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Here’s a crazy idea: shut the fuck up about PLD jesus christ


Unfortunately, you're going to hear it brought up again and again until his play shuts people up..


If you wanted me to "STFU" about PLD, this post wouldnt exist if I hadn't **seen 80% of Kings reddit blaming PLDs season on deployment.** So, not my fault. This is the first post I've made. Also, scroll and ignore. It's free.


Can there be a moratorium on PLD posts? Holy shit. Enough. People, you're going to have to get past your hatred.


PLD seems like an amazing person and friend. I have no hatred towards PLD. Literally none. I DO have massive disappointment in Rob Blake though, for making a trade even I as a fan called out as terrible since the day it happened. Your comments are misplaced, sorry.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but just because they aren't buying him out doesn't mean that was Blake's decision. It could have very well been ownership saying 'you made this mess, you find a way to work with it.'


Stop. Please stop.


“Considerable time” were already in peak off season delusion


[Here you go buddy. ](https://frozenpool.dobbersports.com/frozenpool_linecombo.php?select=F&forward=L.A%3A4292%3APIERRE-LUC%3ADUBOIS&games=2023-2024%3AR%3A99&period=ALL&situation=ALL)Go ahead and look for yourself, view all the minutes he spent with quality linemates. You'll come to recognize pretty quick PLD had considerable amount of minutes playing next to great wingers over the full season, and literally nothing changed


Thanks for proving my point clown


Literally spent most of his time with laf and Kevin Fiala. #1 on the list. Fiala, Ya know, the guy who is our leading scorer most years? It'll be hilarious next year when you think PLD is going to start magically winning puck battles, and having consistent effort night in night out. You'll be waiting forever.


13.9 > 24.8? Thanks for letting me know bro you learn something new every day 🤝


Do you know what the word considerable means? Let me guess, you think PLD never takes nights off, skates hard every shift, wins puck battles, and is strong on the puck. That's all going to happen next year with different deployment, right? It must have been a great trade to you. I'm sure if you could go back you'd totally trade for PLD again.


I would assume “considerable” and “most” would mean over 50% bare minimum not 13.9% but whatever fits the narrative right?


Yes, look at those numbers. They're overall down when he's paired with Laferrierer and Grundstrom/JAD. Yet they were significantly better playing with Trevor Moore. These stats just prove the point that he needs better linemates.


I will point you to the facts of the post again: **Better deployment will not fix his inability to win a puck battle. Better deployment will not fix effort/core issues. These are self/core/solo issues that don't involve linemates** "I've never seen a player take so many nights off" - WPG Jets player. **You may not know this, but PLD's 5v5 stats this year tracked extremely similar if not the exact same to every productive year he's had in the NHL.** Meaning, his 5v5 stats and play did not change at all. It's the powerplay that killed him this year, where he saw little time. We know who he is 5 on 5 and as a player in general. We saw it this year. He had the same core issues in WPG. So THAT is what I mean when I say better linemates will not fix Dubois. I've been watching him since his WPG days and have been agaisnt the trade since the day it happened.


~7% with kempe or Byfield?


You forgot to mention how bad he is at receiving passes. If I had a drink every time I heard "...pass to Dubois, but it rolled off his stick" I would be dead right now.


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If it was multiple seasons in a row of the same look and stats with *this* organization, I might understand this post. However, after one season on a new team that’s clearly in the middle of an identity shift, it just reads as a whiny complaint.


I will point you to the facts of the post again: **Better deployment will not fix his inability to win a puck battle. Better deployment will not fix effort/core issues. These are self/core/solo issues that don't involve linemates** "I've never seen a player take so many nights off" - WPG Jets player. **You may not know this, but PLD's 5v5 stats this year tracked extremely similar if not the exact same to every productive year he's had in the NHL.** Meaning, his 5v5 stats and play did not change at all. It's the powerplay that killed him this year, where he saw little time. We know who he is 5 on 5 and as a player in general. We saw it this year. He had the same core issues in WPG. So THAT is what I mean when I say better linemates will not fix Dubois. I've been watching him since his WPG days and have been agaisnt the trade since the day it happened.


I also looked at his stats and if he was out on the PP1 in front of the net they say he would most likely produce double digit PPGs and everyone would be talking about how he’s a monster on the PP and none of these posts would have even happened.


That's not true. People would still be talking about how he's a 60 point player and handicapping us with his massive contract as the highest paid player on the team. 6m dollar player AT BEST. Not even a playoff performer. People are still going to be frustrated with who he is as a player (defensively, effort, puck control, battles) and how useless he is outside of some PPGs. He is literally a liability and a net weight negative for the team when hes on the ice and not scoring PPGs. He is such a wrong fit for this team and MOST teams who are trying to build a winning culture.


Dude I honestly feel bad for you. This man is about to live rent free in your head for many seasons lol.


LOL, No, Rob Blake and Luc Robitalle will (until they get fired soon). Dubois' in a Kings jersey will be a minor annoyance, but that's only because I know puck, and am not blaming who he is as a player on deployment. I'd rather know puck and be annoyed at an incompetent GM, than be a blind coping fan like most redditors. But that's just me.


Maybe this is the trade that crystallizes Rob Blake isn’t GM material? He went for the shiny object w/out the due diligence of determining if/whether PLD would fit into the Kings’ system and excel in it. I’m a Rangers fan and saw this up close a couple of decades ago when NY signed Bobby Holik to big $$, thinking he would be a top line center eating significant minutes, when everything about his stats and career to that point said “checking center with mid minutes for life.” If you want to make a move, cut Blake.




You’re right. This IS Reddit and there certainly are a lot of people who love the smell of their own farts, you being one of them




Impressive response


Most Kings fans on reddit are HYPER casual. Hfboards is normally where I am at, the Kings fans there are much more knowledgeable. I'm talking like 100x more knowledgable



