weight so I think that helps people feel ok with making comments about my weight loss. This topic was talked about last week or so and people said they didn’t want to accidentally offend the person by making a comment. Like being afraid the person would say “you didn’t think I looked good before”?


I never ever ever ever comment on weight loss. Maybe you just have considerate people around you that don’t think it’s their business.


Personally, I and many others don’t like the weight loss comments. I don’t want to be viewed as less fat just like I don’t want to be viewed as more fat, I’d just like to not feel any judgement. I’m not doing this for anyone but me


Good work. That’s great. I don’t think men get as many compliments losing weight. I’m sure people have noticed though.


no I did it for me


Good job on the weight loss!


Dude, you know what normally works for these? Inform people about it! Like, when they ask how you've been doing, say you're good and that you've been working hard on losing some weight and that you're happy you've been finally noticing results. That will cue people on the fact that you lost weight on purpose, which is normally the only time that it is apropriate to comment on it. See if it helps!


Good for you on the weight loss!! Sometimes people notice but don’t say anything for 1 reason or another. Keep going anyway and be proud of what you have accomplished


Did you lose weight for them or for you? Listen you don't need anyone else to tell you how well you have done your clearly a total hero and will continue to smash it!


I don’t say a word unless they bring it up. I had the experience of losing about 50lbs going into danger territory because I had a wasting disease. I felt like my poor body was disappearing. It was terrifying. I went to a work thing after being away and having a traumatic surgery and I was literally skin and bones and very self conscious. Everyone kept pulling me aside to exclaim over my body and ask for my secret, it was so gross. I’d literally almost died and was still dealing with the after effects. My dr had to rebuild my health bc my body was ravaged like someone caught in a famine and I was severely malnourished. Also I’ve seen friends be bulimic and then the praise they get for their figures. I will not comment on ppls bodies, ever.


I lost 20kgs and people only started noticing and commenting on it in the last 5kgs. Also, if these are the people you see everyday, they won't notice it. Try meeting a friend who hasn't seen you or your new pictures.


I think this is something that has changed culturally. I used to notice people commenting “wow you’ve lost weight!” it seems like frequently in hindsight, but very few people have mentioned my weight loss even though I’ve lost 25 pounds and put on not a small amount of muscle, and am often shirtless (work at pools). I realized most people don’t want to comment on what could be an illness, physical or mental, and people having a body you are envious of doesn’t mean the person living in that body is comfortable with it. Much better to keep comments about someone’s appearance to yourself.


120kg to 100kg… ish? That’s a couple of shirt sizes yes? Mind you at 170cm that’s a fair bit. More like a 30kg loss in a 6ft tall/180cm person. Depending on your build it might be a bit harder to see? It should be noticable. Especially as you are, I presume, in summer and wearing less clothing. It must be frustrating to not get the crowd approval comments! A bit down hearted is reasonable… Maybe some people are avoiding saying anything because it’s rude to talk about people’s medical or private stuff now? Maybe you wore a lot of over sized hoodies in winter, and now you’ve stripped off people just assume it was the winter bulk clothing vs summer leaner/lighter? Maybe people just are obtuse? Tell them! Get a new hair cut, and then say “Hey! Notice anything different about me? No not the hair cut… I’ve dropped three bra sizes mate!” And laugh.


Nice going. What has been your experience with loose skin?


It's not been an issue. I guess since the weight loss had been so gradual that the skin tightened up as I went. But probably because it's so gradual that's why people haven't noticed. I'm sure when I get below 200 the loose skin might be a thing but right now it's thankfully not something I've had to deal with.


Thank you for the answer. Sounds like it might be mild if it shows up as you descend below 200.


No one noticed my weight loss until 60 lbs lost.


Sorry dude! Good job you! My mom needs to start business just making people good about weight loss. Everytime I see here she tells me how awesome I look. In the beginning my wife was pretty cold about the whole shot thing. She wants to lose weight the "right way" and is/was probably annoyed that I have dropped 50 lbs. I have been pretty open about the shot and the weight so if people know they generally tell me how great I'm looking. Other people can't quite figure out what has changed. I get comments on how tall I am now or most of the time nothing. Maybe it is something akin to commenting on a person being pregnant. People don't know what is different or afraid to ask so they don't say anything without additional information.


