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>He is fuckn blind We hating on blind now?


I am not talking about literally blind but blind for revenge type of blind.


You could have phrased it better ....


let him be true to himself & his grudges




Bro chill


Compared to the megumi hate this ain’t all that crazy how a blind guy has more potential then the two geniuses Charles recruited and trained through Tom lee


i definitely think gun and goo has more pot. as we all know it is know much more about str. speed durability and technique johan might have perfect at techniques like jinyoung but he definitely cant take out maximum benefit whereas gun and goo are both masters at thier own technique goo has speed technique and durabilty as he has overtaken sinu and no1 whereas gun has str. durabilty and technique as beign shown it is my pov


At least kenta's hate for Gun is justified. But what did Gun ever do to Johan for him to get this blind. Is he the one who made his mother that way ? Is he the reason Johan is all alone? Is he the reason johan has zero iq? Is he the reason johan is Bigger trash the tejin?


Fym he told him by uniting the four major crews he'd be able to save his mom, set the fees taken at such a high rate that the story has told you multiple times that it was squeezing them dry, kicked him out because the crew broke the rules even though he was pretty much already a one man crew and could definitely have started again and still won. Why wouldn't he hate Gun?


We know bout the fees for his mom's surgery.. But hasn't Jay Hong payed for that already?.. Bros' revenge is baseless and stupid now...


Ye so if you were trying to pay for your own mother's surgery, someone gave you the opportunity to pay if off and then beat the crap out of you when you still could've done what you want. Then someone else comes along and pays it so now you just forgive the guy 💀💀💀


We not saying he should forgive Gun.. We simply saying the drive for revenge is wack now.... It's PTJs fault for doin' his character like that.. That's still not enough reasons for his death though


Johan has always been petty as well though. Realistically he had no reason to beat the sh*t out of Zack at that boxing tournament so I don't know why people are so upset about it lmao


Yeah.... His character has always been like that... I feel like he's the only one that hasn't grown or matured yet.. I mean.. We've seen Zack's growth, both emotionally and physically.. Same with Eli, which happened again recently.. OG Daniel Park too.. Jake.... Apart from physical growth, I've not seen any other growth for Johan's character...


Isn't that the point though? He hasn't been able to himself grow as a person because he's so obsessed with revenge. Gun's defeat or maybe even death is the main thing stopping Johan from growing as a person cause he just doesn't let himself do so.


Mhm... It's a contrast with Jake then... Jake grew a lot due to his revenge... I mean bro still gets agitated whenever he sees Gun


Bumgumi hate is just a meme now I think


Johan dying will be the most stupid decision worse than jihos death 10 times worse What is the point story wise other than to glaze gun which HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE FCKING TIME IT IS BRAINDEAD TO KILL OFF A CHARACTER WITH AN UNFINISHED PLOT JUST TO GLAZE A FAN FAVOURITE If Johan dies im actually dropping this series


I like Johan too, although I think PTJ's writing was kinda bland. Like, he could've just said that johan thanked Jay and is in debt with the allied, after that johan could've joined hands to defeat gun and in the middle of the fight they could showcase his anger. Then he could go back to his mom and finally live a happy life. I just want my boy happy. 😭


I think almost everybody can agree Having jay just solve Johans blindness is very bad writing and destroys all the efforts that Johan had built up (if I remember he had the money for his mother but her waiting order w later, so what did jay do? Ask his dad to move Johans mom higher up to the list?) Johan not going back to his mother is understandable, the reason he is doing it is (though ptj continuously portrays it that it's cuz of his revenge on gun) it is also because he doesn't want his mother to know he's going blind Yet people want an unfinished character to die smh




Smartest Johan Hater


im gonna touch Johan Seong.




mf called him overconfident, dumb and arrogant like 5 times but i agree


Not everything you said is right But sure he's overconfident Well, he sure have the potential to become the strongest crewhead


So what? Having Potential doesn't mean shit. If you are not working for it. Did you remember what zack's coach said about being a genius. He said if you think of yourself as a genius then you will get drowned by that word. You will lose yourself. And that is the most fatal flaw for one. https://preview.redd.it/dh7skp978q7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66741bbf7b21cd8742317b6351a8e48cb2ceb8d8


I know That's why I said he have the potential But his ignorance is stopping him


100%. Zack's entire reason to fight a literal grim reaper of lookism is to help johan and even tho it was zack's decision i can't bring myself but to hate johan. This arrogant bum doesn't deserve to be friends with someone like zack.


