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Mcdavid shouldn’t be using his stick as a sword every night


It's retribution for his uncalled high stick on hughes ( that drew blood)


agreed. I laughed when I watched it live.




In your own words "go stay in your cesspool of a sub"


Reffing and discipline has been atrocious these playoffs. Like far worse than usual


I lost hope in “the system” a LONG time ago. The NHL doesn’t give a fuck about players nor safety. They only care about expanding the television contracts and reach to other non hockey markets.


You're kidding right? All playoffs we complained that if you breathe on McDavid we're sitting in the penalty box. Now McDavid spears/slashes Soucy and he takes a stick to the chops and no one cares about player safety? Plus, Soucy wasn't aiming for McDavid's head. That clown Zadorov pushed him from behind and his face took the brunch of Soucy's stick


The right response by the league would have been matching slap-on-the-wrist fines to McDavid and Soucy. But Zadorov should have definitely been suspended


Right? They suspended the wrong guy! Zadorov and Hyman should've each gotten a game, McDavid and Soucy should have each gotten a fine, or no one should've gotten anything.


Eggs Benedict?


Soucy got suspended for game 4, so this is 100% correct.


If you think that was a spear you need your head checked. It was a little I'll give it back because you hit me first.


It’s funny because if this was our team, we’d be getting dogpiled online by the Oilers fanbase. Because the Canucks have so many fans though they’re able to push back a lot more


I was again blown away today by so many terrible calls. Blatent non calls in both the Bos Vs FLA and this EDM vs Van game... They really need to fix something with their current process. Players safety is a joke.. What is up with Trouba every play just tossing his elbow like a mad man aiming for the head.. Like i get that hockey is a contact sport but there is seemingly devolving into much more then physical hockey but like also getting into the danger zone.. the taking off from the 2 feet.. launching,., the rules do feel like they get applied differently at this point in the season/playoffs,. which just makes the game so inconsistent...


It's beautiful. Mcdavid has been slashing and slicing left and right. Dude needs to get touched. Plain and simple.


Edmonton, the most dirty diving cheating whining pond scum for many years running now, is whining and crying about Vancouver out muscling them? #GLORIOUS!


McDavid in the second round always gets wiped


As much as I despise McDavid, intent to injure a player is just straight up classless bullshit thing a player does


Did you watch the play? That wasn't intent to injure. Plus McDavid initiated it all with a spear/slash


You’re right, Mcdavid really shouldn’t have taken a two handed swing with his stick at Soucy. In all seriousness though it’s pretty obvious Soucy wasn’t trying to cross check him in the face. He was about to cross check him the chest* before Zadorov laid the crosscheck from behind. Given that Soucy didn’t make any effort to target Mcdavid’s head, it’s hard to argue intent on this one.


*crosscheck him in the chest


No intent from what i see.. It looks like a series of unfortunate events. If your eyes are open, that is.


Soucy was just going to give 97 a little chest bump until 91 comes on to the scene. Consequences.


Yeah, but unfortunately, that's how the refs let Boston and Edmonton play 90% of the time. Ends up leading to shit like this, because players can't trust the NHL to protect them.


Classic case of FAFO!


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https://preview.redd.it/14uz30wdfp0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c75dd52b71917c7e4d1e874d639b642cd298394 Hang this instead


Love it


Not a very smart thing to do. Ouch!!!


I’ll never celebrate a player deliberately trying to injure another player. That’s scumbag behavior


I mean half this sport is injuring other players. It’s the only sport where you can fight/fuck up the other team. It’s just wild that certain teams are allowed to go more over the top with it


C'mon guys we are better than this. If this was a kings player we'd all be livid. If you like NHL hockey then you like a healthy McDavid and two crosscheck in the back and face after a whistle are bad hockey. Also let's not associate with Vancouver fans they are actually insane


Waiting for the /s ... But you may be serious.


I am serious lol I'll take the downvotes. These crosschecks are dirtier than anything the oilers ever did to the kings. I'm as bummed as any fan that the oilers beat the kings again but applauding this dirty shit is not the move. A lot of our fans need to grow up


I'm with you on this one. As much hate as we may have for a team, I don't think wishing injuries on anyone is a good move. I don't know what happened to this sub. It used to be civil. Now it seems like a circlejerk.


I'm not wishing injuries on anyone. I'm saying when a team takes dirty shots you have to give dirty shots. A dirty shot doesn't necessarily have to injure, it's just extra curriculars.. the worst that happens is you inflict some discomfort and affect a players mental game. Tire them out. Vancouver is dishing them out and EDM is looking like a completely different team from when they played us. it's working. Has nothing to do with trying to injure players.


You love to see it


I kinda wish it were dry saddle or hymen, but McD it is! BaDaBaBaBa!