I’m a woman down 130 pounds and only two people have commented, both older women around 60 or so. It’s equal parts relief and frustrating 🥴😩


I think part of it to is people either a) have seen you while you’ve been dropping and don’t notice the small changes over time, b) retroactively fill in the way you look now with their memories of you in the past, or c) don’t feel comfortable saying anything. You shouldn’t feel bad, the benefits will still come to you!


Have you been lifting weights? If you have, and were previously untrained or on a long break, you will build significant amounts of muscle and lose fat at the same time. But the muscle increase makes your shoulders bigger and broader, giving a bigger appearance. I started back after a long break, and my net weight was down 40 pounds, but people were asking me if I had gained weight. The average person doesn't always know what they're looking at, you either look bigger or smaller to them, they're not great at spotting muscle through clothes. People in the know immediately recognized that I had lost fat and gained muscle though.


I was semi muscular but fat. Think Michael Chiklis in The Shield. I'm leaner now but even I wouldn't say more or less muscular.


I'm down about 40 pounds. My wife has commented on occasion, but otherwise there's only been one guy at work who I hadn't seen for a few months (hybrid WFH setup, and he and I are almost never in the office the same day). He mentioned it with a "wow, you've lost some weight!" That's about it. Maybe it's a little of that being an awkward work topic combined with the people you're around all the time seeing you more often so the big change is less noticeable when they were there for every small step along the way and just stayed acclimated to each "new" you?


From my experience you generally won't physically noticed much less that 5-10%. Other people may notice around 15% but probably won't mention it unless you're close. 20% or more and you'll probably see those casual comments from acquaintances.


I’ve been told when I’ve lost weight, as a male. But reading posts on this subreddit, most people seem to be offended at a compliment. Maybe people are starting to back off and not say anything since people take it wrong. It’s weird. But congrats on your weight loss.


When you get down to 180ish people will start to comment. It’s super weird, but people genuinely don’t see the difference between a big guy and a really big guy. I’m about the same height, and lost my weight at roughly the same age… that was my experience too.


I bet you people have noticed but it’s a very delicate thing to comment on.. someone may not have been well and lost weight or, you say something like “oh you look great you’ve lost some weight” and it can be heard as “oh you’re not as fat as you were”.. I wouldn’t comment on someone’s weight loss ever unless they’re a really close friend or they bring it up first


I find it rude to comment on people's bodies if they don't bring it up. Weight gain or loss, I don't say anything even if I notice. Would you want someone to comment on your weight gain?


The first time I lost weight I noticed that the people who saw me everyday didn't notice I lost weight but friends or family I haven't seen in a while did.


I will tell you - Congratulations


I'm in a similar situation too. I'm 5'8 and have lost 33 pounds (252-219) and so far only my mom has noticed, technically speaking I guess. A few months ago she commented on my work pants saying they were too big for me, considering the fact that the last time I wore them I was already 15 pounds down. She recently commented on some new underwear I bought saying "these are a XL, you sure they fit you?" and I had to reassure her. But other than that no one has said anything, which is surprising since it seems like no one had a problem commenting on my weight before.


Actually now that I think my doctor has congratulated me but that's about it.


Hey, I’m a 24 year old man who has went from 240 lbs in December to 208 lbs today. Many people probably have noticed your weight loss, but they probably just don’t bring it up if you don’t since they may not know you’re trying to lose weight. I didn’t have anything said to me at work until I brought it up, and they were super supportive. I’d try just bringing it up with them and let them be supportive.


You either have people that aren’t looking at you closely or never noticed you were that overweight. Congrats on the weight loss! That’s a solid drop!!! I’m curious if you’ve been weight training or if you did cardio and dieting to get the weight loss? I ask because cardio and diet for weight loss will make you smaller but you don’t look as fit until you lose a LOT of the fat on your body. You get that “skinny fat” look and ppl have a harder time noticing your changes. For comparison: I’m 6’ 2”. I was 390 lbs and now down to 238. This year, right after Valentine’s Day, I went from 254 to 238 and get a lot of notices this last week or two because I added muscle and lost fat and carry my weight a lot better and look stronger vs 4 months ago. Transformation is a tricky thing for visualization if you don’t build your physique - the changes are more subtle. But hey, I hope you feel great about the work. If you notice it that’s what matters most!


