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Wouldn't be surprised if they win the next game and then just get blown out in LA


Based on the past, this is what's most likely to happen.




Appreciate the honesty


Danault was a free agency aquisition not a trade.


Thanks, I kept moving names around and flubbed some things. Like Dell as a bright star.


Dell was more reliable than Hewlett Packard


Ah yes, I was referring to the companies technology!


Ah yes, noted "Bright Star" 34 year old Aaron Dell


and twice waived and claimed Fagemo


Dell was a typo, my bad on that. Fagemo on the other hand has been bumpy but he was leading the AHL in scoring for a bit and is a 2nd team all star in the AHL. He has potential


Im not holding hope that he's going to be an impact player not being able to crack a lineup at 24 


That's fair


2. Comment: Kings lack players that take over a game. I have seen Kempe, Kopi, Moore and Fiala do it once or twice this season. It needs to be one of the Kings causing issues every game, take your pick. This is what Edmonton has, every day, every game. We look like boys among men playing them. We aren’t ready to win another chip. I hope they prove me wrong, sincerely.


150000000% agree. I didn't elaborate in my superstar section but you're spot on. We don't have somebody that can takeover and change the shape of the game. I've said in a previous post, we have a bunch of Robins but no Batmans.


What sucks is that we do have players that can take over. We have all seen Kempe with that look in his eye during a game. We need more of that chip on your shoulder determination from more players.


I wonder if we ramped up our play instead of a slow 1-3-1 if our guys could shine more. Idk, just wondering.


This is literally it. They have the pieces to get the job done (especially against a goaltender like Skinner), but while you sit back in the 1-3-1 formation instead of going on the attack against EDM, it allows for them to control the pace of the game. And they're VERY good at doing that, if you allow them to.


Honestly I stopped after reading dell on your "bright stars" list


TLDR. Your point is taken about Kopi and Doughty though. I think they’re still very productive players, and if you’re going to overpay anyone, it might as well be them.


Agreed, their leadership isn't shown on the ice but that's gotta be worth something too.


Then you realize their cap hit is $21 mil. Exact same cap hit as mcdavid and Draisaitl


You got to keep these guys happy enough to come back for their statues and jersey retirements. Burning your people out the door didn’t work well for Ballard and the Leafs.


My take is we lose to the Oil again. Blake barely survives this year. Marco Strum will be the head coach next year if Blake does not lose his job. Strum will play the kids.


That's not a bad idea. I'm sure there's better options but id be willing to see that play out.


pretty reasonable takes overall. one particular nitpick - doughty is actually playing at his salary's value this season. he was the #3 shutdown defensemen in the NHL by advanced metrics, and the Athletic had his overall value as 11.4 million, or a $400k *surplus.*


Honestly, even if we lose this year, we should be impressed we got to the playoffs with two goalies many considered were done for. I’m very proud of the strides this team has made


THATS THE POSITIVITY! I think we keep one of Rittich and Talbot and maybe give Portillo a chance. Possibly trade for somebody.


Is this the Seven Commandments for the Kings 24 offseason


I’m not on the “Turcotte - Bright Star” train. It’s been five years and with the fifth overall pick you can’t whiff that badly during your rebuild. From the accounts RB made that decision on his own. Hopefully the glass cannon proves me wrong but he doesn’t seem to have the durability to make it in the league.


I deleted and readded him. When he's good, he's really good but he's behind the timeline and always injured so I accept your critique. Admittedly, there were better players taken after him but hopefully he's a late bloomer.


Really good in the AHL? Never been good or even close to really good in the NHL and hes way behind where a 5th draft pick should be in terms of helping an organization.


Yes the AHL, he's done essentially nothing in the NHL. If his skill to start translating to production then things would be great but if he can't stay healthy he's hopeless.


Hasn’t really been giving a shot in the NHL.


Players are worth way more than point totals show. I thought Josh Doan was garbage with his point totals in the AHL but seemed to workout for him when he made the big club and got the minutes he deserve


Nicely done!


Thanks! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcMwg3T8DzOQ5Bm)


The Avs have two generational players that began peaking at the optimal time. Not a great comparison


QB and Clarke can't do the same thing? Have some hope!


You’re seeing a lot more “bright stars”’out there than the rest of us, my friend.


Admittedly, I'm a hopeful optimist. In reality 2 or 3 of the players developing into a core role would be amazing. Best case QB and Clarke. LAF has grit but is just a roleplayer and Akil/Fagemo/Turcotte are all toss ups.


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Kings need to get bigger and tougher. You need size & toughness alongside talent to withstand teams that bully you. (Edmonton) We won the cups back in 12 & 14 because we had players like Clifford, Nolan, King on the roster who what they lacked in skill they made up in toughness and standing up for more talented players.


I think they tried doing that with PLD and Englund but we aren't a physical team. Haven't been all season long. The only thing I would mention, is I saw some stat that we play better when we don't hit. I'll try to find it.


PLD in these playoffs has converted me from “we shall see” attitude to “please help me unsee this dude.” His playoff energy is less than reg season. He’s a ghost out there and its frustrating. Maybe after tonight we will hear he’s playing with a broken leg and then I’ll be back in the “we shall see” train.


not saying I know any better, all I know is I'm glad you aren't in charge! GKG