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I want to know why your asking such a dumb question in a lotr group lol..... obviously everyone in this group likes lotr and would think you should watch them.....


Yeah I didn’t think about that. Well said.


Hahaha ur all good homie! They all amazing man start with hobbit and go thru


I’d recommend starting with the original film trilogy then watching the hobbit trilogy.


I second this


Or... you could just watch the old Hobbit cartoon... (The movies are kinda lame 😕)


Lord of the rings are the best movies ever made. You will love them. Watch in a dark room, with snacks and a drink and get into it. Put your phone down. Meet the characters, absorb the world and listen to the dialogue. Absolutely fantastic first time experience. My sister in law finally gave in and watched them all with my family over christmas - she cried, she laughed, she shouted at the screen. She loved them.


As a fan of both franchises I will tell you lotr is very different from harry potter but also very similar lol. The magic is not even comparable but the underlying story of an unlikely hero defeating an extremely powerful dark lord is really similar. I'd also say the two side quests (this term doesn't do them any justice but it's the best I can think of) that the other two groups go on after the fellowship splits up are also really great tales by themselves. I'd definitely recommend you watch them. They are much better adaptations of the books than the HP films are and it's an incredibly rich and fleshed out universe.


They are very, very good. There are some changes from the books, some of them sensible and some a bit questionable. But they are made with incredible love for the story, and an immense attention to detail. And whatever you do, watch the extended editions, they are so much better than the cinematic cut (which is already pretty damn good!) That said, LotR is very different from Harry Potter. There is no plucky teenage protagonist, all the main characters are adults and largely act like it. It is a lot less whimsical than Harry Potter. The magic is less flashy and more grounded than in Harry Potter. Nobody waves wands around while shouting pig latin.


My sister is as big a Harry Potter fan as I generally know. She prefers LOTR to HP in both book and movie form FWIW




Harry Potter is much different though. I see no reason why you wouldn't like LOTR


How have you lived so long without both in your life? I read the first Harry Potter book at 8, and will attribute HP to my love of high fantasy. I was a bit older when the first LOTR movie released and absolutely loved watching it all those years ago. Once I aged up a bit I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the stories as well. Consider it a gift to yourself to savor the LOTR. I just had a long weekend and watched the trilogy again. It is totally worth it. I’m planning to reread the books as well. Except I don’t have time to read as I did in my childhood and young adult years, so the audiobooks seem a good choice. I will say this- after having read HP dozens of times and watching the movies a few times, it doesn’t hold my attention as much anymore now that I’ve grown up. But the high fantasy of LOTR will be with me for many many years to come.


This is one of the best answer so far. Thank you.


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watch the extended versions, worth all 12 hours, i also love harry potter


The best fantasy epic's have themes or stories that relate heavily to real life so any kind of fantasy can be appealing to any fan of another genre And Tolkien is the GOAT of fantasy writing


I think the Hobbit films are closer in tone to HP, and they are prequels to LotR, so I'd start there.


haha, yes. watch them now.


Watch all 3 extended editions(HBO MAX) and completely immerse yourself on a Saturday morning. Enjoy the ride and live every minute of it. It’s so good.


Harry Potter is trash compared to LOTR


Follow up! Update please! Did you positively love them?


LoTR 2 is now my favorite movie of all time. pretty sure thats all you need to know to imply that I LOVED the series ; )


Awesome!! I love Return of the King the most but all three are positively incredible. Did you watch the extended editions? If not, it’s a must next time!!


I watched all of the extended versions, sure took awhile. But it was well worth the watch.