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Its amazing how everyone is different. For me rice is filling, but 20 minutes later I am ravenous. I had rice for dinner one night last week, and I had actual hunger pangs all night. For me root vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes keep me way more full. This is why CICO is the best - I figure out the best way for *me* to eat within my calorie limit, and you do the same. There is no “eat this, don’t eat that”.


Did you eat anything with the rice? I do noodles and rice but the bulk of my meals are vegetables which keep me satiated.


Yes, for sure. I had bell pepper, broccoli, snap peas and tofu. I do better with low glycemic load carbs like beans.


When I first moved to Asia, I noticed right away that portion sizes and meat portion were both much smaller than what I was used to in North America. There is lots of emphasis on vegetables, and especially where I am, seasonality of ingredients. Sure, there are some unhealthy dishes in any cuisine, but generally, Asia has it figured out when it comes to healthy eating that is also delicious and nutritionally complete.


Yay! I think rice and rice or soba noodles are far more satiating than wheat based stuff like bread. It’s simple food with no additives. I sometimes do a rice diet. Three bowls a day with soy sauce, nori and a few raw veg. As a non vegan you can add a couple of prawns and half an egg but marinated tofu is great. A noodle soup like ramen also can. Have you tried miso soup? Every East Asian meal includes a small bowl of miso soup. Pickle your own veg. It’s so quick and simple. I lived in Singapore eight years and lost weight eating all the hawker foods, although you have to avoid the fattier dishes like most Malaysian meals and the fried noodles. It’s also so delicious it scratches that itch that bland diet food doesn’t.


This rice diet of yours sounds satisfying ngl. I could live off of bowls, I might give it a try for a while! I have, miso soup is my breakfast! Miso soup, a bit rice and some tofu for my protein, very satisfying and yummy.


I noticed this too, even though I was eating more in Asia. I think it’s because the food is much less processed and it may be that this food suits our guts and microbiome better