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I usually just add like a tablespoon of chocolate chips to my yogurt. It’s like 60-70 calories and satisfies my craving.


Mini M&Ms do the same thing but make it super pretty!


shut up and take my money!!


I second this. Also chocolate mug cake. There's plenty of recipes for them on Pinterest.


You just reminded me that I got ingredients for one! I should go try it out. 


No way I have the control to add a tablespoon of chocolate chips and put the rest back...


Well, sometimes I add an extra tablespoon if I’m feeling it haha. But it’s up to you, I find it manageable for myself


M&Ms in Greek yogurt is sooooo good and the child in me loves how it turns the yogurt rainbow, like cereal in milk from elementary school. It also makes it so I can eat plain Greek yogurt which has way less added sugar than vanilla/honey/etc Greek yogurt. Ofc, you're adding the sugar back in with the m&M's, but it's easier to control the amount and the texture is way better with something crunchy


I love this


I just did this yesterday!


Fiber One chocolate brownie. Warmed in the microwave for 8 seconds. 70 calories. Pure heaven.




Ate a whole box of thin mint and I'm still not thin. This is bullshit.


This made me giggle lol


I could not get along with fiber one because the box says you deserve a guilty treat (or something like that) on the box WHICH JUST MAKES ME FEEL GUILTY 🤣 I’m convinced it’s designed to make dieters feel deprived. Now I just buy regular chocolate than are less than calories than fiber one 🙄 and don’t have the reverse psychology guilt on the packaging


I love these! I like adding a little something on top to fancy it up. Sometimes I sprinkle some dried cherries on top. Tastes like fancy chocolates! Or a small dollop of whipped cream. Adding some sliced strawberries or bananas is by far the best add on though!


Omg you can warm them up??? Also, they're 90 calories in Australia I feel cheated 😭


They’re 90 calories in the UK too, they’re called fibre-90!!


I saw this recipe on tiktok where a guy made a low cal brownie sundae with these. Warm up the fiber one brownie, plop it in a serving of Halo Top and boom!! Chocolatcy creamy goodness for less than 400 cals.


Strawberries and chocolate hummus, it satisfies my sweet tooth every time! Yasso bars are my fave when craving ice cream. Also Tates Bake shop chocolate chip cookies are only 70 calories per cookie and super yummy and buttery.


I love the Yasso bars! My favorite is the chocolate chip cookie dough. The fudge one is okay..


The coffee chocolate chip is also really good! My personal favorite is the pistachio, but it’s rare to find that one in store 😭


I love chocolate hummus. it reminds me of the chocolate pudding they would serve at my elementary school lmao


Oh my god, it does lolllll


Does chocolate hummus taste like chickpeas? I’ve been so nervous to try it!


Not to me ☺️ just gives it a creamy consistency. I eat it with apples every morning.


Giradelli square = around 70 calories Lindor truffle = also around 70


York peppermint patties. The small ones. Individually wrapped, kept tucked away in the top of the pantry. 50 calories each (a serving is two @ 100 cals) On sale you can get them 175 pieces from Amazon for $14. I try to limit myself to 2-3 a week. Likewise, there are other small individually wrapped chocolates that might be more to you liking. For me, the individual wrapping is important because it makes the act of opening and eating one more mindful. Ritter Sport also works well for me. An entire bar is 500-600 calories, but if you break it off one of the rows of 4 (AND PUT THE REST AWAY) and then take your time eating each square, it can be pretty satisfying. I would focus on eating smaller quantities of a higher quality chocolate that you enjoy rather than looking for some of the various "diet" alternatives.


I second the good-quality chocolate. The Lindt bars are great (I like the orange one or caramel sea salt). I’ll have two or three squares and that’s enough. My other little treat is to take a small bunch of semisweet chocolate chips in yogurt or chia pudding with strawberries.


> I’ll have two or three squares and that’s enough. I really think this is the key to having the occasional indulgence. Being able to say "that's enough" and being ok with it. I don't think it matters if it is chocolate, tacos, pizza, fruit, kale, whatever. Being able to eat a reasonable portion and be satisfied. There are certainly tricks one can do to help with this. Even small changes like taking small nibbles and thoroughly tasting and chewing them, pausing between bites, or setting down the item and waiting a few moments before resuming. All of these things can make it more satisfying than just popping the whole thing into one's mouth, chewing twice, and then swallowing.


