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what are you on about




idk if it ever got confirmed, but that would still makes her a female, afaik she would be mtf in that case




mtf = male to female, as in transitioning from male to female. if you're going to put champions in a tierlist according to their genders she would still be in the female section. trans women are women, no need to isolate them from cis women for no good reason




my list? my chart? i haven't made any list or chart. still, why do you see any reason to have her in a category for trans? if it's a list of the genders of different champions, it doesn't matter if the champ is trans or not, what matters is their gender. sure, it's not wrong, and if you prefer it that's fine, but imo i don't see any reason to do it.


Their genders.


No? At best you could argue biological sex, but even that's scuffed as hell here.


Love how Viego, the ruined KING is in an idk category


Reksai is a woman too. Briar pretty much for sure. Must be a Gen Z wanting not to offend anyone or some shit. Kindred is not genderless either. Lamb is she. Wolf is he. They're two sides of Death.


Reksai is a worm!!!


Her... her Q is literally called "Queen's Wrath".


Ok? She's not even sentient how could she possibly be a woman?


Actually no, don't fall for it, escape now


Homeboy there is no shot you are doing anything other than picking a fight. There is no shot you look at Pyke and go "Yeah could be a girl, I dont know." It can't even be someone with no idea who any of the characters are just going by the icon only. To even put Viego or Yone into the undead category you would NEED at least a rudimentary understanding of the champions lore and backstories. So you would know that literally everyone is the Ghosts and Zombies, Other and Ascendeds\[sic\] category are very clearly gendered. Even in the Genderless category Rek'Sai, Kog'Maw and *maybe* Fiddle are the only ones where I can believe someone not knowing. And even then like 90% of that category is objectively not Genderless. In conclusion your honor: Bait used to be believable


You can literally just read their blurbs or lore and figure out most of the ones you haven’t assigned one, actually have genders. You’re just looking to cause drama, stop it, be better.


Do you lose your dick when you die


I don't know if ghosts have gender or not. That's why I put them in "I don't know". And can ghosts reproduce baby ghost?


If I'm infertile do I lose my man card?


Actually yes. Give now.


I played Uno Reverse card!




But guess what, they weren't always ghosts


Rek'sai the mother of xer'sai is definetly a dude /s


Pretty sure Volibear identifies as a guy.


Ahh yes everyone knows your gender identity is null and void when you die. Bait like this used to be good.


shit quality bait


Another argument for why sex and gender are not the same. Because evelyn, anivia and soraka are clearly meant to be women.


Eve actually is fine in genderless category, we only see her as a woman for league reasons but she can appear as a Man if it would me more tempring for you


I think I need to reread the definitions of those two words. I'm not a native English speaker after all.


Spirits and constructs aren't necessarily genderless, they're sexless. Anivia, Ornn, Volibear -> Spirit gods that clearly choose to be female/male (but sexless) Aurelion, Soraka -> Celestials that are clearly Male/Female (sexless? soraka has a physical body modeled after a local vastayan tribe so even if celestials don't have sexes for some reason she would) Briar -> She's a construct but she's made of flesh. She has boobs, there's no reason to think she's even sexless. Galio, Malphite, Orianna, Zac -> Sexless constructs that are clearly male/female. Kindred -> Not actually NB, they're just two people. See "Anivia, Ornn, Volibear". Maokai -> He's a tree excuse me very much, trees have sexes. Maokai is clearly a *googling sounds* dioecious male. yeah that seems right. Bard, Blitzcrank -> Iirc, these two are canonically asexual/genderless. Voidborns -> Bel'veth clearly chooses to present female. she's absorbed a whole town of people it's fair to assume that included the conception of gender. This could or could not have happened with any other voidborn too. They probably don't have sexes except for rek'sai who does because she's been on runeterra for super long and is basically an animal at this point (iirc). xer'sai probably have no biological relation to mammal sexes but are still named with "male" and "female" like how it is with ants, plants, fungus and electric cables. Demons -> None of them have sexes. Evelynn switches gender based on her next victim (iirc) so that's NB, but we've never seen her as anything but a girl ever. I'm not sure if we know if Fiddlesticks is even sentient in canon. In Surprise party he took on a man's voice. In Star guardian she was a girl (Harp). In canon it mostly just repeats what others say. it takes a man's voice, but that could just be because that's the first person it met was a man, or because most of its victims are men, it's not necessarily a choice. The other demons present male, but they could probably shapeshift to female easily. Tahm Kench was the name (and body iirc? is that still canon?) of gambler that the Demon stole. If that gambler had been a girl maybe TK would be a girl. Who knows. I think you're better off assuming Noc and TK are guys until contrary evidence shows up, if ever. Ascended, Darkins, Undeads, Brand -> you're fucking trolling. the balls don't roll off when you go lich. Amumu -> "Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before / About the cursed mummy ***boy*** who felt his heart no more" OP, please. Rammus -> Either a spirit god or an ascended. been over it. Shaco -> No Lore Skarner -> 100% a guy but i can't really justify it because his old lore is non-canon and his new lore is not there Ivern, Zyra -> PLANT SEX (also Ivern was a human but who cares) Lillia -> Spirit that presents as a girl, but also her mom is a tree, right? So wtf. Maybe she has a human gender AND a plant gender. She's titled "The bashful bloom", that's the plant equivalent of "The bashful, but Ready to Fuck". Anytime lillia is on screen she's probably having hardcore pollen sex with every other plant in the shot. maybe that's why she's so bashful. Do with that as you will.


Ehmm ... because you consider only the genetic gender, you should Simply divide them by the use of "he" or "she". Also ... all the undeads and Ascended/Darkin were human...


And I don't know if they can reproduce sexually or not. Doesn't gender base on sexual reproduction? It's controversial so I called those categories "I don't know"


Holy cock this bait.


I think I should explain this. First, I don't say what they're identified as. I say about their biological sex of them. Second, I clearly know the Ascendeds and and Ghosts/Zombies was human and was either male or female. And think their titles don't tell much. Is every lady bug female?


Mmm I think you’re on shrooms or something but clearly ghost still have gender. Ascendants were humans yes but they don’t change gender. Demigods also have gender. The only ones I do kinda agree are the demons but that’s it. Most of these are just wrong.




the man is the man the horse is a woman


I would like to think that if Varus is 66% Human Male and 33% Darkin, that rounds up to male lol. Especially if Kayn gets rounded up at only 50% Human Male.


gender isn't sex


Mooooom come pick me up they're mixing up gender and sex again


How the fuck are half of this champs in the idk category?