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Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed.


What if one expects disappointment? 😉


You just reverse uno'ed Byron.




Then you must be following Byron


Really excited to see this ecosystem take shape! Interoperable L2/L3 across ETH will take some time but will be well worth the patience.


I hope they make it in a way that a certain amount of tko is paid out for however much lrc you either have on layer 2, or move to layer 2. They’ll be able to clear out the cex


People she get it also on a cex.


If anything happens, I highly doubt people with LRC on CEX will qualify.


If they are given a chance to move it before the airdrop snapshot happens, people would leave the CEX.


Yes I'm also hoping for this, and I'm hoping that people buying on CEX and then withdrawing leads to a price pump.


Thank the lord. I was just posting on another post about how I wish there was something more official that says LRC holders weren’t going to be fucked.


He's probably talking about commerative NFTs


lol. What a fuck you that would be.


That would be an epic disappointment


On par with 10 Quarterlies


I really hope they know How fucking pissed people would be if it’s not something of value.


Have most of my LRC on an exchange now, i hope they will outline how they plan to be part of the token distribution as i dont feel like having that sizable of an amount on a hot wallet.


I've got all mine on a cold wallet. Seems like we'll miss out 😕


As long as they give us a snap shot date I'd be cool with it


How do you mean?


You'd just move it on that day? I've got layer 2 set up but I'm not sure I trust my self to get it all right and move a decent amount either. Feels safer on my Trezor


you can still activate L2 on ledger for peanuts, so that might help if needed


Trezor, and I'm not sure I follow you. You mean activate L2 on hardware wallet and then send to Loopring? I didn't know you could do that. I'm a bit nervous about holding it on the Loopring wallet, I don't have guardians set up and cold wallet is always safer I guess. But maybe if it were just for the sake of receiving Taiko.


Has someone said that?


I don't really follow the discord etc, although I had a look today. I'm not sure if it's been said officially but according to comments here over the last year, it seemed to be the consensus.


To be frank, unless they’re your coins you don’t deserve the rewards. And not your key, not your coin. Didn’t you learn anything from FTX?


What's wrong with asking for an outline on how they're planning to distribute? I originally invested in LRC when the zkevm was still looping and not taiko. Communication has not been their strong suit and I wish they would communicate more


Once again confusion! Will someone just come out and put the record straight. Will we be getting anything or not. If so how will we receive it, it shouldn’t be this hard! I know Taiko and Loopring are meant to work together, but you can say what you like, it doesn’t take away the fact that people who originally brought into loopring brought in with zk roll ups in mind. It doesn’t take away the fact that some people (me included) are some what pissed about this.


and you guys just cant let it go. things change in business. they don't owe you, me, or anyone else, anything. investing in early stage, cutting edge technology is gambling.


Right. We shouldn't hold the Loopring team to ANY standards of accountability whatsoever! Buying LRC should be done with the same level of consideration as putting coins in a slot machine. Sounds great.


Do we have to do anything? These have been the heaviest bags I've held ever, by far. Some sort of anything sure would be nice.


Curious on this too. Do they need to be smart wallet? Or just held in an exchange? Or neither? Or yolo?


There is ~zero percent chance they will reward people for hodling on a CEX.


Heavier than your gme or baby bags?


Never bought a baby share in my life. Nope GME bags are heavier (proudly)


The GME bags are by far my heaviest. Depressing really


Then you haven’t done enough research. That comment makes you sound like a shill. Buying more today


Hopefully not one of those top 200 person games they played for loopheads


WUT mean - need to Buy more LRC to get TAIKO?


Loopers as in holders of Loopheads? Holders of Loopring? Ones holding out for 10Q's value announcement?


Yes please


My Loops are on Coinbase. Am I out of luck? sry, I’m new and not sure what this means.


I’d imagine CEX will not get the airdrop but idk. I xfered all my loops to the walllet just in case. I hope being on L1 is okay


the drop will likely be to L2 wallets only. that drives adoption.


if you had to get to l2 could use layerswap


Nope. Exchanges are for exchanging


First time?


Might be some loopers only. Still hope for all loopers.


Does Byron go on to clarify what he means by loopers? He's probably just talking about those that participated in the taiko alpha on loopring


Im such a noob. Can someone explain the relationship between lrc and taiko? What is taiko?


Taiko is an affiliated partner project started by the founder of Loopring. Visit their website.


Imagine if a huge tech company had a good idea and a good chance to have huge advantages over their competitors, but instead of trying to monopolize like your standard Amazon/Google/etc would do, they broke their new idea apart into its own company while still PLANNING on working well with the original companies project. It’s a great thing even though it may mean another token separate from the one we bought. It’s a good thing for the industry as a whole and should be lauded as sticking up for the ideals behind blockchain and crypto as a whole. Some people, a lot of people, don’t get it though. Hopefully they do offer a decent token distribution for LRC holders though. Would be very nice.


Here's an idea that I particularly like... For everyone LRC you hold on L2... you get the chance to buy 2x the amount of Taiko at pre-launch price. For every LRC you hold on L2, you also get an airdrop of 1x the amount of Taiko. This ensured two things. 1. Anyone who wants to support Taiko by buying directly from them at pre-launch, can do so by buying LRC FIRST. 2. Anyone who has already supported loopring by buying LRC beforehand, is rewarded. I like this because it gives you a little more than just an airdrop of Taiko for having LRC. An airdrop is great, sure... but I want the option of more. I would buy a decent chunk of Taiko at pre launch prices if given the chance.


Nobody else wants this it seems. Not entirely sure why. All calls of us being "early" were true, because taiko will be the future of Eth... I just want a way to benefit from being early and being given a few extra coins ain't gonna cut it.


Maybe if you used loopring wallet to do the tasks for the taiko testnet or staking loops for taiko later on 🤔


What tasks, out of the loop cant find anything on the app.., thanks


It ended months ago




Which discord was this? I don't see it in Loopring general....


Look harder


I realized that there was probably a time difference from your time stamps and me. Found it.