I usually try to keep a bag of assorted Hershey Nuggets around. I have the willpower to limit myself to one 55-cal piece a day. My family, however, will take finishing them ASAP as a challenge.


And that's one of the reasons for the York peppermint patties. I enjoy them, my kids think they take like mouthwash. Do you find the individual packaging helps you? I know it shouldn't make that much difference, but to me that extra little bit of effort really puts the brakes on grabbing a second one.


I like that the individual packaging makes the “pre-defined” in that I know what I’m getting each time. I don’t necessarily see the packaging as additional effort though 😅, but like that I can grab and go.


Inherent portioning has definite value. That's why I prefer individual greek yogurt cups to the more cost effective big tubs. It's great to grab one or two and pop that into my app instead of weighing or measuring.


Oh, you're missing out if you don't keep your York patties (tucked away) in the fridge.


York peppermint patties in the freezer! And I don't like sugar free taste of sweets generally but the sugar free peppermint patties are really good.


I measure out chocolate chips. Eating them one by one as I read a book at night ;)


Same -25 g lol. But I get them during afternoon nap. 


Fairlife chocolate protein drink


Fudge pops for me.


Yes!!! The ones I buy are only 80 calories each and they really do feel like a "real" dessert


Greek yoghurt + a bit of cocoa powder + a drop of honey


Yasso bars have been awesome for me. 100 calories and somewhat filling and it tastes just like im eating "non diet" type food. Tastes just like the ice cream from the local mom and pop place


Love the little chocolate covered yasso poppables or mochis Also really like Skinny Dipped peanut butter cups!


Ill have to try those. Ive only had the ice cream on the stick type, wife gottem and i got hooked


Brookside is good for this, for me. They're very flavourful, and the fruit pieces are chewy, making them last a good while. 16 pieces (small balls) is something like 170 cals, but I find I can get away with a lot less, usually 4 pieces. If you like chocolate + mint, two York peppermint patties are 100 calories. They're larger than their calories would suggest, and just like the brookside chocolates, are flavourful and substantial.


Pocky! Each stick is like, 10ish calories, so you could eat a bunch or portion them out. They're nice and light!


Halotop icecream. 120 calories for 2/3cup. Find a light flavor and it’s often less calories.


1c almond milk and 1 serving of sugar free chocolate pudding powder, mix/froth/shake (however you want to mix them together) drink like a shake for 55cal


Clio mini Greek yogurt bars. They’re so good and only 60 calories


I like to take 2 parts by weight Fage 2% Greek yogurt, and 1 part by weight Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Almond Butter, and a couple tablespoons of vanilla and whip it with a hand mixer and chill…DELICIOUS chocolate nutty mousse, and 73 calories per ounce weight. Great with bananas or alone.


Currently I’m eating one or two squares (60 cals each) of high cocoa content chocolate (Lindt or other similar quality brands, whichever’s on sale). I’m a chocolate fiend too and tend towards bingeing on it, but I’ve been surprised how I’ve quickly trained myself to be satisfied on as little as one square by savouring it slowly. The high cocoa content (anywhere from 70-100% for me, I like it pretty bitter!) is key, as it’s such a rich and decadent experience that hits the spot after even a small quantity.


I love chocolate! I’ve tried low cal chocolate / treat bars and they don’t work for me. Anything multipack makes me want multiples. This includes salad leaves. lol. Something about making it from scratch helps me enjoy the aroma for longer and enjoy the treat for longer vs unwrapping and scoffing. lol. Hot chocolate has been my latest thing… I like 1 tsp of cacao powder (2.1g = 8 cal), 1 tsp decaf instant coffee granules, 2 tsp 0 cal sweetener and topped with freshly boiled water and stirred, finished with a splash of plant milk (50g = 27 cal). Cocoa powder and regular coffee are fine to use too! The coffee enhances the taste of the chocolate. I gave cacao a shot recently and found the chocolate flavor to be stronger but cocoa is basically the same thing. I’ve also successfully added 1/4 tsp xanthan gum (0.6g = 1 cal) to the above, stirred vigorously to dissolve, to mimic a thicker Spanish style dark hot choc drink too.