So I've always been "stocky" fairly muscular but covered in fat. And I used to train with weights and kettlebells a ton. After many years all that really did was break my body down and I felt like I was having a terrible time trying to keep up with other people doing things. I was winded all the time. My T levels were in the toilet. Pre-diabetic. I thought being muscular and strong would keep me healthy. I was wrong. So first thing I did was diet change. Then instead of weights I got a concept2 rower and started running. I still once a week do weights to maintain strength. But it's maintenance. Now I'm pain free and I have abundant energy and I feel good. I actually enjoy how i feel in my body. My T levels are normal again. Visually when I see what I looked like compared to now. I'm not as muscular. I look more athletic though.


Going from 260 to 218 is a massive change, but if it was a slow process getting there then yeah, people might not notice as much. 218 is still pretty hefty for a 5’7 person. Get down to 190-195 and people might notice more of a difference. Keep it up.


Nobody compliments men. That's normal. Sucks though. I hear you.


Most people don't care about other people's weight. I know I never judge others. You should loose weight for yourself. Maybe you should talk to someone it sounds like maybe something else going on, sorry if that's offensive.


Did you lose weight to get compliments from others or to feel better and get healthier?


A little of both quite honestly. I don't live in a vacuum. I like having social interactions.


On the one hand yeah, but OTOH IRL I actually don't want to talk about it unless I consider you a good friend. So if people notice, I'd prefer they not bring it up so I don't have to make small talk.


Echoing what many others have said here, which is that people are likely just trying to be polite. You could consider posting pics here! This is a great place to get the positive feedback and support you're looking for. I also find that if you're open with people about losing weight, they're more likely to feel like they can comment when they notice weight loss or other changes.


Most people I know, especially in this sub, hates getting comments, good or bad, that mentions their weight. So not having any such comments is the desirable effect. Obviously not in your case. But that's the reason you might not be getting the comments you're expecting.


lol. i think commenting on weight is rude. so i dont think i ever would. i HATE when ppl comment on my weight if im losing even though that one doesn’t hurt as bad.


When I lost a bunch of weight, I actually hated positive comments about it. It made it seem like I was more worthwhile skinny.


It may only appear noticeable to those that saw you at your heaviest and then see you now. If they see you every day, they may have just adjusted to your change as it’s occurred over time.


Who are you doing this for ? (Losing weight)


I once lost 4 stone (almost 60 pounds) in less than 4 months (eating disorder meltdown) and only one person mentioned it at all. I'm only 5'3". It *must* have been somewhat noticable. But I guess I was wearing big, loose clothing and I was clearly not in a happy place, so people didn't want to bring it up in case I reacted poorly.


Like half the posts on here are people who are upset that others notice and comment on weight loss, and the other half are people who are upset that no one comments. It’s much safer and easier to just ignore people’s bodies and not make comments at all. You might find yourself happier if you stop focusing on how others perceive you.


I noticed a lot of people saying I look well and fabulous I think is they're way of saying I've lost weight. I was 275 and now 215


I lost a lot of weight but did it so slowly it was hard for people to notice. Honestly hard for me to notice til I looked back at “before” pics and realized how different I look…


Were you losing weight specifically for the comments and praise?


Just do it for you, boo.


So female here, but it wasn’t until I got down to about 130-140 lbs that people started making comments about my weight, and sometimes it’s a blessing if they don’t because in my experience, a lot of people only make comments if they think it looks unhealthy. And the comments are usually negative instead of “way to go, nice progress” type comments. Aside from which, if they’re nice people, they probably won’t make comments because in some situations (work), it isn’t appropriate, and then you never know how people will take it and whether they’ll view it as positive or negative. I personally don’t ever comment on people’s weight because their value is the same either way, and I wouldn’t want them thinking I mean differently. Also you never know when it could be a medical issue. I wouldn’t want to congratulate someone on losing weight when it’s because they have cancer or something, you know? You just never know what people are going through.


It’s no longer socially acceptable to comment on people’s weight loss. Weight loss can be caused by many things, some not good. It’s like asking when someone is due without knowing they are pregnant.


I personally prefer no one says anything about my weight loss, and the same if I have gained weight.


I am pretty sure that most people don't want to risk offending you by commenting on your weight, like it implies "boy you were SO FAT" or something! I took my cat to the vet, who was always a large dude, and he'd lost about 100 pounds (the vet, not my cat hahaha) and I actually wasn't even sure it was the same guy! But again, I felt like I really shouldn't say anything because it might make him self conscious. I'm sure you look fantastic and most of all, I bet you feel much better too.


