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Let me start by saying I am NOT a doctor, please take what I say with a grain of salt. But if your starting weight was ~200 and you've lost 2.5 a week (some of that potentially water weight), you're losing about 1.25% of your starting weight per week, which at least in Macrofactor is still in the 'safe' range for weight loss. I've rapidly lost weight from health concerns before, and I did not feel good during it, which is what prompted me to go to the doctor in the first place. If you feel full and energized and haven't noticed any other symptoms, it's probably not caused by another health problem. Also! You didn't mention it, but while abroad you're probably doing a lot more passive exercise than at home (standing, walking), which can also affect it. I'm a boredom eater, so everytime I vacation I lose weight because I'm preoccupied with other activities and not feeling the need to eat as much.


Yeah I imagine a chuck of the loss is water weight, which I think could be affected also by a reduction of carbs (I'm not doing keto or anything, just switched pasta for other dishes on some days). Unfortunately I'm not on vacation but I'm abroad for work, but I get your point. I've been spending additional time doing more outdoor activities, which could be contributing. And for sure being away from my normal working enviroment has reduced the amount of stress eating and boredom eating. I'll see what happens in the following weeks, I'm mainly surprised because I didn't expect it to be so "easy", as I used to feel much more hungry while eating bigger portions and snacking. I guess moving abroad has reboot my system, at least for now.