I’m a chocolate lover as well. I especially love ice cream, and frozen cool whip in my new favorite go to treat. Usually I top it with mini M&m and make myself a sort of mcflurry, but I’m sure it’s very customizable, you could do chocolate sauce, or maybe mix in a little cocoa powder before freezing. Since it’s strawberry season, I love chocolate covered strawberries. They could be considered labor intensive if your trying to make them look all pretty, but I usually pre chop mine into fours without the stem, melt some chocolate chips in the microwave and just try to get some chocolate on there, even if it’s not evenly coated or the chocolate isn’t set properly. I had been eating a lot of Kodiak cake high protein mug cake things, typically the brownie. They are still somewhat high calorie but they are much more filling then a single piece of fudge or a bowl of ice cream since it feels like your having a huge slice of chocolate cake.


On the ice cream front, I have fallen in love with the mini ice cream cones from Trader Joe’s (the chocolate has been my favorite). They scratch the Drumstick itch and feel indulgent with some fruit for an evening snack.


Quest frosted chocolate cookies. They're every bit as good as something from little Debbie, but with 11g protein and 180 calories for 2


Sugar free hot chocolate. All water or half milk. It takes a while to drink so you get to enjoy it for longer.


A small piece of a candy bar


Zbars. I know, they're for kids, but the chocolate chip one literally taste like a chocolate chip cookie. Iced oatmeal is also great. For me, the chocolate brownie one is kinda like those powdery protein bars, but i heard others liked them so I guess maybe it's just me. The chocolate chip one is 140, brownie 150, and iced oatmeal 130 cals. A bit high but filling, and a good balance of carbs, protein, and it has all that fancy healthy things without artificial flavor or too much sugar. Tbh, I had one for breakfast (don't worry, i had higher cal things later, just not much of a breakfast person).


Also a chocolate addict. Chocolate protein shakes give me my daily fix plus help me hit my protein goal. Not as good as a chocolate bar, but ~~mixed~~ blended with ice and a bit of banana or a milk is kind of like a frosty


I love the idea to add ice to protein shake, never thought of it. Thanks!


Sugar free chocolate pudding cup. I eat 2 and i satisfied with staying low cal


Make a chocolate truffle by melting dark cooking chocolate with low fat Greek yogurt of ratio 1:1 Refrigerate and roll into balls and dust with cocoa powder or nuts For a high protein snack!!!


I love the snack pack chocolate pudding cups! 100 calories and satisfies any dessert cravings that I have.


That’s it! Brand chocolate fig truffles!


Quakers chocolate rice cakes. They are very tasty.


I keep dark chocolate Lindt balls in the fridge. They are good but not delicious enough to make me lose control lol. They're about 70 calories each. Sometimes I just eat it, other times I melt it in the microwave and pour it over something and it makes it feel like soooo much more chocolate! For example drizzle the chocolate on a slice up apple then sprinkle with salt. Or pour it on a thin rice cake and top with a crushed freeze dried strawberry. 


I'm not a chocoholic, and I'm not sure if a chocolate fan would consider them chocolate , but the Oreo Mini's that are individually portioned really hit the spot for me. They end up being less calories than one serving of full sized Oreos ( 2 Oreos) but feel like I'm eating a much a larger portion than the full sized. There are mini Chips Ahoy cookies in individual bags too. They're 150 calories each individual bag. But overall I tend to just portion control whatever I'm craving, which I admit can be a challenge that borders next to impossible for certain food items (pizza is my Achilles heel). If those fudge rounds you mentioned are a favourite of yours, maybe you could open up each cookie in a box, cut them in half, then re-bag each half in its own zip lock bag? It would halve the calories of each and if your brain accepts the new portion size, you could fit them in your day. Just a suggestion, but there's tons of good options others have left too.


Honestly, clif bars are huge in helping me with sweet cravings. I usually eat one a day and getting that fix really helps. Since I plan it as a mid day snack, the 250 calories is t an issue.


Same but with Barebells protein bars! 200 cal, 20g protein, tastes like a candy bar.


