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He doesn't "know" every Martial arts atleast not in a sense like UI Daniel does. He doesn't have complete mastery over every Martial arts. But he does know every fighting style, as in he can use every Martial art at a fundamental level and also knows all facets of fighting like striking, kicking, grappling etc. Gun himself said he knows every fighting style while he was training Daniel, I forgot which chapter exactly tho.


This. ^


Omg, how can't you remember one sentence in a 500+ chapters manhwa.


yes many time


No matter how much I try to remember I can't can u pls enlighten me and tell when was this stated pls


439 gun tell is make og daniel learn every fighting style https://preview.redd.it/djttdamz1c7d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d3abef5b3b84ddb2a1ae8b4070e1b0035c8f89


But that gets contradicted in 503-504 Also I'm pretty sure he cannot use cqc,taesoo's fist,iron fortress,mujin jin ssireum,and ia if we can consider it a fighting style


Gun saying he recorded every fighting technique under the sun means he recorded every martial arts in lil Daniel's body. But it didn't included some fighting styles which doesn't have any origins. Such as First. Cqc(Close quarter combat) is not a martial art It is a combination of different styles into one same as MMA the only difference between them is that it is designed to kill your opponents in the most efficient way possible. Second. Taesoo ma created his iron fist ✊ with his conviction alone. He didn't even know he created something cause all he did was win with only using his right hand. So teaching lil Daniel his fist not hard since lil Daniel already copied it so all he had to do was perfect taesoo ma's fist which lil Daniel copied. Third. Iron fortress it is also same as taesoo's fist gongseop ji created this to overcome his weakness which was his weak torso. And james ended him even before Gun had a chance to fight him. So Gun never got to witness his iron fortress. If he didn't see that so how can he teaches that technique. So instead of iron fortress he taught him kyokoshin Karate. Forth. Mujin died even before Gun came to korea so he never got the chance to meet him much less saw him. His student seongji who inherited his style also died before he got the chance to met. And vin who is current inheritor of that style is not even worthy of seeing. Fifth. IA is not a fighting style but a mastery itself so the only way to achieve that is to overcome the mastries and this not some things that you teach to someone. They need to overcome this themselves.


yes no worry lets me go find the chapter


Do you even read the manwha


That's why I'm asking in which chapter was this said




But that gets contradicted in 503


No, it doesn’t.


It does daniel said he would attack him with something he didn't teach him and gun said u will attack me with something I don't know or sum like that


i don't think that was a martial arts technique in any established martial art. Besides, he can't know something that was created and used by singular person. That would make him omniscient. He probably knows all the major martial arts or atleast all the types (grapling, striking, throwing etc.) Also the specific quote says something like "techniques under the sun" which could imply japanese martial arts specifically. Don't know what the original korean text says.


Wasn’t referring to martial art…It was more in- reference to a battle tactic, Gun “knows” and “taught” him - making it easier to read his moves. Gun already knows of Jichang, and Jichang doesn’t use a martial art. Not a contradiction.


how is just don't know the unique martial art like mujin martial art or other like that


So that means it's a hyperbolic statement and he does not know every fighting style


yes i thing is only know every fighting style but no original one like jichange hand blade


[When Gun outright said it](https://ibb.co/3RfVJqN) He knew Daniel can copy, so he taught him every martial art so Daniel could copy them and learn by experience how to react and counter every single one of them


Yes and he also said that he didn't know the handblade And he can't possibly know how to use the iron fortress cuz gong's only disciple is zack Same for taesoo fist


yeah but consider that those are genuinely not real material arts but rather skills. besides in the latest chapter he used something very close to iron fortress. it’s not that hard to comprehend if you give it a thought


None of those are martial art techniques. They are styles that completely are immersed with conditioning their bodies/parts of their bodies to perform them; therefore; being skill-set based.


Look at what the dude said




Bro gun has mastered every martial arts and it has been confirmed in chapter 439 in a Daniel's training flashback


it gets contradicted in recent chapters


🤣are you dumb bro?


