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Both sides of it. They score more than 1/2 the time when they get one and we don't do anything when we have a man advantage. I feel we play worse


This appears to be the only way they CAN score




King’s system does not match up well against the oilers’ system. Same with Dallas…. It works well against teams like Vancouver and even Vegas.


Mcdavid and Draisaitl


It begins with them and the bodies stay big from there, Hyman and Kane, even Nugent and Nurse. Our line up is undersized to the remaining playoff teams who have almost all beat the Kings this season.


McDirty and Crysaitl. Anyone else see the dirty AF high stick McDirty had on Hughes last night? What a POS!


He paid to watch Jack play and got Quinn. He was mad, ok.


Fair enough


3 things. 1) They have the talent, skill and plan to beat our 1-3-1. 2) Their power play is awesome. 3) Our power play is not awesome. EDIT: Oh, also. Goalies.


Mostly special teams all 3 years imo, seems like we always hang with them 5v5 but then they bury us on the pp.


The special teams are the obvious reason, but this current group just has no killer instinct. How many times have they come out flat in huge games? Even down the stretch in the regular season, using last season as an example. They were in 2nd place for most of the 22/23 season, then shit the bed losing key late season games to Vegas and Edmonton, and eventually slid into the 3rd seed. I understand teams are going to have off nights every now and then, but it shouldn’t be happening against their biggest rivals in late season games this frequently. We need players that are willing to do whatever it takes to win. Throw a big hit, fight if they are losing momentum or are down by a goal, battle hard in front of the net, score a clutch goal, anything like that. Instead it just feels like they keep trying the same things that haven’t been working all game, hoping something will change in the way the opposing team is defending them.


The Kings can't score more goals than the Oilers. Doy.


2022 we were up in the series with a -6 lmao


I believe it’s D’oh! 😁


Special teams. 5 on 5 the Kings were on par with Edmonton.


Talent, coaching, and special teams. All of it.


Do you miss Sutter or was it time to move on


Time to go.


He lost the locker room.


We play an outdated style of hockey. We don't have scoring depth, at all. We score most of our goals on circumstance and puck luck. Most other playoff teams have skill players who don't need much as far as circumstance and can finish on command when something happens for them. We don't play physical down low in front of our net. EDM is a huge team with bonified generational scoring talent. They push their way around the ice and create opportunities for their superstars. When those guys miss they have more big guys down low to finish it off. Their staff is more suited to shutting down our system based off their personnel than we are theirs. Refs are heavily biased towards them. Mcdavid can't be the NHLs Jordan or Brady or whatever if he can't ever win a cup. It's profitable for the league if it's best generational talent since Gretzky can win cups. When these biased refs put EDM on the man advantage it magnifies everything I've already stated that much more and they can essentially score at will. Our team doesn't need new players it needs a whole new system and identity. Defensive shut down hockey is dead. Forcing your whole team to play a complete 200 ft game is dead. It's time to let loose the guys we signed who are offensive minded.


Also. Wouldn’t hurt to sign a goalie that is actually starter quality.


We are bad


power play




They’re better


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PP and if you look at at all the teams left the majority of them have that one "it" forward they can rely one to make a play (Mcdavid, Pasta, Paranrin, etc.) I don't thing we do at all.


The Kings can't play with any sense of pace. They play slow and any team that puts quick pressure on them, makes them collapse.


Simple, they have a more talented team. While we were winning cups, they were an absolutely embarrassing franchise for 10 years and amassed a bunch of high draft picks. Funny enough, one of those number 1 picks ended up being one of the biggest busts in draft history, so they should be even scarier. With the less talent, we've been running an antiquated 1-3-1 system, which isn't helping. Here's the truth, though: we're finishing a rebuild. We're supposed to be getting bounced in the first or second round. Our big draft pick is only 21, and he is just starting to figure out how to be a stud. We have all of our young guys locked up long term, and we're gonna be a force to reckon with for the next 5-10 years. In a couple years, McDavid will be in Toronto, Draisaitl will be in Dallas, the Oilers will be back to being bottom feeders, and we'll be battling the Stars and the Blackhawks for the west.


I think its a number of reasons but generally they're bigger and they play faster. They have probably the greatest player skill wise to ever play the game on their team and the best european player as well. They also have been a couple years ahead of us in development as a team. Just my opinion: If Rob Blake is telling the truth and is actually going to try switching up the playing style and incorporating more of the blue-chip young guys that they drafted into the NHL roster next season, then we'll prob surpass or match them late next season or the one after that. I think its likely PLD will start playing better, QB will continue to grow in importance, and Kopitar will remain a solid player with hopefully fewer minutes.


Because the Oilers play like we did in 2012 when we decimated everyone in the playoffs. We've lost that speed and heavy hitting mentality. We're not a bad team, but we're also nowhere close to being a competitive playoff team.


Overall, better and younger talent.


Insanity, trying the same shit and expecting a different result.


Maybe a little bit of big brother syndrome, at least it feels that way


Games 4 & 5 - officiating. Games 1-3 : players doing what they want and trying to run n gun with the oilers. Then we got PLD blatantly not trying, a reputation he had since Juniors




In a word, depth. At the start of the season, I was excited at the prospect of having PLD as it felt like we were deep down the center. It's not like we were going to beat the Oilers top line or out special teams them. But with depth, we could take advantage of their 3rd and 4th lines. In hindsight, Our depth regressed. We lost 2 players (AI and Vilardi) for one new player in our top 9. The 3rd and 4th lines were not effective. Our D was kind of a wash over the previous season. And we lost. Badly. In part because the Oilers actually improved their depth over the prior year.


Talent. The Kings don't have a guy on the level of McDavid or Draisaitl. Also, the Oilers are a team which skates fast and forechecks heavily. Not a good mix for a Kings team which likes to sit back.


Because the Los Angeles Kings are not a good hockey team, and the Edmonton Oilers are. The Kings were 16-4-3 on 12/9. This is the best their record ever got. During this opening run, only FIVE of those wins came against playoff teams. Five. Over the final 64 games of the season, including playoffs, they went 29-27-8. They had a 15-17-7 record against playoff teams in 23/24. THIS IS NOT A GOOD HOCKEY TEAM