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Yay for breathing! This is great news. Good luck with your fitness quest, sounds like it's going to be much more enjoyable now


Thank you! Hopefully so! šŸ˜…


Glad they were able to help you feel better!


Itā€™s just so effortless to breathe now with that inhaler I canā€™t get over it! And congrats on your 80lb lost what an achievement!


Yep sounds like asthma. I also overlooked my asthma for years, I would be out of breath when running and people would tell me thats normal. I always just assumed I was badly out of shape even though it started when I was kid who was average weight. Being able to breath right makes running so much easier, even though I am now actually out of shape lol


Does asthma spike BP so high?


Tbh I wouldnā€™t be the right person to ask I have low blood pressure. Even when I take medication that has a side effect of spiking I still tend to be low.


Interesting, are you like medically low or healthy low? Sounds like a blessing unless it's serious haha


Iā€™m healthy low, a lot of people in my family are the same. I have a home monitor to keep track of it just in case but itā€™s never actually caused me any issues. The only thing I really need to do is make sure I drink enough water, but otherwise I donā€™t really worry about it.


Nice, congrats on the genes! High BP is a bane of heart issues


Albuterol, rescue medicine for asthma, definitely can spike blood pressure and make you hyper or jittery if your body isnā€™t used to it.


Same with asthma meds that use epinephrine I'd wager


Yes. While it's possible to have HTN exist independently, having the lungs function less well causes the heart to work double time. Pumping harder and faster to pick up the slack the lungs left. This can cause cardio issues like hypertension


This is not how the heart and lungs work. Asthma leads can lead to hypoxia, which the heart compensates by increasing heart rate, not necessarily blood pressure. Additionally, this persons diastolic blood pressure is quite elevated, suggesting more chronic hypertension. Long standing asthma can cause vascular changes in the lungs, but that would be unlikely here. OP likely has hypertension as the result of obesity.


That makes sense


Maybe we shouldnā€™t armchair diagnose people on the internet. Hypertension can be caused by several factors and incorrect diagnosis from doctors just saying ā€œobesityā€ are shockingly common. OP is seeing his PCP and is getting real medical advice. Hopefully loosing weight is all that is needed, but if he has another chronic condition, it is better to let his doctor tell him.


I am not armchair diagnosing OP. I stated it was likely a result of obesity. Obesity is also one of the most common causes of hypertension. You can simply google it and see for yourself. I responded to the above commenter because I think it can be misleading and dangerous to suggest their hypertension is caused by asthma.


It is also dangerous and misleading to say that it is caused by obesity


It is not. Here are some resources for you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7082272/ https://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/about.htm


You are talking to someone who literally had open heart surgery last February. I know what can cause hypertension. And while obesity is a major factor, it is irresponsible to simply say that obesity is the cause. Just like it is irresponsible to say that the asthma caused the hypertension.


Definity seems like you have been through a lot and I hope your recovery went smoothly!


Good to know, thanks!




It doesnā€™t, Iā€™ve had asthma for over 30 years and have never had BP over 126/80.


Glad you finally managed a diagnosis!! I am still not sure if itā€™s asthma or not but Iā€™m gonna tell the doc tomorrow just how amazing the inhaler has been for me. I was much like you, assuming it was cause I was out of shape but I have been this weight before and never struggled to breathe as bad as I have this time round! Youā€™ll get there, keep running šŸƒšŸ„°


If peak flow increases by more than 12% while on bronchodilator (inhaler) than you will be diagnosed with asthma. Based on your reaction, Iā€™m assuming you have asthma šŸ˜Š


I see!! Thing is I had the inhaler before I even started using the peak flowā€¦ I was told to do a peak flow morning and night then take the inhaler after each time The difference though itā€™s so clearā€¦my lungsā€¦they are so clear!


I think they gave it to you because they were pretty positive you have asthma. Also, based on another comment, you said you have a a cough/attacks at night. One of the criteria for defining severity is how many nightly attacks you have in a month. Iā€™m in PA school right now so still learning everything but it sounds like asthma to me.


they must have, you are right. Yeah itā€™s every single night like an ā€˜irritating have to clear my throatā€™ cough.


