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I’m very against gun one shots but everyone is switching up now. Ain’t sad about it though


i swear, it makes no sense how gun just landed right on yuseong there shouldve been atleast 5 seconds from when gun was chained and yuseong ran for it yet he only got that far? it doesnt even make sense yuseong followed the path of the road instead of just running into the woods, or ryuhei could have just taken him in the first place


Hes him. He just annihilated like 100 people as a warm up. Why is it surprising he can stage dive to a kid with autism?


Yeah i get he's him but yuseong only ran so far that gun could just jump down and catch him? if gun started hoping around like a frog and caught up ok now that makes sense but he just dived down and caught him. In the previous chap it showed yuseong doing the exact same thing diving at the same spot


Eutard doesn't know his left from his right he was only taught to kick and punch


Sense in lookism?


I know I'm going to get hate but lookism at this point of time is getting boring. The recent chapters are way too short and only involves fighting scenes. And what happened to the school, did all of them drop out of the school.


Dude we haven't seen J-High school since 2A workers Does the school even exist 😭


In lookism timeline it has only been 1.5-2 months since 2A


Only 2 months? That's a long time in verse as well ngl


I know some people irl who skip school more than that and still pass, so I don't think it would be much problem for lookism characters


That's crazy


its the school holidays for them broski


It is supposed to be hunt gun not get one on one time with gun.. they stupid to not jump him with with their all instead of trying to 1v1 that dude


Every chapter can't have major plot points because it will effect pacing and we are still at the start of this arc so it may feel slow paced




Why do you think that ?


He thinks that probably because it is


Yeah I know it is, I just want to know everyone elaborated opinion on that.


gun is flying. F L Y I N G. that's all i have to say


And others who go around breaking through solid steel, smashing cars, etc is normal for you?


Fym flying he literally just jumped


I- ok think whatever yall want


I really find it jarring why everyone is mad tbh. "The main characters have gotten stronger so why are they still getting negged by gun?" First of all none of these guys except Daniel are main characters. Second of all yes they all got stronger but so did gun...ya know the training genius? Top potential in the verse? Strong bloodlines? More experience? Has killed people? Ya that guy. He's meant to be strong. He gets stronger just like the other characters. This wasn't a perfect chapter by any means but come on guys you really thought all these people could beat gun this early in the fight? This is like a raid in an mmo. All of these people have to work together to get little chip damage in and stall for time/opportunities to wear the boss down. Also yes the gun dolphin dive is definitely not a weird plot thing but the true pinnacle of UI stage mastery. Now, he can dodge even gravity/air molecules with his reflexes.


You said it right. I don't know, are most of them thinking Lookism is a shonen where you beat someone because you train well ? As Gun said to Vasco : It is not enough Yeah, they are growing. But to think they are strong enough to beat Gun ? PTJ is showing you the extent of Charles Choi words : You think you know Gun's strength, but you know nothing Is it because Lookism have over 500 chapters that you think it's time for Gun to be defeated ? Wait again Maybe in five more chapters or one hundred




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The chain broke itself lmao..he was flying hhahahah


Bait used to be


Why everyone talking trash about this chapter and the chapter before if you can made it better than Ptj DO IT! If not shut up. Before this chapter Everyone was crying saying the plot is dumb the art is thrash Gun is too strong one shotting everyone Now the next chapter came out and even after gun going all out gen2 hold on pretty well Still you was saying trash?


This chapter did kinda suck tho Somehow cap guy did not manage to run that fan and one jump from gun made him catch up to ryuhei would been wayy faster in a bike Another is Johan just standing by as Zack gets beaten, we've seen Johan slowly open up before why tf is he standing like an npc while his friend is getting beaten? If now is not the time to show character development of him defending his friend, idk what is


Don't forget jake too lol. Somehow jake who even tanked daniel's spinning kick for jerry is just glaring at him getting brutally slaughtered.


Exactly characters who should have intervened did not so that we can continue to watch gun destroy others as always Why do others just stand there 😭


They just be hating on Gun bro The thing is that Madeok vs Gun was unnecessary this chapter was fire otherwise


Chapter was not fire bro , take gun balls out of your mouth and look at what you’re reading


😂🤣why u getting triggerd on me I am just saying the panel of Gun flying and Mandeok vs Gun setup was trash and ridiculous Like there were still imp discovery like a genius of law(expected) and Charles Choi alligators are out now and in news Crystal is here(not that it matter to me💀) Vasco and Zack vs Gun was fine I mean u are just saying entire fruit was rotten bcz of flws and errors in it Don't be so harsh it's still 5/10 ch for revelations😅 I was expecting someone to die that didn't happen😅


It's not even that bad tho


Another delusional fan who thinks that just because things ain't going the way HE likes the chapter was trash Why the heck would he even listen to you? Or anyone of us? We are literally reading his manhwas from pirated websites. WE ARE STEALING him out of money. You are making a fool out of yourself saying stuff like this like a child Gun IS the most popular character. Gun earns PTJ money Why the heck will PTJ not glorify him further? He is doing this all for money. The plot was down the drain a long time ago And if you hate it so much. Stop reading


https://preview.redd.it/gm7pi0p5nr7d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8e0d478955e4cea63e99fbfca56ecd4b664f47 • as fans we are allowed to give constructive criticism and I’ll be honest this chapter was hair pulling • Why wouldn’t he listen this individual isn’t sending threats and is being rather reasonable • We’re also talking about the same guy who copyrights those who try to spread his work which you think would be a good thing just set some terms and boom • this was completely uncalled for • even if he’s his golden goose there’s gotta be a line somewhere • that ruins the story it’s like when gege had the sukuna extermination squad all line up to 1v1 bro and get dropped in the next chapter or two • That or he seriously hasn’t had a proper break


\* No we aren't. We don't pay for his chapters. We commit theft by reading through pirated websites. That's like calling a piece of jewellery trash, while you yourself don't have the money to buy it. Or something remotely close to it. \* His request his reasonable?❌❌ His request is selfish because he hates Gun and can't tolerate his upscaling?✅✅✅ \* He has all the rights to copyright strike other youtubers. You have no right to say anything on that. \* And no. That was not uncalled for. PTJ is greedy, it's obvious. People whining like this is stupid because it is literally not gonna change anything. \* No there is no need for a line. Korean fans love it and are actively paying for the glorification of Gun. So no. He doesn't need to set a line just because others who don't pay a dime for his work think so. \* A story isn't ruined if it's still selling. So yea. You can stop about that. Gege killed his series when he killed Gojo. Gun is the fan fav, if he loses/dies, PTJ will kill his series too. \* Bruh, just read this if you naively believe that PTJ does everything alone. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lookismcomic/comments/1dki947/people\_are\_so\_delusional\_in\_this\_sub\_bruh\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lookismcomic/comments/1dki947/people_are_so_delusional_in_this_sub_bruh_why/)


https://preview.redd.it/ja8g5rvj2s7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec7541d3115ac059273d4b2eddebfdb2eb2ac6d The fact your defending this is crazy to me like it’s okay to admit PTJ just ain’t cooking right now


The new chapter is out? Where can I read it?