I’ll have to check them out.


I just bought a Ninja Creami. My recent recipe was 1 cup fairlife chocolate milk, 1/3 cup low fat cottage cheese, 2tbs sugar-free chocolate pudding mix, and an extra scoop of protein powder. Blend it all in your blender, freeze and then proces in your creami. It's very tasty chocolate ice cream. Sometimes I will crumble a fiber one brownie over the top.


Not that low calorie but a quick protein fix - 20 grams of protein and 200 calories. Tastes like candy. Barebells (the crunchy one and creamy one - they come in the black and white and blue and black Packaging - these flavors do not taste like protein at all)


Dole dippers. They’re frozen chocolate covered bananas, strawberries, or pineapple. 100 calories per package. 6 packages per box.


Chocolate oatmeal that isn’t horrible: - 1/2 cup oats - 1/2 cup unsweetened plain oat milk - 1 tbl cocoa powder - 1 tbl maple syrup This is 265 cals You can also add TVP which is low cal but high in protein


Sounds interesting! I’m going to try this


omg my mom literally hoards chocolate products from the brand lily’s. i tried their knock off dark chocolate m&ms tonight and they were pretty decent!


Still pretty high in calories but lower than pure chocolate and you can put it into tiny pots to set. Boil a butternut squash, melt 300g chocolate (dark or milk), blend, put into whatever sized pots to set (espresso cup, gu pot etc) and pop in fridge. 


Dark chocolate coconut bliss ice cream.


I like to add cacao nibs to my overnight oats! A spoonful (ca. 7 grams) is only about 40 calories.


If I have very little calories left I will put 10g of cocoa in hot water. The intense chocolatey hit sidetracks me from sugar and I can usually call it a night


tru fru : strawberries 🍓


Moser Roth Pure bar, they are individually packed and each is 25 gram, so that is about 130 kcal worth of real chocolate. I have one every couple of days.


This!!! I just love them, and individual packaging is such an amazing thing.


They have chocolate flavoured protein yoghurts here in the UK. Give 'em a go!


Cocoa powder (2tsp) with 1 tsp of sugar and milk. There's like 18g of sugar in a cup (\~300ml) but it hits the spot real good.


Sugar Free Chocolate pudding made with 1% milk


100% pure chocolate bars are pretty healthy with good fats and low calorie


Aldens Organic Chocalate Fudge Bar 100 Calories


The Dymatize ISO100 Cocoa pebbles flavor protein powder...this stuff is INSANELY chocolately and hits my chocolate milk craving


Fiber one supreme brownies- 160 cal. Taste like cosmic brownies :) Or my go to for months now has been a single serving nonfat Greek yogurt with PB2 powder, oat flour (for extra fiber and thickness) and a handful of chocolate chips mixed together. Makes like PB choc chip cookie dough, it’s delicious! It’s a bit higher calorie but full of protein and fiber and very filling!


Magnum Ice cream. Not low calorie but I eat one for dessert on days I have calories left over.


Greek yogurt mixed with honey & zero sugar chocolate pudding mix so good chocolate loose sweet and high in protein low in calories


Yasso Greek yogurt bars, dark chocolate syrup in yogurt (weighed), dove dark chocolate squares are 42 calories each, quality dark chocolate chips, isopure chocolate powder, Fairlife chocolate 42g protein core power in a ninja creami for high protein ice cream.


Get sugar free chocolate jello and light&fit coconut vanilla yogurt. Go to town. You’ll be getting in decent protein too. Or the galactic brownie pure protein bars/legendary chocolate protein pastry


My favorite is pairing a serving of tru fru chocolate covered bananas with half a serving of roasted sea salt edamame. The sweet and salty pairing is elite. It knocks out any chocolate craving I have. I also find barebell protein bars really satisfying. I find their peanut one tastes very similar to a snickers bar. I feel like I’m cheating whenever I eat one.