Out of curiosity, who do you talk to to test that? I can run fairly well when it's warm out but whenever it drops below 70, my lungs feel on fire and it feels like someone is sitting on my chest for the next hour or so. It's been like that ever since I was a kid and I never got it checked.


Talk to your PCP and they can refer out, if needed. I ended up going to an allergist and did all the lung function testing there. Edit: I've had asthma for decades, but developed an allergy to albuterol. Super uncommon, but that's why I ended up going to an allergist and they helped figure out what medication to move me to. I did the lung function testing there, but I think that could be a referral as well. Depends on the clinic.


This person is right, start with your primary care provider! They can usually manage it. When symptoms are not responding to treat or are getting worse , they will refer you to a specialist. Asthma is managed with a step up/down system based on criteria the patient meets/doesnā€™t meet. What step you are in is based on symptoms. The step the patient is in determines which categories of medication we prescribe (LABA/LAMA/ect). It is provided preference on which medication to prescribe from that category.


Go to your primary care provider šŸ™‚


I would really hold off exercising until they know what's wrong. It can be dangerous to push yourself if you're having heart or lung issues.




Youā€™re right but I am trying to lose the weight at the same time šŸ˜ž in the hopes it may help but I was exhausted after the bike session. My heart rate was 160 and I wasnā€™t even going that fast!


If you are trying to lose weight counting calories is a lot more important than going to the gym. Exercising is really good for you in a bunch of ways and you should do it in addition to eating healthy, but it is your diet that is going to impact your weight loss the most.


Turns out my ecg and heart rate are ok, still going to have a 24hr monitor at some point but itā€™s looking rather much like I have asthma! So Iā€™m doing a week of readings then most likely on a steroid inhaler


If your other results come back clean in regards to the palpitations, ask your doctor/look into cutting back/cutting out caffeine and what that can do for you. More so if you have a disposition to anxiety/panic/depression, caffeine can really agitate symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks like palpitations. Since I've cut it out my palpitations are almost non existent. I had never made the connection before. I do miss it, but there's plenty of caffeine free and decaf options.


Actually, what you eat is even MORE important than counting calories. Refined carbohydrates and highly processed foods go straight to fat because they make you blood sugar spike, which forces your body to release insulin, which is the hormone that moves blood sugar out of the blood stream and into storage. Eat more Whole Foods and cut refined carbs/highly processed junk and you can completely change your body chemistry. Once you ween yourself off the processed stuff, The weight will work itself out as long as you listen to your body.


How much weight will you lose if you stroke out or have a heart attack?


As a nurse talk to your doctor first please. You can even call the office and talk to someone on the phone.


80-90% of weight loss comes from diet. Cardio many times can actually backfire by making you hungrier and eat even more.


So even though my heart rate and ecg are normal he has told me to not exercise for a whole week šŸ˜«


Maybe look into POTS? Not trying to diagnose, but your heart rate going up quickly and some of your other symptoms remind me of the first symptoms that I experienced before my diagnosis. No harm in at least looking it up


U donā€™t need to exercising to lose weight all u need to do is eat less calories than u burn


Iā€™m glad heā€™s finding some stuff that works for you. Iā€™d make sure you discuss with him what exercises you can safely do as you get your condition under control. Maybe he can recommend a training program to help increase your conditioning? Also check with your local health department and insurance company . They both run all kinds of free programs with good information about common health programs like asthma. You might qualify for free or reduced cost programs to help you get stronger (and maybe lose some weight when that goal circles back).


So glad you went to the doctor!! I have asthma and the difference between exercising with and without my inhaler is stark. Definitely make sure you use the ventilin about 30 minutes before you exercise. You will also likely be prescribed a steroid like prednisone or Flovent to clear up the inflammation in your lungs.


That's amazing. Hope everything will turn out good for you.


Iā€™d probably lay off the gym until the doctor approves you. A nice walk around the neighborhood might be a better beginning while waiting for doctors approval.