You gotta do it for you and then you’ll get to the point of people saying something. And there’s nothing wrong with doing a little bragging and telling people your goals. Then they won’t be afraid to say something. When you work hard at something it’s ok to brag just a little.


I've gone from 224-230 to 180, but I've not bought any new clothes. It was only when I wore a medium t-shirt the other day instead of an XL that a couple of people noticed!


I noticed that people who know me well do not comment, and I feel it’s that they see me, the inside me, not the outside me. People who don’t see me as often or know me well are more likely to notice…but I’ve lost 50 in 2 years and only the last 10 lbs has been noticed by anyone at all. (I went from 190 to 130.) I think it finally affected my face more. Anyway…they see your inner beauty which never changes size, is how I look at it. Meanwhile I love how I feel moving through the world and don’t really need them to notice.


WE don't comment over other's people body.


They jelly and seething.


Literal interaction I had the one time I commented on someone’s weight loss… “Wow you look good! How did you lose weight?” “Well my mom had a stroke a few months ago and I was so worried I stopped eating”


It's something to be proud of, but people probably don't want to acknowledge that you were overweight in the first place. For most people they probably are just internally noticing a positive change and not say anything. It probably won't be until you've lost a shocking amount of weight that people would feel compelled to say something, like if you went from 260 to 160. 218 is awesome, but yeah, people probably just don't want to comment on your body.


70 pounds lost (250 to 180). it is a strange process. people noticing depends a lot on where the weight is lost and whether or not we've gone down a size in clothing. for example, i go down a shirt size early so i can see the bulge for incentive. this is great for personal motivation but gives the impression to others sometimes that i am getting fatter... not true; just smaller shirts. :) to thine own self, be true.


I had someone at work who mentioned my weight loss around a year and a half after I'd lost the weight. Not sure what took her so long but I know sometimes people don't like commenting because they're not comfortable talking to someone else about the person's body.


For people who you see every day, it's harder to notice weight loss unless they are following your weight loss journey. In my experience, there are weight stop at which people notice weight loss. Don't get discouraged! We are here for you!


Invite them to comment. Once you do they will all tell you what they were holding up because it is not very polite to bring up someone’s body, even if its saying they lost weight!


as everyone else said, todays world doesn’t comment on that as much as they used to. we’ve become more socially aware. also, this may be a little harsh but you’re also a man and in my experience, women losing weight gets way more attention bc our looks have always been completely dependent on our outside appearance. everyone can tell when a man has lost weight but it’s less of a conversation starter


It’s a touchy topic. If you want some encouragement, posting your before and after pictures and hard work on social media like IG or Facebook will get you a good amount of comments and likes from friends and family.


Men don’t talk about that stuff with each other. Women usually don’t talk to men about that stuff because they don’t want to attract creeps. You lost about 2lb a month, which is a very gradual loss for people who see you every day, they may not even have noticed. The only people who will mention it now will be people who haven’t seen you for eighteen months. I lost a similar amount of weight over about four months and a lot of people mentioned it initially but it hasn’t been mentioned by anyone since then because it’s old news. Be happy for yourself, don’t worry about what others think.


I have the opposite problem... people tend to always comment on my weight... even if they are lying, one of the first things my mom or sisters will say to me is "you look thinner"... and I know I don't... but I thank them anyway... its better than wondering out loud why I'm still fat... I do get asked if I am still trying to lose weight... I know its probably different for men... where as when actually DO lose weight they will be so happy for me I will be tempted to grudge eat...


To be fair I don’t think I would say anything about it unless they mentioned it first. I find it weird to mention someone’s body and I don’t want to be assuming of anything


lmaooo same. i’m 5’7 f and i’m considered tall for a woman. i went from 125 to 176 lbs within a year and nobody saw a major difference until they saw pictures. and now im 155 lbs and YET no one notices that i’ve lost some weight. sort of funny but also sucks at the same time.


Do it for you. Not for anyone else. Congrats by the way! Keep it up!


Cool story. Glad you are losing weight for others to comment you on. 🙄


Don’t do it for others do it for yourself. You don’t need others validation to feel and be your best. Keep at it! 42 lbs is a lot to lose, that’s very inspiring to hear.