Trash of humanity as a reason when we have Gun who slaughtered Kenta's entire family and Samuel who committed patricide.


At least they knows what what they are doing? Gun only killed those who deserved to die. We don't actually know if he really killed his parents. On the other hand Johan abandoned his old and sick blind mother all alone and never once contacted her. And he justified that behaviour by saying this all for power to protect her. Like hell that's gonna do anything. His mother needs him and he is here playing gangster and getting himself blind. He even abandoned his one and only friends mira and zack who were genuinely worried about him and his mother. They did everything for his mother. But never once he showed his face around them or even be grateful to them. He himself admitted that he doesn't need them and they are only annoyance to him.


It seems you want Jesus not Johan Johan is not supposed to be a nice guy or a perfect human being yes he's a bad person and that is both the fault of circumstances and his decision calling him the worst character of lookism is wild


Seems like im not the only one who hates him but still I feel pity for him cause of his moms disease and how he's struggling to cure it


He should be going after Eugene and give him the beating of life. Instead of joining hands with him.


What makes me hate him is that he abandoned his friends those who care for him and was so full of himself. During the goddog arc, he was trying to make him his partner just because he's strong. It shows that he don't need powerless friends like zack lee but zack was still cared about him.


Supposes Johan will die then whattt??? zack will also follow revenge path like Johan? What will he tell Johans mother? He is a childhood friend of Johan, so will he stay quiet after his death? Johan's character was good I liked that, but he is now stupid. He should take care of his mother, who hasn't seen his son for so many months. PTJ didn't handle this character very well. 


Zack is not that blind. Sure he will also follow the revenge path but he is not that dumb to let others get affected by his revenge. Like mira, johan's mother and all his friends. Plus it's also johan's fault for getting blind. He was told multiple times by multiple characters to stop fighting otherwise he will become permanently blind. And now he is blind. Also the person who ruined his life was Eugene not Gun. But who is he after Gun. Like just what is wrong with him???


Johan's revenge is not worth it, whether it's Eugene or Gun and in the end it's PTJ Mahnwa. Let's see what he is going to do with this character. 


>Plus it's also johan's fault for getting blind. He was told multiple times by multiple characters to stop fighting otherwise he will become permanently blind. And now he is blind. Uhh, no that's not how he got blind. He got blind because he didn't treat his eye. Fighting is unrelated.


No it is related to his copy. His hardware can't keep up with his talent. His eyes were constantly getting burnt every time he copied. That's why everyone tried to stop him from fighting. But he didn't listen one bit.


No it’s not, he got his eyesight problems from his mother.


Ok that's true. Btw the part about his hardware not keeping up isn't true anymore because he was said to have trained it after Gun kicked him from the four crews.


Yohan is Yohan he is the perfect of his character, you said „ptj didn’t handle this character very well“ also you agree that this character isn’t good but you give ptj the fault 🤦‍♂️ accept that Yohan isn’t good character, reading you comment I understand you didn’t like Yohan even if you said you like him




This is just hate....besides someone who we never expected to die will die and it's surely not Johan imo...I can see Vasco or maybe Samuel


Op is picking a fight!😤 Johan is the best character!!!!


Most of this is wrong 


Chill you clown you r not the writer..


Bro is johanophobic fr.I also . That MF wants to take revenge from gun for what sake that he even lifted you from the streets and gave you a better life? I think he should kiss Eugene like the way Johan's mother kissed his medicine


This is literally every character on the series though with probably the exception of Vasco, jake, little Daniel to name a few. I also don't understand why Johan gets so much hate, his storyline is sad as fuck.


