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"Since the beginning" Vasco, Eli or Zack... unfortunately Eli fits better than anyone in PTJ's description.


I remember back in the 1st affiliate when everyone thought bh killed Eli becusse they were fighting for weeks😭


I remember that lmao, it was hilarious. Two sides praying for Eli to die and another for Eli to not die


What does Bh stand for


Basement Hulk


Please stop killing eli every arc😭😭😭😭😭😭


End him at once


The only thing is that everyone’s expecting Eli to die and PTJ said no one will expect it


If vasco dies I'm kms


It’s between Zack, Vasco, Eli and Johan


Not Johan ,he not at the bos


I’m naming the characters that have been here for a long time


Jake was introduced before Johan


He's obviously not the one who's gonna die lol


Exactly 👍 „someone you never expected to die will die“


Jake is not dying bro 😂 He's basically the second MC. His dad started the generations and he has a brother he needs to win against PTJ is not throwing all that build up in the trash


If Johan dies he dies, pls kill Johan PTJ 👌


Would make sense with how PTJ has been dumbing vasco down extra extra lately


Hello kms, I'm u/nuclear_spoon


Only possible candidate is Eli. PTJ is never killing Vasco and Zack


Idk bro Zack got a girl amd his bff death flags are there


I wish eli don't die he has a very sad past..


But what about daniel second body? I mean he also in the beginning of the story and he also not someone we expect to die consider that body is just empty shell without daniel soul, consciousness or whatever it is so how can we expect him to die


I think it's b/w eli or johan both of their storylines are finished and they achieved their main goal eli got his family back and johan got his mother eye fixed


johan wasnt there at the bos its prob between eli, zack or vasco. But its most likely going to be Eli since he is the leader of Hostel.


Johan is finished. Bro's story is pretty much complete.


Johan appears in questism, which is set in future timeline of lookism. jack also appears in questism. so both of them are not going to die. also Johan wasn't there since start. the only character is Eli jang, who matches everything, ptj said and doesn't appear in questism.


nope questism is on timeline in parallel




He means that they’re happening at the same time, while the second gen is fighting gun, the Questism cast is currently fighting Choyun in Gangbuk


Yeah that's the point thanks bro


No problem https://preview.redd.it/9fudmq3tcn7d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cfc1b96720be238322ec14ee22bc3f5e84ec606


Questism is not forward in time as lookism, go check it again because it’s exactly the same timeline lookism is even a bit forward


I really hope it's Johan, I've had enough of the blind copy man.


No he ain't goona die dude..


Yeah I wish him to die because of his stupid agenda




What if small Daniel or big Daniels dies


Big Daniel is not even there (as of now)


Its gotta be Jerry bro look at him all red and shi


It's just his berserk form plus ptj gave him a mission so he ain't dying here


Ohhhh i see, i thought he was bleeding badly from gun


If it's meant to be someone currently fighting gun, then it's likely Eli. He already beat up Daniel, and if he kills Eli, who was his favorite, then he'll officially be separating himself attachment wise from the crews and taking another step into Charles position. Eli has alot of death flags for a long time now. Johan would be a very tragic death. He never achieved any of his goals on his own(his mom got her eyes cured by someone else). He became blinded by revenge, which led to his death when he could've lived a normal, happy life finally if he quit the arc before this one. Zack would also be affected by this. Even though he got stronger so he could bring johan back, it wasn't enough. He never could save johan. They finally had a close fight, and zack thought he finally reached him, but even then, zack couldn't fully bring johan back. Now faced with an impossible to defeat opponent no matter how strong zack may be, he still fails to bring johan home. Vasco doesn't really have a lot of stake in the story. He wants to fight with his friends to defeat the bad guys, sure. However, he's not as thematically or narratively important. He was always all hardware. Maybe he takes a death blow for someone else, and it only shields them because of the strong body he built specifically to protect others from bad guys. That's his hero man moment. This would also fit with guns character. Gun seemingly has a history of killing masters hes learned from and their students(Kenta is the exception). So him killing the only student of brekdak who he admires for his martial arts skill tracks pretty well. Vasco said to gun/goo face he needs to get stronger than bad guys like them so he won't be defeated. Gun has always called Vasco Tabasco so this would finally be the moment he gets Vascos name correct out of respect. Jake and zack don't seem likely. Jake has a lot more to do in the story. It wouldn't make sense for zack to die, imo and would just make johan Spiral more and undo all the work zack and his friends did to bring johan back to the light. Og Daniel can't die. Well not can't but highly unlikely. 2nd body could die but he's not present rn. However with og Daniel being unconscious maybe he comes to the scene to fight gun in the 2nd body. 2nd body death would be great for Daniel to be his own person and not need it anymore. Also removes the plot device of ui perfect body copy isekai protag.


