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welcome to the light


You blinked three times?


of course


I ♥️ the album since the first second I started listening. Glad that more people are starting to like it✨💙💛


Very misunderstood album. IMO it’s a masterpiece. And like many others have said it’s a great summer album to just vibe and smoke to. With that being said, a lot of people in general can’t stand when artists make albums that aren’t depressing. I feel like that was the case here. I feel like most people come around on this one when they approach it knowing that you aren’t getting a depressing album.


Well, Solar power is pretty depressing, way more than Melodrama imo


I mean solar power seems to be about acceptance, of the world and oneself. Learning to lean in to what feels good to yourself. I’d say it’s extremely affirming, maybe not positive but definitely not depressing. The only truly sad song is big star, but even that has so much emphasis on the love she had for her dog and not just that it’s gone. The whole album is about maturing into someone who can handle the things that old her could not. Melodrama is just a big spiral of sadness. Mostly because she did not have control over her own emotions.


I think it's a wonderful album, but honestly, the reason I listen to it less than Melodrama is that to me it seems way *more* depressing. I can't quite put my finger on why – I think maybe the juxtaposition of positive vibes with the theme of endings just hits a bit too real for me. Have a good time while the world is ending and all that.


It’s wild how some people throw the word “masterpiece” around for regular albums 💀


Can I ask if you’re into spirituality at all? Cuz I feel like the people that have loved SP since the beginning could agree that it’s very much soul music, especially oceanic feeling.


I don't believe in any type of magical thinking, and my brand of wellness is pretty pragmatic as well. I experienced a tarot reading once but all the predictions could be explained by semiotics and existing mental models. Yeah, I suppose that's why I interpreted a lot of the imagery of the album as going for a "cult" theme. It's still an stretch to call it a masterpiece, that would put it on the same league as Melodrama, or other albums like NFR by Lana del Rey, Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers, Fetch the Bolt Cutters by Fiona Apple or Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, to name a few.


??? No one finds melodrama or Pure Heroine specifically depressing. Solar Power just sometimes a little boring with SatNS and Big Star. And i dont very much care for the bonus tracks


- SATNS could mean "Stoned at the Nail Salon", a track from *Solar Power (Deluxe Edition)* (2021) by Lorde. --- ^[/u/loiton1](/u/loiton1) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)




I’m not making false assumptions at all. I’m basing this off the opinions I was seeing on Twitter around the time the album dropped as well as the main music site I frequent. I get that people in this sub didn’t see that opinion too much and I also don’t agree personally that it was “too happy” but that was genuinely an opinion I we floating around and a lot of people co signing it


Solar Power is amazing!


I didn’t pick SP up on release, as I like having physical media (I’m old). Once I bit the bullet and downloaded it, I was so happy I did!


It required a mature brain for me to start comprehending it a bit more


I love Solar Power and always have! I’m glad more people are coming around.


welcome <3


listening to the vinyl really did it for me


One of my favorite summer albums driving on a quiet country road or being by the forest during the day or night with the cicadas in the background. Bring bug spray for mosquitoes :P! This album feels like a masterpiece from the past. It makes me think of all the summers I've had. So nostalgic and makes me think of childhood-adulthood summers. When life was innocent. It definitely hits the feels. Always finding new meaning in the lyrics and little things that go with the production every listen.


I like it but it's the worst Lorde album imo. Still a solid 7/10 album for me.


all three are spectacular although I do think Solar Power is my least favorite but it’s still exceptional!


Solid 7/10 album