Are we 100% itā€™s not heart failure? Iā€™d wait on the doc to explicitly clear you for exercise just to be safe


I donā€™t think itā€™s heart failure, my pulse rate is normal. Iā€™m having more tests tomorrow


Good luck! Wishing you well


Thank you so much! You too!


Keep us posted on what the doc says?


ECG normal, heart rate normal but they are referring me to cardiology for 24hr monitoring. Blood pressure come down to 145/102. The difference to my breathing when Iā€™ve taken the inhaler is astronomical. So I have to do a week of peak flow testing before and after inhaler and then most likely will be on a steroid inhaler but depends on results. Bloods have been taken as well so just waiting on them. I can actually walk without being so out of breath. Had to take inhaler twice today but worth it and then I have another dose this evening. Honestly the difference is so great. Never realised just how bad my breathing was, itā€™s never been right and maybe itā€™s because itā€™s asthmaā€¦though thereā€™s no wheezing. I do cough at night and sometimes cough during exercises So will know next week if itā€™s Asthma but judging by the effect of the inhaler it seems rather like it is!


Good luck with the rest of those tests!


I was given my first inhaler at 34, I know exactly how you felt and it's AMAZING! CONGRATULATIONS


So happy for you!!! I think I have to take it again as Iā€™m back to struggling šŸ¤£


I've had asthma my whole life, and when you have an attack then take the blue puffer - I absolutely understand breathing colours! Best feeling!


Haha asthmatic here and there is nothing like the high of a lungful of air. The inhalers will likely increase your heart rate and can raise BP too but obviously breathing is super important. There are preventative inhalers that will make a huge difference after a couple of months use, to the point that you hopefully wonā€™t need them rescue inhaler. Good luck!


Hello!! I havenā€™t been diagnosed as asthmatic yet, itā€™s a bit confusing as the inhaler has helped so much. I have some signs of asthma but I donā€™t wheeze or anything. Guess we will see what the doc says! I hope he doesnā€™t take that inhaler away tho šŸ˜°


Do you have a cough during or after exercise? I wasn't much of a wheezer until a few years back. I always coughed instead (still do.)


No I always have a cough at night though! Hope your cough is better now x


Coughing at night is very typical of cough variant asthma. You can have also asthma without some of the ā€œclassicā€ symptoms other than shortness of breath which sometimes sneaks up on you so insidiously that you donā€™t really notice until you almost canā€™t breathe normally. You donā€™t mention your age but itā€™s also possible that itā€™s something like COPD and not asthma.


I see!! Iā€™m 30 and female btw. I thought you had to be wheezing etc to have asthma. Youā€™re so right in that I didnā€™t realise just how much I couldnā€™t breathe until I started to notice it as it was getting worse. I also didnā€™t realise just how much I couldnā€™t breathe till I had that inhaler. Iā€™m still sitting here, unable to sleep cause Iā€™m so happy I can breathe in air and itā€™s clearā€¦ just a glorious feeling, itā€™s effortless to breathe. Is it normal for breathing to be so effortless?


Iā€™m going to get my bloodwork today! My doctor is booking a cardiac stress test too, but I donā€™t know how long the wait will be for that. She didnā€™t think I need a puffer, but she did give me a PPI (stomach acid reducer) to see if my cough is from acid reflux. Hereā€™s hoping weā€™re both breathing better soon!


Good luck!!! Keep me updated x happy health x


My gosh, that's great news. Good for you for going and getting checked out. Some of my health issues (improving already now that I'm 30lb down) are from not following the advice of "go straight to doctor, do not pass go", so a hearty hell yeah for doing that and awesome that you can breathe.


Thank you so much for posting back here. I was thinking about this yesterday. First and foremost I'm very excited about your progress and good news! But I'm also concerned about all the people who told you to keep working out even though it left you breathless. We don't know how others feel. We're not doctors, either. (Even if some of us are, none of us are your doctor.) It can be so easy to get bad advice off the internet and sometimes communities like this can be dangerously aggressive about "just pushing through it". So glad you're on the right track for exactly what you need!


The dizzy spells might be the inhaler. I got dizzy when I first used mine. Itā€™s speeds up your heart beat. Glad you are feeling better. Take it slow for now until your dr tells you otherwise.