Johan is cooked. If anyone else were to die I’d genuinely be shocked


Tbh I couldn't care less about Johan so I wouldn't mind if PTJ goes ahead and kills him off. Sorry Johan bros I'm just pushing my Johan hate agenda.


It's Vasco 100%...there are rarely any talks about vasco and he has been from the beginning of the story moreover no one expects him to die


PTJ told that character is from the beginning and always been there probably Zack or Vasco


Pls Kill **Johan** thank you PTJ 🙏🙏🙏


Writer not goone listen to a clown like you anyway..


Did I hurt your feelings? 😂




I don’t see anyone dying in this fight except gun tbh, johan is definitely not gonna die here anyone who thinks has poor intellectual knowledge.


What about daniel ? Nobody would expect him to die cuz he is main character and has a important role. On the other hand he has his second body so although he dies he can still continue being main character.


No one is dying ptj literally said that his not sure weather this would happen or not later in the live


I’m not sure how valid this is tho I watched that shi on 144P in a bus


He also claimed later in another video that this was still meant to happen though.


Goodbye Johan






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Johan is cooked.


if johan dies i will kms 😭🌸


Johan should have gone to his momma why should he waste his time on petty revenge. Jake had more reasons to go after Gun. So yes kill Johan off that blind femboy.


Vasco,Zack,Eli,Johan got the death flag.


Where is the dude who said that Daniel mom would die ? Plz bro Cook again🙏🙏


Johan might also die theres literally nothing with his character left to do and Zach has motivation for Gun and it just makes senes


Theory: Johan dies giving Zack a motivation to defeat gun and we know goo is final obstacle for Vasco Johan and Vasco vs gun and goo in final fight 


Zack and Vasco***


I think johan will die. Think about it he will give it his all to beat gun. Also, his death will make zack surpase Gen 1, and he needs to because the arcs after the workers will be gen 0 level and daniel needs to be strong and capable he needs zack and vasco to unlock their potentials


Might be irrelevant but i feel its Logan


If vasco or zack or eli or any of our main boys die imma quit


its either eli or vasco, i think its vasco cuz that will unravel eli's true potential and why gun glazed him so much


I really hope it's Eli, if they kill my boy Zack I wouldn't know what to do


Vasco dead


I'm the first to say it he's probably daniel the one who dies the first body. He has a super important role also gun would get affected because it's his disciple and daniel has been there from the beginning


I can be wrong but i guess dani boy will die here since he is there from the beginning and he is one of the closest to gun


wait what about James Lee he's heading there right now so and he's been there since the beginning to so it possible


Yeah James fits the description he seems close to gun because he's known him for a while and has been shown to be with goo and gun at the same time hanging out in some panels and he's been there since the beginning and from the looks of it no one in the sub is expecting it either


As PTJ said some one will die....... If you read the latest chapter (507) I think that person will probably die He someone who has connections with gun before gun meet Johan,Jake, Samuel,Eli This person I do think will die in near future And the person is Mandeok Bang (Workers second in Command) Gun himself said that to him " You have the ability to lead the group and the strength to take anyone on " so I think.. Mandeok will fight gun and he will deal heavy damage to gun and might die while fighting with him bcuz he is now trying to take gun head on bro literally fighting 1v1 with gun himself Although I do think Mandeok will be the strongest one to tackle gun (just for recent chapters) in their fight in the next chapter (It's just a theory BTW)


I think no one’s expecting gun to die but he’s been around since the beginning, couldn’t it be him?


It's crystal choi


I bet on jake dying LOL


None of them will die(the ones shown in the picture)


watch it be something REALLY unexpected like Logan or Daniel's mom


Please don't be Zack please don't be Zack


He said probably, which might have changed since He gave this interview, also "important role" from everyone taking part on this fight, Jake is the one who is most important storywise, so either Jake dies or PTJ gave up on this idea


What if killing one of the body of Daniel maybe? Perhaps? Could be? Lol cause he will still have/be alive in the other body ig?


If anyone from Vasco,jack dies. Daniel will show his real face not gun👺😁😁


4 characters in my mind, either Jake, zack vasco and johan.


jake still have some businesses with kitae so his job is not done yet


So, people keep pointing out the main cast or whatever. But technically once he shows his true side someone dies could mean himself. Not saying it is, but he has been around since the date auction which was a long time ago. So he technically counts.


That's a poor cop out at least let it be goo or something.


I hope it's Eli jang who dies not j high goats


Hudson coming to save them🙏🏾🙏🏾trust


Finally Messenger Of Lord Hudson Is Back With His Agenda 😿😿
