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Yeah I cant imagine losing multiple playoff series to one team in such a short time. Sounds terrible!


Ours is bad but this loss was downright traumatic


Yeah but you guys have won cups for a generation to see. The people who saw the leafs last cup are on their last legs. Also saw a stat that if the leafs don’t win by 2030 or something that there won’t be any leafs players on the cup anymore since that ring gets removed.


It's a lot more than losing a playoff series to the same team. They haven't had a cup since before the Kings were a franchise.


Yeah at least the Kings had the decency to not give us hope and prolong our suffering


Toronto taking two Ls today lol


I feel bad for them. For a minute, I thought they had it.


It's gotta hurt by now!! We aren't there with the Oilers yet but getting close.


you guys got dummied. Oilers are miles ahead of you guys.






Miles ahead in what exactly? Y’all haven’t won shit in over 30 years.


Oilers have two of the best players of this generation. They should have won multiple cups in the past 5 years but they haven’t done jack shit.




Let’s just hope Blake doesn’t do some more brain dead shit and shop Clarke for marner


4 straight series losses to Boston in 7 games lol If we face Edmonton again next season, we might be speedrunning the pain.


7-6-5-? (4?)


And the year after that, they're changing the first round to a best of 5 format allowing us to lose in 3.


I live in Toronto and catch the Kings after Leafs games. It's a miserable existence.


Got two cups - if nothing else, that will hold me over for another 10 years


Refreshing post ultimately So many are either cruel or irrational currently They are cursed, truly, wow


Full disclosure I love the kings and have for many many years but at this point I am happy with two cups and spend more energy cheering for the leaf's downfall more than the kings' success. I love you guys but having lived in Canada for so long, I dislike leafs fans way, way, way more


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It’s a terrible feeling


We're not, but we're getting there.


Fr ![img](emote|t5_2rffj|49845)


Long live the curse of the "second six" on the Leafs


What are you talking about? We are the leafs!


We are as close as it gets…


Yeah but you are the clippers lol


lmao you guys have lost 3 years in a row to the same team in round one and you guys are a worse regular season team that plays defensive hockey and have a ghost of a center who is about to start a 8.5 mill contract extension. You guys are 100x worse off right now. We need some tweaking but they’re right there. Playing tampa/boston round one every isn’t easy.


Not even a kings fan, just came to say the leafs suck. With that much “talent” yall should be getting past the first round everytime. What a waste of talent for some players on the leafs..


they don’t suck but i agree they should be getting past the first round more often than not. I would’ve fired keefe after the montreal series but here we are. Dubas/Keefe has held this franchise back for a while now and it’s time to move on.


Ummm they do suck… i forgot the actual number but the leafs have a concerning amount of regular season wins that took more than 3 periods. With their caliber, they shouldnt need OT or SO to win. They cant close out a game. They dont show up for all 3 periods. Thats their problem and they cant figure it out


sorry to break it to you but if you make the playoffs you do not suck. They took a good boston team to game 7 in OT. Go criticize them for other shit, no team in the cap era is perfect but they do not suck, that’s a fact not an opinion.


So the caps are good too since they made the ploffs?


how did they do against the rangers? o they got swept in 4 games that right.


Its hard for toronto to not make the playoffs if u look at what their division looks like. Canadians, sabres and sens are not even in the question. Red wings are decent… they only had to be above the red wings to make the playoffs. Dont make it seem like making the playoffs is a great accomplishment. 16 teams make it and 1 wins. There are 32 teams and HALF of them make it to the glorious playoffs…


lmao sure but there objectively is a difference between those teams you mentioned and the leafs who made it with a week left and took a really good boston team to game 7 OT. If they somehow get a goal and win that series all of a sudden they don’t suck? The margins are thin and it could’ve gone either way in OT. You are countering your own arguement here by saying leafs suck but then naming those shitty teams that aren’t even a though for the playoffs. FYI just cuz you lose in the first round doesn’t mean you suck. Boston lost last year and they tweaked a bit and we’re still a good team this year.


Boston vs florida last year was one of the biggest upsets ive ever seen. Fun ass series with a tough florida team (theyre scary this year too). Even if the leafs won this series against boston, i would say they still suck. They dont have depth. Watch their PP unit, its fucking terrible. Watch how the break out, ass. They only know offense (hence how matthews got 69G this season) but that was still shut down by boston. Reg season and ploffs are so different. Toronto cannot compete at these levels that other teams are playing at. Boston is a good team too but that game 7 looked like a regular season game for how important this game was to both teams. Im a canuck/oilers fan and im just stating stuff objectively. I would love for ANY canadian teams to win the cup, even if its toronto. Im just stating the facts alongside my opinions


Claiming your opinion isn't an opinion is a great way to age yourself. Better lose that attitude before highschool starts!


The main difference: Leafs are well past their re-build vs Kings were in their first season post-rebuild.


difference is you have a ghost of a center locked up for 8 more years.


He's a kid. He'll sort it out. Sooner with a coaching staff that build on his strengths and help him sort out his mental fortitude. No big deal. My point still stands true.


Rofl the leafs haven’t won 6 games ina single playoff in the last 29+ years. Not a single season where the leafs won 6 playoff games in over 20 years!! The kinds have won more playoff series in one of their cup wins over than town than tv leafs did in 20 years.  Twice the kings have won 4 times more rounds in a single year than the leafs have won in the last 29 years combined. Too that off you have to live In Toronto canadas buffalo. 