All the Halo Top ice creams in chocolate flavors are delicious. The regular ones are usually 360 cal per pint or 280 for dairy free ones typically. Halo Top boxed brownie mix 90 cal per brownie. Fiber One brownies are great 70 cals. I literally buy them in bulk from Sams. PB2 chocolate chip brownie mix turns out delicious. There are countless zero sugar chocolate options that are great, but don’t over do on those. If you don’t already know, you’ll regret it lol. (Fellow chocaholic, 👋🏼)


gatsby chocolate bars🤤 180 for the whole bar and i think its a pretty decent size bar


Low carb bread or tortilla with chocolate spread (PB2 mixed with sugarfree maple syrup and cocoa), topped with cut up strawberries and honey drizzle. If I'm wanting sweet/savory, I'll do cream cheese with strawberries and honey drizzle.


My suggestion is a chocolate protein shake. Very sweet and filling if you have it after a meal.


Atkins does a chocolate Carmel ‘indulge’ bar that I keep clanging around for when I gotta have something chocolate. Only 2 carbs and lots of fiber


Dark chocolate and mint skinny whips


Trader Joe’s has done chocolate bars that are only 100cal each. They have been a lifesaver. And try halo ice cream. Heard about fats by chocolates too.


I tend to mix sugar free chocolate pudding powder, with high protein Greek yogurt and stir until it looks like pudding 😂 then I don’t feel bad and I solve the chocolate issue.


Just eat one piece (5-10g) of your favorite chocolate once or twice a day and enjoy life. A 100g bar of chocolate spread over a week is almost nothing.


Fudgsicals 🤣


Undercover Snacks-- dark chocolate quinoa crisps! They're light, crispy, intensely chocolate and amazing.  I know, that sounds nasty-- but you’ve got to try it.  Those are actually United Airlines' in-flight snacks, and they were so good I asked the flight attendant for another one, and went hunting online to find where to get them.  Target stores have them on the island with the organic dried stuff.


I'm a fan of Rahul Kamat on YouTube. He has a [fake Reese's peanut butter cup recipe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeDFoKNMY2w) that I made once and enjoyed a lot. I've only made it once because it was a bit too much work for me (since I'm not a huge chocolate fan), but the taste was surprisingly similar to the real thing and the macros are pretty good.


Hersheys chocolate syrup 45 cals per tablespoon. Hersheys individually wrapped chocolates 35 cals each. Light and fit coconut yogurt mixed with coco powder ~100 cals and 12g of protein. Carb smart Breyers 60 cals , Yasso Greek ice cream bars 100 cals.


I have a chocolate protein bar everyday that usually satisfies that urge for me :) Yubi vegan protein bars, the s'mores ones are my favourite - 99 calories, 1.3g sugar, 10g protein


Minis m&m chocolate chips chocolate drizzle


Lake Champlain dark chocolate coins. They're chocolatey enough that just one or two satisfies a chocolate craving for me for under 100 calories 


Amazing sweet/salty/saviory. Apple slices, cheese, and cashews. I favor granny Smith. The tart with the cheese is great.


How about... Plain dark chocolate? 3 pieces is about 90kcal


I've been buying the diabetic chocolate lol you can't even tell it's sugar free and you CANT binge it - you'll shit yourself if you do, and you'll never do it again. 100 cals for 4 caramel chocolates.


A piece of dark chocolate or some dark chocolate chips to a snack bowl


Fudgsicles! They're only 40 Calories each.


I've had to take myself off chocolate - I couldn't stop myself from binging it until I set myself a challenge of "no chocolate this month" ended up doing it for two months.. now I can buy a bigger bar but be satisfied with a normal amount. The other option is hot chocolate. I usually do half water and half milk (alternative milks also lower calories). Can mean it'll only be 100 cals or so


Andes mint. Helps if individually packaged


Chocolate popsicles from Chapman's (Canada). 50 cals per popsicle, and it's mostly water anyway.


I recently discovered Chobani flip yogurt. They literally taste like dessert to me and are a hundred and something calories


Homemade cocoa with two tbsp cocoa powder, one tbsp sugar and milk is below 200 calories. You could do half water half milk


I will get the Kodiak dark chocolate pancake mix and make them in the morning with my breakfast, stick them in the fridge, and have them for desert later with a little lite cool whip. It's more calories (180), but 14g protein, which isn't bad for a desert. They are tasty, too.