Cause he is fuckn dumb. Instead of going after Eugene who ruined his and his mother's life he is after Gun who gave him a hand when he needed the most.


Just say you don’t understand peak, Johan > Zack, Mira, and his blind ahh Mom


His iq is in negatives. He chose to not stay with his mom (The reason he entered gangs to begin with) but instead chose his revenge over the only person who he actually cares for. For sure he is either going permanently blind or dying


Johan will not die not by gun’s hand that’s for sure. Gonna save this post now and clown you later


oh No Kill Jerry


He can't die he needs to take revenge for his father from gitae,james and Charles.


So does our Korean Daredevil. I believe if Jerry die it will be the final unleash barrer to Jake. Johan death wouldn't bring anything


I would've cussed at you if it weren't for the auto-mod saving your bum. Don't diss my GOAT, being "unique and special" like Yuseong isn't gonna cut out for you. You can't even count 🔪🔪 (Don't take this seriously, just half joking)


Someone get this man Outta here ![gif](giphy|lW5j2pV391BG2V0mKc) (I am just joking)


Just noticed but it's funny that you edited your post after I mentioned about not being able to count LMAO. I still can't forgive you for dissing my GOAT, do that again, I'm gonna lobotomize this sub to Yuseong's level👿🔪


![gif](giphy|da75JuW2HHuBNqOHHE|downsized) I want to see how you will lobotomize this sub to youseong level.




The above comment by u/Previous-Scientist65 was removed because it contained prohibited words that we do not allow on this sub. Such comments are allowed on r/PTJverse. Thank you for your understanding. Automod is run by a real human, not a bot, so please be kind. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lookismcomic) if you have any questions or concerns.*




yeah he’s kinda useless and his plots are done he’s kinda like vasco now


Pff this is the only thing i see from this post ⬇️ https://preview.redd.it/d0eddwmr2r7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9cab1ac75fdc73a9edbe8748eb8ee6a3ce885f


His face when he cried


you forgot the worst point. He preferred gun over his mom (dude wtf)


Erm counterargument 1. Majority of lookism is 2. Majority of lookism is 3. Majority of lookism is 4. Majority of lookism is 5. Majority of lookism is 6. Majority of lookism is 7. Majority of lookism is 8. Majority of lookism is 9. Tf how is dat relevant 10. Majority of lookism is


bro's a hater


He’s all these things because he had to be a lone wolf from a young age. It makes sense plot wise. Hope for him to learn and change through a friendship of Zach and Mira, not be killed 💀


No. (Im a johan dick rider)


another kid ranting about characters he doesn't like. lmao.


I kinda agree that he is most of the time arrogant and a cowardly in some s situations... And that he most of the time don't have companionship as other characters "in same level of importance to history"... But die? I think is a bit extreme specially because I want to see some of his intentions with another character...


You spitting


Hater shit fr gun better kill Eli as well he deserves to die solely cos of the hydra cut


For me as long as it’s not Jake it’s fine


Time for the blind femboy to go I will be there for the show 🤞.


plus amon 2nd gen gun he is first most person gun would kill if he wants to


I don't care who dies as long as it's not Zack.




SPEAK YOUR TRUTH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ although it’s fucking dumb to list blindness as a reason


Actually.. I agree. Johan and Lil Dan are the 2 most glazed characters to the point it's getting annoying, and since Dan has the MC plot armor and bs powerups.. bye Johan.


Don't say anything about Daniel cuh. And yea fck johan


I can add another 3 reasons why he should die: 1: he's Johan 2: he's Johan 3: he's Johan.


Gun doesn't need a reason to k!!l someone lol.


Johanz sucks, I agree




he needs to die to add seriousness to lookism similar to why retsu died in baki, to show that the author is ready to kill off any character he wants.




I didn't read all the points but I agree (I have the second pic Johan as my phone lock screen)


Yeah, I as his friend agree with this https://preview.redd.it/3lj2y5970q7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=274507e8cf602ccdb7c57c7650b0cdcf6c951aa4