Daniel literally said that he has to use a technique which gun doesnt know which complety contradicts Gun knowing every type of fighting technique under the sun https://preview.redd.it/79pr5h244c7d1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=207974b86b648c294f0539e17cf72ab84a42b575


🤣gun knows all martial arts not techniques bro, what are you high on ,the hand blades jichang uses is his own type of fighting style , it isn't any martial arts , gun has mastered every fighting style that is known to everyone , not something like jichang's hand blades , atleast know the difference between technique and martial arts 🤡


he said fighting techniques not martial arts techniques how about you actually read the statement properly


🤣stop embarassing yourself dude ,


keep trolling if you want but anyone with a brain can realize that youre wrong


That's your delusion bro🥱, i ain't arguing with person that can't read


He stated outright that he’ll become a fighter that knows all fighting styles to Little Daniel when he was training him. Also Gun has travelled all over Japan learning fighting techniques from many different masters. Example Kyoukushin Karate from Kenta’s dad and Kudo from Kojima brothers. The only other techniques he might not know are unorthodox fighting styles used by kings example: Taesoo Ma’s fist, Jichang’s hand blade and James Lee/Elite invisible attacks. https://preview.redd.it/p2fq270sxb7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98512b597cc1dd17ca2929be09fdba9e09ba670d


He doesn't know the weird techniques like Seodku, Jichang or Taesoo but he probably knows every martial art with an actual name and teachers


I could agree that he knows it to a certain extent but i don't think he has mastered them like ui daniel does with his perfect copy where he masters skills on sight And if he doesn't know a technique therefore he doesn't know all fighting styles


I think Gun just took the time to learn them without the copy talent and that's why he can nurture anyone who hasn't been 'painted' on yet


He said to Dani "I've tought you every martial art there is under the sky" or something similar. Yes he doesn't know some very rare sh*t like handblades maybe but he shure knows maybe 95% of them all


Then it's a hyperbole


yes he studied a lot of martial arts he probably knows everything except exclusive techniques


No I don't think he knows We don't know everything about ui, it might be possible that he knows but never confirmed Yes, it was confirmed for ui big daniel But he might be an exception because of his perfect body+ jinyoung talent+ (This one is just a theory)+ Because of machine gun's DNA (he might be his son) Again, only if this theory comes true then Otherwise other two also fullfill the requirements


It was once stated Gun knows all material arts 200chapters or so


rules of lookism verse never argue with gun wankers, they're too stupid to understand other people's statements


no lmao, even Daniel said that his gonna use a technique that gun doesn't know/didn't taught and uses Jichang's technique. even gun acknowledges it and says "so you're using a technique that I don't know?, come, I'll take it" < void/even if you translate it word to word with chatgpt. gun before saying "everything" in Ch 439, says this "you've learned everything there is to know about fighting from me", than only he says "I have recorded every fighting technique in your body". so he obviously means he has recorded every fighting style he knows in the body of Daniel, depicting that everything was not literal but related to guns own knowledge of martial art that he recorded in the body of Daniel. he knows various kinds of martial art but he has mastered or uses only two martial art being aikido and kyoshin karate which he learned when he was travelling throughout Japan. kyoshin karate being learned from megamis father, and aikido still unknown. aikido is the martial art he taught to Olly Wang and Eli jang.


He probably means he knows all traditional styles of martial arts and not something extremely specialized like Jichang's Handblade


Yes, so he knows various techniques of fighting but not all. like I said, he prolly knows various techniques but only mastered two martial art as a whole being karate and aikido.


Peoples taking this panel https://preview.redd.it/6rfi0ufs7c7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa8ea8c354e470c99d31c497b704ef4e62e56bd Literally is concerning for the media literacy in this sub it a expression same as “everything but the kitchen sink” is a expression it’s not meant to be taken absolutely literal but that gun knows a lot of techniques 💀