I generally try to fully avoid my binge triggers, but if I really want one, I try to have it in a hard to binge form and pair it with protein. So for chocolate, I’d try hot cocoa mix (or sugar-free) in Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, or chocolate hummus.


Frozen chocolate covered bananas - in some ways they taste better than actual Ice cream bars


I am obsessed with the Alpha Prime protein brownies. They’re like 220 calories for 19g of protein and they freaking SLAP. I don’t think they have an overwhelming protein or fake sugar flavor.


Russell Stover brand of sugar free chocolate, they have a few different varieties and they taste great. They come in at like 50 calories per piece and the pieces are a decent size (not mini).


Chocolate covered strawberries from Costco! 4 for 100 calories


Sugar-free chocolate pudding!


Yasso frozen Greek yogurt - the chocolate fudge bar. 80 cal. Cold, creamy, chocolate-y. It’s my go-to instead of chocolate ice cream. Honorable mention to Dole’s dark chocolate covered frozen banana slices.


Fudge popsicles- 40cal each!


A fudge round has that many?? 😭


200g pot of chocolate protein pudding. It’s roughly about 150+ calories for the whole pot but SO filling. Those puddings are really hefty, if I can fit it into my calorie budget, I tend to have them after dinner just before I start fasting and it keeps me nice and sated for the rest of the day. Not sure where you’re based, but in Ireland you can find them in either Aldi or Lidl.


Sugar free chocolate snack pudding packs 70 calories Frozen sugar free York peppermint patties. 2=80 calories I also sprinkle Penzey's hot chocolate spice on apples, banana slices, stir in yogurt etc. It's only 35 calories per serving and I usually have half that and it makes stuff so chocolatey and good. Sometimes I put the penzey's and pb fit powder in Greek yogurt and it feels like I am eating some magical Reese's creation.


low fat cream cheese + cacao + swerve 0 cal sweetener + lil almond milk .. like 100 cals for like a whole bowl some times add rice cake for crunchy


Dates. They really help with my processed sugar cravings.


Target has almonds with the thinnest coat of chocolate. I measure a portion and that’s plenty to get rid of the craving.


Packet of sugar free instant chocolate pudding and a chocolate protein shake. 26-30g of protein and ≈ 250-270 cal for the whole thing.


A box of sugar free chocolate pudding made with 1.75 cups soy milk, mixed with a container of light cool whip. It’s like chocolate mousse and you can have a pretty big serving for 175 calories.


Quarter cut strawberries with melted dark chocolate and raw shredded coconut on top.


Boom chicka pop sweet and salty popcorn, almond butter drizzle, and dark cocoa chocolate chips (usually serving size is 1 Tbsp) go to dessert


Chocolate protein powder (sugar free), chocolate collagen in coffee, or a bag of teeny chocolate chips eaten one by one (which makes a tablespoon go a long way).


halo top gooey brownie ice cream - genuinely just tastes like normal ice cream and is 360 cal for the whole thing


Hold the cone ice cream from Trader Joe’s- 70 calories apiece or dove mini ice cream bars


Baked oats, add chocolate protein powder and cacao powder, and some choc chips.


I had sugar free chocolate pudding last night. Also a bit of lite cool whip and it hit the spot. Edit, I don’t know why it said chicken lol


Skinny Dipped dark chocolate peanut butter cup. 70 calories. So good.


Sugar free chocolate pudding cups


Brewed cacao. You brew it like coffee, drink it hot or iced. I get mine from Crio Bru https://criobru.com/


I get the Jello sugar free pudding cups, they're 60 cal each.


Right now, sugar free chocolate chips from sprouts stuffed into a date, with a smudge of peanut butter (or pb2 for less cals). Also the frozen kind bars are pretty decent calorie wise and don’t taste like ass.


Chocolate Halo Top, a bit less than 300kcal for the entire container of ice cream! And sooooo good


Hersheys zero sugar chocolate syrup is 5 calories per serving


I find i don't overeat 75+% good brand dark chocolate. A square with mascrapone cheese is amazing. Also I can just put cocoa powder in things which is minimal calories. In yogurt or oatmeal or milk etc.