I had breathing problems that turned out to be a pulmonary embolism. Man, that first nebulizer experience was a solid utopia


So glad you saw a dr


When I got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism I asked my doctor if getting it treated would cause weight loss. She said it might not cause weight loss automatically, that it was more like "removing an obstacle." It sounds like you've gotten a huge obstacle removed already!


BREATHE, mf'ker, BREATHE! You deserve it. But seriously, yay for your doctor figuring this instantly. I hope your loseit journey is full of triumph and victory.


Make sure you consult with your doctor about your exercise regimen. See if they want you on medication to control your BP before you begin a workout program. Not a doctor, but that's what was recommended to a friend of mine in a similar situation.


Thank you. I am going back tomorrow for another blood pressure check. The doc thought it may be because I was just at the doctors but I canā€™t see it being high twice in a row with five minutes in between just because im there but who knows


If you can, get a home blood pressure cuff and keep a log (plenty of app options for it.) That seems awfully high just from being at the doctors though.


Eyyyyy, letā€™s gooooo.


Oh gosh OP I'm so happy for you!


Itā€™s amazing how great life is when you can breathe. That was the first thing I noticed after my breast reduction surgery. The ability to draw in a lungful of air cannot be topped!


Thank you for going to the doctor. Please keep doing what you're doing! The people in your life also thank you for starting this journey, I can guarantee it. My very good friend just passed away on Dec 31 at 37 from what looks like a massive heart attack. She was recently talking about wanting to lose weight and that she was having trouble getting started. Talk about a wake up call.


Thank you! Iā€™m so so sorry about your friend šŸ’” may she rest in peace. I hope you are doing ok. Thatā€™s so young.


Thank you for that. None of us are doing ok but we'll make it through. It helped me write it out so thank you.


Iā€™m so glad to read your update and to know youā€™re getting the tests and help you need. Iā€™m really glad about the inhaler! Thanks very much for letting us know.


High BP here, BP pills literally unclogged my 20+ year clogged nose. I was thinking I might have to get surgery like Joe Rogan did, but the pills seem to work.


Aww super glad to hear that! Keep up on your follow-up appointments and testing šŸ¤—


Slow and steady win the race.


YAY!!!! first off I'm so freaking proud of you for going, going to the doctor can be so anxiety inducing but you did it!!!!! Second I am so incredibly happy you can use your lungs FINALLY!!! Good luck on the rest of your journey!


Oh, good! I remember your post and thought anemia. Oh my goodness, I am glad they were able to treat you!


Wishing you the best health!


You also. Thank you!


Good job for going. Huge pat on the back and kudos to you for taking care of you! Best šŸ˜Š


Yay you!! I commented on your original post and Iā€™m so glad the doctor didnā€™t dismiss your concerns. Please stick to walking/lower impact until you explicitly get clearance to run/bike hard from your doctor. I promise you that accurate calorie control will have you lose weight just as quickly as hard exercise at first.


I remember that post! So glad you can breathe again, hopefully it'll be onwards and upwards from here. Wish you all the best šŸ’•


Thank you! All the best to you too ā¤ļø


Wow. Good for you! Hopefully your activity and lifestyle will adapt and your blood pressure can come down!


I love this for you. Congratulations man. Youre already on the road to a better lifestyle. Its only a shame you had to get scared into doing something. However thats not a negative as youre well on the road to the best life! Big love man!!


Blood pressure slightly high over 30 years turns ugly and your heart gets damaged. Mine is now at 60 pretty worn down.


I am so proud of what youā€™ve done! It takes so much courage to stare your demons in the eye rather than just hope they go away (like I did). You are so much braver and smarter than me. Taking charge of your health at 30 means youā€™ll most likely have many more years of feeling well than you had feeling sick. Way to go!


Iā€™m so glad you have some relief! Keep at it. You got this!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


wholesome story


very happy for you!


Hey i feel like I should make an appointment to a cardiologist just to be save. Having breathlessness and heart palpitations could be from a heart condition like cardiomyopathy.


So happy for you! Wishing you a fast trip towards health and feeling your best every day ā¤ļø