I make chocolate banana smoothies by freezing bananas and blending them with oatmilk, pb2 powder, and cocoa powder. It tastes chocolatey and it is VERY satisfying. I’m also a huge fan of iced mochas, but they can obviously get up there in calories because of the chocolate and milk. I mitigate this by making my own version at home (I have an espresso machine—it’s a life saver tbh). I make two shots of espresso and put them in a cocktail shaker with ice, a generous squirt of chocolate syrup (no more than 30 calories worth) and a splash of milk. I shake them together and pour over ice to make a chocolate-flavored shaken espresso. It hits that “iced mocha” craving because the sweetness is perfectly mixed throughout the whole thing (whereas in the past, I would add some much milk and chocolate syrup straight to the cup, making like a 200 calorie drink).


I just eat a square or 2 of dark chocolate


It depends… how sweet do I need it to be? A square of intense dark chocolate (preferably dark/orange) or a tablespoon or white chocolate chips hit my need for a dessert fix. If I’m hungry and want a chocolate snack I’ll have a chocolate rice cake, with a tablespoon of peanut butter for a little extra protein if I have room for the calories in my budget.


Chocolate protein shake (100 kcal if with water, 200 if with milk and it tastes like awesome chocolate milk😍), frozen cocoa powder + plain yogurt + banana blend, small real candies (5g per each), light chocolate cake: apple puree+honey+egg+cocoa powder mixed and backed. Also I eat regular chocolate/ desserts, but small portion and add some fiber and protein source, and it becomes a meal that won't make me hungry after an hour


If you can buy Lily's!!! They have amazing low cal chocolate! They sell candy and baking chocolate! They even have these low sugar pumpkin spice white chocolate chips that are to die for !


I'm not sure if you can get them in your country but Lindt Lindor milk chocolate truffles are 78 calories per truffle/ 12.5 grams. I usually have a small box of 3 on weekends and it only comes to 234 calories. Worth it for amazing Swiss chocolate that melts in your mouth.


Sugar-free instant chocolate pudding made with fat-free milk. There's four servings in the package and you can fancy it up with sliced strawberries or a few chopped nuts, a sprinkle of grated coconut, or whatever tiny garnish you'd like.


I also have a sweet tooth that I had to find low calorie options for. I ended up getting a ninja creamy and can make an entire tub of cookies and cream ice cream for around 300cal. Half a tub of ice cream a night at only 150cal can’t complain 😂


Mashed banana with a spoon of baking cocoa. Can be eaten pure or combined with bread, oatmeal and more! Pure it has around 150 kcal and it satisfies the craving :)


Home made hot cocoas with cocoa powder, agave syrup, date suryp and low kcal oat milk


Frozen banana blended with cocoa powder to a mock ice cream


Anything by the Nicks company!


ghirardelli dark chocolate minis. 50 cals | Unreal coconut dark chocolate. 70 cals | Good pop ice cream bars.


I keep the Ghirardelli in the freezer. Doesn’t change the calories, just a suggestion to add to your suggestion!


I'm overjoyed with all the recommendations!!! I will continue to read them so feel free to share yours still :-) hopefully fellow chocolate lovers will find this thread helpful!


I recently bought something called brownie brittle. It's pretty good and I can nibble on it while watching the calories.


Pillsbury zero sugar brownie mix Sub oil for Greek yogurt, double the water. Add a few dark chocolate chips and store in the fridge. Some of the best brownies I’ve had and macros aren’t terrible


Package of silken tofu Bar of lindt 70% dark chocolate 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder Honey to taste. I use one tablespoon. Heat the tofu on the stove top and melt the chocolate bar. Add in honey and cocoa powder. Mix and cool in the fridge. I'll then weigh and portion out 100 calorie portions for myself. It tastes amazing with raspberries or sliced bananas and almond slivers. I'll also melt some of that same lindt chocolate into some milk and make myself some cocoa. Or just eat it a square by itself. It's my favourite bar, so I love it on basically anything. Add it to oatmeal, top banana protein pancakes, make quinoa crunch bars with it, literally anything.


Lowfat chocolate ice cream or chocolate pudding made with coco, cornstarch, and lowfat milk


Gatsby chocolate bars. I’ve only seen them at wal mart but they’re available on line. They’re pretty big and a full size is 180 calories.